author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Thu, 20 May 2010 20:47:55 +0200
changeset 5556 9ab2b4c74baf
parent 5424 8ecbcbff9777
child 5569 cb14af012a96
permissions -rw-r--r--
[entity] introduce a new 'adapters' registry This changeset introduces the notion in adapters (as in Zope Component Architecture) in a cubicweb way, eg using a specific registry of appobjects. This allows nicer code structure, by avoid clutering entity classes and moving code usually specific to a place of the ui (or something else) together with the code that use the interface. We don't use actual interface anymore, they are implied by adapters (which may be abstract), whose reg id is an interface name. Appobjects that used to 'implements(IFace)' should now be rewritten by: * coding an IFaceAdapter(EntityAdapter) defining (implementing if desired) the interface, usually with __regid__ = 'IFace' * use "adaptable('IFace')" as selector instead Also, the implements_adapter_compat decorator eases backward compatibility with adapter's methods that may still be found on entities implementing the interface. Notice that unlike ZCA, we don't support automatic adapters chain (yagni?). All interfaces defined in cubicweb have been turned into adapters, also some new ones have been introduced to cleanup Entity / AnyEntity classes namespace. At the end, the pluggable mixins mecanism should disappear in favor of adapters as well.

# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""html timetable views"""

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode

from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
from logilab.common.date import ONEDAY, date_range, todatetime

from cubicweb.selectors import adaptable
from cubicweb.view import EntityView

class _TaskEntry(object):
    def __init__(self, task, color, column):
        self.task = task
        self.color = color
        self.column = column
        self.lines = 1

MIN_COLS = 3  # minimum number of task columns for a single user
ALL_USERS = object()

class TimeTableView(EntityView):
    __regid__ = 'timetable'
    title = _('timetable')
    __select__ = adaptable('ICalendarable')
    paginable = False

    def call(self, title=None):
        """Dumps a timetable from a resultset composed of a note (anything
        with start/stop) and a user (anything)"""
        dates = {}
        users = []
        users_max = {}
        # XXX: try refactoring with calendar.py:OneMonthCal
        for row in xrange(self.cw_rset.rowcount):
            task = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, 0)
            icalendarable = task.cw_adapt_to('ICalendarable')
            if len(self.cw_rset[row]) > 1:
                user = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, 1)
                user = ALL_USERS
            the_dates = []
            if icalendarable.start and icalendarable.stop:
                if icalendarable.start.toordinal() == icalendarable.stop.toordinal():
                    the_dates += date_range(icalendarable.start,
                                            icalendarable.stop + ONEDAY)
            elif icalendarable.start:
            elif icalendarable.stop:
            for d in the_dates:
                d = todatetime(d)
                d_users = dates.setdefault(d, {})
                u_tasks = d_users.setdefault(user, set())
                u_tasks.add( task )
                task_max = users_max.setdefault(user, 0)
                if len(u_tasks)>task_max:
                    users_max[user] = len(u_tasks)
            if user not in users:
                # keep original ordering
        if not dates:
        date_min = min(dates)
        date_max = max(dates)
        #users = list(sorted(users, key=lambda u:u.login))

        rows = []
        # colors here are class names defined in cubicweb.css
        colors = ["col%x" % i for i in xrange(12)]
        next_color_index = 0

        visited_tasks = {} # holds a description of a task for a user
        task_colors = {}   # remember a color assigned to a task
        for date in date_range(date_min, date_max):
            columns = [date]
            d_users = dates.get(date, {})
            for user in users:
                # every user has its column "splitted" in at least MIN_COLS
                # sub-columns (for overlapping tasks)
                user_columns = [None] * max(MIN_COLS, users_max[user])
                # every task that is "visited" for the first time
                # require a special treatment, so we put them in
                # 'postpone'
                postpone = []
                for task in d_users.get(user, []):
                    key = (task, user)
                    if key in visited_tasks:
                        task_descr = visited_tasks[ key ]
                        user_columns[task_descr.column] = task_descr, False
                        task_descr.lines += 1
                for key in postpone:
                    # to every 'new' task we must affect a color
                    # (which must be the same for every user concerned
                    # by the task)
                    task, user = key
                    for i, t in enumerate(user_columns):
                        if t is None:
                            if task in task_colors:
                                color = task_colors[task]
                                color = colors[next_color_index]
                                next_color_index = (next_color_index+1)%len(colors)
                                task_colors[task] = color
                            task_descr = _TaskEntry(task, color, i)
                            user_columns[i] = task_descr, True
                            visited_tasks[key] = task_descr
                        raise RuntimeError("is it possible we got it wrong?")

                columns.append( user_columns )
            rows.append( columns )

        widths = [ len(col) for col in rows[0][1:] ]
        self.w(u'<div class="section">')
        if title:
            self.w(u'<h4>%s</h4>\n' % title)
        self.w(u'<table class="listing timetable">')
        self.render_col_headers(users, widths)

    def render_col_headers(self, users, widths):
        """ render column headers """
        self.w(u'<tr class="header">\n')

        self.w(u'<th class="ttdate">&#160;</th>\n')
        columns = []
        for user, width in zip(users, widths):
            self.w(u'<th colspan="%s">' % max(MIN_COLS, width))
            if user is ALL_USERS:
                user.view('oneline', w=self.w)
        return columns

    def render_rows(self, rows):
        """ render table content (row headers and central content) """
        odd = False
        previous_is_empty = False
        for row in rows:
            date = row[0]
            empty_line = True
            for group in row[1:]:
                for value in group:
                    if value:
                        empty_line = False
            if empty_line and previous_is_empty:
            previous_is_empty = False

            klass = "even"
            if date.weekday() in (5, 6) and not empty_line:
                klass = "odd"
            self.w(u'<tr class="%s">' % klass)
            odd = not odd

            if not empty_line:
                self.w(u'<th class="ttdate">%s</th>' % self._cw.format_date(date) )
                self.w(u'<th>...</th>'  )
                previous_is_empty = True

            empty_klasses = [ "ttle", "ttme", "ttre" ]
            filled_klasses = [ "ttlf", "ttmf", "ttrf" ]
            kj = 0 # 0: left, 1: mid, 2: right
            for uid, group in enumerate(row[1:]):
                for i, value in enumerate(group):
                    if i == 0:
                        kj = 0
                    elif i == len(group):
                        kj = 2
                        kj = 1
                    if value:
                        task_descr, first_row = value
                        if first_row:
                            url = xml_escape(task_descr.task.absolute_url(vid="edition"))
                            self.w(u'<td rowspan="%d" class="%s %s" onclick="document.location=\'%s\'">&#160;<div>' % (
                                task_descr.lines, task_descr.color, filled_klasses[kj], url))
                            task_descr.task.view('tooltip', w=self.w)
                        if empty_line:
                            self.w(u'<td class="ttempty">&#160;</td>')
                            self.w(u'<td class="%s">&#160;</td>' % empty_klasses[kj] )