author sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr
Tue, 14 Apr 2009 18:03:37 +0200
changeset 1345 9f086baa2537
parent 1307 8c3336c5ddba
child 1392 d6279efff7b3
permissions -rw-r--r--
backport tests

"""field classes for form construction

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from datetime import datetime

from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape
from yams.constraints import SizeConstraint, StaticVocabularyConstraint

from cubicweb.schema import FormatConstraint
from cubicweb.utils import ustrftime
from cubicweb.common import tags, uilib
from cubicweb.web import INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE
from cubicweb.web.formwidgets import (
    HiddenInput, TextInput, FileInput, PasswordInput, TextArea, FCKEditor,
    Radio, Select, DateTimePicker) 

class Field(object):
    """field class is introduced to control what's displayed in forms. It makes
    the link between something to edit and its display in the form. Actual
    display is handled by a widget associated to the field.

    all the attributes described below have sensible default value which may be
    overriden by value given to field's constructor.
       name of the field (basestring), should be unique in a form.
       dom identifier (default to the same value as `name`), should be unique in
       a form.
       label of the field (default to the same value as `name`).
       help message about this field.
       widget associated to the field. Each field class has a default widget
       class which may be overriden per instance.
       bool flag telling if the field is required or not.
       initial value, used when no value specified by other means.
       static vocabulary for this field. May be a list of values or a list of
       (label, value) tuples if specified.
       bool flag telling if the vocabulary (either static vocabulary specified
       in `choices` or dynamic vocabulary fetched from the form) should be
       sorted on label.
       bool flag telling if the vocabulary labels should be translated using the
       current request language.
       bool flag telling if this field is linked to a specific entity
       when the field is linked to an entity attribute or relation, tells the
       role of the entity in the relation (eg 'subject' or 'object')
    # default widget associated to this class of fields. May be overriden per
    # instance
    widget = TextInput
    # does this field requires a multipart form
    needs_multipart = False
    # class attribute used for ordering of fields in a form
    __creation_rank = 0

    def __init__(self, name=None, id=None, label=None, help=None, 
                 widget=None, required=False, initial=None,
                 choices=None, sort=True, internationalizable=False,
                 eidparam=False, role='subject'):
        self.name = name
        self.id = id or name
        self.label = label or name
        self.help = help
        self.required = required
        if widget is not None:
            self.widget = widget
        if isinstance(self.widget, type):
            self.widget = self.widget()
        self.initial = initial
        self.choices = choices
        self.sort = sort
        self.internationalizable = internationalizable
        self.eidparam = eidparam
        self.role = role
        # ordering number for this field instance
        self.creation_rank = Field.__creation_rank
        Field.__creation_rank += 1
    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'<%s name=%r label=%r id=%r initial=%r @%x>' % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.label,
            self.id, self.initial, id(self))

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8')

    def set_name(self, name):
        """automatically set .id and .label when name is set"""
        assert name
        self.name = name
        if not self.id:
            self.id = name
        if not self.label:
            self.label = name
    def is_visible(self):
        """return true if the field is not an hidden field"""
        return not isinstance(self.widget, HiddenInput)
    def actual_fields(self, form):
        """return actual fields composing this field in case of a compound
        field, usually simply return self
        yield self
    def format_value(self, req, value):
        """return value suitable for display where value may be a list or tuple
        of values
        if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
            return [self.format_single_value(req, val) for val in value]
        return self.format_single_value(req, value)
    def format_single_value(self, req, value):
        """return value suitable for display"""
        if value is None or value is False:
            return u''
        if value is True:
            return u'1'
        return unicode(value)

    def get_widget(self, form):
        """return the widget instance associated to this field"""
        return self.widget
    def example_format(self, req):
        """return a sample string describing what can be given as input for this
        return u''

    def render(self, form, renderer):
        """render this field, which is part of form, using the given form
        return self.get_widget(form).render(form, self)

    def vocabulary(self, form):
        """return vocabulary for this field. This method will be called by
        widgets which desire it."""        
        if self.choices is not None:
            if callable(self.choices):
                vocab = self.choices(req=form.req)
                vocab = self.choices
            if vocab and not isinstance(vocab[0], (list, tuple)):
                vocab = [(x, x) for x in vocab]
            vocab = form.form_field_vocabulary(self)
        if self.internationalizable:
            vocab = [(form.req._(label), value) for label, value in vocab]
        if self.sort:
            vocab = sorted(vocab)
        return vocab
    def form_init(self, form):
        """method called before by form_build_context to trigger potential field
        initialization requiring the form instance
class StringField(Field):
    def __init__(self, max_length=None, **kwargs):
        super(StringField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.max_length = max_length

class TextField(Field):
    widget = TextArea
    def __init__(self, rows=10, cols=80, **kwargs):
        super(TextField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.rows = rows
        self.cols = cols

