author Aurelien Campeas <>
Tue, 01 Jul 2014 16:55:49 +0200
changeset 10351 91e63306e277
parent 10347 52a976c5d27a
child 10352 bab2befaac9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
[connection] replace .running_dbapi_query with .hooks_in_progress The thing was badly named. It tries to help distinguish between queries issued directly by the programmer (e.g in the views: cnx.execute(...)) from queries issued from the hooks, operations ... or even the repository or the native source objects. It worked heuristically being associated with the security being disabled. We provide a better name and an implementation distinct from the security management methods. Related to #3933480.

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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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"""Repository users' and internal' sessions."""
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import sys
import threading
from time import time
from uuid import uuid4
from warnings import warn
import functools
from contextlib import contextmanager

from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
from logilab.common.textutils import unormalize
from logilab.common.registry import objectify_predicate

from cubicweb import QueryError, schema, server, ProgrammingError
from cubicweb.req import RequestSessionBase
from cubicweb.utils import make_uid
from cubicweb.rqlrewrite import RQLRewriter
from cubicweb.server.edition import EditedEntity

# is / is_instance_of are usually added by sql hooks except when using
# dataimport.NoHookRQLObjectStore, and we don't want to record them
# anyway in the later case
# XXX rememberme,forgotpwd,apycot,vcsfile

def is_user_session(cls, req, **kwargs):
    """return 1 when session is not internal.

    This predicate can only be used repository side only. """
    return not req.is_internal_session

def is_internal_session(cls, req, **kwargs):
    """return 1 when session is not internal.

    This predicate can only be used repository side only. """
    return req.is_internal_session

def repairing(cls, req, **kwargs):
    """return 1 when repository is running in repair mode"""
    return req.vreg.config.repairing

class transaction(object):
    """Ensure that the transaction is either commited or rolled back at exit

    Context manager to enter a transaction for a session: when exiting the
    `with` block on exception, call `session.rollback()`, else call
    `session.commit()` on normal exit
    def __init__(self, session, free_cnxset=True):
        self.session = session
        self.free_cnxset = free_cnxset

    def __enter__(self):
        # ensure session has a cnxset

    def __exit__(self, exctype, exc, traceback):
        if exctype:

@deprecated('[3.17] use <object>.allow/deny_all_hooks_but instead')
def hooks_control(obj, mode, *categories):
    assert mode in  (HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL, HOOKS_DENY_ALL)
    if mode == HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL:
        return obj.allow_all_hooks_but(*categories)
    elif mode == HOOKS_DENY_ALL:
        return obj.deny_all_hooks_but(*categories)

class _hooks_control(object): # XXX repoapi: remove me when
                              # session stop being connection
    """context manager to control activated hooks categories.

    If mode is `HOOKS_DENY_ALL`, given hooks categories will
    be enabled.

    If mode is `HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL`, given hooks categories will
    be disabled.

    .. sourcecode:: python

       with _hooks_control(cnx, HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL, 'integrity'):
           # ... do stuff with all but 'integrity' hooks activated

       with _hooks_control(cnx, HOOKS_DENY_ALL, 'integrity'):
           # ... do stuff with none but 'integrity' hooks activated

    This is an internal API, you should rather use
    :meth:`~cubicweb.server.session.Connection.deny_all_hooks_but` or
    Connection methods.
    def __init__(self, cnx, mode, *categories):
        assert mode in (HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL, HOOKS_DENY_ALL)
        self.cnx = cnx
        self.mode = mode
        self.categories = categories
        self.oldmode = None
        self.changes = ()

    def __enter__(self):
        self.oldmode = self.cnx.hooks_mode
        self.cnx.hooks_mode = self.mode
        if self.mode is HOOKS_DENY_ALL:
            self.changes = self.cnx.enable_hook_categories(*self.categories)
            self.changes = self.cnx.disable_hook_categories(*self.categories)
        self.cnx.ctx_count += 1

    def __exit__(self, exctype, exc, traceback):
        self.cnx.ctx_count -= 1
            if self.categories:
                if self.mode is HOOKS_DENY_ALL:
            self.cnx.hooks_mode = self.oldmode

class _session_hooks_control(_hooks_control): # XXX repoapi: remove me when
                                              # session stop being connection
    """hook control context manager for session

    Necessary to handle some unholy transaction scope logic."""

    def __init__(self, session, mode, *categories):
        self.session = session
        super_init = super(_session_hooks_control, self).__init__
        super_init(session._cnx, mode, *categories)

    def __exit__(self, exctype, exc, traceback):
        super_exit = super(_session_hooks_control, self).__exit__
        ret = super_exit(exctype, exc, traceback)
        if self.cnx.ctx_count == 0:
        return ret

