[entity] introduce a new 'adapters' registry
This changeset introduces the notion in adapters (as in Zope Component Architecture)
in a cubicweb way, eg using a specific registry of appobjects.
This allows nicer code structure, by avoid clutering entity classes and moving
code usually specific to a place of the ui (or something else) together with the
code that use the interface.
We don't use actual interface anymore, they are implied by adapters (which
may be abstract), whose reg id is an interface name.
Appobjects that used to 'implements(IFace)' should now be rewritten by:
* coding an IFaceAdapter(EntityAdapter) defining (implementing if desired)
the interface, usually with __regid__ = 'IFace'
* use "adaptable('IFace')" as selector instead
Also, the implements_adapter_compat decorator eases backward compatibility
with adapter's methods that may still be found on entities implementing
the interface.
Notice that unlike ZCA, we don't support automatic adapters chain (yagni?).
All interfaces defined in cubicweb have been turned into adapters, also
some new ones have been introduced to cleanup Entity / AnyEntity classes
namespace. At the end, the pluggable mixins mecanism should disappear in
favor of adapters as well.
# This file has been extracted from the abandoned TwistedWeb2 project
# http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedWeb2
from __future__ import generators
import types, time
from calendar import timegm
import base64
import re
def dashCapitalize(s):
''' Capitalize a string, making sure to treat - as a word seperator '''
return '-'.join([ x.capitalize() for x in s.split('-')])
# datetime parsing and formatting
weekdayname = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
weekdayname_lower = [name.lower() for name in weekdayname]
monthname = [None,
'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
monthname_lower = [name and name.lower() for name in monthname]
# HTTP Header parsing API
header_case_mapping = {}
def casemappingify(d):
global header_case_mapping
newd = dict([(key.lower(),key) for key in d.keys()])
def lowerify(d):
return dict([(key.lower(),value) for key,value in d.items()])
class HeaderHandler(object):
"""HeaderHandler manages header generating and parsing functions.
HTTPParsers = {}
HTTPGenerators = {}
def __init__(self, parsers=None, generators=None):
@param parsers: A map of header names to parsing functions.
@type parsers: L{dict}
@param generators: A map of header names to generating functions.
@type generators: L{dict}
if parsers:
if generators:
def parse(self, name, header):
Parse the given header based on its given name.
@param name: The header name to parse.
@type name: C{str}
@param header: A list of unparsed headers.
@type header: C{list} of C{str}
@return: The return value is the parsed header representation,
it is dependent on the header. See the HTTP Headers document.
parser = self.HTTPParsers.get(name, None)
if parser is None:
raise ValueError("No header parser for header '%s', either add one or use getHeaderRaw." % (name,))
for p in parser:
# print "Parsing %s: %s(%s)" % (name, repr(p), repr(h))
header = p(header)
# if isinstance(h, types.GeneratorType):
# h=list(h)
except ValueError,v:
# print v
return header
def generate(self, name, header):
Generate the given header based on its given name.
@param name: The header name to generate.
@type name: C{str}
@param header: A parsed header, such as the output of
@return: C{list} of C{str} each representing a generated HTTP header.
generator = self.HTTPGenerators.get(name, None)
if generator is None:
# print self.generators
raise ValueError("No header generator for header '%s', either add one or use setHeaderRaw." % (name,))
for g in generator:
header = g(header)
#self._raw_headers[name] = h
return header
def updateParsers(self, parsers):
"""Update en masse the parser maps.
@param parsers: Map of header names to parser chains.
@type parsers: C{dict}
def addParser(self, name, value):
"""Add an individual parser chain for the given header.
@param name: Name of the header to add
@type name: C{str}
@param value: The parser chain
@type value: C{str}
self.updateParsers({name: value})
def updateGenerators(self, generators):
"""Update en masse the generator maps.
@param parsers: Map of header names to generator chains.
@type parsers: C{dict}
def addGenerators(self, name, value):
"""Add an individual generator chain for the given header.
@param name: Name of the header to add
@type name: C{str}
@param value: The generator chain
@type value: C{str}
self.updateGenerators({name: value})
def update(self, parsers, generators):
"""Conveniently update parsers and generators all at once.
DefaultHTTPHandler = HeaderHandler()
## HTTP DateTime parser
def parseDateTime(dateString):
"""Convert an HTTP date string (one of three formats) to seconds since epoch."""
