author Rémi Cardona <>
Thu, 10 Dec 2015 12:34:15 +0100
changeset 10960 9e64fddebc89
parent 8207 c04676b16c59
permissions -rw-r--r--
merge with 3.21.3 The change in is needed because of daef7ce08fea (from 3.20.11) and 3914388b2d0f (from the 3.22 branch). Due to both changes, CubicWebTC.config.repository no longer creates a new repository (and thus, a new connection). Since both DBDumpCommand and CubicWebTC.tearDown try to shutdown the repo, tearDown breaks apart. The solution is to temporarily disable ServerConfiguration's config cache. By forcing DBDumpCommand to get a new configuration object, it then gets its own Repo object, allowing tearDown and DBDumpCommand to work independently.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Put here information about external resources / styles used by your cube,
# or to overides existing UI properties.
# Existing properties are available through the `sheet` dictionary available
# in the global namespace. You also have access to a `data` function which
# will return proper url for resources in the 'data' directory.
# /!\ this file should not be imported /!\

# CSS stylesheets to include in HTML headers
# uncomment the line below to use template specific stylesheet
# STYLESHEETS = sheet['STYLESHEETS'] + [data('cubes.%(cubename)s.css')]