author Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:03:53 +0100
changeset 9498 a76ac18f09c4
parent 9358 1e0235478403
child 9593 48a84fb4f301
permissions -rw-r--r--
[devtools] make PostgresTestDataBaseHandler start its own postgresql Don't depend on postgresql already running on the system, or on a static config. To use this, set the configcls attribute of your CubicWebTC-derived test class to PostgresApptestConfiguration. Caveats: - this won't work with several tests running concurrently from the same directory, since each would start its own cluster with a shared data directory and stomp on each other's toes - you need initdb/pg_ctl in $PATH, e.g /usr/lib/postgresql/$version/bin on Debian/Ubuntu systems. Closes #3489631

# copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main, TestCase
from logilab.common.testlib import mock_object
from yams import BadSchemaDefinition
from rql import parse, nodes, RQLHelper

from cubicweb import Unauthorized, rqlrewrite
from cubicweb.schema import RRQLExpression, ERQLExpression
from cubicweb.devtools import repotest, TestServerConfiguration, BaseApptestConfiguration

def setUpModule(*args):
    global rqlhelper, schema
    config = TestServerConfiguration(RQLRewriteTC.datapath('rewrite'))
    schema = config.load_schema()
    from yams.buildobjs import RelationDefinition
    schema.add_relation_def(RelationDefinition(subject='Card', name='in_state',
                                               object='State', cardinality='1*'))

    rqlhelper = RQLHelper(schema, special_relations={'eid': 'uid',
                                                     'has_text': 'fti'})

def tearDownModule(*args):
    global rqlhelper, schema
    del rqlhelper, schema

def eid_func_map(eid):
    return {1: 'CWUser',
            2: 'Card',
            3: 'Affaire'}[eid]

def rewrite(rqlst, snippets_map, kwargs, existingvars=None):
    class FakeVReg:
        schema = schema
        def solutions(sqlcursor, mainrqlst, kwargs):
            rqlhelper.compute_solutions(rqlst, {'eid': eid_func_map}, kwargs=kwargs)
        class rqlhelper:
            def annotate(rqlst):
            def simplify(mainrqlst, needcopy=False):
                rqlhelper.simplify(rqlst, needcopy)
    rewriter = rqlrewrite.RQLRewriter(
        mock_object(vreg=FakeVReg, user=(mock_object(eid=1))))
    snippets = []
    for v, exprs in sorted(snippets_map.items()):
        rqlexprs = [isinstance(snippet, basestring)
                    and mock_object(snippet_rqlst=parse('Any X WHERE '+snippet).children[0],
                                    expression='Any X WHERE '+snippet)
                    or snippet
                    for snippet in exprs]
        snippets.append((dict([v]), rqlexprs))
    rqlhelper.compute_solutions(rqlst.children[0], {'eid': eid_func_map}, kwargs=kwargs)
    rewriter.rewrite(rqlst.children[0], snippets, kwargs, existingvars)
    return rewriter.rewritten

def test_vrefs(node):
    vrefmaps = {}
    selects = []
    for vref in node.iget_nodes(nodes.VariableRef):
        stmt = vref.stmt
            vrefmaps[stmt].setdefault(vref.name, set()).add(vref)
        except KeyError:
            vrefmaps[stmt] = {vref.name: set( (vref,) )}
    assert node in selects
    for stmt in selects:
        for var in stmt.defined_vars.itervalues():
            assert var.stinfo['references']
            vrefmap = vrefmaps[stmt]
            assert not (var.stinfo['references'] ^ vrefmap[var.name]), (node.as_string(), var, var.stinfo['references'], vrefmap[var.name])

class RQLRewriteTC(TestCase):
    """a faire:

    * optimisation: detecter les relations utilisees dans les rqlexpressions qui
      sont presentes dans la requete de depart pour les reutiliser si possible

    * "has_<ACTION>_permission" ?