parts = dateString.split()
if not parts[0][0:3].lower() in weekdayname_lower:
# Weekday is stupid. Might have been omitted.
return parseDateTime("Sun, "+dateString)
except ValueError:
# Guess not.
partlen = len(parts)
if (partlen == 5 or partlen == 6) and parts[1].isdigit():
# 1st date format: Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT
# (Note: "GMT" is literal, not a variable timezone)
# (also handles without "GMT")
# This is the normal format
day = parts[1]
month = parts[2]
year = parts[3]
time = parts[4]
elif (partlen == 3 or partlen == 4) and parts[1].find('-') != -1:
# 2nd date format: Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT
# (Note: "GMT" is literal, not a variable timezone)
# (also handles without without "GMT")
# Two digit year, yucko.
day, month, year = parts[1].split('-')
time = parts[2]
if year < 69:
year = year + 2000
elif year < 100:
year = year + 1900
elif len(parts) == 5:
# 3rd date format: Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994
# ANSI C asctime() format.
day = parts[2]
month = parts[1]
year = parts[4]
time = parts[3]
raise ValueError("Unknown datetime format %r" % dateString)
day = int(day)
month = int(monthname_lower.index(month.lower()))
year = int(year)
hour, min, sec = map(int, time.split(':'))
return int(timegm((year, month, day, hour, min, sec)))
##### HTTP tokenizer
class Token(str):
tokens = {}
def __new__(self, char):
token = Token.tokens.get(char)
if token is None:
Token.tokens[char] = token = str.__new__(self, char)
return token
def __repr__(self):
return "Token(%s)" % str.__repr__(self)
http_tokens = " \t\"()<>@,;:\\/[]?={}"
http_ctls = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x7f"
def tokenize(header, foldCase=True):
"""Tokenize a string according to normal HTTP header parsing rules.
In particular:
- Whitespace is irrelevant and eaten next to special separator tokens.
Its existance (but not amount) is important between character strings.
- Quoted string support including embedded backslashes.
- Case is insignificant (and thus lowercased), except in quoted strings.
(unless foldCase=False)
- Multiple headers are concatenated with ','
NOTE: not all headers can be parsed with this function.
Takes a raw header value (list of strings), and
Returns a generator of strings and Token class instances.
string = ",".join(header)
list = []
start = 0
cur = 0
quoted = False
qpair = False
inSpaces = -1
qstring = None
for x in string:
if quoted:
if qpair:
qpair = False
qstring = qstring+string[start:cur-1]+x
start = cur+1
elif x == '\\':
qpair = True
elif x == '"':
quoted = False
yield qstring+string[start:cur]
start = cur+1
elif x in tokens:
if start != cur:
if foldCase:
yield string[start:cur].lower()
yield string[start:cur]
start = cur+1
if x == '"':
quoted = True
qstring = ""
inSpaces = False
elif x in " \t":
if inSpaces is False:
inSpaces = True
inSpaces = -1
yield Token(x)
elif x in ctls:
raise ValueError("Invalid control character: %d in header" % ord(x))
if inSpaces is True:
yield Token(' ')
inSpaces = False
inSpaces = False
cur = cur+1
if qpair:
raise ValueError, "Missing character after '\\'"
if quoted:
raise ValueError, "Missing end quote"
if start != cur:
if foldCase:
yield string[start:cur].lower()
yield string[start:cur]
def split(seq, delim):
"""The same as str.split but works on arbitrary sequences.
Too bad it's not builtin to python!"""
cur = []
for item in seq:
if item == delim:
yield cur
cur = []
yield cur
# def find(seq, *args):
# """The same as seq.index but returns -1 if not found, instead
# Too bad it's not builtin to python!"""
# try:
# return seq.index(value, *args)
# except ValueError:
# return -1
def filterTokens(seq):
"""Filter out instances of Token, leaving only a list of strings.
Used instead of a more specific parsing method (e.g. splitting on commas)
when only strings are expected, so as to be a little lenient.
Apache does it this way and has some comments about broken clients which
forget commas (?), so I'm doing it the same way. It shouldn't
hurt anything, in any case.
for x in seq:
if not isinstance(x, Token):
return l
##### parser utilities:
def checkSingleToken(tokens):
if len(tokens) != 1:
raise ValueError, "Expected single token, not %s." % (tokens,)
return tokens[0]
def parseKeyValue(val):
if len(val) == 1:
return val[0],None
elif len(val) == 3 and val[1] == Token('='):
return val[0],val[2]
raise ValueError, "Expected key or key=value, but got %s." % (val,)
def parseArgs(field):
args=split(field, Token(';'))
val = args.next()
args = [parseKeyValue(arg) for arg in args]
return val,args
def listParser(fun):
"""Return a function which applies 'fun' to every element in the
comma-separated list"""
def listParserHelper(tokens):
fields = split(tokens, Token(','))
for field in fields:
if len(field) != 0:
yield fun(field)
return listParserHelper
def last(seq):
"""Return seq[-1]"""
return seq[-1]
##### Generation utilities
def quoteString(s):
return '"%s"' % s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
def listGenerator(fun):
"""Return a function which applies 'fun' to every element in
the given list, then joins the result with generateList"""
def listGeneratorHelper(l):
return generateList([fun(e) for e in l])
return listGeneratorHelper
def generateList(seq):
return ", ".join(seq)
def singleHeader(item):
return [item]
def generateKeyValues(kvs):
l = []
# print kvs
for k,v in kvs:
if v is None:
l.append('%s' % k)
l.append('%s=%s' % (k,v))
return ";".join(l)
class MimeType(object):
def fromString(klass, mimeTypeString):
"""Generate a MimeType object from the given string.