@deprecated('[3.17] use <object>.security_enabled instead')
def security_enabled(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    return obj.security_enabled(*args, **kwargs)

class _security_enabled(object):
    """context manager to control security w/ session.execute,

    By default security is disabled on queries executed on the repository
    def __init__(self, cnx, read=None, write=None):
        self.cnx = cnx = read
        self.write = write
        self.oldread = None
        self.oldwrite = None

    def __enter__(self):
        if is None:
            self.oldread = None
            self.oldread = self.cnx.read_security
            self.cnx.read_security =
        if self.write is None:
            self.oldwrite = None
            self.oldwrite = self.cnx.write_security
            self.cnx.write_security = self.write
        self.cnx.ctx_count += 1

    def __exit__(self, exctype, exc, traceback):
        self.cnx.ctx_count -= 1
        if self.oldread is not None:
            self.cnx.read_security = self.oldread
        if self.oldwrite is not None:
            self.cnx.write_security = self.oldwrite

class _session_security_enabled(_security_enabled):
    """hook security context manager for session

    Necessary To handle some unholy transaction scope logic."""

    def __init__(self, session, read=None, write=None):
        self.session = session
        super_init = super(_session_security_enabled, self).__init__
        super_init(session._cnx, read=read, write=write)

    def __exit__(self, exctype, exc, traceback):
        super_exit = super(_session_security_enabled, self).__exit__
        ret = super_exit(exctype, exc, traceback)
        if self.cnx.ctx_count == 0:
        return ret

HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL = object()
HOOKS_DENY_ALL = object()
DEFAULT_SECURITY = object() # evaluated to true by design

class SessionClosedError(RuntimeError):

class CnxSetTracker(object):
    """Keep track of which connection use which cnxset.

    There should be one of these objects per session (including internal sessions).

    Session objects are responsible for creating their CnxSetTracker object.

    Connections should use the :meth:`record` and :meth:`forget` to inform the
    tracker of cnxsets they have acquired.

    .. automethod:: cubicweb.server.session.CnxSetTracker.record
    .. automethod:: cubicweb.server.session.CnxSetTracker.forget

    Sessions use the :meth:`close` and :meth:`wait` methods when closing.

    .. automethod:: cubicweb.server.session.CnxSetTracker.close
    .. automethod:: cubicweb.server.session.CnxSetTracker.wait

    This object itself is threadsafe. It also requires caller to acquired its
    lock in some situation.

    def __init__(self):
        self._active = True
        self._condition = threading.Condition()
        self._record = {}

    def __enter__(self):
        return self._condition.__enter__()

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        return self._condition.__exit__(*args)

    def record(self, cnxid, cnxset):
        """Inform the tracker that a cnxid has acquired a cnxset

        This method is to be used by Connection objects.

        This method fails when:
        - The cnxid already has a recorded cnxset.
        - The tracker is not active anymore.

        Notes about the caller:
        (1) It is responsible for retrieving a cnxset.
        (2) It must be prepared to release the cnxset if the
            `cnxsettracker.forget` call fails.
        (3) It should acquire the tracker lock until the very end of the operation.
        (4) However it must only lock the CnxSetTracker object after having
            retrieved the cnxset to prevent deadlock.

        A typical usage look like::

        cnxset = repo._get_cnxset() # (1)
            with cnxset_tracker: # (3) and (4)
                cnxset_tracker.record(, cnxset)
                # (3') operation ends when caller is in expected state only
                caller.cnxset = cnxset
        except Exception:
            repo._free_cnxset(cnxset) # (2)
        # dubious since the caller is supposed to have acquired it anyway.
        with self._condition:
            if not self._active:
                raise SessionClosedError('Closed')
            old = self._record.get(cnxid)
            if old is not None:
                raise ValueError('connection "%s" already has a cnx_set (%r)'
                                 % (cnxid, old))
            self._record[cnxid] = cnxset

    def forget(self, cnxid, cnxset):
        """Inform the tracker that a cnxid have release a cnxset

        This methode is to be used by Connection object.

        This method fails when:
        - The cnxset for the cnxid does not match the recorded one.

        Notes about the caller:
        (1) It is responsible for releasing the cnxset.
        (2) It should acquire the tracker lock during the operation to ensure
            the internal tracker state is always accurate regarding its own state.

        A typical usage look like::

        cnxset = caller.cnxset
            with cnxset_tracker:
                # (2) you can not have caller.cnxset out of sync with
                #     cnxset_tracker state while unlocked
                caller.cnxset = None
                cnxset_tracker.forget(, cnxset)
            cnxset = repo._free_cnxset(cnxset) # (1)
        with self._condition:
            old = self._record.get(cnxid, None)
            if old is not cnxset:
                raise ValueError('recorded cnxset for "%s" mismatch: %r != %r'
                                 % (cnxid, old, cnxset))

    def close(self):
        """Marks the tracker as inactive.

