[repository] set .eid on eschema when schema is loaded from the filesystem
enforcing the contract that a repository's schema should have .eid attribute of
entity schema set to the eid of the entity used to serialize them in the db.
Before this cset, this was not true during tests or for some c-c commands where
'quick_start' is set (eg db-restore, i18ncube...).
The change in server __init__ makes this assumption true during instance
creation: the serializing code was actually setting eid on schema object, but a
reference to a previously built schema was given instead of the one for the
latest created repository.
Closes #10450092
.. _foundationsCube:
.. _cubelayout:
Standard structure for a cube
A cube is structured as follows:
|-- data/
| |-- cubes.mycube.css
| |-- cubes.mycube.js
| `-- external_resources
|-- debian/
| |-- changelog
| |-- compat
| |-- control
| |-- copyright
| |-- cubicweb-mycube.prerm
| `-- rules
|-- entities.py
|-- i18n/
| |-- en.po
| |-- es.po
| `-- fr.po
|-- __init__.py
|-- migration/
| |-- postcreate.py
| `-- precreate.py
|-- __pkginfo__.py
|-- schema.py
|-- setup.py
|-- site_cubicweb.py
|-- hooks.py
|-- test/
| |-- data/
| | `-- bootstrap_cubes
| |-- pytestconf.py
| |-- realdb_test_mycube.py
| `-- test_mycube.py
`-- views.py
We can use subpackages instead of python modules for ``views.py``, ``entities.py``,
``schema.py`` or ``hooks.py``. For example, we could have:
|-- entities.py
|-- hooks.py
`-- views/
|-- __init__.py
|-- forms.py
|-- primary.py
`-- widgets.py
where :
* ``schema`` contains the schema definition (server side only)
* ``entities`` contains the entity definitions (server side and web interface)
* ``hooks`` contains hooks and/or views notifications (server side only)
* ``views`` contains the web interface components (web interface only)
* ``test`` contains tests related to the cube (not installed)
* ``i18n`` contains message catalogs for supported languages (server side and
web interface)
* ``data`` contains data files for static content (images, css,
javascript code)...(web interface only)
* ``migration`` contains initialization files for new instances (``postcreate.py``)
and a file containing dependencies of the component depending on the version
* ``debian`` contains all the files managing debian packaging (you will find
the usual files ``control``, ``rules``, ``changelog``... not installed)
* file ``__pkginfo__.py`` provides component meta-data, especially the distribution
and the current version (server side and web interface) or sub-cubes used by
the cube.
At least you should have the file ``__pkginfo__.py``.
The :file:`__init__.py` and :file:`site_cubicweb.py` files
The :file:`__pkginfo__.py` file
It contains metadata describing your cube, mostly useful for packaging.
Two important attributes of this module are __depends__ and __recommends__
dictionaries that indicates what should be installed (and each version if
necessary) for the cube to work.
Dependency on other cubes are expected to be of the form 'cubicweb-<cubename>'.
When an instance is created, dependencies are automatically installed, while
recommends are not.
Recommends may be seen as a kind of 'weak dependency'. Eg, the most important
effect of recommending a cube is that, if cube A recommends cube B, the cube B
will be loaded before the cube A (same thing happend when A depends on B).
Having this behaviour is sometime desired: on schema creation, you may rely on
something defined in the other's schema; on database creation, on something
created by the other's postcreate, and so on.
:file:`migration/precreate.py` and :file:`migration/postcreate.py`
.. XXX detail steps of instance creation
External resources such as image, javascript and css files
.. XXX naming convention external_resources file
Out-of the box testing
.. XXX MANIFEST.in, __pkginfo__.include_dirs, debian
Packaging and distribution
.. XXX MANIFEST.in, __pkginfo__.include_dirs, debian