author Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Fri, 16 May 2014 16:49:29 +0200
changeset 9735 b71158815bc8
parent 9233 7d3316bfa4ff
child 9812 122c0b6a82a3
permissions -rw-r--r--
[wsgi] avoid reading the entire request body in memory Import POST form handling code from https://raw.github.com/defnull/multipart/master/multipart.py to avoid reading arbitrary amounts of data from the network in memory. NOTES: - In the twisted case we limit the max request content-length to 100MB (by default), which seems kind of arbitrary, but avoids this issue - werkzeug.formparser has suitable code as well, but I don't know if we want to add it as a dependency

from logilab.common import tempattr
from logilab.common.testlib import tag, Tags
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC

import os
import os.path as osp
import glob

from cubicweb.utils import HTMLHead
from cubicweb.web.views.staticcontrollers import ConcatFilesHandler

class StaticControllerCacheTC(CubicWebTC):

    tags = CubicWebTC.tags | Tags('static_controller', 'cache', 'http')

    def _publish_static_files(self, url, header={}):
        req = self.request(headers=header)
        req._url = url
        return self.app_handle_request(req, url), req

    def test_static_file_are_cached(self):
        _, req = self._publish_static_files('data/cubicweb.css')
        self.assertEqual(200, req.status_out)
        self.assertIn('last-modified', req.headers_out)
        next_headers = {
            'if-modified-since': req.get_response_header('last-modified', raw=True),
        _, req = self._publish_static_files('data/cubicweb.css', next_headers)
        self.assertEqual(304, req.status_out)

class DataControllerTC(CubicWebTC):

    tags = CubicWebTC.tags | Tags('static_controller', 'data', 'http')

    def _publish_static_files(self, url, header={}):
        req = self.request(headers=header)
        req._url = url
        return self.app_handle_request(req, url), req

    def _check_datafile_ok(self, fname):
        _, req = self._publish_static_files(fname)
        self.assertEqual(200, req.status_out)
        self.assertIn('last-modified', req.headers_out)
        next_headers = {
            'if-modified-since': req.get_response_header('last-modified', raw=True),
        _, req = self._publish_static_files(fname, next_headers)
        self.assertEqual(304, req.status_out)

    def _check_no_datafile(self, fname):
        _, req = self._publish_static_files(fname)
        self.assertEqual(404, req.status_out)

    def test_static_data_mode(self):
        hash = self.vreg.config.instance_md5_version()
        self.assertEqual(32, len(hash))

        with tempattr(self.vreg.config, 'mode', 'test'):
            self._check_no_datafile('data/%s/cubicweb.css' % ('0'*len(hash)))

        with tempattr(self.vreg.config, 'mode', 'notest'):
            self._check_datafile_ok('data/%s/cubicweb.css' % hash)
            self._check_no_datafile('data/%s/cubicweb.css' % ('0'*len(hash)))

class ConcatFilesTC(CubicWebTC):

    tags = CubicWebTC.tags | Tags('static_controller', 'concat')

    def tearDown(self):
        super(ConcatFilesTC, self).tearDown()

    def _cleanup_concat_cache(self):
        uicachedir = osp.join(self.config.apphome, 'uicache')
        for fname in glob.glob(osp.join(uicachedir, 'cache_concat_*')):
            os.unlink(osp.join(uicachedir, fname))

    def _publish_js_files(self, js_files):
        req = self.request()
        head = HTMLHead(req)
        url = head.concat_urls([req.data_url(js_file) for js_file in js_files])[len(req.base_url()):]
        req._url = url
        return self.app_handle_request(req, url), req

    def expected_content(self, js_files):
        content = u''
        for js_file in js_files:
            dirpath, rid = self.config.locate_resource(js_file)
            if dirpath is not None: # ignore resources not found
                with open(osp.join(dirpath, rid)) as f:
                    content += f.read() + '\n'
        return content

    def test_cache(self):
        js_files = ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'jquery.js')
        result, req = self._publish_js_files(js_files)
        self.assertNotEqual(404, req.status_out)
        # check result content
        self.assertEqual(result, self.expected_content(js_files))
        # make sure we kept a cached version on filesystem
        concat_hander = ConcatFilesHandler(self.config)
        filepath = concat_hander.build_filepath(js_files)

    def test_invalid_file_in_debug_mode(self):
        js_files = ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'dummy.js')
        # in debug mode, an error is raised
        self.config.debugmode = True
            result, req = self._publish_js_files(js_files)
            #print result
            self.assertEqual(404, req.status_out)
            self.config.debugmode = False

    def test_invalid_file_in_production_mode(self):
        js_files = ('cubicweb.ajax.js', 'dummy.js')
        result, req = self._publish_js_files(js_files)
        self.assertNotEqual(404, req.status_out)
        # check result content
        self.assertEqual(result, self.expected_content(js_files))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main