author Sylvain Thénault <>
Fri, 01 Oct 2010 18:49:47 +0200
changeset 6385 9f91d09ee5fa
parent 6361 843684a50e48
child 8717 0436c231ac48
permissions -rw-r--r--
[repo transaction] fix rollback behaviour as discussed on the mailing-list: instead of rollbacking automatically on Unauthorized/ValidationError, mark the transaction as uncommitable and disallow commiting

.. _dbapi:

Python/RQL API

The Python API developped to interface with RQL is inspired from the standard db-api,
with a Connection object having the methods cursor, rollback and commit essentially.
The most important method is the `execute` method of a cursor.

.. sourcecode:: python

   execute(rqlstring, args=None, build_descr=True)

:rqlstring: the RQL query to execute (unicode)
:args: if the query contains substitutions, a dictionary containing the values to use

The `Connection` object owns the methods `commit` and `rollback`. You
*should never need to use them* during the development of the web
interface based on the *CubicWeb* framework as it determines the end
of the transaction depending on the query execution success. They are
however useful in other contexts such as tests or custom controllers.

.. note::

  If a query generates an error related to security (:exc:`Unauthorized`) or to
  integrity (:exc:`ValidationError`), the transaction can still continue but you
  won't be able to commit it, a rollback will be necessary to start a new

  Also, a rollback is automatically done if an error occurs during commit.

Executing RQL queries from a view or a hook

When you're within code of the web interface, the db-api like connexion is
handled by the request object. You should not have to access it directly, but
use the `execute` method directly available on the request, eg:

.. sourcecode:: python

   rset = self._cw.execute(rqlstring, kwargs)

Similarly, on the server side (eg in hooks), there is no db-api connexion (since
you're directly inside the data-server), so you'll have to use the execute method
of the session object.

Proper usage of `.execute`

Let's say you want to get T which is in configuration C, this translates to:

.. sourcecode:: python

   self._cw.execute('Any T WHERE T in_conf C, C eid %s' % entity.eid)

But it must be written in a syntax that will benefit from the use
of a cache on the RQL server side:

.. sourcecode:: python

   self._cw.execute('Any T WHERE T in_conf C, C eid %(x)s', {'x': entity.eid})

The syntax tree is built once for the "generic" RQL and can be re-used
with a number of different eids. There rql IN operator is an exception
to this rule.

.. sourcecode:: python

   self._cw.execute('Any T WHERE T in_conf C, C name IN (%s)'
                    % ','.join(['foo', 'bar']))

Alternativelly, some of the common data related to an entity can be
obtained from the `entity.related()` method (which is used under the
hood by the orm when you use attribute access notation on an entity to
get a relation. The initial request would then be translated to:

.. sourcecode:: python

   entity.related('in_conf', 'object')

Additionnaly this benefits from the fetch_attrs policy (see
:ref:`FetchAttrs`) eventually defined on the class element, which says
which attributes must be also loaded when the entity is loaded through
the orm.

.. _resultset:

The `ResultSet` API

ResultSet instances are a very commonly manipulated object. They have
a rich API as seen below, but we would like to highlight a bunch of
methods that are quite useful in day-to-day practice:

* `__str__()` (applied by `print`) gives a very useful overview of both
  the underlying RQL expression and the data inside; unavoidable for
  debugging purposes

* `printable_rql()` produces back a well formed RQL expression as a
  string; it is very useful to build views

* `entities()` returns a generator on all entities of the result set

* `get_entity(row, col)` gets the entity at row, col coordinates; one
  of the most used result set method

.. autoclass:: cubicweb.rset.ResultSet

The `Cursor` API

The whole cursor API is developped below.

.. note::

  In practice we use the `.execute` method on the _cw object of
  appobjects. Usage of other methods is quite rare.

.. autoclass:: cubicweb.dbapi.Cursor