author Denis Laxalde <>
Thu, 21 Mar 2019 14:33:54 +0100
changeset 12530 9d88e1177c35
parent 11220 ffef75b7a26e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove Twisted web server Twisted web server is not used anymore and has been superseded by pyramid many years ago. Furthermore, our usage is not compatible with Python 3. So we drop the "etwist" sub-package. As a consequence, "all-in-one" configuration type gets dropped as it was Twisted-specific. We resurrect it in cubicweb/pyramid/ by only keeping options used by the "pyramid". Similarly, we introduce a AllInOneCreateHandler in cubicweb/pyramid/ that is basically the one that lived in cubicweb/etwist/ and is used to create the "all-in-one" instance. Added a TODO here about "pyramid.ini" that could be generated at the end of bootstrap() method. In cubicweb/devtools/, CubicWebServerTC is now equivalent to CubicWebWsgiTC and the latter is dropped.

"""Pylint plugin to analyse cubicweb cubes

* turn functions decorated by @objectify_predicate into classes
* add yams base types to yams.buildobjs module
* add data() function to uiprops module's namespace
* avoid 'abstract method not implemented' for `cell_call`, `entity_call`, `render_body`
* avoid invalid-name on schema relation class names

* avoid invalid class name for predicates and predicates
* W:188, 0: Method '__lt__' is abstract in class 'Entity' but is not overridden (abstract-method)
* generate entity attributes from the schema?

from astroid import MANAGER, InferenceError, nodes, ClassDef, FunctionDef
from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder

from pylint.checkers.utils import unimplemented_abstract_methods, class_is_abstract

def turn_function_to_class(node):
    """turn a Function node into a Class node (in-place)"""
    node.__class__ = ClassDef
    node.bases = ()
    # mark class as a new style class
    node._newstyle = True
    # remove return nodes so that we don't get warned about 'return outside
    # function' by pylint
    for rnode in node.nodes_of_class(nodes.Return):
    # add __init__ method to avoid no-init

    # that seems to be enough :)

def cubicweb_transform(module):
    # handle objectify_predicate decorator (and its former name until bw compat
    # is kept). Only look at module level functions, should be enough.
    for assnodes in module.locals.values():
        for node in assnodes:
            if isinstance(node, FunctionDef) and node.decorators:
                for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
                        for infered in decorator.infer():
                            if in ('objectify_predicate', 'objectify_selector'):
                    except InferenceError:
    # add yams base types into 'yams.buildobjs', astng doesn't grasp globals()
    # magic in there
    if == 'yams.buildobjs':
        from yams import BASE_TYPES
        for etype in BASE_TYPES:
            module.locals[etype] = [ClassDef(etype, None)]
    # add data() to uiprops module
    elif'.')[-1] == 'uiprops':
        fake = AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build('''
def data(string):
  return u''
        module.locals['data'] = fake.locals['data']
    # handle lower case with underscores for relation names in
    if not module.qname().endswith('.schema'):
    schema_locals = module.locals
    for assnodes in schema_locals.values():
        for node in assnodes:
            if not isinstance(node, ClassDef):
            # XXX can we infer ancestor classes? it would be better to know for sure that
            # one of the mother classes is yams.buildobjs.RelationDefinition for instance
            for base in node.basenames:
                if base in ('RelationDefinition', 'ComputedRelation', 'RelationType'):
                    new_name ='_', '').capitalize()
                    schema_locals[new_name] = schema_locals[]
                    del schema_locals[]
           = new_name

def cubicweb_abstractmethods_transform(classdef):
    if class_is_abstract(classdef):

    def is_abstract(method):
        return method.is_abstract(pass_is_abstract=False)

    methods = sorted(
        unimplemented_abstract_methods(classdef, is_abstract).items(),
        key=lambda item: item[0],

    dummy_method = AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build('''
def dummy_method(self):

    for name, method in methods:
        owner = method.parent.frame()
        if owner is classdef:
        if name not in classdef.locals:
            if name in ('cell_call', 'entity_call', 'render_body'):
                classdef.set_local(name, dummy_method)

def register(linter):
    """called when loaded by pylint --load-plugins, nothing to do here"""
    MANAGER.register_transform(nodes.Module, cubicweb_transform)
    MANAGER.register_transform(ClassDef, cubicweb_abstractmethods_transform)