        This method is to be used by Session objects.

        An inactive tracker does not accept new records anymore.
        with self._condition:
            self._active = False

    def wait(self, timeout=10):
        """Wait for all recorded cnxsets to be released

        This method is to be used by Session objects.

        Returns a tuple of connection ids that remain open.
        with self._condition:
            if  self._active:
                raise RuntimeError('Cannot wait on active tracker.'
                                   ' Call tracker.close() first')
            while self._record and timeout > 0:
                start = time()
                timeout -= time() - start
            return tuple(self._record)

def _with_cnx_set(func):
    """decorator for Connection method that ensure they run with a cnxset """
    def wrapper(cnx, *args, **kwargs):
        with cnx.ensure_cnx_set:
            return func(cnx, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def _open_only(func):
    """decorator for Connection method that check it is open"""
    def check_open(cnx, *args, **kwargs):
        if not cnx._open:
            raise ProgrammingError('Closed Connection: %s'
                                    % cnx.connectionid)
        return func(cnx, *args, **kwargs)
    return check_open

class Connection(RequestSessionBase):
    """Repository Connection

    Holds all connection related data

    Database connection resources:

      :attr:`hooks_in_progress`, boolean flag telling if the executing
      query is coming from a repoapi connection or is a query from
      within the repository (e.g. started by hooks)

      :attr:`cnxset`, the connections set to use to execute queries on sources.
      If the transaction is read only, the connection set may be freed between
      actual queries. This allows multiple connections with a reasonably low
      connection set pool size.  Control mechanism is detailed below.

    .. automethod:: cubicweb.server.session.Connection.set_cnxset
    .. automethod:: cubicweb.server.session.Connection.free_cnxset

      :attr:`mode`, string telling the connections set handling mode, may be one
      of 'read' (connections set may be freed), 'write' (some write was done in
      the connections set, it can't be freed before end of the transaction),
      'transaction' (we want to keep the connections set during all the
      transaction, with or without writing)

    Shared data:

      :attr:`data` is a dictionary bound to the underlying session,
      who will be present for the life time of the session. This may
      be useful for web clients that rely on the server for managing
      bits of session-scoped data.

      :attr:`transaction_data` is a dictionary cleared at the end of
      the transaction. Hooks and operations may put arbitrary data in

    Internal state:

      :attr:`pending_operations`, ordered list of operations to be processed on

      :attr:`commit_state`, describing the transaction commit state, may be one
      of None (not yet committing), 'precommit' (calling precommit event on
      operations), 'postcommit' (calling postcommit event on operations),
      'uncommitable' (some :exc:`ValidationError` or :exc:`Unauthorized` error
      has been raised during the transaction and so it must be rolled back).

    Hooks controls:

      :attr:`hooks_mode`, may be either `HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL` or `HOOKS_DENY_ALL`.

      :attr:`enabled_hook_cats`, when :attr:`hooks_mode` is
      `HOOKS_DENY_ALL`, this set contains hooks categories that are enabled.

      :attr:`disabled_hook_cats`, when :attr:`hooks_mode` is
      `HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL`, this set contains hooks categories that are disabled.

    Security level Management:

      :attr:`read_security` and :attr:`write_security`, boolean flags telling if
      read/write security is currently activated.


    is_request = False
    hooks_in_progress = False
    mode = 'read'

    def __init__(self, session, cnxid=None, session_handled=False):
        # using super(Connection, self) confuse some test hack
        RequestSessionBase.__init__(self, session.vreg)
        # only the session provide explicite
        if cnxid is not None:
            assert session_handled # only session profive explicite cnxid
        #: connection unique id
        self._open = None
        if cnxid is None:
            cnxid = '%s-%s' % (session.sessionid, uuid4().hex)
        self.connectionid = cnxid
        self.sessionid = session.sessionid
        #: self._session_handled
        #: are the life cycle of this Connection automatically controlled by the
        #: Session This is the old backward compatibility mode
        self._session_handled = session_handled
        #: reentrance handling
        self.ctx_count = 0
        #: count the number of entry in a context needing a cnxset
        self._cnxset_count = 0
        #: Boolean for compat with the older explicite set_cnxset/free_cnx API
        #: When a call set_cnxset is done, no automatic freeing will be done
        #: until free_cnx is called.
        self._auto_free_cnx_set = True

        #: server.Repository object
        self.repo = session.repo
        self.vreg = self.repo.vreg
        self._execute = self.repo.querier.execute

        # other session utility
        self._session_timestamp = session._timestamp

        #: connection set used to execute queries on sources
        self._cnxset = None
        #: CnxSetTracker used to report cnxset usage
        self._cnxset_tracker = CnxSetTracker()
        # internal (root) session
        self.is_internal_session = isinstance(session.user, InternalManager)

