author Philippe Pepiot <>
Tue, 24 Jan 2017 14:09:13 +0100
changeset 11918 a88101bf9f87
parent 11279 e4f11ef1face
child 12715 d59570643a49
permissions -rw-r--r--
[cwconfig] make appobjects_cubes_modnames() public The method is used in cubicweb.cwvreg without underscore and outside of the config class, so let's make this method public. Fix autoreload with twisted.

import sys

if confirm('fix some corrupted entities noticed on several instances?'):
    rql('DELETE CWConstraint X WHERE NOT E constrained_by X')
    rql('SET X is_instance_of Y WHERE X is Y, NOT X is_instance_of Y')

if confirm('fix existing cwuri?'):
    from logilab.common.shellutils import progress
    from cubicweb.server.session import hooks_control
    rset = rql('Any X, XC WHERE X cwuri XC, X cwuri ~= "%/eid/%"')
    title = "%i entities to fix" % len(rset)
    nbops = rset.rowcount
    enabled = interactive_mode
    with progress(title=title, nbops=nbops, size=30, enabled=enabled) as pb:
        for i,  row in enumerate(rset):
            with session.deny_all_hooks_but('integrity'):
                data = {'eid': row[0], 'cwuri': row[1].replace(u'/eid', u'')}
                rql('SET X cwuri %(cwuri)s WHERE X eid %(eid)s', data)
            if not i % 100: # commit every 100 entities to limit memory consumption
                pb.text = "%i committed" % i

    from cubicweb import devtools
    option_group_changed('anonymous-user', 'main', 'web')
    option_group_changed('anonymous-password', 'main', 'web')
except ImportError:
    # cubicweb-dev unavailable, nothing needed