author Sylvain Thénault <>
Thu, 25 Mar 2010 13:59:47 +0100
changeset 5013 ad91f93bbb93
parent 3001 74e842e4871a
child 6803 691dac4c6a05
permissions -rw-r--r--
[source storage] refactor source sql generation and results handling to allow repository side callbacks for instance with the BytesFileSystemStorage, before this change: * fspath, _fsopen function were stored procedures executed on the database -> files had to be available both on the repository *and* the database host * we needed implementation for each handled database Now, those function are python callbacks executed when necessary on the repository side, on data comming from the database. The litle cons are: * you can't do anymore restriction on mapped attributes * you can't write queries which will return in the same rset column some mapped attributes (or not mapped the same way) / some not This seems much acceptable since: * it's much more easy to handle when you start having the db on another host than the repo * BFSS works seemlessly on any backend now * you don't bother that much about the cons (at least in the bfss case): you usually don't do any restriction on Bytes... Bonus points: BFSS is more efficient (no queries under the cover as it was done in the registered procedure) and we have a much nicer/efficient fspath implementation. IMO, that rocks :D

#!/bin/sh -e

# Provides:          cubicweb
# Required-Start:    $syslog $local_fs $network
# Required-Stop:     $syslog $local_fs $network
# Should-Start:      $postgresql $pyro-nsd
# Should-Stop:       $postgresql $pyro-nsd
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start cubicweb application at boot time

# FIXME Seems to be inadequate here
# FIXME If related to pyro, try instead:
# export PYRO_STORAGE="/tmp"
cd /tmp

# FIXME Work-around about the following lintian error
#     E: cubicweb-ctl: init.d-script-does-not-implement-required-option /etc/init.d/cubicweb start
# Check if we are sure to not want the start-stop-daemon machinery here
# Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 9.3.2 (Writing the scripts) for details.

case $1 in
        /usr/bin/cubicweb-ctl reload --force
        /usr/bin/cubicweb-ctl status
        /usr/bin/cubicweb-ctl $1 --force