author Alexandre Fayolle <>
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 16:05:20 +0200
changeset 7236 b91205ada414
parent 7228 9d04e12d2d39
child 8139 f9ebb6d1abc3
child 8343 6bd8db130476
permissions -rw-r--r--
added test case to monitor speed improvements in the repository code. To use it, add a test in a patch, then hack CW to speed it up in another patch, updating the test if needed. By running the test with and without the second patch applied you can easily see the speed improvements

from __future__ import with_statement

import socket
from datetime import datetime

from logilab.common.testlib import SkipTest

from cubicweb.devtools import ApptestConfiguration
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from cubicweb.selectors import is_instance
from cubicweb.entities.adapters import IFTIndexableAdapter

AT_LOGILAB = socket.gethostname().endswith('') # XXX

from unittest_querier import FixedOffset

class PostgresFTITC(CubicWebTC):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        if not AT_LOGILAB: # XXX here until we can raise SkipTest in setUp to detect we can't connect to the db
            raise SkipTest('XXX %s: require logilab configuration' % cls.__name__)
        cls.config = ApptestConfiguration('data', sourcefile='sources_postgres',

    def test_occurence_count(self):
        req = self.request()
        c1 = req.create_entity('Card', title=u'c1',
                               content=u'cubicweb cubicweb cubicweb')
        c2 = req.create_entity('Card', title=u'c3',
        c3 = req.create_entity('Card', title=u'c2',
                               content=u'cubicweb cubicweb')
        self.assertEqual(req.execute('Card X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) DESC WHERE X has_text "cubicweb"').rows,
                          [[c1.eid], [c3.eid], [c2.eid]])

    def test_attr_weight(self):
        class CardIFTIndexableAdapter(IFTIndexableAdapter):
            __select__ = is_instance('Card')
            attr_weight = {'title': 'A'}
        with self.temporary_appobjects(CardIFTIndexableAdapter):
            req = self.request()
            c1 = req.create_entity('Card', title=u'c1',
                                   content=u'cubicweb cubicweb cubicweb')
            c2 = req.create_entity('Card', title=u'c2',
                                   content=u'cubicweb cubicweb')
            c3 = req.create_entity('Card', title=u'cubicweb',
                                   content=u'autre chose')
            self.assertEqual(req.execute('Card X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) DESC WHERE X has_text "cubicweb"').rows,
                              [[c3.eid], [c1.eid], [c2.eid]])

    def test_entity_weight(self):
        class PersonneIFTIndexableAdapter(IFTIndexableAdapter):
            __select__ = is_instance('Personne')
            entity_weight = 2.0
        with self.temporary_appobjects(PersonneIFTIndexableAdapter):
            req = self.request()
            c1 = req.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'c1', prenom=u'cubicweb')
            c2 = req.create_entity('Comment', content=u'cubicweb cubicweb', comments=c1)
            c3 = req.create_entity('Comment', content=u'cubicweb cubicweb cubicweb', comments=c1)
            self.assertEqual(req.execute('Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) DESC WHERE X has_text "cubicweb"').rows,
                              [[c1.eid], [c3.eid], [c2.eid]])

    def test_tz_datetime(self):
        self.execute("INSERT Personne X: X nom 'bob', X tzdatenaiss %(date)s",
                     {'date': datetime(1977, 6, 7, 2, 0, tzinfo=FixedOffset(1))})
        datenaiss = self.execute("Any XD WHERE X nom 'bob', X tzdatenaiss XD")[0][0]
        self.assertEqual(datenaiss.tzinfo, None)
        self.assertEqual(datenaiss.utctimetuple()[:5], (1977, 6, 7, 1, 0))
        self.execute("INSERT Personne X: X nom 'boby', X tzdatenaiss %(date)s",
                     {'date': datetime(1977, 6, 7, 2, 0)})
        datenaiss = self.execute("Any XD WHERE X nom 'boby', X tzdatenaiss XD")[0][0]
        self.assertEqual(datenaiss.tzinfo, None)
        self.assertEqual(datenaiss.utctimetuple()[:5], (1977, 6, 7, 2, 0))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main