@param mimeTypeString: The mimetype to parse
@return: L{MimeType}
return DefaultHTTPHandler.parse('content-type', [mimeTypeString])
fromString = classmethod(fromString)
def __init__(self, mediaType, mediaSubtype, params={}, **kwargs):
@type mediaType: C{str}
@type mediaSubtype: C{str}
@type params: C{dict}
self.mediaType = mediaType
self.mediaSubtype = mediaSubtype
self.params = dict(params)
if kwargs:
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, MimeType): return NotImplemented
return (self.mediaType == other.mediaType and
self.mediaSubtype == other.mediaSubtype and
self.params == other.params)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __repr__(self):
return "MimeType(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.mediaType, self.mediaSubtype, self.params)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.mediaType)^hash(self.mediaSubtype)^hash(tuple(self.params.iteritems()))
##### Specific header parsers.
def parseAccept(field):
type,args = parseArgs(field)
if len(type) != 3 or type[1] != Token('/'):
raise ValueError, "MIME Type "+str(type)+" invalid."
# okay, this spec is screwy. A 'q' parameter is used as the separator
# between MIME parameters and (as yet undefined) additional HTTP
# parameters.
num = 0
for arg in args:
if arg[0] == 'q':
num = num + 1
# Default values for parameters:
qval = 1.0
# Parse accept parameters:
for param in params:
if param[0] =='q':
qval = float(param[1])
# Warn? ignored parameter.
ret = MimeType(type[0],type[2],mimeparams),qval
return ret
def parseAcceptQvalue(field):
type = checkSingleToken(type)
qvalue = 1.0 # Default qvalue is 1
for arg in args:
if arg[0] == 'q':
qvalue = float(arg[1])
return type,qvalue
def addDefaultCharset(charsets):
if charsets.get('*') is None and charsets.get('iso-8859-1') is None:
charsets['iso-8859-1'] = 1.0
return charsets
def addDefaultEncoding(encodings):
if encodings.get('*') is None and encodings.get('identity') is None:
# RFC doesn't specify a default value for identity, only that it
# "is acceptable" if not mentioned. Thus, give it a very low qvalue.
encodings['identity'] = .0001
return encodings
def parseContentType(header):
# Case folding is disabled for this header, because of use of
# Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=CaSeFuLsTuFf
# So, we need to explicitly .lower() the type/subtype and arg keys.
type,args = parseArgs(header)
if len(type) != 3 or type[1] != Token('/'):
raise ValueError, "MIME Type "+str(type)+" invalid."
args = [(kv[0].lower(), kv[1]) for kv in args]
return MimeType(type[0].lower(), type[2].lower(), tuple(args))
def parseContentMD5(header):
return base64.decodestring(header)
except Exception,e:
raise ValueError(e)
def parseContentRange(header):
"""Parse a content-range header into (kind, start, end, realLength).
realLength might be None if real length is not known ('*').
start and end might be None if start,end unspecified (for response code 416)
kind, other = header.strip().split()
if kind.lower() != "bytes":
raise ValueError("a range of type %r is not supported")
startend, realLength = other.split("/")
if startend.strip() == '*':
start, end = map(int, startend.split("-"))
if realLength == "*":
realLength = None
realLength = int(realLength)
return (kind, start, end, realLength)
def parseExpect(field):
return (type[0], (lambda *args:args)(type[1], *args))
def parseExpires(header):
# """HTTP/1.1 clients and caches MUST treat other invalid date formats,
# especially including the value 0, as in the past (i.e., "already expired")."""
return parseDateTime(header)
except ValueError:
return 0
def parseIfModifiedSince(header):
