author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Thu, 20 May 2010 20:47:55 +0200
changeset 5556 9ab2b4c74baf
parent 4373 972143183ea3
child 5767 1d811df051c2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[entity] introduce a new 'adapters' registry This changeset introduces the notion in adapters (as in Zope Component Architecture) in a cubicweb way, eg using a specific registry of appobjects. This allows nicer code structure, by avoid clutering entity classes and moving code usually specific to a place of the ui (or something else) together with the code that use the interface. We don't use actual interface anymore, they are implied by adapters (which may be abstract), whose reg id is an interface name. Appobjects that used to 'implements(IFace)' should now be rewritten by: * coding an IFaceAdapter(EntityAdapter) defining (implementing if desired) the interface, usually with __regid__ = 'IFace' * use "adaptable('IFace')" as selector instead Also, the implements_adapter_compat decorator eases backward compatibility with adapter's methods that may still be found on entities implementing the interface. Notice that unlike ZCA, we don't support automatic adapters chain (yagni?). All interfaces defined in cubicweb have been turned into adapters, also some new ones have been introduced to cleanup Entity / AnyEntity classes namespace. At the end, the pluggable mixins mecanism should disappear in favor of adapters as well.

 * A time picker for jQuery
 * Based on original timePicker by Sam Collet (http://www.texotela.co.uk) -
 * copyright (c) 2006 Sam Collett (http://www.texotela.co.uk)
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Anders Fajerson
 * @name     timePicker
 * @version  0.2
 * @author   Anders Fajerson (http://perifer.se)
 * @example  $("#mytime").timePicker();
 * @example  $("#mytime").timePicker({step:30, startTime:"15:00", endTime:"18:00"});

  $.fn.timePicker = function(options) {
    // Build main options before element iteration
    var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.timePicker.defaults, options);

    return this.each(function() {
      $.timePicker(this, settings);

  $.timePicker = function (elm, settings) {
    var e = $(elm)[0];
    return e.timePicker || (e.timePicker = new jQuery._timePicker(e, settings));

  $._timePicker = function(elm, settings) {

    var tpOver = false;
    var keyDown = false;
    var startTime = timeToDate(settings.startTime, settings);
    var endTime = timeToDate(settings.endTime, settings);

    $(elm).attr('autocomplete', 'OFF'); // Disable browser autocomplete

    var times = [];
    var time = new Date(startTime); // Create a new date object.
    while(time <= endTime) {
      times[times.length] = formatTime(time, settings);
      time = new Date(time.setMinutes(time.getMinutes() + settings.step));

    var $tpDiv = $('<div class="time-picker'+ (settings.show24Hours ? '' : ' time-picker-12hours') +'"></div>');
    var $tpList = $('<ul></ul>');

    // Build the list.
    for(var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
      if (times[i] == settings.selectedTime) {
        $tpList.append('<li class="selected">' + times[i] + "</li>");
      } else {
        $tpList.append("<li>" + times[i] + "</li>");
    // Append the timPicker to the body and position it.
    var elmOffset = $(elm).offset();
    $tpDiv.appendTo('body').css({'top':elmOffset.top+20, 'left':elmOffset.left}).hide();

    // Store the mouse state, used by the blur event. Use mouseover instead of
    // mousedown since Opera fires blur before mousedown.
    $tpDiv.mouseover(function() {
      tpOver = true;
    }).mouseout(function() {
      tpOver = false;

    $("li", $tpList).mouseover(function() {
      if (!keyDown) {
        $("li.selected", $tpDiv).removeClass("selected");
    }).mousedown(function() {
       tpOver = true;
    }).click(function() {
      setTimeVal(elm, this, $tpDiv, settings);
      tpOver = false;

    var showPicker = function() {
      if ($tpDiv.is(":visible")) {
        return false;
      $("li", $tpDiv).removeClass("selected");

      // Show picker. This has to be done before scrollTop is set since that
      // can't be done on hidden elements.

