[source storage] refactor source sql generation and results handling to allow repository side callbacks
for instance with the BytesFileSystemStorage, before this change:
* fspath, _fsopen function were stored procedures executed on the database
-> files had to be available both on the repository *and* the database host
* we needed implementation for each handled database
Now, those function are python callbacks executed when necessary on the
repository side, on data comming from the database.
The litle cons are:
* you can't do anymore restriction on mapped attributes
* you can't write queries which will return in the same rset column
some mapped attributes (or not mapped the same way) / some not
This seems much acceptable since:
* it's much more easy to handle when you start having the db on another host
than the repo
* BFSS works seemlessly on any backend now
* you don't bother that much about the cons (at least in the bfss case):
you usually don't do any restriction on Bytes...
Bonus points: BFSS is more efficient (no queries under the cover as it
was done in the registered procedure) and we have a much nicer/efficient
fspath implementation.
IMO, that rocks :D
"""unit tests for module cubicweb.server.sources.storages
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
import os.path as osp
import shutil
import tempfile
from cubicweb import Binary, QueryError
from cubicweb.selectors import implements
from cubicweb.server.sources import storages
from cubicweb.server.hook import Hook, Operation
class DummyBeforeHook(Hook):
__regid__ = 'dummy-before-hook'
__select__ = Hook.__select__ & implements('File')
events = ('before_add_entity',)
def __call__(self):
self._cw.transaction_data['orig_file_value'] = self.entity.data.getvalue()
class DummyAfterHook(Hook):
__regid__ = 'dummy-after-hook'
__select__ = Hook.__select__ & implements('File')
events = ('after_add_entity',)
def __call__(self):
# new value of entity.data should be the same as before
oldvalue = self._cw.transaction_data['orig_file_value']
assert oldvalue == self.entity.data.getvalue()
class StorageTC(CubicWebTC):
def setup_database(self):
self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
bfs_storage = storages.BytesFileSystemStorage(self.tempdir)
storages.set_attribute_storage(self.repo, 'File', 'data', bfs_storage)
def tearDown(self):
super(CubicWebTC, self).tearDown()
storages.unset_attribute_storage(self.repo, 'File', 'data')
def create_file(self, content='the-data'):
req = self.request()
return req.create_entity('File', data=Binary(content),
data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo')
def test_bfss_storage(self):
f1 = self.create_file()
expected_filepath = osp.join(self.tempdir, '%s_data' % f1.eid)
self.assertEquals(file(expected_filepath).read(), 'the-data')
f1 = self.create_file()
self.assertEquals(file(expected_filepath).read(), 'the-data')
f1.set_attributes(data=Binary('the new data'))
self.assertEquals(file(expected_filepath).read(), 'the-data')
def test_bfss_sqlite_fspath(self):
f1 = self.create_file()
expected_filepath = osp.join(self.tempdir, '%s_data' % f1.eid)
fspath = self.execute('Any fspath(D) WHERE F eid %(f)s, F data D',
{'f': f1.eid})[0][0]
self.assertEquals(fspath.getvalue(), expected_filepath)
def test_bfss_fs_importing_doesnt_touch_path(self):
self.session.transaction_data['fs_importing'] = True
f1 = self.session.create_entity('File', data=Binary('/the/path'),
data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo')
fspath = self.execute('Any fspath(D) WHERE F eid %(f)s, F data D',
{'f': f1.eid})[0][0]
self.assertEquals(fspath.getvalue(), '/the/path')
def test_source_storage_transparency(self):
self.vreg._loadedmods[__name__] = {}
def test_source_mapped_attribute_error_cases(self):
ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
'Any X WHERE X data ~= "hop", X is File')
self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'can\'t use File.data (X data ILIKE "hop") in restriction')
ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
'Any X, Y WHERE X data D, Y data D, '
'NOT X identity Y, X is File, Y is File')
self.assertEquals(str(ex), "can't use D as a restriction variable")
# query returning mix of mapped / regular attributes (only file.data
# mapped, not image.data for instance)
ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
' (Any NULL)'
' (Any D WHERE X data D, X is File)'
self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'query fetch some source mapped attribute, some not')
ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
'(Any D WHERE X data D, X is File)'
'(Any D WHERE X data D, X is Image)')
self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'query fetch some source mapped attribute, some not')
ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError,
self.execute, 'Any D WHERE X data D')
self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'query fetch some source mapped attribute, some not')
def test_source_mapped_attribute_advanced(self):
f1 = self.create_file()
rset = self.execute('Any X,D WITH D,X BEING ('
' (Any D, X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D)'
' (Any D, X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D)'
')', {'x': f1.eid}, 'x')
self.assertEquals(len(rset), 2)
self.assertEquals(rset[0][0], f1.eid)
self.assertEquals(rset[1][0], f1.eid)
self.assertEquals(rset[0][1].getvalue(), 'the-data')
self.assertEquals(rset[1][1].getvalue(), 'the-data')
rset = self.execute('Any X,LENGTH(D) WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D',
{'x': f1.eid}, 'x')
self.assertEquals(len(rset), 1)
self.assertEquals(rset[0][0], f1.eid)
self.assertEquals(rset[0][1], len('the-data'))
rset = self.execute('Any X,LENGTH(D) WITH D,X BEING ('
' (Any D, X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D)'
' (Any D, X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D)'
')', {'x': f1.eid}, 'x')
self.assertEquals(len(rset), 2)
self.assertEquals(rset[0][0], f1.eid)
self.assertEquals(rset[1][0], f1.eid)
self.assertEquals(rset[0][1], len('the-data'))
self.assertEquals(rset[1][1], len('the-data'))
ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
'Any X,UPPER(D) WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D',
{'x': f1.eid}, 'x')
self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'UPPER can not be called on mapped attribute')
if __name__ == '__main__':