author Nicolas Chauvat <>
Fri, 15 Mar 2019 21:35:59 +0100
changeset 12884 9754c40c732a
parent 11057 0b59724cb3f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[server] drop system_source_cnx for a simpler internal API system_source_cnx() can be replaced with source_cnx(). If system_source_cnx() is called with dbms_system_base=False, it is strictly equivalent to calling source_cnx() with the same source, privileges and interactivity. If system_source_cnx() is called with dbms_system_base=True, it is equivalent to calling source_cnx() with the system database and the same source, privileges and interactivity. No use of the default value for 'special_privs' was found in the code.

"""This module compare the Schema on the file system to the one in the database"""

from cStringIO import StringIO
from cubicweb.web.schemaviewer import SchemaViewer
from logilab.common.ureports import TextWriter
import difflib

viewer = SchemaViewer()
layout_db = viewer.visit_schema(schema, display_relations=True)
layout_fs = viewer.visit_schema(fsschema, display_relations=True)
writer = TextWriter()
stream_db = StringIO()
stream_fs = StringIO()
writer.format(layout_db, stream=stream_db)
writer.format(layout_fs, stream=stream_fs)
db = stream_db.getvalue().splitlines()
fs = stream_fs.getvalue().splitlines()
open('db_schema.txt', 'w').write(stream_db.getvalue())
open('fs_schema.txt', 'w').write(stream_fs.getvalue())
#for diff in difflib.ndiff(fs, db):
#    print diff