        #: dict containing arbitrary data cleared at the end of the transaction
        self.transaction_data = {}
        self._session_data =
        #: ordered list of operations to be processed on commit/rollback
        self.pending_operations = []
        #: (None, 'precommit', 'postcommit', 'uncommitable')
        self.commit_state = None

        ### hook control attribute
        self.hooks_mode = HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL
        self.disabled_hook_cats = set()
        self.enabled_hook_cats = set()
        self.pruned_hooks_cache = {}

        ### security control attributes
        self._read_security = DEFAULT_SECURITY # handled by a property
        self.write_security = DEFAULT_SECURITY

        # undo control
        config = session.repo.config
        if config.creating or config.repairing or self.is_internal_session:
            self.undo_actions = False
            self.undo_actions = config['undo-enabled']

        # RQLRewriter are not thread safe
        self._rewriter = RQLRewriter(self)

        # other session utility
        if session.user.login == '__internal_manager__':
            self.user = session.user

    # life cycle handling ####################################################

    def __enter__(self):
        assert self._open is None # first opening
        self._open = True
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exctype=None, excvalue=None, tb=None):
        assert self._open # actually already open
        assert self._cnxset_count == 0
        self._open = False

    def running_hooks_ops(self):
        """this context manager should be called whenever hooks or operations
        are about to be run (but after hook selection)

        It will help the undo logic record pertinent metadata or some
        hooks to run (or not) depending on who/what issued the query.
        prevmode = self.hooks_in_progress
        self.hooks_in_progress = True
        self.hooks_in_progress = prevmode

    # shared data handling ###################################################

    def data(self):
        return self._session_data

    def rql_rewriter(self):
        return self._rewriter

    @deprecated('[3.19] use session or transaction data', stacklevel=3)
    def get_shared_data(self, key, default=None, pop=False, txdata=False):
        """return value associated to `key` in session data"""
        if txdata:
            data = self.transaction_data
            data = self._session_data
        if pop:
            return data.pop(key, default)
            return data.get(key, default)

    @deprecated('[3.19] use session or transaction data', stacklevel=3)
    def set_shared_data(self, key, value, txdata=False):
        """set value associated to `key` in session data"""
        if txdata:
            self.transaction_data[key] = value
            self._session_data[key] = value

    def clear(self):
        """reset internal data"""
        self.transaction_data = {}
        #: ordered list of operations to be processed on commit/rollback
        self.pending_operations = []
        #: (None, 'precommit', 'postcommit', 'uncommitable')
        self.commit_state = None
        self.pruned_hooks_cache = {}
        self.rewriter = RQLRewriter(self)

    # Connection Set Management ###############################################
    def cnxset(self):
        return self._cnxset

    def cnxset(self, new_cnxset):
        with self._cnxset_tracker:
            old_cnxset = self._cnxset
            if new_cnxset is old_cnxset:
                return #nothing to do
            if old_cnxset is not None:
                self._cnxset = None
                self.ctx_count -= 1
                self._cnxset_tracker.forget(self.connectionid, old_cnxset)
            if new_cnxset is not None:
                self._cnxset_tracker.record(self.connectionid, new_cnxset)
                self._cnxset = new_cnxset
                self.ctx_count += 1

    def _set_cnxset(self):
        """the connection need a connections set to execute some queries"""
        if self.cnxset is None:
            cnxset = self.repo._get_cnxset()
                self.cnxset = cnxset
        return self.cnxset

    def _free_cnxset(self, ignoremode=False):
        """the connection is no longer using its connections set, at least for some time"""
        # cnxset may be none if no operation has been done since last commit
        # or rollback
        cnxset = self.cnxset
        if cnxset is not None and (ignoremode or self.mode == 'read'):
            assert self._cnxset_count == 0
                self.cnxset = None

    @deprecated('[3.19] cnxset are automatically managed now.'
                ' stop using explicit set and free.')
    def set_cnxset(self):
        self._auto_free_cnx_set = False
        return self._set_cnxset()

    @deprecated('[3.19] cnxset are automatically managed now.'
                ' stop using explicit set and free.')
    def free_cnxset(self, ignoremode=False):
        self._auto_free_cnx_set = True
        return self._free_cnxset(ignoremode=ignoremode)

    def ensure_cnx_set(self):
        assert self._cnxset_count >= 0
        if self._cnxset_count == 0:
            self._cnxset_count += 1
            self._cnxset_count = max(self._cnxset_count - 1, 0)
            if self._cnxset_count == 0 and self._auto_free_cnx_set:

