[test] Pin some test dependencies
We currently have CI failures because cubes used as test dependencies have been
updated to new-style cube layout. To avoid this, pin them to previous released.
Those dependencies should be removed but in the mean time this should be enough
(and backported in all active branches).
envlist =
deps =
py27: backports.tempfile
misc: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-misc.txt
server: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-server.txt
web: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-web.txt
commands =
misc: {envpython} -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps --quiet git+git://github.com/logilab/yapps@master#egg=yapps
misc: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/dataimport/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/devtools/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/entities/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/ext/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/hooks/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/sobjects/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/wsgi/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/pyramid/test
py27-misc: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/etwist/test
server: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/server/test
web: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/web/test
skip_install = true
deps =
flake8 >= 3
whitelist_externals =
commands = /bin/sh -c "flake8 `xargs -a {toxinidir}/flake8-ok-files.txt`"
skip_install = true
changedir = doc
deps =
commands =
{envpython} -m sphinx -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees . {envtmpdir}/html
skip_install = true
deps =
commands =
{envpython} -m check_manifest {toxinidir} \
# ignore symlinks that are not recognized by check-manifest, see
# https://github.com/mgedmin/check-manifest/issues/69
--ignore cubicweb/devtools/test/data/cubes/i18ntestcube*,cubicweb/test/data/legacy_cubes*
python_files = *test_*.py
format = pylint
ignore = W503
max-line-length = 100
exclude = doc/*,.tox/*
# vim: wrap sts=2 sw=2