# Ancient versions of netscape and *current* versions of MSIE send
# If-Modified-Since: Thu, 05 Aug 2004 12:57:27 GMT; length=123
# which is blantantly RFC-violating and not documented anywhere
# except bug-trackers for web frameworks.
# So, we'll just strip off everything after a ';'.
return parseDateTime(header.split(';', 1)[0])
def parseIfRange(headers):
return ETag.parse(tokenize(headers))
except ValueError:
return parseDateTime(last(headers))
def parseRange(range):
range = list(range)
if len(range) < 3 or range[1] != Token('='):
raise ValueError("Invalid range header format: %s" %(range,))
if type != 'bytes':
raise ValueError("Unknown range unit: %s." % (type,))
rangeset=split(range[2:], Token(','))
ranges = []
for byterangespec in rangeset:
if len(byterangespec) != 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid range header format: %s" % (range,))
if not start and not end:
raise ValueError("Invalid range header format: %s" % (range,))
if start:
start = int(start)
start = None
if end:
end = int(end)
end = None
if start and end and start > end:
raise ValueError("Invalid range header, start > end: %s" % (range,))
return type,ranges
def parseRetryAfter(header):
# delta seconds
return time.time() + int(header)
except ValueError:
# or datetime
return parseDateTime(header)
# WWW-Authenticate and Authorization
def parseWWWAuthenticate(tokenized):
headers = []
tokenList = list(tokenized)
while tokenList:
scheme = tokenList.pop(0)
challenge = {}
last = None
kvChallenge = False
while tokenList:
token = tokenList.pop(0)
if token == Token('='):
kvChallenge = True
challenge[last] = tokenList.pop(0)
last = None
elif token == Token(','):
if kvChallenge:
if len(tokenList) > 1 and tokenList[1] != Token('='):
last = token
if last and scheme and not challenge and not kvChallenge:
challenge = last
last = None
headers.append((scheme, challenge))
if last and last not in (Token('='), Token(',')):
if headers[-1] == (scheme, challenge):
scheme = last
challenge = {}
headers.append((scheme, challenge))
return headers
def parseAuthorization(header):
scheme, rest = header.split(' ', 1)
# this header isn't tokenized because it may eat characters
# in the unquoted base64 encoded credentials
return scheme.lower(), rest
#### Header generators
def generateAccept(accept):
mimeType,q = accept
out="%s/%s"%(mimeType.mediaType, mimeType.mediaSubtype)
if mimeType.params:
if q != 1.0:
out+=(';q=%.3f' % (q,)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
return out
def removeDefaultEncoding(seq):
for item in seq:
if item[0] != 'identity' or item[1] != .0001:
yield item
def generateAcceptQvalue(keyvalue):
if keyvalue[1] == 1.0:
return "%s" % keyvalue[0:1]
return ("%s;q=%.3f" % keyvalue).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
def parseCacheControl(kv):
k, v = parseKeyValue(kv)
if k == 'max-age' or k == 'min-fresh' or k == 's-maxage':
# Required integer argument
if v is None:
v = 0
v = int(v)
elif k == 'max-stale':
# Optional integer argument
if v is not None:
v = int(v)
elif k == 'private' or k == 'no-cache':
# Optional list argument
if v is not None:
v = [field.strip().lower() for field in v.split(',')]
return k, v
def generateCacheControl((k, v)):
if v is None:
return str(k)
if k == 'no-cache' or k == 'private':
# quoted list of values
v = quoteString(generateList(
[header_case_mapping.get(name) or dashCapitalize(name) for name in v]))
return '%s=%s' % (k,v)
def generateContentRange(tup):
"""tup is (type, start, end, len)
len can be None.
type, start, end, len = tup
if len == None:
len = '*'
len = int(len)
if start == None and end == None:
startend = '*'
startend = '%d-%d' % (start, end)
return '%s %s/%s' % (type, startend, len)
def generateDateTime(secSinceEpoch):
"""Convert seconds since epoch to HTTP datetime string."""
year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time.gmtime(secSinceEpoch)
s = "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (
day, monthname[month], year,
hh, mm, ss)
return s
def generateExpect(item):
if item[1][0] is None:
out = '%s' % (item[0],)
out = '%s=%s' % (item[0], item[1][0])
if len(item[1]) > 1:
out += ';'+generateKeyValues(item[1][1:])
return out
def generateRange(range):
def noneOr(s):
if s is None:
return ''
return s
if type != 'bytes':
raise ValueError("Unknown range unit: "+type+".")
return (type+'='+
','.join(['%s-%s' % (noneOr(startend[0]), noneOr(startend[1]))
for startend in ranges]))
def generateRetryAfter(when):
# always generate delta seconds format
return str(int(when - time.time()))
def generateContentType(mimeType):
out="%s/%s"%(mimeType.mediaType, mimeType.mediaSubtype)
if mimeType.params:
return out
def generateIfRange(dateOrETag):
if isinstance(dateOrETag, ETag):
return dateOrETag.generate()
return generateDateTime(dateOrETag)
# WWW-Authenticate and Authorization
def generateWWWAuthenticate(headers):
_generated = []
for seq in headers:
scheme, challenge = seq[0], seq[1]
# If we're going to parse out to something other than a dict
# we need to be able to generate from something other than a dict
l = []
for k,v in dict(challenge).iteritems():
l.append("%s=%s" % (k, quoteString(v)))
_generated.append("%s %s" % (scheme, ", ".join(l)))
except ValueError:
_generated.append("%s %s" % (scheme, challenge))
return _generated
def generateAuthorization(seq):
return [' '.join(seq)]
class ETag(object):
def __init__(self, tag, weak=False):
self.tag = str(tag)
self.weak = weak
def match(self, other, strongCompare):
# Sec 13.3.
# The strong comparison function: in order to be considered equal, both
# validators MUST be identical in every way, and both MUST NOT be weak.
# The weak comparison function: in order to be considered equal, both
# validators MUST be identical in every way, but either or both of
# them MAY be tagged as "weak" without affecting the result.
if not isinstance(other, ETag) or other.tag != self.tag:
return False
if strongCompare and (other.weak or self.weak):
return False
return True
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, ETag) and other.tag == self.tag and other.weak == self.weak
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __repr__(self):
return "Etag(%r, weak=%r)" % (self.tag, self.weak)
def parse(tokens):
if len(tokens) == 1 and not isinstance(tokens[0], Token):
return ETag(tokens[0])
if(len(tokens) == 3 and tokens[0] == "w"
and tokens[1] == Token('/')):
return ETag(tokens[2], weak=True)
raise ValueError("Invalid ETag.")
