[facets] should remove groupby from base rqlst. Closes #1796196
as we search for values for a variable, there seems to be no case
where we would be interested in groups, though there are clearly
some were leaving groups cause errors.
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"""some utilities to define schema permissions
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from rql.utils import quote
from cubicweb.schema import RO_REL_PERMS, RO_ATTR_PERMS, \
ERQLExpression, RRQLExpression
# permissions for "meta" entity type (readable by anyone, can only be
# added/deleted by managers)
# permissions for "meta" relation type (readable by anyone, can only be
# added/deleted by managers)
# permissions for relation type that should only set by hooks using unsafe
# execute, readable by anyone
def _perm(names):
if isinstance(names, (list, tuple)):
if len(names) == 1:
names = quote(names[0])
names = 'IN (%s)' % (','.join(quote(name) for name in names))
names = quote(names)
#return u' require_permission P, P name %s, U in_group G, P require_group G' % names
return u' require_permission P, P name %s, U has_group_permission P' % names
def xperm(*names):
return 'X' + _perm(names)
def xexpr(*names):
return ERQLExpression(xperm(*names))
def xrexpr(relation, *names):
return ERQLExpression('X %s Y, Y %s' % (relation, _perm(names)))
def xorexpr(relation, etype, *names):
return ERQLExpression('Y %s X, X is %s, Y %s' % (relation, etype, _perm(names)))
def sexpr(*names):
return RRQLExpression('S' + _perm(names), 'S')
def restricted_sexpr(restriction, *names):
rql = '%s, %s' % (restriction, 'S' + _perm(names))
return RRQLExpression(rql, 'S')
def restricted_oexpr(restriction, *names):
rql = '%s, %s' % (restriction, 'O' + _perm(names))
return RRQLExpression(rql, 'O')
def oexpr(*names):
return RRQLExpression('O' + _perm(names), 'O')
# def supdate_perm():
# return RRQLExpression('U has_update_permission S', 'S')
# def oupdate_perm():
# return RRQLExpression('U has_update_permission O', 'O')
def relxperm(rel, role, *names):
assert role in ('subject', 'object')
if role == 'subject':
zxrel = ', X %s Z' % rel
zxrel = ', Z %s X' % rel
return 'Z' + _perm(names) + zxrel
def relxexpr(rel, role, *names):
return ERQLExpression(relxperm(rel, role, *names))