    def test_base_var(self):
        constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {})
                         u"Any C WHERE C is Card, B eid %(D)s, "
                         "EXISTS(C in_state A, B in_group E, F require_state A, "
                         "F name 'read', F require_group E, A is State, E is CWGroup, F is CWPermission)")

    def test_multiple_var(self):
        card_constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        affaire_constraints = ('X ref LIKE "PUBLIC%"', 'U in_group G, G name "public"')
        kwargs = {'u':2}
        rqlst = parse('Any S WHERE S documented_by C, C eid %(u)s')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (card_constraint,), ('S', 'X'): affaire_constraints},
            "Any S WHERE S documented_by C, C eid %(u)s, B eid %(D)s, "
            "EXISTS(C in_state A, B in_group E, F require_state A, "
            "F name 'read', F require_group E, A is State, E is CWGroup, F is CWPermission), "
            "(EXISTS(S ref LIKE 'PUBLIC%')) OR (EXISTS(B in_group G, G name 'public', G is CWGroup)), "
            "S is Affaire")
        self.assertTrue('D' in kwargs)

    def test_or(self):
        constraint = '(X identity U) OR (X in_state ST, CL identity U, CL in_state ST, ST name "subscribed")'
        rqlst = parse('Any S WHERE S owned_by C, C eid %(u)s, S is in (CWUser, CWGroup)')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {'u':1})
                         "Any S WHERE S owned_by C, C eid %(u)s, S is IN(CWUser, CWGroup), A eid %(B)s, "
                         "EXISTS((C identity A) OR (C in_state D, E identity A, "
                         "E in_state D, D name 'subscribed'), D is State, E is CWUser)")

    def test_simplified_rqlst(self):
        constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        rqlst = parse('Any 2') # this is the simplified rql st for Any X WHERE X eid 12
        rewrite(rqlst, {('2', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {})
                         u"Any 2 WHERE B eid %(C)s, "
                         "EXISTS(2 in_state A, B in_group D, E require_state A, "
                         "E name 'read', E require_group D, A is State, D is CWGroup, E is CWPermission)")

    def test_optional_var_1(self):
        constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        rqlst = parse('Any A,C WHERE A documented_by C?')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {})
                         "Any A,C WHERE A documented_by C?, A is Affaire "
                         "WITH C BEING "
                         "(Any C WHERE EXISTS(C in_state B, D in_group F, G require_state B, G name 'read', "
                         "G require_group F), D eid %(A)s, C is Card)")

    def test_optional_var_2(self):
        constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        rqlst = parse('Any A,C,T WHERE A documented_by C?, C title T')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {})
                         "Any A,C,T WHERE A documented_by C?, A is Affaire "
                         "WITH C,T BEING "
                         "(Any C,T WHERE C title T, EXISTS(C in_state B, D in_group F, "
                         "G require_state B, G name 'read', G require_group F), "
                         "D eid %(A)s, C is Card)")

    def test_optional_var_3(self):
        constraint1 = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                       'P name "read", P require_group G')
        constraint2 = 'X in_state S, S name "public"'
        rqlst = parse('Any A,C,T WHERE A documented_by C?, C title T')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (constraint1, constraint2)}, {})
                         "Any A,C,T WHERE A documented_by C?, A is Affaire "
                         "WITH C,T BEING (Any C,T WHERE C title T, "
                         "(EXISTS(C in_state B, D in_group F, G require_state B, G name 'read', G require_group F)) "
                         "OR (EXISTS(C in_state E, E name 'public')), "
                         "D eid %(A)s, C is Card)")

    def test_optional_var_4(self):
        constraint1 = 'A created_by U, X documented_by A'
        constraint2 = 'A created_by U, X concerne A'
        constraint3 = 'X created_by U'
        rqlst = parse('Any X,LA,Y WHERE LA? documented_by X, LA concerne Y')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('LA', 'X'): (constraint1, constraint2),
                        ('X', 'X'): (constraint3,),
                        ('Y', 'X'): (constraint3,)}, {})
                             u'Any X,LA,Y WHERE LA? documented_by X, LA concerne Y, B eid %(C)s, '
                             'EXISTS(X created_by B), EXISTS(Y created_by B), '
                             'X is Card, Y is IN(Division, Note, Societe) '
                             'WITH LA BEING (Any LA WHERE (EXISTS(A created_by B, LA documented_by A)) OR (EXISTS(E created_by B, LA concerne E)), '
                             'B eid %(D)s, LA is Affaire)')