def generate(self):
if self.weak:
return 'W/'+quoteString(self.tag)
return quoteString(self.tag)
def parseStarOrETag(tokens):
if tokens == ('*',):
return '*'
return ETag.parse(tokens)
def generateStarOrETag(etag):
if etag=='*':
return etag
return etag.generate()
#### Cookies. Blech!
class Cookie(object):
# __slots__ = ['name', 'value', 'path', 'domain', 'ports', 'expires', 'discard', 'secure', 'comment', 'commenturl', 'version']
def __init__(self, name, value, path=None, domain=None, ports=None, expires=None, discard=False, secure=False, comment=None, commenturl=None, version=0):
def __repr__(self):
s="Cookie(%r=%r" % (self.name, self.value)
if self.path is not None: s+=", path=%r" % (self.path,)
if self.domain is not None: s+=", domain=%r" % (self.domain,)
if self.ports is not None: s+=", ports=%r" % (self.ports,)
if self.expires is not None: s+=", expires=%r" % (self.expires,)
if self.secure is not False: s+=", secure=%r" % (self.secure,)
if self.comment is not None: s+=", comment=%r" % (self.comment,)
if self.commenturl is not None: s+=", commenturl=%r" % (self.commenturl,)
if self.version != 0: s+=", version=%r" % (self.version,)
return s
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Cookie) and
other.path == self.path and
other.domain == self.domain and
other.ports == self.ports and
other.expires == self.expires and
other.secure == self.secure and
other.comment == self.comment and
other.commenturl == self.commenturl and
other.version == self.version)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def parseCookie(headers):
"""Bleargh, the cookie spec sucks.
This surely needs interoperability testing.
There are two specs that are supported:
Version 0) http://wp.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html
Version 1) http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2965.html
cookies = []
# There can't really be multiple cookie headers according to RFC, because
# if multiple headers are allowed, they must be joinable with ",".
# Neither new RFC2965 cookies nor old netscape cookies are.
header = ';'.join(headers)
if header[0:8].lower() == "$version":
# RFC2965 cookie
h=tokenize([header], foldCase=False)
r_cookies = split(h, Token(','))
for r_cookie in r_cookies:
last_cookie = None
rr_cookies = split(r_cookie, Token(';'))
for cookie in rr_cookies:
nameval = tuple(split(cookie, Token('=')))
if len(nameval) == 2:
(name,), (value,) = nameval
(name,), = nameval
value = None
if name == '$version':
if name[0] == '$':
if last_cookie is not None:
if name == '$path':
elif name == '$domain':
elif name == '$port':
if value is None:
last_cookie.ports = ()
last_cookie.ports=tuple([int(s) for s in value.split(',')])
last_cookie = Cookie(name, value, version=1)
# Oldstyle cookies don't do quoted strings or anything sensible.
# All characters are valid for names except ';' and '=', and all
# characters are valid for values except ';'. Spaces are stripped,
# however.
r_cookies = header.split(';')
for r_cookie in r_cookies:
name,value = r_cookie.split('=', 1)
name=name.strip(' \t')
value=value.strip(' \t')
cookies.append(Cookie(name, value))
return cookies
cookie_validname = "[^"+re.escape(http_tokens+http_ctls)+"]*$"
cookie_validname_re = re.compile(cookie_validname)
cookie_validvalue = cookie_validname+'|"([^"]|\\\\")*"$'
cookie_validvalue_re = re.compile(cookie_validvalue)
def generateCookie(cookies):