class RichTextField(TextField):
    widget = None
    def __init__(self, format_field=None, **kwargs):
        super(RichTextField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.format_field = format_field

    def get_widget(self, form):
        if self.widget is None:
            if self.use_fckeditor(form):
                return FCKEditor()
            return TextArea()
        return self.widget

    def get_format_field(self, form):
        if self.format_field:
            return self.format_field
        # we have to cache generated field since it's use as key in the
        # context dictionnary
        req = form.req
            return req.data[self]
        except KeyError:
            if self.use_fckeditor(form):
                # if fckeditor is used and format field isn't explicitly
                # deactivated, we want an hidden field for the format
                widget = HiddenInput()
                choices = None
                # else we want a format selector
                # XXX compute vocabulary
                widget = Select
                fcstr = FormatConstraint()
                choices = [(req._(fmt), fmt) for fmt in fcstr.vocabulary(req=req)]
            field = StringField(name=self.name + '_format', widget=widget,
            req.data[self] = field
            return field
    def actual_fields(self, form):
        yield self
        format_field = self.get_format_field(form)
        if format_field:
            yield format_field
    def use_fckeditor(self, form):
        """return True if fckeditor should be used to edit entity's attribute named
        `attr`, according to user preferences
        if form.req.use_fckeditor():
            return form.form_field_format(self) == 'text/html'
        return False

    def render(self, form, renderer):
        format_field = self.get_format_field(form)
        if format_field:
            result = format_field.render(form, renderer)
            result = u''
        return result + self.get_widget(form).render(form, self)

class FileField(StringField):
    widget = FileInput
    needs_multipart = True
    def __init__(self, format_field=None, encoding_field=None, **kwargs):
        super(FileField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.format_field = format_field
        self.encoding_field = encoding_field
    def actual_fields(self, form):
        yield self
        if self.format_field:
            yield self.format_field
        if self.encoding_field:
            yield self.encoding_field

    def render(self, form, renderer):
        wdgs = [self.get_widget(form).render(form, self)]
        if self.format_field or self.encoding_field:
            divid = '%s-advanced' % form.context[self]['name']
            wdgs.append(u'<a href="%s" title="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s"/></a>' %
                         form.req._('show advanced fields'),
                         form.req._('show advanced fields')))
            wdgs.append(u'<div id="%s" class="hidden">' % divid)
            if self.format_field:
                wdgs.append(self.render_subfield(form, self.format_field, renderer))
            if self.encoding_field:
                wdgs.append(self.render_subfield(form, self.encoding_field, renderer))
        if not self.required and form.context[self]['value']:
            # trick to be able to delete an uploaded file
            wdgs.append(tags.input(name=u'%s__detach' % form.context[self]['name'],
            wdgs.append(form.req._('detach attached file'))
        return u'\n'.join(wdgs)

    def render_subfield(self, form, field, renderer):
        return (renderer.render_label(form, field)
                + field.render(form, renderer)
                + renderer.render_help(form, field)
                + u'<br/>')

class EditableFileField(FileField):
    editable_formats = ('text/plain', 'text/html', 'text/rest')
    def render(self, form, renderer):
        wdgs = [super(EditableFileField, self).render(form, renderer)]
        if form.form_field_format(self) in self.editable_formats:
            data = form.form_field_value(self, {}, load_bytes=True)
            if data:
                encoding = form.form_field_encoding(self)
                    form.context[self]['value'] = unicode(data.getvalue(), encoding)
                except UnicodeError:
                    if not self.required:
                        msg = form.req._(
                            'You can either submit a new file using the browse button above'
                            ', or choose to remove already uploaded file by checking the '
                            '"detach attached file" check-box, or edit file content online '
                            'with the widget below.')
                        msg = form.req._(
                            'You can either submit a new file using the browse button above'
                            ', or edit file content online with the widget below.')
                    wdgs.append(u'<p><b>%s</b></p>' % msg)
                    wdgs.append(TextArea(setdomid=False).render(form, self))
                    # XXX restore form context?
        return '\n'.join(wdgs)

class IntField(Field):
    def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, **kwargs):
        super(IntField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.min = min
        self.max = max

class BooleanField(Field):
    widget = Radio
    def vocabulary(self, form):
        if self.choices:
            return self.choices
        return [(form.req._('yes'), '1'), (form.req._('no'), '')]

class FloatField(IntField):    
    def format_single_value(self, req, value):
        formatstr = req.property_value('ui.float-format')
        if value is None:
            return u''
        return formatstr % float(value)

    def render_example(self, req):
        return self.format_value(req, 1.234)

class DateField(StringField):
    format_prop = 'ui.date-format'
    widget = DateTimePicker
    def format_single_value(self, req, value):
        return value and ustrftime(value, req.property_value(self.format_prop)) or u''

    def render_example(self, req):
        return self.format_value(req, datetime.now())

class DateTimeField(DateField):
    format_prop = 'ui.datetime-format'