    def test_ambiguous_optional_same_exprs(self):
        """See #3013535"""
        # see test of the same name in RewriteFullTC: original problem is
        # unreproducible here because it actually lies in
        # RQLRewriter.insert_local_checks
        rqlst = parse('Any A,AR,X,CD WHERE A concerne X?, A ref AR, A eid %(a)s, X creation_date CD')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('X', 'X'): ('X created_by U',),}, {'a': 3})
                         u'Any A,AR,X,CD WHERE A concerne X?, A ref AR, A eid %(a)s WITH X,CD BEING (Any X,CD WHERE X creation_date CD, EXISTS(X created_by B), B eid %(A)s, X is IN(Division, Note, Societe))')

    def test_optional_var_inlined(self):
        c1 = ('X require_permission P')
        c2 = ('X inlined_card O, O require_permission P')
        rqlst = parse('Any C,A,R WHERE A? inlined_card C, A ref R')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (c1,),
                        ('A', 'X'): (c2,),
                        }, {})
        # XXX suboptimal
                         "Any C,A,R WITH A,C,R BEING "
                         "(Any A,C,R WHERE A? inlined_card C, A ref R, "
                         "(A is NULL) OR (EXISTS(A inlined_card B, B require_permission D, "
                         "B is Card, D is CWPermission)), "
                         "A is Affaire, C is Card, EXISTS(C require_permission E, E is CWPermission))")

    # def test_optional_var_inlined_has_perm(self):
    #     c1 = ('X require_permission P')
    #     c2 = ('X inlined_card O, U has_read_permission O')
    #     rqlst = parse('Any C,A,R WHERE A? inlined_card C, A ref R')
    #     rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (c1,),
    #                     ('A', 'X'): (c2,),
    #                     }, {})
    #     self.assertEqual(rqlst.as_string(),
    #                          "")

    def test_optional_var_inlined_imbricated_error(self):
        c1 = ('X require_permission P')
        c2 = ('X inlined_card O, O require_permission P')
        rqlst = parse('Any C,A,R,A2,R2 WHERE A? inlined_card C, A ref R,A2? inlined_card C, A2 ref R2')
                          rewrite, rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (c1,),
                                           ('A', 'X'): (c2,),
                                           ('A2', 'X'): (c2,),
                                           }, {})

    def test_optional_var_inlined_linked(self):
        c1 = ('X require_permission P')
        c2 = ('X inlined_card O, O require_permission P')
        rqlst = parse('Any A,W WHERE A inlined_card C?, C inlined_note N, '
                      'N inlined_affaire W')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (c1,)}, {})
                         'Any A,W WHERE A inlined_card C?, A is Affaire '
                         'WITH C,N,W BEING (Any C,N,W WHERE C inlined_note N, '
                         'N inlined_affaire W, EXISTS(C require_permission B), '
                         'C is Card, N is Note, W is Affaire)')

    def test_relation_optimization_1_lhs(self):
        # since Card in_state State as monovalued cardinality, the in_state
        # relation used in the rql expression can be ignored and S replaced by
        # the variable from the incoming query
        snippet = ('X in_state S, S name "hop"')
        rqlst = parse('Card C WHERE C in_state STATE')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (snippet,)}, {})
                         "Any C WHERE C in_state STATE, C is Card, "
                         "EXISTS(STATE name 'hop'), STATE is State")

    def test_relation_optimization_1_rhs(self):
        snippet = ('TW subworkflow_exit X, TW name "hop"')
        rqlst = parse('WorkflowTransition C WHERE C subworkflow_exit EXIT')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('EXIT', 'X'): (snippet,)}, {})
                         "Any C WHERE C subworkflow_exit EXIT, C is WorkflowTransition, "
                         "EXISTS(C name 'hop'), EXIT is SubWorkflowExitPoint")

    def test_relation_optimization_2_lhs(self):
        # optional relation can be shared if also optional in the snippet
        snippet = ('X in_state S?, S name "hop"')
        rqlst = parse('Card C WHERE C in_state STATE?')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (snippet,)}, {})
                         "Any C WHERE C in_state STATE?, C is Card, "
                         "EXISTS(STATE name 'hop'), STATE is State")
    def test_relation_optimization_2_rhs(self):
        snippet = ('TW? subworkflow_exit X, TW name "hop"')
        rqlst = parse('SubWorkflowExitPoint EXIT WHERE C? subworkflow_exit EXIT')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('EXIT', 'X'): (snippet,)}, {})
                         "Any EXIT WHERE C? subworkflow_exit EXIT, EXIT is SubWorkflowExitPoint, "
                         "EXISTS(C name 'hop'), C is WorkflowTransition")