# There's a fundamental problem with the two cookie specifications.
# They both use the "Cookie" header, and the RFC Cookie header only allows
# one version to be specified. Thus, when you have a collection of V0 and
# V1 cookies, you have to either send them all as V0 or send them all as
# V1.
# I choose to send them all as V1.
# You might think converting a V0 cookie to a V1 cookie would be lossless,
# but you'd be wrong. If you do the conversion, and a V0 parser tries to
# read the cookie, it will see a modified form of the cookie, in cases
# where quotes must be added to conform to proper V1 syntax.
# (as a real example: "Cookie: cartcontents=oid:94680,qty:1,auto:0,esp:y")
# However, that is what we will do, anyways. It has a high probability of
# breaking applications that only handle oldstyle cookies, where some other
# application set a newstyle cookie that is applicable over for site
# (or host), AND where the oldstyle cookie uses a value which is invalid
# syntax in a newstyle cookie.
# Also, the cookie name *cannot* be quoted in V1, so some cookies just
# cannot be converted at all. (e.g. "Cookie: phpAds_capAd[32]=2"). These
# are just dicarded during conversion.
# As this is an unsolvable problem, I will pretend I can just say
# OH WELL, don't do that, or else upgrade your old applications to have
# newstyle cookie parsers.
# I will note offhandedly that there are *many* sites which send V0 cookies
# that are not valid V1 cookie syntax. About 20% for my cookies file.
# However, they do not generally mix them with V1 cookies, so this isn't
# an issue, at least right now. I have not tested to see how many of those
# webapps support RFC2965 V1 cookies. I suspect not many.
max_version = max([cookie.version for cookie in cookies])
if max_version == 0:
# no quoting or anything.
return ';'.join(["%s=%s" % (cookie.name, cookie.value) for cookie in cookies])
str_cookies = ['$Version="1"']
for cookie in cookies:
if cookie.version == 0:
# Version 0 cookie: we make sure the name and value are valid
# V1 syntax.
# If they are, we use them as is. This means in *most* cases,
# the cookie will look literally the same on output as it did
# on input.
# If it isn't a valid name, ignore the cookie.
# If it isn't a valid value, quote it and hope for the best on
# the other side.
if cookie_validname_re.match(cookie.name) is None:
if cookie_validvalue_re.match(cookie.value) is None:
value = quoteString(value)
str_cookies.append("%s=%s" % (cookie.name, value))
# V1 cookie, nice and easy
str_cookies.append("%s=%s" % (cookie.name, quoteString(cookie.value)))
if cookie.path:
str_cookies.append("$Path=%s" % quoteString(cookie.path))
if cookie.domain:
str_cookies.append("$Domain=%s" % quoteString(cookie.domain))
if cookie.ports is not None:
if len(cookie.ports) == 0:
str_cookies.append("$Port=%s" % quoteString(",".join([str(x) for x in cookie.ports])))
return ';'.join(str_cookies)
def parseSetCookie(headers):
setCookies = []
for header in headers:
parts = header.split(';')
l = []
for part in parts:
namevalue = part.split('=',1)
if len(namevalue) == 1:
value=value.strip(' \t')
name=name.strip(' \t')
l.append((name, value))
setCookies.append(makeCookieFromList(l, True))
except ValueError:
# If we can't parse one Set-Cookie, ignore it,
# but not the rest of Set-Cookies.
return setCookies
def parseSetCookie2(toks):
outCookies = []
for cookie in [[parseKeyValue(x) for x in split(y, Token(';'))]
for y in split(toks, Token(','))]:
outCookies.append(makeCookieFromList(cookie, False))
except ValueError:
# Again, if we can't handle one cookie -- ignore it.
return outCookies
def makeCookieFromList(tup, netscapeFormat):
name, value = tup[0]
if name is None or value is None:
raise ValueError("Cookie has missing name or value")
if name.startswith("$"):
raise ValueError("Invalid cookie name: %r, starts with '$'." % name)
cookie = Cookie(name, value)
hadMaxAge = False
for name,value in tup[1:]:
name = name.lower()
if value is None:
if name in ("discard", "secure"):
# Boolean attrs
value = True
elif name != "port":
# Can be either boolean or explicit
if name in ("comment", "commenturl", "discard", "domain", "path", "secure"):
# simple cases
setattr(cookie, name, value)
elif name == "expires" and not hadMaxAge:
if netscapeFormat and value[0] == '"' and value[-1] == '"':
value = value[1:-1]
cookie.expires = parseDateTime(value)
elif name == "max-age":
hadMaxAge = True
cookie.expires = int(value) + time.time()
elif name == "port":
if value is None:
cookie.ports = ()
if netscapeFormat and value[0] == '"' and value[-1] == '"':
value = value[1:-1]
cookie.ports = tuple([int(s) for s in value.split(',')])
elif name == "version":
cookie.version = int(value)
return cookie
def generateSetCookie(cookies):
setCookies = []
for cookie in cookies:
out = ["%s=%s" % (cookie.name, cookie.value)]
if cookie.expires:
out.append("expires=%s" % generateDateTime(cookie.expires))
if cookie.path:
out.append("path=%s" % cookie.path)
if cookie.domain:
out.append("domain=%s" % cookie.domain)
if cookie.secure:
setCookies.append('; '.join(out))
return setCookies
def generateSetCookie2(cookies):
setCookies = []
for cookie in cookies:
out = ["%s=%s" % (cookie.name, quoteString(cookie.value))]
if cookie.comment:
out.append("Comment=%s" % quoteString(cookie.comment))
if cookie.commenturl:
out.append("CommentURL=%s" % quoteString(cookie.commenturl))
if cookie.discard:
if cookie.domain:
out.append("Domain=%s" % quoteString(cookie.domain))
if cookie.expires:
out.append("Max-Age=%s" % (cookie.expires - time.time()))
if cookie.path:
out.append("Path=%s" % quoteString(cookie.path))
if cookie.ports is not None:
if len(cookie.ports) == 0:
out.append("Port=%s" % quoteString(",".join([str(x) for x in cookie.ports])))
if cookie.secure:
setCookies.append('; '.join(out))
return setCookies
def parseDepth(depth):
if depth not in ("0", "1", "infinity"):
raise ValueError("Invalid depth header value: %s" % (depth,))
return depth
def parseOverWrite(overwrite):
if overwrite == "F":
return False
elif overwrite == "T":
return True
raise ValueError("Invalid overwrite header value: %s" % (overwrite,))
def generateOverWrite(overwrite):
if overwrite:
return "T"
return "F"