    # Entity cache management #################################################
    # The connection entity cache as held in cnx.transaction_data is removed at the
    # end of the connection (commit and rollback)
    # XXX connection level caching may be a pb with multiple repository
    # instances, but 1. this is probably not the only one :$ and 2. it may be
    # an acceptable risk. Anyway we could activate it or not according to a
    # configuration option

    def set_entity_cache(self, entity):
        """Add `entity` to the connection entity cache"""
        # XXX not using _open_only because before at creation time. _set_user
        # call this function to cache the Connection user.
        if entity.cw_etype != 'CWUser' and not self._open:
            raise ProgrammingError('Closed Connection: %s'
                                    % self.connectionid)
        ecache = self.transaction_data.setdefault('ecache', {})
        ecache.setdefault(entity.eid, entity)

    def entity_cache(self, eid):
        """get cache entity for `eid`"""
        return self.transaction_data['ecache'][eid]

    def cached_entities(self):
        """return the whole entity cache"""
        return self.transaction_data.get('ecache', {}).values()

    def drop_entity_cache(self, eid=None):
        """drop entity from the cache

        If eid is None, the whole cache is dropped"""
        if eid is None:
            self.transaction_data.pop('ecache', None)
            del self.transaction_data['ecache'][eid]

    # relations handling #######################################################

    def add_relation(self, fromeid, rtype, toeid):
        """provide direct access to the repository method to add a relation.

        This is equivalent to the following rql query:

          SET X rtype Y WHERE X eid  fromeid, T eid toeid

        without read security check but also all the burden of rql execution.
        You may use this in hooks when you know both eids of the relation you
        want to add.
        self.add_relations([(rtype, [(fromeid,  toeid)])])

    def add_relations(self, relations):
        '''set many relation using a shortcut similar to the one in add_relation

        relations is a list of 2-uples, the first element of each
        2-uple is the rtype, and the second is a list of (fromeid,
        toeid) tuples
        edited_entities = {}
        relations_dict = {}
        with self.security_enabled(False, False):
            for rtype, eids in relations:
                if self.vreg.schema[rtype].inlined:
                    for fromeid, toeid in eids:
                        if fromeid not in edited_entities:
                            entity = self.entity_from_eid(fromeid)
                            edited = EditedEntity(entity)
                            edited_entities[fromeid] = edited
                            edited = edited_entities[fromeid]
                        edited.edited_attribute(rtype, toeid)
                    relations_dict[rtype] = eids
            self.repo.glob_add_relations(self, relations_dict)
            for edited in edited_entities.itervalues():
                self.repo.glob_update_entity(self, edited)

    def delete_relation(self, fromeid, rtype, toeid):
        """provide direct access to the repository method to delete a relation.

        This is equivalent to the following rql query:

          DELETE X rtype Y WHERE X eid  fromeid, T eid toeid

        without read security check but also all the burden of rql execution.
        You may use this in hooks when you know both eids of the relation you
        want to delete.
        with self.security_enabled(False, False):
            if self.vreg.schema[rtype].inlined:
                entity = self.entity_from_eid(fromeid)
                entity.cw_attr_cache[rtype] = None
                self.repo.glob_update_entity(self, entity, set((rtype,)))
                self.repo.glob_delete_relation(self, fromeid, rtype, toeid)

    # relations cache handling #################################################

    def update_rel_cache_add(self, subject, rtype, object, symmetric=False):
        self._update_entity_rel_cache_add(subject, rtype, 'subject', object)
        if symmetric:
            self._update_entity_rel_cache_add(object, rtype, 'subject', subject)
            self._update_entity_rel_cache_add(object, rtype, 'object', subject)

    def update_rel_cache_del(self, subject, rtype, object, symmetric=False):
        self._update_entity_rel_cache_del(subject, rtype, 'subject', object)
        if symmetric:
            self._update_entity_rel_cache_del(object, rtype, 'object', object)
            self._update_entity_rel_cache_del(object, rtype, 'object', subject)

    def _update_entity_rel_cache_add(self, eid, rtype, role, targeteid):
            entity = self.entity_cache(eid)
        except KeyError:
        rcache = entity.cw_relation_cached(rtype, role)
        if rcache is not None:
            rset, entities = rcache
            rset = rset.copy()
            entities = list(entities)
            if not isinstance(rset.description, list): # else description not set
                rset.description = list(rset.description)
            targetentity = self.entity_from_eid(targeteid)
            if targetentity.cw_rset is None:
                targetentity.cw_rset = rset
                targetentity.cw_row = rset.rowcount
                targetentity.cw_col = 0
            rset.rowcount += 1
            entity._cw_related_cache['%s_%s' % (rtype, role)] = (
                rset, tuple(entities))

    def _update_entity_rel_cache_del(self, eid, rtype, role, targeteid):
            entity = self.entity_cache(eid)
        except KeyError:
        rcache = entity.cw_relation_cached(rtype, role)
        if rcache is not None:
            rset, entities = rcache
            for idx, row in enumerate(rset.rows):
                if row[0] == targeteid:
                # this may occurs if the cache has been filed by a hook
                # after the database update
                self.debug('cache inconsistency for %s %s %s %s', eid, rtype,
                           role, targeteid)
            rset = rset.copy()
            entities = list(entities)
            del rset.rows[idx]
            if isinstance(rset.description, list): # else description not set
                del rset.description[idx]
            del entities[idx]
            rset.rowcount -= 1
            entity._cw_related_cache['%s_%s' % (rtype, role)] = (
                rset, tuple(entities))