    def test_relation_optimization_3_lhs(self):
        # optional relation in the snippet but not in the orig tree can be shared
        snippet = ('X in_state S?, S name "hop"')
        rqlst = parse('Card C WHERE C in_state STATE')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (snippet,)}, {})
                         "Any C WHERE C in_state STATE, C is Card, "
                         "EXISTS(STATE name 'hop'), STATE is State")

    def test_relation_optimization_3_rhs(self):
        snippet = ('TW? subworkflow_exit X, TW name "hop"')
        rqlst = parse('WorkflowTransition C WHERE C subworkflow_exit EXIT')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('EXIT', 'X'): (snippet,)}, {})
                         "Any C WHERE C subworkflow_exit EXIT, C is WorkflowTransition, "
                         "EXISTS(C name 'hop'), EXIT is SubWorkflowExitPoint")

    def test_relation_non_optimization_1_lhs(self):
        # but optional relation in the orig tree but not in the snippet can't be shared
        snippet = ('X in_state S, S name "hop"')
        rqlst = parse('Card C WHERE C in_state STATE?')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (snippet,)}, {})
                         "Any C WHERE C in_state STATE?, C is Card, "
                         "EXISTS(C in_state A, A name 'hop', A is State), STATE is State")

    def test_relation_non_optimization_1_rhs(self):
        snippet = ('TW subworkflow_exit X, TW name "hop"')
        rqlst = parse('SubWorkflowExitPoint EXIT WHERE C? subworkflow_exit EXIT')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('EXIT', 'X'): (snippet,)}, {})
                         "Any EXIT WHERE C? subworkflow_exit EXIT, EXIT is SubWorkflowExitPoint, "
                         "EXISTS(A subworkflow_exit EXIT, A name 'hop', A is WorkflowTransition), "
                         "C is WorkflowTransition")

    def test_relation_non_optimization_2(self):
        """See #3024730"""
        # 'X inlined_note N' must not be shared with 'C inlined_note N'
        # previously inserted, else this may introduce duplicated results, as N
        # will then be shared by multiple EXISTS and so at SQL generation time,
        # the table will be in the FROM clause of the outermost query
        rqlst = parse('Any A,C WHERE A inlined_card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('A', 'X'): ('X inlined_card C, C inlined_note N, N owned_by U',),
                        ('C', 'X'): ('X inlined_note N, N owned_by U',)}, {})
                         'Any A,C WHERE A inlined_card C, D eid %(E)s, '
                         'EXISTS(C inlined_note B, B owned_by D, B is Note), '
                         'EXISTS(C inlined_note F, F owned_by D, F is Note), '
                         'A is Affaire, C is Card')

    def test_unsupported_constraint_1(self):
        # CWUser doesn't have require_permission
        trinfo_constraint = ('X wf_info_for Y, Y require_permission P, P name "read"')
        rqlst = parse('Any U,T WHERE U is CWUser, T wf_info_for U')
        self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, rewrite, rqlst, {('T', 'X'): (trinfo_constraint,)}, {})

    def test_unsupported_constraint_2(self):
        trinfo_constraint = ('X wf_info_for Y, Y require_permission P, P name "read"')
        rqlst = parse('Any U,T WHERE U is CWUser, T wf_info_for U')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('T', 'X'): (trinfo_constraint, 'X wf_info_for Y, Y in_group G, G name "managers"')}, {})
                         u"Any U,T WHERE U is CWUser, T wf_info_for U, "
                         "EXISTS(U in_group B, B name 'managers', B is CWGroup), T is TrInfo")

    def test_unsupported_constraint_3(self):
        self.skipTest('raise unauthorized for now')
        trinfo_constraint = ('X wf_info_for Y, Y require_permission P, P name "read"')
        rqlst = parse('Any T WHERE T wf_info_for X')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('T', 'X'): (trinfo_constraint, 'X in_group G, G name "managers"')}, {})
                         u'XXX dunno what should be generated')

    def test_add_ambiguity_exists(self):
        constraint = ('X concerne Y')
        rqlst = parse('Affaire X')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('X', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {})
                         u"Any X WHERE X is Affaire, ((EXISTS(X concerne A, A is Division)) OR (EXISTS(X concerne C, C is Societe))) OR (EXISTS(X concerne B, B is Note))")

