ouch, has_perm was always returning False...
"""Some views used to help to the edition process
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode
from simplejson import dumps
from logilab.common.decorators import cached
from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
from cubicweb import typed_eid
from cubicweb.view import EntityView
from cubicweb.selectors import (one_line_rset, non_final_entity,
match_search_state, match_form_params)
from cubicweb.uilib import cut
from cubicweb.web.views import linksearch_select_url
from cubicweb.web.views.editforms import relation_id
from cubicweb.web.views.baseviews import FinalView
class SearchForAssociationView(EntityView):
"""view called by the edition view when the user asks to search for
something to link to the edited eid
__regid__ = 'search-associate'
__select__ = (one_line_rset() & match_search_state('linksearch')
& non_final_entity())
title = _('search for association')
def cell_call(self, row, col):
rset, vid, divid, paginate = self.filter_box_context_info()
self.cw_rset = rset
self.w(u'<div id="%s">' % divid)
self.wview(vid, rset, 'noresult')
def filter_box_context_info(self):
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(0, 0)
role, eid, rtype, etype = self._cw.search_state[1]
assert entity.eid == typed_eid(eid)
# the default behaviour is to fetch all unrelated entities and display
# them. Use fetch_order and not fetch_unrelated_order as sort method
# since the latter is mainly there to select relevant items in the combo
# box, it doesn't give interesting result in this context
rql, args = entity.unrelated_rql(rtype, etype, role,
rset = self._cw.execute(rql, args, tuple(args))
return rset, 'list', "search-associate-content", True
class OutOfContextSearch(EntityView):
__regid__ = 'outofcontext-search'
def cell_call(self, row, col):
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
erset = entity.as_rset()
if self._cw.match_search_state(erset):
self.w(u'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> <a href="%s" title="%s">[...]</a>' % (
xml_escape(linksearch_select_url(self._cw, erset)),
self._cw._('select this entity'),
self._cw._('view detail for this entity')))
entity.view('outofcontext', w=self.w)
class UnrelatedDivs(EntityView):
__regid__ = 'unrelateddivs'
__select__ = match_form_params('relation')
def cell_call(self, row, col):
entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
relname, target = self._cw.form.get('relation').rsplit('_', 1)
rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.rschema(relname)
hidden = 'hidden' in self._cw.form
is_cell = 'is_cell' in self._cw.form
self.w(self.build_unrelated_select_div(entity, rschema, target,
is_cell=is_cell, hidden=hidden))
def build_unrelated_select_div(self, entity, rschema, target,
is_cell=False, hidden=True):
options = []
divid = 'div%s_%s_%s' % (rschema.type, target, entity.eid)
selectid = 'select%s_%s_%s' % (rschema.type, target, entity.eid)
if rschema.symetric or target == 'subject':
targettypes = rschema.objects(entity.e_schema)
etypes = '/'.join(sorted(etype.display_name(self._cw) for etype in targettypes))
targettypes = rschema.subjects(entity.e_schema)
etypes = '/'.join(sorted(etype.display_name(self._cw) for etype in targettypes))
etypes = cut(etypes, self._cw.property_value('navigation.short-line-size'))
options.append('<option>%s %s</option>' % (self._cw._('select a'), etypes))
options += self._get_select_options(entity, rschema, target)
options += self._get_search_options(entity, rschema, target, targettypes)
if 'Basket' in self._cw.vreg.schema: # XXX
options += self._get_basket_options(entity, rschema, target, targettypes)
relname, target = self._cw.form.get('relation').rsplit('_', 1)
return u"""\
<div class="%s" id="%s">
<select id="%s" onchange="javascript: addPendingInsert(this.options[this.selectedIndex], %s, %s, '%s');">
""" % (hidden and 'hidden' or '', divid, selectid,
xml_escape(dumps(entity.eid)), is_cell and 'true' or 'null', relname,
def _get_select_options(self, entity, rschema, target):
"""add options to search among all entities of each possible type"""
options = []
pending_inserts = self._cw.get_pending_inserts(entity.eid)
rtype = rschema.type
form = self._cw.vreg['forms'].select('edition', self._cw, entity=entity)
field = form.field_by_name(rschema, target, entity.e_schema)
limit = self._cw.property_value('navigation.combobox-limit')
for eview, reid in field.choices(form, limit): # XXX expect 'limit' arg on choices
if reid is None:
options.append('<option class="separator">-- %s --</option>'
% xml_escape(eview))
optionid = relation_id(entity.eid, rtype, target, reid)
if optionid not in pending_inserts:
# prefix option's id with letters to make valid XHTML wise
options.append('<option id="id%s" value="%s">%s</option>' %
(optionid, reid, xml_escape(eview)))
return options
def _get_search_options(self, entity, rschema, target, targettypes):
"""add options to search among all entities of each possible type"""
options = []
_ = self._cw._
for eschema in targettypes:
mode = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (target, entity.eid, rschema.type, eschema)
url = self._cw.build_url(entity.rest_path(), vid='search-associate',
'<option value="%s">%s %s</option>' % (
xml_escape(url), _('Search for'), eschema.display_name(self._cw))))
return [o for l, o in sorted(options)]
def _get_basket_options(self, entity, rschema, target, targettypes):
options = []
rtype = rschema.type
_ = self._cw._
for basketeid, basketname in self._get_basket_links(self._cw.user.eid,
target, targettypes):
optionid = relation_id(entity.eid, rtype, target, basketeid)
options.append('<option id="%s" value="%s">%s %s</option>' % (
optionid, basketeid, _('link to each item in'), xml_escape(basketname)))
return options
def _get_basket_links(self, ueid, target, targettypes):
targettypes = set(targettypes)
for basketeid, basketname, elements in self._get_basket_info(ueid):
baskettypes = elements.column_types(0)
# if every elements in the basket can be attached to the
# edited entity
if baskettypes & targettypes:
yield basketeid, basketname
def _get_basket_info(self, ueid):
basketref = []
basketrql = 'Any B,N WHERE B is Basket, B owned_by U, U eid %(x)s, B name N'
basketresultset = self._cw.execute(basketrql, {'x': ueid}, 'x')
for result in basketresultset:
basketitemsrql = 'Any X WHERE X in_basket B, B eid %(x)s'
rset = self._cw.execute(basketitemsrql, {'x': result[0]}, 'x')
basketref.append((result[0], result[1], rset))
return basketref
class ComboboxView(EntityView):
"""the view used in combobox (unrelated entities)
__regid__ = 'combobox'
title = None
def cell_call(self, row, col):
"""the combo-box view for an entity: same as text out of context view
by default
self.wview('textoutofcontext', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col)
class EditableFinalView(FinalView):
"""same as FinalView but enables inplace-edition when possible"""
__regid__ = 'editable-final'
def cell_call(self, row, col, props=None):
entity, rtype = self.cw_rset.related_entity(row, col)
if entity is not None:
self.w(entity.view('reledit', rtype=rtype))
super(EditableFinalView, self).cell_call(row, col, props)