author Jérémy Bobbio <>
Wed, 19 Jun 2019 16:10:19 +0200
changeset 12656 91178bc271c7
parent 11898 c5d3382f14e9
child 12824 bc623a3e44e9
permissions -rw-r--r--
[pkg] Use sections from requires.txt to populate Recommends and Suggests As Denis Laxalde pointed out, dh_python can also generate Recommends and Suggests from Python package names. So let's use that instead of manually populating these fields in `debian/control`. Optional dependencies are currently specified in `` grouped by feature. These dependency groups are turned into sections in `requires.txt`. Thankfully `dh_python3` has options to populate Recommends or Suggests with all package from a given section. `debian/rules` now contains a list of which sections should go to Recommends and which section should go to Suggests. Because such extra list easily gets out-of-sync, we add a third list for ignored sections, and ensure that all sections currently in `requires.txt` get a mentioned in `debian/rules`. Here are the results compared to the previous version with explicit Recommends and Suggests (only listing Python packages): |==============================================================| | only in previous | common | only in new | |==============================================================| | Recommends | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | | python3-docutils | | | python3-fyzz | | | | python3-imaging | | | | | python3-pycryptodome | | | | python3-pyramid | | | | python3-pyramid-multiauth | | | python3-pysqlite2 | | | | | python3-rdflib | | | | python3-repoze.lru | | | python3-simpletal | | | | | python3-vobject | | | | python3-waitress | | | python3-werkzeug | | | | | python3-wsgicors | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | Suggests | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | | | python3-pil | We also lose versioned dependencies which should not really be an issue for Recommends and Suggests.

from unittest import SkipTest

from cubicweb.devtools import qunit

def js(name):
    return '/static/js_examples/' + name

class QUnitTestCaseTC(qunit.QUnitTestCase):

    timeout_error = SkipTest
    all_js_tests = (
                    (js('test_with_dep.js'), (js('dep_1.js'),)),
                    (js('test_with_ordered_deps.js'), (js('dep_1.js'), js('deps_2.js'),)),

    def test_simple_failure(self):
        js_tests = list(self._test_qunit(js('test_simple_failure.js')))
        self.assertEqual(len(js_tests), 3)
        test_1, test_2, test_3 = js_tests
        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, test_1[1], *test_1[2:])
        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, test_2[1], *test_2[2:])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from unittest import main