    def test_add_ambiguity_outerjoin(self):
        constraint = ('X concerne Y')
        rqlst = parse('Any X,C WHERE X? documented_by C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('X', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {})
        # ambiguity are kept in the sub-query, no need to be resolved using OR
                         u"Any X,C WHERE X? documented_by C, C is Card WITH X BEING (Any X WHERE EXISTS(X concerne A), X is Affaire)")

    def test_rrqlexpr_nonexistant_subject_1(self):
        constraint = RRQLExpression('S owned_by U')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'SU')
                         u"Any C WHERE C is Card, A eid %(B)s, EXISTS(C owned_by A)")
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'OU')
                         u"Any C WHERE C is Card")
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'SOU')
                         u"Any C WHERE C is Card, A eid %(B)s, EXISTS(C owned_by A)")

    def test_rrqlexpr_nonexistant_subject_2(self):
        constraint = RRQLExpression('S owned_by U, O owned_by U, O is Card')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'SU')
                         'Any C WHERE C is Card, A eid %(B)s, EXISTS(C owned_by A)')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'OU')
                         'Any C WHERE C is Card, B eid %(D)s, EXISTS(A owned_by B, A is Card)')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'SOU')
                         'Any C WHERE C is Card, A eid %(B)s, EXISTS(C owned_by A, D owned_by A, D is Card)')

    def test_rrqlexpr_nonexistant_subject_3(self):
        constraint = RRQLExpression('U in_group G, G name "users"')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'SU')
                         u'Any C WHERE C is Card, A eid %(B)s, EXISTS(A in_group D, D name "users", D is CWGroup)')

    def test_rrqlexpr_nonexistant_subject_4(self):
        constraint = RRQLExpression('U in_group G, G name "users", S owned_by U')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'SU')
                         u'Any C WHERE C is Card, A eid %(B)s, EXISTS(A in_group D, D name "users", C owned_by A, D is CWGroup)')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'OU')
                         u'Any C WHERE C is Card, A eid %(B)s, EXISTS(A in_group D, D name "users", D is CWGroup)')

    def test_rrqlexpr_nonexistant_subject_5(self):
        constraint = RRQLExpression('S owned_by Z, O owned_by Z, O is Card')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'S'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'S')
                         u"Any C WHERE C is Card, EXISTS(C owned_by A, A is CWUser)")

    def test_rqlexpr_not_relation_1_1(self):
        constraint = ERQLExpression('X owned_by Z, Z login "hop"', 'X')
        rqlst = parse('Affaire A WHERE NOT EXISTS(A documented_by C)')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'X')
                         u'Any A WHERE NOT EXISTS(A documented_by C, EXISTS(C owned_by B, B login "hop", B is CWUser), C is Card), A is Affaire')

    def test_rqlexpr_not_relation_1_2(self):
        constraint = ERQLExpression('X owned_by Z, Z login "hop"', 'X')
        rqlst = parse('Affaire A WHERE NOT EXISTS(A documented_by C)')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('A', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'X')
                         u'Any A WHERE NOT EXISTS(A documented_by C, C is Card), A is Affaire, EXISTS(A owned_by B, B login "hop", B is CWUser)')

    def test_rqlexpr_not_relation_2(self):
        constraint = ERQLExpression('X owned_by Z, Z login "hop"', 'X')
        rqlst = rqlhelper.parse('Affaire A WHERE NOT A documented_by C', annotate=False)
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (constraint,)}, {}, 'X')
                         u'Any A WHERE NOT EXISTS(A documented_by C, EXISTS(C owned_by B, B login "hop", B is CWUser), C is Card), A is Affaire')

    def test_rqlexpr_multiexpr_outerjoin(self):
        c1 = ERQLExpression('X owned_by Z, Z login "hop"', 'X')
        c2 = ERQLExpression('X owned_by Z, Z login "hip"', 'X')
        c3 = ERQLExpression('X owned_by Z, Z login "momo"', 'X')
        rqlst = rqlhelper.parse('Any A WHERE A documented_by C?', annotate=False)
        rewrite(rqlst, {('C', 'X'): (c1, c2, c3)}, {}, 'X')
                         u'Any A WHERE A documented_by C?, A is Affaire '
                         'WITH C BEING (Any C WHERE ((EXISTS(C owned_by B, B login "hop")) '
                         'OR (EXISTS(C owned_by D, D login "momo"))) '
                         'OR (EXISTS(C owned_by A, A login "hip")), C is Card)')

    def test_multiple_erql_one_bad(self):
        #: reproduce bug #2236985
        #: (rqlrewrite fails to remove rewritten entry for unsupported constraint and then crash)
        #: This check a very rare code path triggered by the four condition below

