author Sylvain Thénault <>
Thu, 24 Sep 2015 11:26:11 +0200
changeset 10921 977def81780a
parent 10559 5821ae654dfd
child 10992 228b6d2777e4
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
[migration] don't handle data deletion anymore on schema changes In most cases when we want to drop some entity/relation type, we don't care whether hooks are called on their deletion. There is even low chances that some hooks still exists, based on an old version of the schema. Last but not least, this is horribly inefficient. So this should be clearly documented and handled by application's programmer if desired. This patch removes unnecessary deletion (because table or column will be later dropped) and reimplements the case of partial deletion (only one relation definition among several, hence the database structure isn't modified) using sql. Only one test regarding deletion of inlined relation def is added as other cases seem to be covered by existing tests. Closes #7023315

#!/usr/bin/make -f
# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
# GNU copyright 1997 to 1999 by Joey Hess.

# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1

build: build-stamp
	NO_SETUPTOOLS=1 python build
	# needs to be importable by sphinx, so create a cubicweb symlink to the source dir
	mkdir -p debian/pythonpath
	ln -sf $(CURDIR) debian/pythonpath/cubicweb
	# documentation build is now made optional since it can break for old
	# distributions and we don't want to block a new release of Cubicweb
	# because of documentation issues.
	-PYTHONPATH=$${PYTHONPATH:+$${PYTHONPATH}:}$(CURDIR)/debian/pythonpath $(MAKE) -C doc all
	rm -rf debian/pythonpath
	touch build-stamp

	rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
	rm -rf build
	#rm -rf debian/cubicweb-*/
	find . -name "*.pyc" -delete
	-$(MAKE) -C doc clean

install: build

	NO_SETUPTOOLS=1 python -q install --no-compile --prefix=debian/tmp/usr

	# Put all the python library and data in cubicweb-common
	# and scripts in cubicweb-server
	dh_install -vi --sourcedir=debian/tmp
	# cwctl in the cubicweb-ctl package
	rm -f debian/cubicweb-common/usr/lib/python*/*/cubicweb/
        # wdoc in the cubicweb-web package
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-common/usr/share/cubicweb/cubes/shared/wdoc
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-common/usr/share/cubicweb/cubes/shared/data

	# Remove unittests directory (should be available in cubicweb-dev only)
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-server/usr/lib/python2*/*-packages/cubicweb/server/test
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-server/usr/lib/python2*/*-packages/cubicweb/hooks/test
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-server/usr/lib/python2*/*-packages/cubicweb/sobjects/test
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-web/usr/lib/python2*/*-packages/cubicweb/web/test
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-twisted/usr/lib/python2*/*-packages/cubicweb/etwist/test
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-common/usr/lib/python2*/*-packages/cubicweb/ext/test
	rm -rf debian/cubicweb-common/usr/lib/python2*/*-packages/cubicweb/entities/test

# Build architecture-independent files here.
binary-indep: build install
	dh_testroot -i
	dh_python2 -i
	dh_python2 -i /usr/share/cubicweb
	dh_installinit -i -n --name cubicweb -u"defaults 99"
	dh_installlogrotate -i
	dh_installdocs -i -A README
	dh_installman -i
	dh_installchangelogs -i -Xdoc/changes
	dh_link -i
	dh_compress -i -X.ini -X.xml -X.js -X.rst -X.txt -Xchangelog.html
	dh_fixperms -i
	dh_installdeb -i
	dh_gencontrol  -i
	dh_md5sums -i
	dh_builddeb -i


binary: binary-indep
.PHONY: build clean binary binary-indep binary-arch