[forms] fix multiple edit bug introduced by changeset cebdf8ee5ad7
Changeset cebdf8ee5ad7 assumed that edited entity was either explicitly
passed to the form or found in first row / first col of the resultset
because of the one_line_rset() selector.
But one_line_rset() is actually trickier : the selector returns 1
if the resultset has more than one row **if** an explicit row is
specified during selection process. This is exactly what is done
in the 'muledit' form :
for row in xrange(len(self.rset)):
form = self.vreg['forms'].select('edition', self.req,
rset=self.rset, row=row, #...
This changeset thus takes row in consideration to find edited entity
if 'row' was explcitly specified.
"""hooks triggered on email entities creation:
* look for state change instruction (XXX security)
* set email content as a comment on an entity when comments are supported and
linking information are found
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2003-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import re
from cubicweb import UnknownEid, typed_eid
from cubicweb.view import Component
# XXX use user session if gpg signature validated
class TextAnalyzer(Component):
"""analyze and extract information from plain text by calling registered
text parsers
id = 'textanalyzer'
def parse(self, caller, text):
for parsercls in self.req.vreg['components'].get('textparser', ()):
parsercls(self.req).parse(caller, text)
class TextParser(Component):
"""base class for text parser, responsible to extract some information
from plain text. When something is done, it usually call the
.fire_event(something, {event args})
method on the caller.
id = 'textparser'
__abstract__ = True
def parse(self, caller, text):
raise NotImplementedError
class ChangeStateTextParser(TextParser):
"""search some text for change state instruction in the form
:<transition name>: #?<eid>
instr_rgx = re.compile(':(\w+):\s*#?(\d+)', re.U)
def parse(self, caller, text):
for trname, eid in self.instr_rgx.findall(text):
entity = self.req.entity_from_eid(typed_eid(eid))
except UnknownEid:
self.error("can't get entity with eid %s", eid)
if not hasattr(entity, 'in_state'):
self.error('bad change state instruction for eid %s', eid)
tr = entity.current_workflow and entity.current_workflow.transition_by_name(trname)
if tr and tr.may_be_fired(entity.eid):
trinfo = entity.fire_transition(tr)
caller.fire_event('state-changed', {'trinfo': trinfo,
'entity': entity})
self.exception('while changing state of %s', entity)
self.error("can't pass transition %s on entity %s",
trname, entity)