Fri, 03 Apr 2009 19:04:00 +0200
changeset 1228 91ae10ffb611
parent 47 54087a269bdd
child 1398 5fe84a5f7035
permissions -rw-r--r--
* refactor ms planner (renaming, reorganization) * fix a bug originaly demonstrated by test_version_depends_on * enhance crossed relation support, though there is still some bug renaming. some tests were actually wrong. Buggy tests (wether they fail or not, they are byggy) marked by XXXFIXME)

from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main, TestCase
from logilab.common.testlib import mock_object

from rql import parse, nodes, RQLHelper

from cubicweb import Unauthorized
from cubicweb.server.rqlrewrite import RQLRewriter
from cubicweb.devtools import repotest, TestServerConfiguration

config = TestServerConfiguration('data')
schema = config.load_schema()
schema.add_relation_def(mock_object(subject='Card', name='in_state', object='State', cardinality='1*'))
rqlhelper = RQLHelper(schema, special_relations={'eid': 'uid',
                                                 'has_text': 'fti'})

def setup_module(*args):

def teardown_module(*args):
def eid_func_map(eid):
    return {1: 'EUser',
            2: 'Card'}[eid]

def rewrite(rqlst, snippets_map, kwargs):
    class FakeQuerier:
        schema = schema
        def solutions(sqlcursor, mainrqlst, kwargs):
            rqlhelper.compute_solutions(rqlst, {'eid': eid_func_map}, kwargs=kwargs)
        class _rqlhelper:
            def annotate(rqlst):
            def simplify(mainrqlst, needcopy=False):
                rqlhelper.simplify(rqlst, needcopy)
    rewriter = RQLRewriter(FakeQuerier, mock_object(user=(mock_object(eid=1))))
    for v, snippets in snippets_map.items():
        snippets_map[v] = [mock_object(snippet_rqlst=parse('Any X WHERE '+snippet).children[0],
                                       expression='Any X WHERE '+snippet) 
                           for snippet in snippets]
    rqlhelper.compute_solutions(rqlst.children[0], {'eid': eid_func_map}, kwargs=kwargs)
    solutions = rqlst.children[0].solutions
    rewriter.rewrite(rqlst.children[0], snippets_map.items(), solutions, kwargs)
    return rewriter.rewritten

def test_vrefs(node):
    vrefmap = {}
    for vref in node.iget_nodes(nodes.VariableRef):
        vrefmap.setdefault(, set()).add(vref)
    for var in node.defined_vars.itervalues():
        assert not (var.stinfo['references'] ^ vrefmap[])
        assert (var.stinfo['references'])

class RQLRewriteTC(TestCase):
    """a faire:

    * optimisation: detecter les relations utilisees dans les rqlexpressions qui
      sont presentes dans la requete de depart pour les reutiliser si possible
    * "has_<ACTION>_permission" ?
    def test_base_var(self):
        card_constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        rqlst = parse('Card C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'C': (card_constraint,)}, {})
                             u"Any C WHERE C is Card, B eid %(D)s, "
                             "EXISTS(C in_state A, B in_group E, F require_state A, "
                             "F name 'read', F require_group E, A is State, E is EGroup, F is EPermission)")
    def test_multiple_var(self):
        card_constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        affaire_constraints = ('X ref LIKE "PUBLIC%"', 'U in_group G, G name "public"')
        kwargs = {'u':2}
        rqlst = parse('Any S WHERE S documented_by C, C eid %(u)s')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'C': (card_constraint,), 'S': affaire_constraints},
                             "Any S WHERE S documented_by C, C eid %(u)s, B eid %(D)s, "
                             "EXISTS(C in_state A, B in_group E, F require_state A, "
                             "F name 'read', F require_group E, A is State, E is EGroup, F is EPermission), "
                             "(EXISTS(S ref LIKE 'PUBLIC%')) OR (EXISTS(B in_group G, G name 'public', G is EGroup)), "
                             "S is Affaire")
        self.failUnless('D' in kwargs)
    def test_or(self):
        constraint = '(X identity U) OR (X in_state ST, CL identity U, CL in_state ST, ST name "subscribed")'
        rqlst = parse('Any S WHERE S owned_by C, C eid %(u)s')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'C': (constraint,)}, {'u':1})
                             "Any S WHERE S owned_by C, C eid %(u)s, A eid %(B)s, "
                             "EXISTS((C identity A) OR (C in_state D, E identity A, "
                             "E in_state D, D name 'subscribed'), D is State, E is EUser), "
                             "S is IN(Affaire, Basket, Bookmark, Card, Comment, Division, ECache, EConstraint, EConstraintType, EEType, EFRDef, EGroup, ENFRDef, EPermission, EProperty, ERType, EUser, Email, EmailAddress, EmailPart, EmailThread, File, Folder, Image, Note, Personne, RQLExpression, Societe, State, SubDivision, Tag, TrInfo, Transition)")