##### Random stuff that looks useful.
# def sortMimeQuality(s):
# def sorter(item1, item2):
# if item1[0] == '*':
# if item2[0] == '*':
# return 0
# def sortQuality(s):
# def sorter(item1, item2):
# if item1[1] < item2[1]:
# return -1
# if item1[1] < item2[1]:
# return 1
# if item1[0] == item2[0]:
# return 0
# def getMimeQuality(mimeType, accepts):
# type,args = parseArgs(mimeType)
# type=type.split(Token('/'))
# if len(type) != 2:
# raise ValueError, "MIME Type "+s+" invalid."
# for accept in accepts:
# accept,acceptQual=accept
# acceptType=accept[0:1]
# acceptArgs=accept[2]
# if ((acceptType == type or acceptType == (type[0],'*') or acceptType==('*','*')) and
# (args == acceptArgs or len(acceptArgs) == 0)):
# return acceptQual
# def getQuality(type, accepts):
# qual = accepts.get(type)
# if qual is not None:
# return qual
# return accepts.get('*')
# Headers object
class __RecalcNeeded(object):
def __repr__(self):
return "<RecalcNeeded>"
_RecalcNeeded = __RecalcNeeded()
class Headers(object):
"""This class stores the HTTP headers as both a parsed representation and
the raw string representation. It converts between the two on demand."""
def __init__(self, headers=None, rawHeaders=None, handler=DefaultHTTPHandler):
self._raw_headers = {}
self._headers = {}
self.handler = handler
if headers is not None:
for key, value in headers.iteritems():
self.setHeader(key, value)
if rawHeaders is not None:
for key, value in rawHeaders.iteritems():
self.setRawHeaders(key, value)
def _setRawHeaders(self, headers):
self._raw_headers = headers
self._headers = {}
def _toParsed(self, name):
r = self._raw_headers.get(name, None)
h = self.handler.parse(name, r)
if h is not None:
self._headers[name] = h
return h
def _toRaw(self, name):
h = self._headers.get(name, None)
r = self.handler.generate(name, h)
if r is not None:
self._raw_headers[name] = r
return r
def hasHeader(self, name):
"""Does a header with the given name exist?"""
return self._raw_headers.has_key(name)
def getRawHeaders(self, name, default=None):
"""Returns a list of headers matching the given name as the raw string given."""
raw_header = self._raw_headers.get(name, default)
if raw_header is not _RecalcNeeded:
return raw_header
return self._toRaw(name)
def getHeader(self, name, default=None):
"""Ret9urns the parsed representation of the given header.
The exact form of the return value depends on the header in question.
If no parser for the header exists, raise ValueError.
If the header doesn't exist, return default (or None if not specified)
parsed = self._headers.get(name, default)
if parsed is not _RecalcNeeded:
return parsed
return self._toParsed(name)
def setRawHeaders(self, name, value):
"""Sets the raw representation of the given header.
Value should be a list of strings, each being one header of the
given name.
self._raw_headers[name] = value
self._headers[name] = _RecalcNeeded
def setHeader(self, name, value):
"""Sets the parsed representation of the given header.
Value should be a list of objects whose exact form depends
on the header in question.
self._raw_headers[name] = _RecalcNeeded
self._headers[name] = value
def addRawHeader(self, name, value):
Add a raw value to a header that may or may not already exist.
If it exists, add it as a separate header to output; do not
replace anything.
raw_header = self._raw_headers.get(name)
if raw_header is None:
# No header yet
raw_header = []
self._raw_headers[name] = raw_header
elif raw_header is _RecalcNeeded:
raw_header = self._toRaw(name)
self._headers[name] = _RecalcNeeded
def removeHeader(self, name):
"""Removes the header named."""
if self._raw_headers.has_key(name):
del self._raw_headers[name]
del self._headers[name]
def __repr__(self):
return '<Headers: Raw: %s Parsed: %s>'% (self._raw_headers, self._headers)
def canonicalNameCaps(self, name):
"""Return the name with the canonical capitalization, if known,
otherwise, Caps-After-Dashes"""
return header_case_mapping.get(name) or dashCapitalize(name)
def getAllRawHeaders(self):
"""Return an iterator of key,value pairs of all headers
contained in this object, as strings. The keys are capitalized
in canonical capitalization."""
for k,v in self._raw_headers.iteritems():
if v is _RecalcNeeded:
v = self._toRaw(k)
yield self.canonicalNameCaps(k), v
def makeImmutable(self):
"""Make this header set immutable. All mutating operations will
raise an exception."""
self.setHeader = self.setRawHeaders = self.removeHeader = self._mutateRaise
def _mutateRaise(self, *args):
raise AttributeError("This header object is immutable as the headers have already been sent.")
