[server] improve the speed of setting relations between entities (closes #1625257)
The main idea is to add methods equivalent to session.add_relation and
repository.glob_add_relation which handle several relations in one call. Speed
gain results from:
* using cursor.executemany to run SQL statements
* factorizing some code which otherwise has to be performed for each relation,
such as context manager creation before calling hooks or to enable security,
creation of the EditedEntity instance (when several inlined relations are set
on a single entity, and consequently when refreshing the cached entity)
benchmark runs 1.1x faster for non inlined entities and 125x faster for inlined
entities :-)
disable-msg = C0301
# Enable / disable this checker
enable-variables = yes
additional-builtins = _, display_name
attr-rgx = (w|[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30})
variable-rgx = (w|[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30})$
argument-rgx = (w|[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30})$