      // Try to find a time in the list that matches the entered time.
      var time = elm.value ? timeStringToDate(elm.value, settings) : startTime;
      var startMin = startTime.getHours() * 60 + startTime.getMinutes();
      var min = (time.getHours() * 60 + time.getMinutes()) - startMin;
      var steps = Math.round(min / settings.step);
      var roundTime = normaliseTime(new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, (steps * settings.step + startMin), 0));
      roundTime = (startTime < roundTime && roundTime <= endTime) ? roundTime : startTime;
      var $matchedTime = $("li:contains(" + formatTime(roundTime, settings) + ")", $tpDiv);

      if ($matchedTime.length) {
        // Scroll to matched time.
        $tpDiv[0].scrollTop = $matchedTime[0].offsetTop;
      return true;
    // Attach to click as well as focus so timePicker can be shown again when
    // clicking on the input when it already has focus.
    // Hide timepicker on blur
    $(elm).blur(function() {
      if (!tpOver) {
    // Keypress doesn't repeat on Safari for non-text keys.
    // Keydown doesn't repeat on Firefox and Opera on Mac.
    // Using kepress for Opera and Firefox and keydown for the rest seems to
    // work with up/down/enter/esc.
    var event = ($.browser.opera || $.browser.mozilla) ? 'keypress' : 'keydown';
    $(elm)[event](function(e) {
      var $selected;
      keyDown = true;
      var top = $tpDiv[0].scrollTop;
      switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 38: // Up arrow.
          // Just show picker if it's hidden.
          if (showPicker()) {
            return false;
          $selected = $("li.selected", $tpList);
          var prev = $selected.prev().addClass("selected")[0];
          if (prev) {
            // Scroll item into view.
            if (prev.offsetTop < top) {
              $tpDiv[0].scrollTop = top - prev.offsetHeight;
          else {
            // Loop to next item.
            prev = $("li:last", $tpList).addClass("selected")[0];
            $tpDiv[0].scrollTop = prev.offsetTop - prev.offsetHeight;
          return false;
        case 40: // Down arrow, similar in behaviour to up arrow.
          if (showPicker()) {
            return false;
          $selected = $("li.selected", $tpList);
          var next = $selected.next().addClass("selected")[0];
          if (next) {
            if (next.offsetTop + next.offsetHeight > top + $tpDiv[0].offsetHeight) {
              $tpDiv[0].scrollTop = top + next.offsetHeight;
          else {
            next = $("li:first", $tpList).addClass("selected")[0];
            $tpDiv[0].scrollTop = 0;
          return false;
        case 13: // Enter
          if ($tpDiv.is(":visible")) {
            var sel = $("li.selected", $tpList)[0];
            setTimeVal(elm, sel, $tpDiv, settings);
          return false;
        case 27: // Esc
          return false;
      return true;
    $(elm).keyup(function(e) {
      keyDown = false;
    // Helper function to get an inputs current time as Date object.
    // Returns a Date object.
    this.getTime = function() {
      return timeStringToDate(elm.value, settings);
    // Helper function to set a time input.
    // Takes a Date object.
    this.setTime = function(time) {
      elm.value = formatTime(normaliseTime(time), settings);
      // Trigger element's change events.

  }; // End fn;

  // Plugin defaults.
  $.fn.timePicker.defaults = {
    startTime: new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    endTime: new Date(0, 0, 0, 23, 30, 0),
    selectedTime: new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    separator: ':',
    show24Hours: true

  // Private functions.

  function setTimeVal(elm, sel, $tpDiv, settings) {
    // Update input field
    elm.value = $(sel).text();
    // Trigger element's change events.
    // Keep focus for all but IE (which doesn't like it)
    if (!$.browser.msie) {
    // Hide picker

  function formatTime(time, settings) {
    var h = time.getHours();
    var hours = settings.show24Hours ? h : (((h + 11) % 12) + 1);
    var minutes = time.getMinutes();
    return formatNumber(hours) + settings.separator + formatNumber(minutes) + (settings.show24Hours ? '' : ((h < 12) ? ' AM' : ' PM'));

  function formatNumber(value) {
    return (value < 10 ? '0' : '') + value;

  function timeToDate(input, settings) {
    return (typeof input == 'object') ? normaliseTime(input) : timeStringToDate(input, settings);

  function timeStringToDate(input, settings) {
    if (input) {
      var array = input.split(settings.separator);
      var hours = parseFloat(array[0]);
      var minutes = parseFloat(array[1]);

      // Convert AM/PM hour to 24-hour format.
      if (!settings.show24Hours) {
        if (hours === 12 && input.substr('AM') !== -1) {
          hours = 0;
        else if (hours !== 12 && input.indexOf('PM') !== -1) {
          hours += 12;
      var time = new Date(0, 0, 0, hours, minutes, 0);
      return normaliseTime(time);
    return null;

  /* Normalise time object to a common date. */
  function normaliseTime(time) {
    return time;