"""The following dicts are all mappings of header to list of operations
to perform. The first operation should generally be 'tokenize' if the
header can be parsed according to the normal tokenization rules. If
it cannot, generally the first thing you want to do is take only the
last instance of the header (in case it was sent multiple times, which
is strictly an error, but we're nice.).
iteritems = lambda x: x.iteritems()
parser_general_headers = {
'Cache-Control':(tokenize, listParser(parseCacheControl), dict),
# 'Pragma':tokenize
# 'Trailer':tokenize
# 'Upgrade':tokenize
# 'Via':tokenize,stripComment
# 'Warning':tokenize
generator_general_headers = {
'Cache-Control':(iteritems, listGenerator(generateCacheControl), singleHeader),
# 'Pragma':
# 'Trailer':
# 'Upgrade':
# 'Via':
# 'Warning':
parser_request_headers = {
'Accept': (tokenize, listParser(parseAccept), dict),
'Accept-Charset': (tokenize, listParser(parseAcceptQvalue), dict, addDefaultCharset),
'Accept-Encoding':(tokenize, listParser(parseAcceptQvalue), dict, addDefaultEncoding),
'Accept-Language':(tokenize, listParser(parseAcceptQvalue), dict),
'Authorization': (last, parseAuthorization),
'Expect':(tokenize, listParser(parseExpect), dict),
'If-Match':(tokenize, listParser(parseStarOrETag), list),
'If-Modified-Since':(last, parseIfModifiedSince),
'If-None-Match':(tokenize, listParser(parseStarOrETag), list),
# 'Proxy-Authorization':str, # what is "credentials"
'Range':(tokenize, parseRange),
'Referer':(last,str), # TODO: URI object?
'TE':(tokenize, listParser(parseAcceptQvalue), dict),
generator_request_headers = {
'Accept': (iteritems,listGenerator(generateAccept),singleHeader),
'Accept-Charset': (iteritems, listGenerator(generateAcceptQvalue),singleHeader),
'Accept-Encoding': (iteritems, removeDefaultEncoding, listGenerator(generateAcceptQvalue),singleHeader),
'Accept-Language': (iteritems, listGenerator(generateAcceptQvalue),singleHeader),
'Authorization': (generateAuthorization,), # what is "credentials"
'Expect':(iteritems, listGenerator(generateExpect), singleHeader),
'If-Match':(listGenerator(generateStarOrETag), singleHeader),
'If-None-Match':(listGenerator(generateStarOrETag), singleHeader),
'If-Range':(generateIfRange, singleHeader),
'Max-Forwards':(str, singleHeader),
# 'Proxy-Authorization':str, # what is "credentials"
'TE': (iteritems, listGenerator(generateAcceptQvalue),singleHeader),
parser_response_headers = {
'Accept-Ranges':(tokenize, filterTokens),
'ETag':(tokenize, ETag.parse),
'Location':(last,), # TODO: URI object?
# 'Proxy-Authenticate'
'Retry-After':(last, parseRetryAfter),
'Set-Cookie2':(tokenize, parseSetCookie2),
'Vary':(tokenize, filterTokens),
'WWW-Authenticate': (lambda h: tokenize(h, foldCase=False),
generator_response_headers = {
'Accept-Ranges':(generateList, singleHeader),
'Age':(str, singleHeader),
'ETag':(ETag.generate, singleHeader),
'Location':(str, singleHeader),
# 'Proxy-Authenticate'
'Retry-After':(generateRetryAfter, singleHeader),
'Server':(str, singleHeader),
'Vary':(generateList, singleHeader),
parser_entity_headers = {
'Allow':(lambda str:tokenize(str, foldCase=False), filterTokens),
'Content-Encoding':(tokenize, filterTokens),
'Content-Language':(tokenize, filterTokens),
'Content-Length':(last, int),
'Content-Location':(last,), # TODO: URI object?
'Content-MD5':(last, parseContentMD5),
'Content-Range':(last, parseContentRange),
'Content-Type':(lambda str:tokenize(str, foldCase=False), parseContentType),
'Expires':(last, parseExpires),
'Last-Modified':(last, parseDateTime),
generator_entity_headers = {
'Allow':(generateList, singleHeader),
'Content-Encoding':(generateList, singleHeader),
'Content-Language':(generateList, singleHeader),
'Content-Length':(str, singleHeader),
'Content-Location':(str, singleHeader),
'Content-MD5':(base64.encodestring, lambda x: x.strip("\n"), singleHeader),
'Content-Range':(generateContentRange, singleHeader),
'Content-Type':(generateContentType, singleHeader),
'Expires':(generateDateTime, singleHeader),
'Last-Modified':(generateDateTime, singleHeader),
# casemappingify(DefaultHTTPParsers)
# casemappingify(DefaultHTTPGenerators)
# lowerify(DefaultHTTPParsers)
# lowerify(DefaultHTTPGenerators)