[treeview] if the client is not interested in maintaining the tree state across page reloads, we must provide a treeid
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main
from cubicweb.devtools.apptest import EnvBasedTC
from cubicweb.common.rest import rest_publish
class RestTC(EnvBasedTC):
def context(self):
return self.execute('EUser X WHERE X login "admin"').get_entity(0, 0)
def test_eid_role(self):
context = self.context()
self.assertEquals(rest_publish(context, ':eid:`%s`' % context.eid),
'<p><a class="reference" href="http://testing.fr/cubicweb/euser/admin">#%s</a></p>\n' % context.eid)
self.assertEquals(rest_publish(context, ':eid:`%s:some text`' % context.eid),
'<p><a class="reference" href="http://testing.fr/cubicweb/euser/admin">some text</a></p>\n')
def test_card_role_create(self):
self.assertEquals(rest_publish(self.context(), ':card:`index`'),
'<p><a class="reference" href="http://testing.fr/cubicweb/view?etype=Card&wikiid=index&vid=creation">index</a></p>\n')
def test_card_role_link(self):
self.add_entity('Card', wikiid=u'index', title=u'Site index page', synopsis=u'yo')
self.assertEquals(rest_publish(self.context(), ':card:`index`'),
'<p><a class="reference" href="http://testing.fr/cubicweb/card/index">index</a></p>\n')
def test_bad_rest_no_crash(self):
data = rest_publish(self.context(), '''
| card | implication |
| 1-1 | N1 = N2 |
| 1-? | N1 <= N2 |
| 1-+ | N1 >= N2 |
| 1-* | N1>0 => N2>0 |
| ?-? | N1 # N2 |
| ?-+ | N1 >= N2 |
| ?-* | N1 # N2 |
| +-+ | N1>0 => N2>0 et |
| | N2>0 => N1>0 |
| +-* | N1>+ => N2>0 |
| *-* | N1#N2 |
if __name__ == '__main__':