    # Tracking of entities added of removed in the transaction ##################

    def deleted_in_transaction(self, eid):
        """return True if the entity of the given eid is being deleted in the
        current transaction
        return eid in self.transaction_data.get('pendingeids', ())

    def added_in_transaction(self, eid):
        """return True if the entity of the given eid is being created in the
        current transaction
        return eid in self.transaction_data.get('neweids', ())

    # Operation management ####################################################

    def add_operation(self, operation, index=None):
        """add an operation to be executed at the end of the transaction"""
        if index is None:
            self.pending_operations.insert(index, operation)

    # Hooks control ###########################################################

    def allow_all_hooks_but(self, *categories):
        return _hooks_control(self, HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL, *categories)

    def deny_all_hooks_but(self, *categories):
        return _hooks_control(self, HOOKS_DENY_ALL, *categories)

    def disable_hook_categories(self, *categories):
        """disable the given hook categories:

        - on HOOKS_DENY_ALL mode, ensure those categories are not enabled
        - on HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL mode, ensure those categories are disabled
        changes = set()
        categories = set(categories)
        if self.hooks_mode is HOOKS_DENY_ALL:
            enabledcats = self.enabled_hook_cats
            changes = enabledcats & categories
            enabledcats -= changes # changes is small hence faster
            disabledcats = self.disabled_hook_cats
            changes = categories - disabledcats
            disabledcats |= changes # changes is small hence faster
        return tuple(changes)

    def enable_hook_categories(self, *categories):
        """enable the given hook categories:

        - on HOOKS_DENY_ALL mode, ensure those categories are enabled
        - on HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL mode, ensure those categories are not disabled
        changes = set()
        categories = set(categories)
        if self.hooks_mode is HOOKS_DENY_ALL:
            enabledcats = self.enabled_hook_cats
            changes = categories - enabledcats
            enabledcats |= changes # changes is small hence faster
            disabledcats = self.disabled_hook_cats
            changes = disabledcats & categories
            disabledcats -= changes # changes is small hence faster
        return tuple(changes)

    def is_hook_category_activated(self, category):
        """return a boolean telling if the given category is currently activated
        or not
        if self.hooks_mode is HOOKS_DENY_ALL:
            return category in self.enabled_hook_cats
        return category not in self.disabled_hook_cats

    def is_hook_activated(self, hook):
        """return a boolean telling if the given hook class is currently
        activated or not
        return self.is_hook_category_activated(hook.category)

    # Security management #####################################################

    def security_enabled(self, read=None, write=None):
        return _security_enabled(self, read=read, write=write)

    def read_security(self):
        return self._read_security

    def read_security(self, activated):
        self._read_security = activated

    # undo support ############################################################

    def ertype_supports_undo(self, ertype):
        return self.undo_actions and ertype not in NO_UNDO_TYPES

    def transaction_uuid(self, set=True):
        uuid = self.transaction_data.get('tx_uuid')
        if set and uuid is None:
            self.transaction_data['tx_uuid'] = uuid = unicode(uuid4().hex)
            self.repo.system_source.start_undoable_transaction(self, uuid)
        return uuid

    def transaction_inc_action_counter(self):
        num = self.transaction_data.setdefault('tx_action_count', 0) + 1
        self.transaction_data['tx_action_count'] = num
        return num

    # db-api like interface ###################################################

    def source_defs(self):
        return self.repo.source_defs()

    @deprecated('[3.19] use .entity_metas(eid) instead')
    def describe(self, eid, asdict=False):
        """return a tuple (type, sourceuri, extid) for the entity with id <eid>"""
        etype, extid, source = self.repo.type_and_source_from_eid(eid, self)
        metas = {'type': etype, 'source': source, 'extid': extid}
        if asdict:
            metas['asource'] = metas['source'] # XXX pre 3.19 client compat
            return metas
        return etype, source, extid

    def entity_metas(self, eid):
        """return a tuple (type, sourceuri, extid) for the entity with id <eid>"""
        etype, extid, source = self.repo.type_and_source_from_eid(eid, self)
        return {'type': etype, 'source': source, 'extid': extid}

    # core method #############################################################

    def execute(self, rql, kwargs=None, build_descr=True):
        """db-api like method directly linked to the querier execute method.