        # 1. c_ok introduce an ambiguity
        c_ok = ERQLExpression('X concerne R')
        # 2. c_bad is just plain wrong and won't be kept
        # 3. but it declare a new variable
        # 4. this variable require a rewrite
        c_bad = ERQLExpression('X documented_by R, A in_state R')

        rqlst = parse('Any A, R WHERE A ref R, S is Affaire')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('A', 'X'): (c_ok, c_bad)}, {})

    def test_nonregr_is_instance_of(self):
        user_expr = ERQLExpression('NOT X in_group AF, AF name "guests"')
        rqlst = parse('Any O WHERE S use_email O, S is CWUser, O is_instance_of EmailAddress')
        rewrite(rqlst, {('S', 'X'): (user_expr,)}, {})
                         'Any O WHERE S use_email O, S is CWUser, O is EmailAddress, '
                         'EXISTS(NOT S in_group A, A name "guests", A is CWGroup)')

from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from logilab.common.decorators import classproperty

class RewriteFullTC(CubicWebTC):
    def config(cls):
        return BaseApptestConfiguration(apphome=cls.datapath('rewrite'))

    def process(self, rql, args=None):
        if args is None:
            args = {}
        querier = self.repo.querier
        union = querier.parse(rql)
        querier.solutions(self.session, union, args)
        plan = querier.plan_factory(union, args, self.session)
        return union

    def test_ambiguous_optional_same_exprs(self):
        """See #3013535"""
        edef1 = self.schema['Societe']
        edef2 = self.schema['Division']
        edef3 = self.schema['Note']
        with self.temporary_permissions((edef1, {'read': (ERQLExpression('X owned_by U'),)}),
                                        (edef2, {'read': (ERQLExpression('X owned_by U'),)}),
                                        (edef3, {'read': (ERQLExpression('X owned_by U'),)})):
            union = self.process('Any A,AR,X,CD WHERE A concerne X?, A ref AR, X creation_date CD')
            self.assertEqual('Any A,AR,X,CD WHERE A concerne X?, A ref AR, A is Affaire '
                             'WITH X,CD BEING (Any X,CD WHERE X creation_date CD, '
                             'EXISTS(X owned_by %(A)s), X is IN(Division, Note, Societe))',

    def test_ambiguous_optional_diff_exprs(self):
        """See #3013554"""
        self.skipTest('bad request generated (may generate duplicated results)')
        edef1 = self.schema['Societe']
        edef2 = self.schema['Division']
        edef3 = self.schema['Note']
        with self.temporary_permissions((edef1, {'read': (ERQLExpression('X created_by U'),)}),
                                        (edef2, {'read': ('users',)}),
                                        (edef3, {'read': (ERQLExpression('X owned_by U'),)})):
            union = self.process('Any A,AR,X,CD WHERE A concerne X?, A ref AR, X creation_date CD')
            self.assertEqual(union.as_string(), 'not generated today')

    def test_xxxx(self):
        edef1 = self.schema['Societe']
        edef2 = self.schema['Division']
        read_expr = ERQLExpression('X responsable E, U has_read_permission E')
        with self.temporary_permissions((edef1, {'read': (read_expr,)}),
                                        (edef2, {'read': (read_expr,)})):
            union = self.process('Any X,AA,AC,AD ORDERBY AD DESC '
                                 'WHERE X responsable E, X nom AA, '
                                 'X responsable AC?, AC modification_date AD')
            self.assertEqual('Any X,AA,AC,AD ORDERBY AD DESC '
                             'WHERE X responsable E, X nom AA, '
                             'X responsable AC?, AC modification_date AD, '
                             'AC is CWUser, E is CWUser, X is IN(Division, Societe)',

if __name__ == '__main__':