[doc/changelog] the removal of next_tabindex produce an error not in the changelog
When one tried to migrate to 3.25, the error "class X initialization doesn't
have a settabindex argument" can happen but the word "settabindex" is not
present in the changelog which makes it hard to find to which modification this
error is related.
Javascript Coding Standards
(Draft, to be continued)
:Naming: camelCase, except for CONSTANTS
Indentation rules
- one space before an opening curly bracket ({)
- line break after a closing curly bracket (}) (possibly no line break if
everything is on the same line)
- no tabs
XXX explain comment format for documentation generation
- Don't forget 'var' before variable definition, and semi-colon (';') after **each** statement.
- Check the firebug console for deprecation warnings
API usage
- unless intended, use jQuery('container') rather than jqNode('container')
See also