        See :meth:`cubicweb.dbapi.Cursor.execute` documentation.
        rset = self._execute(self, rql, kwargs, build_descr)
        rset.req = self
        return rset

    def rollback(self, free_cnxset=True, reset_pool=None):
        """rollback the current transaction"""
        if reset_pool is not None:
            warn('[3.13] use free_cnxset argument instead for reset_pool',
                 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
            free_cnxset = reset_pool
        if self._cnxset_count != 0:
            # we are inside ensure_cnx_set, don't lose it
            free_cnxset = False
        cnxset = self.cnxset
        if cnxset is None:
            self.debug('rollback transaction %s done (no db activity)', self.connectionid)
            # by default, operations are executed with security turned off
            with self.security_enabled(False, False):
                while self.pending_operations:
                        operation = self.pending_operations.pop(0)
                    except BaseException:
                        self.critical('rollback error', exc_info=sys.exc_info())
                self.debug('rollback for transaction %s done', self.connectionid)
            if free_cnxset:

    def commit(self, free_cnxset=True, reset_pool=None):
        """commit the current session's transaction"""
        if reset_pool is not None:
            warn('[3.13] use free_cnxset argument instead for reset_pool',
                 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
            free_cnxset = reset_pool
        if self.cnxset is None:
            assert not self.pending_operations
            self.debug('commit transaction %s done (no db activity)', self.connectionid)
        if self._cnxset_count != 0:
            # we are inside ensure_cnx_set, don't lose it
            free_cnxset = False
        cstate = self.commit_state
        if cstate == 'uncommitable':
            raise QueryError('transaction must be rolled back')
        if cstate == 'precommit':
            self.warn('calling commit in precommit makes no sense; ignoring commit')
        if cstate == 'postcommit':
            self.critical('postcommit phase is not allowed to write to the db; ignoring commit')
        assert cstate is None
        # on rollback, an operation should have the following state
        # information:
        # - processed by the precommit/commit event or not
        # - if processed, is it the failed operation
        debug = server.DEBUG & server.DBG_OPS
            # by default, operations are executed with security turned off
            with self.security_enabled(False, False):
                processed = []
                self.commit_state = 'precommit'
                if debug:
                    print self.commit_state, '*' * 20
                    with self.running_hooks_ops():
                        while self.pending_operations:
                            operation = self.pending_operations.pop(0)
                            operation.processed = 'precommit'
                            if debug:
                                print operation
                    self.pending_operations[:] = processed
                    self.debug('precommit transaction %s done', self.connectionid)
                except BaseException:
                    # if error on [pre]commit:
                    # * set .failed = True on the operation causing the failure
                    # * call revert<event>_event on processed operations
                    # * call rollback_event on *all* operations
                    # that seems more natural than not calling rollback_event
                    # for processed operations, and allow generic rollback
                    # instead of having to implements rollback, revertprecommit
                    # and revertcommit, that will be enough in mont case.
                    operation.failed = True
                    if debug:
                        print self.commit_state, '*' * 20
                    with self.running_hooks_ops():
                        for operation in reversed(processed):
                            if debug:
                                print operation
                            except BaseException:
                                self.critical('error while reverting precommit',
                    # XXX use slice notation since self.pending_operations is a
                    # read-only property.
                    self.pending_operations[:] = processed + self.pending_operations
                self.commit_state = 'postcommit'
                if debug:
                    print self.commit_state, '*' * 20
                with self.running_hooks_ops():
                    while self.pending_operations:
                        operation = self.pending_operations.pop(0)
                        if debug:
                            print operation
                        operation.processed = 'postcommit'
                        except BaseException:
                            self.critical('error while postcommit',
                self.debug('postcommit transaction %s done', self.connectionid)
                return self.transaction_uuid(set=False)
            if free_cnxset:

    # resource accessors ######################################################

    def call_service(self, regid, **kwargs):
        self.debug('calling service %s', regid)
        service = self.vreg['services'].select(regid, self, **kwargs)

    def system_sql(self, sql, args=None, rollback_on_failure=True):
        """return a sql cursor on the system database"""
        if sql.split(None, 1)[0].upper() != 'SELECT':
            self.mode = 'write'
        source = self.repo.system_source
            return source.doexec(self, sql, args, rollback=rollback_on_failure)
        except (source.OperationalError, source.InterfaceError):
            if not rollback_on_failure:
            source.warning("trying to reconnect")
            return source.doexec(self, sql, args, rollback=rollback_on_failure)

    def rtype_eids_rdef(self, rtype, eidfrom, eidto):
        # use type_and_source_from_eid instead of type_from_eid for optimization
        # (avoid two extra methods call)
        subjtype = self.repo.type_and_source_from_eid(eidfrom, self)[0]
        objtype = self.repo.type_and_source_from_eid(eidto, self)[0]
        return self.vreg.schema.rschema(rtype).rdefs[(subjtype, objtype)]

def cnx_attr(attr_name, writable=False):
    """return a property to forward attribute access to connection.

