author Damien Garaud <>
Mon, 20 Feb 2012 11:45:16 +0100
changeset 8248 9550555e4c26
parent 7166 dde161937d3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix bug about missing Interval field (closes #1463996). Implement Field and Widget dedicated to the yams entity 'Interval': - TimeIntervalField - IntervalTimeWidget Allow to set an integer with a character as a period of time '20s', '48h' or '3d' for instance (turn into seconds).


db-driver   = postgres
db-host     = localhost
db-port     = 5433
adapter     = native
db-name     = cw_fti_test
db-encoding = UTF-8
db-user     = syt
db-password = syt

login = admin
password = gingkow