author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:15:52 +0200
changeset 5424 8ecbcbff9777
parent 5421 8167de96c523
child 5426 0d4853a6e5ee
permissions -rw-r--r--
replace logilab-common by CubicWeb in disclaimer

# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys
import os
from os.path import dirname, join, abspath

from logilab.common.modutils import cleanup_sys_modules
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main
from logilab.common.changelog import Version

from cubicweb.devtools import ApptestConfiguration

def unabsolutize(path):
    parts = path.split(os.sep)
    for i, part in reversed(tuple(enumerate(parts))):
        if part.startswith('cubicweb') or part == 'cubes':
            return '/'.join(parts[i+1:])
    raise Exception('duh? %s' % path)

CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), 'data', 'cubes'))

class CubicWebConfigurationTC(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        cleanup_sys_modules([CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, ApptestConfiguration.CUBES_DIR])
        self.config = ApptestConfiguration('data')
        self.config._cubes = ('email', 'file')

    def tearDown(self):
        os.environ.pop('CW_CUBES_PATH', None)

    def test_reorder_cubes(self):
        # jpl depends on email and file and comment
        # email depends on file
        self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(['file', 'email', 'forge']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(['email', 'file', 'forge']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(['email', 'forge', 'file']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(['file', 'forge', 'email']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(['forge', 'file', 'email']),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))
        self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(('forge', 'email', 'file')),
                          ('forge', 'email', 'file'))

    def test_reorder_cubes_recommends(self):
        from cubes.comment import __pkginfo__ as comment_pkginfo
        comment_pkginfo.__recommend__ = ('file',)
            # email recommends comment
            # comment recommends file
            self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(('forge', 'email', 'file', 'comment')),
                              ('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file'))
            self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file')),
                              ('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file'))
            self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(('forge', 'comment', 'email', 'file')),
                              ('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file'))
            self.assertEquals(self.config.reorder_cubes(('comment', 'forge', 'email', 'file')),
                              ('forge', 'email', 'comment', 'file'))
            comment_pkginfo.__use__ = ()

#     def test_vc_config(self):
#         vcconf = self.config.vc_config()
#         self.assertIsInstance(vcconf['EEMAIL'], Version)
#         self.assertEquals(vcconf['EEMAIL'], (0, 3, 1))
#         self.assertEquals(vcconf['CW'], (2, 31, 2))
#         self.assertRaises(KeyError, vcconf.__getitem__, 'CW_VERSION')
#         self.assertRaises(KeyError, vcconf.__getitem__, 'CRM')

    def test_expand_cubes(self):
        self.assertEquals(self.config.expand_cubes(('email', 'blog')),
                          ['email', 'blog', 'file'])

    def test_vregistry_path(self):
        self.assertEquals([unabsolutize(p) for p in self.config.vregistry_path()],
                          ['entities', 'web/views', 'sobjects', 'hooks',
                           'file/entities.py', 'file/views', 'file/hooks.py',
                           'email/entities.py', 'email/views', 'email/hooks.py',
                           'test/data/entities.py', 'test/data/views.py'])

    def test_cubes_path(self):
        # make sure we don't import the email cube, but the stdlib email package
        import email
        self.assertNotEquals(dirname(email.__file__), self.config.CUBES_DIR)
        os.environ['CW_CUBES_PATH'] = CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR
                          [CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, self.config.CUBES_DIR])
        os.environ['CW_CUBES_PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([
            CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, self.config.CUBES_DIR, 'unexistant'])
        # filter out unexistant and duplicates
        self.failUnless('mycube' in self.config.available_cubes())
        # test cubes python path
        import cubes
        self.assertEquals(cubes.__path__, self.config.cubes_search_path())
        # this import should succeed once path is adjusted
        from cubes import mycube
        self.assertEquals(mycube.__path__, [join(CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, 'mycube')])
        # file cube should be overriden by the one found in data/cubes
        sys.modules.pop('cubes.file', None)
        del cubes.file
        from cubes import file
        self.assertEquals(file.__path__, [join(CUSTOM_CUBES_DIR, 'file')])

if __name__ == '__main__':