    def test_simplified_rqlst(self):
        card_constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        rqlst = parse('Any 2') # this is the simplified rql st for Any X WHERE X eid 12
        rewrite(rqlst, {'2': (card_constraint,)}, {})
                             u"Any 2 WHERE B eid %(C)s, "
                             "EXISTS(2 in_state A, B in_group D, E require_state A, "
                             "E name 'read', E require_group D, A is State, D is EGroup, E is EPermission)")

    def test_optional_var(self):
        card_constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        rqlst = parse('Any A,C WHERE A documented_by C?')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'C': (card_constraint,)}, {})
                             "Any A,C WHERE A documented_by C?, A is Affaire "
                             "WITH C BEING "
                             "(Any C WHERE C in_state B, D in_group F, G require_state B, G name 'read', "
                             "G require_group F, D eid %(A)s, C is Card)")
        rqlst = parse('Any A,C,T WHERE A documented_by C?, C title T')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'C': (card_constraint,)}, {})
                             "Any A,C,T WHERE A documented_by C?, A is Affaire "
                             "WITH C,T BEING "
                             "(Any C,T WHERE C in_state B, D in_group F, G require_state B, G name 'read', "
                             "G require_group F, C title T, D eid %(A)s, C is Card)")
    def test_relation_optimization(self):
        # since Card in_state State as monovalued cardinality, the in_state
        # relation used in the rql expression can be ignored and S replaced by
        # the variable from the incoming query
        card_constraint = ('X in_state S, U in_group G, P require_state S,'
                           'P name "read", P require_group G')
        rqlst = parse('Card C WHERE C in_state STATE')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'C': (card_constraint,)}, {})
                             u"Any C WHERE C in_state STATE, C is Card, A eid %(B)s, "
                             "EXISTS(A in_group D, E require_state STATE, "
                             "E name 'read', E require_group D, D is EGroup, E is EPermission), "
                             "STATE is State")

    def test_unsupported_constraint_1(self):
        # EUser doesn't have require_permission
        trinfo_constraint = ('X wf_info_for Y, Y require_permission P, P name "read"')
        rqlst = parse('Any U,T WHERE U is EUser, T wf_info_for U')
        self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, rewrite, rqlst, {'T': (trinfo_constraint,)}, {})
    def test_unsupported_constraint_2(self):
        trinfo_constraint = ('X wf_info_for Y, Y require_permission P, P name "read"')
        rqlst = parse('Any U,T WHERE U is EUser, T wf_info_for U')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'T': (trinfo_constraint, 'X wf_info_for Y, Y in_group G, G name "managers"')}, {})
                             u"Any U,T WHERE U is EUser, T wf_info_for U, "
                             "EXISTS(U in_group B, B name 'managers', B is EGroup), T is TrInfo")

    def test_unsupported_constraint_3(self):
        self.skip('raise unauthorized for now')
        trinfo_constraint = ('X wf_info_for Y, Y require_permission P, P name "read"')
        rqlst = parse('Any T WHERE T wf_info_for X')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'T': (trinfo_constraint, 'X in_group G, G name "managers"')}, {})
                             u'XXX dunno what should be generated')
    def test_add_ambiguity_exists(self):
        constraint = ('X concerne Y')
        rqlst = parse('Affaire X')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'X': (constraint,)}, {})
                             u"Any X WHERE X is Affaire, (((EXISTS(X concerne A, A is Division)) OR (EXISTS(X concerne D, D is SubDivision))) OR (EXISTS(X concerne C, C is Societe))) OR (EXISTS(X concerne B, B is Note))")
    def test_add_ambiguity_outerjoin(self):
        constraint = ('X concerne Y')
        rqlst = parse('Any X,C WHERE X? documented_by C')
        rewrite(rqlst, {'X': (constraint,)}, {})
        # ambiguity are kept in the sub-query, no need to be resolved using OR
                             u"Any X,C WHERE X? documented_by C, C is Card WITH X BEING (Any X WHERE X concerne A, X is Affaire)") 
if __name__ == '__main__':