class TimeField(DateField):
    format_prop = 'ui.datetime-format'

class HiddenInitialValueField(Field):
    def __init__(self, visible_field, name):
        super(HiddenInitialValueField, self).__init__(
            name=name, widget=HiddenInput, eidparam=True)
        self.visible_field = visible_field
class RelationField(Field):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(RelationField, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def fromcardinality(card, **kwargs):
        return RelationField(widget=Select(multiple=card in '*+'), **kwargs)
    def vocabulary(self, form):
        entity = form.edited_entity
        req = entity.req
        # first see if its specified by __linkto form parameters
        linkedto = entity.linked_to(self.name, self.role)
        if linkedto:
            entities = (req.eid_rset(eid).get_entity(0, 0) for eid in linkedto)
            return [(entity.view('combobox'), entity.eid) for entity in entities]
        # it isn't, check if the entity provides a method to get correct values
        res = []
        if not self.required:
            res.append(('', INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE))
        # vocabulary doesn't include current values, add them
        if entity.has_eid():
            rset = entity.related(self.name, self.role)
            relatedvocab = [(e.view('combobox'), e.eid) for e in rset.entities()]
            relatedvocab = []
        return res + form.form_field_vocabulary(self) + relatedvocab
    def format_single_value(self, req, value):
        return value

def stringfield_from_constraints(constraints, **kwargs):
    field = None
    for cstr in constraints:
        if isinstance(cstr, StaticVocabularyConstraint):
            kwargs.setdefault('widget', Select())
            return StringField(choices=cstr.vocabulary, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(cstr, SizeConstraint) and cstr.max is not None:
            if cstr.max > 257:
                rows_cols_from_constraint(cstr, kwargs)
                field = TextField(**kwargs)
                field = StringField(max_length=cstr.max, **kwargs)
    return field or TextField(**kwargs)

def rows_cols_from_constraint(constraint, kwargs):
    if constraint.max < 513:
        rows, cols = 5, 60
        rows, cols = 10, 80
    kwargs.setdefault('rows', rows)
    kwargs.setdefault('cols', cols)

def guess_field(eclass, rschema, role='subject', skip_meta_attr=True, **kwargs):
    """return the most adapated widget to edit the relation
    'subjschema rschema objschema' according to information found in the schema
    fieldclass = None
    eschema = eclass.e_schema
    if role == 'subject':
        targetschema = rschema.objects(eschema)[0]
        card = rschema.rproperty(eschema, targetschema, 'cardinality')[0]
        help = rschema.rproperty(eschema, targetschema, 'description')
        if rschema.is_final():
            if rschema.rproperty(eschema, targetschema, 'internationalizable'):
                kwargs['internationalizable'] = True
            kwargs['initial'] = rschema.rproperty(eschema, targetschema, 'default')
        targetschema = rschema.subjects(eschema)[0]
        card = rschema.rproperty(targetschema, eschema, 'cardinality')[1]
        help = rschema.rproperty(targetschema, eschema, 'description')
    kwargs['required'] = card in '1+'
    kwargs['name'] = rschema.type
    kwargs['help'] = help
    if rschema.is_final():
        if skip_meta_attr and rschema in eschema.meta_attributes():
            return None
        fieldclass = FIELDS[targetschema]
        if fieldclass is StringField:
            if targetschema == 'Password':
                # special case for Password field: specific PasswordInput widget
                kwargs.setdefault('widget', PasswordInput())
                return StringField(**kwargs)
            if eschema.has_metadata(rschema, 'format'):
                # use RichTextField instead of StringField if the attribute has
                # a "format" metadata. But getting information from constraints
                # may be useful anyway...
                constraints = rschema.rproperty(eschema, targetschema, 'constraints')
                for cstr in constraints:
                    if isinstance(cstr, StaticVocabularyConstraint):
                        raise Exception('rich text field with static vocabulary')
                    if isinstance(cstr, SizeConstraint) and cstr.max is not None:
                        rows_cols_from_constraint(cstr, kwargs)
                return RichTextField(**kwargs)
            # return StringField or TextField according to constraints
            constraints = rschema.rproperty(eschema, targetschema, 'constraints')
            return stringfield_from_constraints(constraints, **kwargs)
        if fieldclass is FileField:
            for metadata in ('format', 'encoding'):
                metaschema = eschema.has_metadata(rschema, metadata)
                if metaschema is not None:
                    kwargs['%s_field' % metadata] = guess_field(eclass, metaschema,
        return fieldclass(**kwargs)
    kwargs['role'] = role
    return RelationField.fromcardinality(card, **kwargs)

    'Boolean':  BooleanField,
    'Bytes':    FileField,
    'Date':     DateField,
    'Datetime': DateTimeField,
    'Int':      IntField,
    'Float':    FloatField,
    'Decimal':  StringField,
    'Password': StringField,
    'String' :  StringField,
    'Time':     TimeField,