    This is to be used by session"""
    args = {}
    @deprecated('[3.19] use a Connection object instead')
    def attr_from_cnx(session):
        return getattr(session._cnx, attr_name)
    args['fget'] = attr_from_cnx
    if writable:
        @deprecated('[3.19] use a Connection object instead')
        def write_attr(session, value):
            return setattr(session._cnx, attr_name, value)
        args['fset'] = write_attr
    return property(**args)

def cnx_meth(meth_name):
    """return a function forwarding calls to connection.

    This is to be used by session"""
    @deprecated('[3.19] use a Connection object instead')
    def meth_from_cnx(session, *args, **kwargs):
        result = getattr(session._cnx, meth_name)(*args, **kwargs)
        if getattr(result, '_cw', None) is not None:
            result._cw = session
        return result
    meth_from_cnx.__doc__ = getattr(Connection, meth_name).__doc__
    return meth_from_cnx

class Timestamp(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.value = time()

    def touch(self):
        self.value = time()

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.value)

class Session(object):
    """Repository user session

    This ties all together:
     * session id,
     * user,
     * other session data.

    def __init__(self, user, repo, cnxprops=None, _id=None):
        self.sessionid = _id or make_uid(unormalize(user.login).encode('UTF8'))
        self.user = user # XXX repoapi: deprecated and store only a login.
        self.repo = repo
        self.vreg = repo.vreg
        self._timestamp = Timestamp() = {}
        self.closed = False

    def close(self):
        self.closed = True

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

    def __unicode__(self):
        return '<session %s (%s 0x%x)>' % (
            unicode(self.user.login), self.sessionid, id(self))

    def timestamp(self):
        return float(self._timestamp)

    @deprecated('[3.19] is deprecated, use session.sessionid')
    def id(self):
        return self.sessionid

    def login(self):
        return self.user.login

    def new_cnx(self):
        """Return a new Connection object linked to the session

        The returned Connection will *not* be managed by the Session.
        return Connection(self)

    @deprecated('[3.19] use a Connection object instead')
    def get_option_value(self, option, foreid=None):
        if foreid is not None:
            warn('[3.19] foreid argument is deprecated', DeprecationWarning,
        return self.repo.get_option_value(option)

    def _touch(self):
        """update latest session usage timestamp and reset mode to read"""

    local_perm_cache = cnx_attr('local_perm_cache')
    def local_perm_cache(self, value):
        #base class assign an empty dict:-(
        assert value == {}

    # deprecated ###############################################################

    def anonymous_session(self):
        # XXX for now, anonymous_user only exists in webconfig (and testconfig).
        # It will only be present inside all-in-one instance.
        # there is plan to move it down to global config.
        if not hasattr(self.repo.config, 'anonymous_user'):
            # not a web or test config, no anonymous user
            return False
        return self.user.login == self.repo.config.anonymous_user()[0]

    @deprecated('[3.13] use getattr(session.rtype_eids_rdef(rtype, eidfrom, eidto), prop)')
    def schema_rproperty(self, rtype, eidfrom, eidto, rprop):
        return getattr(self.rtype_eids_rdef(rtype, eidfrom, eidto), rprop)

    # these are overridden by set_log_methods below
    # only defining here to prevent pylint from complaining
    info = warning = error = critical = exception = debug = lambda msg,*a,**kw: None

class InternalManager(object):
    """a manager user with all access rights used internally for task such as
    bootstrapping the repository or creating regular users according to
    repository content

    def __init__(self, lang='en'):
        self.eid = -1
        self.login = u'__internal_manager__' = {}
        self.groups = set(['managers'])
        self.lang = lang

    def matching_groups(self, groups):
        return 1

    def is_in_group(self, group):
        return True

    def owns(self, eid):
        return True

    def property_value(self, key):
        if key == 'ui.language':
            return self.lang
        return None

    def prefered_language(self, language=None):
        # mock CWUser.prefered_language, mainly for testing purpose
        return self.property_value('ui.language')

    # CWUser compat for notification ###########################################

    def name(self):
        return 'cubicweb'

    class _IEmailable:
        def get_email():
            return ''

    def cw_adapt_to(self, iface):
        if iface == 'IEmailable':
            return self._IEmailable
        return None

from logging import getLogger
from cubicweb import set_log_methods
set_log_methods(Session, getLogger('cubicweb.session'))
set_log_methods(Connection, getLogger('cubicweb.session'))