author Pierre-Yves David <>
Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:50:19 +0200
changeset 9017 aa709bc6b6c1
parent 8696 0bb18407c053
child 9311 8833ead6f3e4
permissions -rw-r--r--
[application/connect] simplify connection logic ``application.connect`` now either sets a full featured ``DBAPISession`` to the ``WebRequest`` object or raises ``AuthenticationError``. The creation and usage of a fake DBAPISession is now handled by ``main_handle_request`` when needed. This means that fake DBAPISession are no longer tracked by the session manager and that user are not given anyway to retrieve them for a later request. This fake DBAPISession is still passed to ``core_handle`` because multiple cubes like registration or forgotten password need this behavior. We would like to get ride of it in the future. This clarification of the connection API greatly simplifies ``DBAPISession`` retrieval//creation process opening the way to improvements in this area. Related to #2503918


from logilab.astng import MANAGER, nodes, scoped_nodes
from logilab.astng.builder import ASTNGBuilder

def turn_function_to_class(node):
    """turn a Function node into a Class node (in-place)"""
    node.__class__ = scoped_nodes.Class
    node.bases = ()
    # remove return nodes so that we don't get warned about 'return outside
    # function' by pylint
    for rnode in node.nodes_of_class(nodes.Return):
    # that seems to be enough :)

def cubicweb_transform(module):
    # handle objectify_predicate decorator (and its former name until bw compat
    # is kept). Only look at module level functions, should be enough.
    for assnodes in module.locals.itervalues():
        for node in assnodes:
            if isinstance(node, scoped_nodes.Function) and node.decorators:
                for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
                    for infered in decorator.infer():
                        if in ('objectify_predicate', 'objectify_selector'):
    # add yams base types into 'yams.buildobjs', astng doesn't grasp globals()
    # magic in there
    if == 'yams.buildobjs':
        from yams import BASE_TYPES
        for etype in BASE_TYPES:
            module.locals[etype] = [scoped_nodes.Class(etype, None)]
    # add data() to uiprops module
    if'.')[-1] == 'uiprops':
        fake = ASTNGBuilder(MANAGER).string_build('''
def data(string):
  return u''
        module.locals['data'] = fake.locals['data']

def register(linter):
    """called when loaded by pylint --load-plugins, nothing to do here"""