[doc] Add seperate TOC file so that it will not all being displayed in the first page but in the TOC page accessible through a link.
"""Specific views for entities implementing IProgress
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape
from cubicweb.interfaces import IProgress, IMileStone
from cubicweb.schema import display_name
from cubicweb.common.view import EntityView
from cubicweb.common.selectors import implement_interface, accept
from cubicweb.web.htmlwidgets import ProgressBarWidget
class ProgressTableView(EntityView):
"""The progress table view is able to display progress information
of any object implement IMileStone.
The default layout is composoed of 7 columns : parent task,
milestone, state, estimated date, cost, progressbar, and todo_by
The view accepts an optional ``columns`` paramater that lets you
remove or reorder some of those columns.
To add new columns, you should extend this class, define a new
``columns`` class attribute and implement corresponding
build_COLNAME_cell methods
header_for_COLNAME methods allow to customize header's label
id = 'progress_table_view'
title = _('task progression')
__selectors__ = (accept, implement_interface)
accepts_interfaces = (IMileStone,)
# default columns of the table
columns = (_('project'), _('milestone'), _('state'), _('eta_date'),
_('cost'), _('progress'), _('todo_by'))
def call(self, columns=None):
"""displays all versions in a table"""
_ = self.req._
self.columns = columns or self.columns
ecls = self.vreg.etype_class(self.rset.description[0][0])
self.w(u'<table class="progress">')
for row in xrange(self.rset.rowcount):
self.cell_call(row=row, col=0)
def cell_call(self, row, col):
_ = self.req._
entity = self.entity(row, col)
infos = {}
for col in self.columns:
meth = getattr(self, 'build_%s_cell' % col, None)
# find the build method or try to find matching attribute
if meth:
content = meth(entity)
content = entity.printable_value(col)
infos[col] = content
if hasattr(entity, 'progress_class'):
cssclass = entity.progress_class()
cssclass = u''
self.w(u"""<tr class="%s" onmouseover="addElementClass(this, 'highlighted');"
onmouseout="removeElementClass(this, 'highlighted')">""" % cssclass)
line = u''.join(u'<td>%%(%s)s</td>' % col for col in self.columns)
self.w(line % infos)
## header management ######################################################
def header_for_project(self, ecls):
"""use entity's parent type as label"""
return display_name(self.req, ecls.parent_type)
def header_for_milestone(self, ecls):
"""use entity's type as label"""
return display_name(self.req, ecls.id)
def table_header(self, ecls):
"""builds the table's header"""
_ = self.req._
for column in self.columns:
meth = getattr(self, 'header_for_%s' % column, None)
if meth:
colname = meth(ecls)
colname = _(column)
self.w(u'<th>%s</th>' % html_escape(colname))
## cell management ########################################################
def build_project_cell(self, entity):
"""``project`` column cell renderer"""
project = entity.get_main_task()
if project:
return project.view('incontext')
return self.req._('no related project')
def build_milestone_cell(self, entity):
"""``milestone`` column cell renderer"""
return entity.view('incontext')
def build_state_cell(self, entity):
"""``state`` column cell renderer"""
return html_escape(self.req._(entity.state))
def build_eta_date_cell(self, entity):
"""``eta_date`` column cell renderer"""
if entity.finished():
return self.format_date(entity.completion_date())
formated_date = self.format_date(entity.initial_prevision_date())
if entity.in_progress():
eta_date = self.format_date(entity.eta_date())
_ = self.req._
if formated_date:
formated_date += u' (%s %s)' % (_('expected:'), eta_date)
formated_date = u'%s %s' % (_('expected:'), eta_date)
return formated_date
def build_todo_by_cell(self, entity):
"""``todo_by`` column cell renderer"""
return u', '.join(p.view('outofcontext') for p in entity.contractors())
def build_cost_cell(self, entity):
"""``cost`` column cell renderer"""
_ = self.req._
pinfo = entity.progress_info()
totalcost = pinfo.get('estimatedcorrected', pinfo['estimated'])
missing = pinfo.get('notestimatedcorrected', pinfo.get('notestimated', 0))
costdescr = []
if missing:
# XXX: link to unestimated entities
costdescr.append(_('%s not estimated') % missing)
estimated = pinfo['estimated']
if estimated and estimated != totalcost:
costdescr.append(_('initial estimation %s') % estimated)
if costdescr:
return u'%s (%s)' % (totalcost, ', '.join(costdescr))
return unicode(totalcost)
def build_progress_cell(self, entity):
"""``progress`` column cell renderer"""
progress = u'<div class="progress_data">%s (%.2f%%)</div>' % (
entity.done, entity.progress())
return progress + entity.view('progressbar')
class InContextProgressTableView(ProgressTableView):
"""this views redirects to ``progress_table_view`` but removes
the ``project`` column
id = 'ic_progress_table_view'
def call(self):
view = self.vreg.select_view('progress_table_view', self.req, self.rset)
columns = list(view.columns)
except ValueError:
self.info('[ic_progress_table_view] could not remove project from columns')
view.dispatch(w=self.w, columns=columns)
class ProgressBarView(EntityView):
"""displays a progress bar"""
id = 'progressbar'
title = _('progress bar')
__selectors__ = (accept, implement_interface)
accepts_interfaces = (IProgress,)
def cell_call(self, row, col):
entity = self.entity(row, col)
widget = ProgressBarWidget(entity.done, entity.todo,