author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Mon, 30 Nov 2009 10:24:01 +0100
changeset 3947 8d06bce45c02
parent 3924 4347654979e8
child 3998 94cc7cad3d2d
child 4212 ab6573088b4a
permissions -rw-r--r--
when one is adding an inline entity for a relation of a single card, the 'add a new xxx' link disappears. If the user then cancel the addition, we have to make this link appears back. This is done by giving add new link id to removeInlineForm.

"""The edit controller, handling form submitting.

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from decimal import Decimal

from rql.utils import rqlvar_maker

from cubicweb import Binary, ValidationError, typed_eid
from cubicweb.web import INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, RequestError, NothingToEdit
from cubicweb.web.controller import parse_relations_descr
from cubicweb.web.views.basecontrollers import ViewController

class ToDoLater(Exception):
    """exception used in the edit controller to indicate that a relation
    can't be handled right now and have to be handled later

class EditController(ViewController):
    id = 'edit'

    def publish(self, rset=None):
        """edit / create / copy / delete entity / relations"""
        for key in self.req.form:
            # There should be 0 or 1 action
            if key.startswith('__action_'):
                cbname = key[1:]
                    callback = getattr(self, cbname)
                except AttributeError:
                    raise RequestError(self.req._('invalid action %r' % key))
                    return callback()

    def _default_publish(self):
        req = self.req
        form = req.form
        # so we're able to know the main entity from the repository side
        if '__maineid' in form:
            req.set_shared_data('__maineid', form['__maineid'], querydata=True)
        # no specific action, generic edition
        self._to_create = req.data['eidmap'] = {}
        self._pending_relations = []
        todelete = self.req.get_pending_deletes()
        toinsert = self.req.get_pending_inserts()
            methodname = form.pop('__method', None)
            for eid in req.edited_eids():
                # __type and eid
                formparams = req.extract_entity_params(eid, minparams=2)
                if methodname is not None:
                    entity = req.entity_from_eid(eid)
                    method = getattr(entity, methodname)
                eid = self.edit_entity(formparams)
        except (RequestError, NothingToEdit):
            if '__linkto' in form and 'eid' in form:
            elif not ('__delete' in form or '__insert' in form or todelete or toinsert):
                raise ValidationError(None, {None: req._('nothing to edit')})
        # handle relations in newly created entities
        if self._pending_relations:
            for rschema, formparams, x, entity in self._pending_relations:
                self.handle_relation(rschema, formparams, x, entity, True)

        # XXX this processes *all* pending operations of *all* entities
        if form.has_key('__delete'):
            todelete += req.list_form_param('__delete', form, pop=True)
        if todelete:
        if form.has_key('__insert'):
            toinsert = req.list_form_param('__insert', form, pop=True)
        if toinsert:

    def edit_entity(self, formparams, multiple=False):
        """edit / create / copy an entity and return its eid"""
        etype = formparams['__type']
        entity = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(etype)(self.req)
        entity.eid = eid = self._get_eid(formparams['eid'])
        edited = self.req.form.get('__maineid') == formparams['eid']
        # let a chance to do some entity specific stuff.
        # create a rql query from parameters
        self.relations = []
        self.restrictions = []
        # process inlined relations at the same time as attributes
        # this is required by some external source such as the svn source which
        # needs some information provided by those inlined relation. Moreover
        # this will generate less write queries.
        for rschema in entity.e_schema.subject_relations():
            if rschema.final:
                self.handle_attribute(entity, rschema, formparams)
            elif rschema.inlined:
                self.handle_inlined_relation(rschema, formparams, entity)
        execute = self.req.execute
        if eid is None: # creation or copy
            if self.relations:
                rql = 'INSERT %s X: %s' % (etype, ','.join(self.relations))
                rql = 'INSERT %s X' % etype
            if self.restrictions:
                rql += ' WHERE %s' % ','.join(self.restrictions)
                # get the new entity (in some cases, the type might have
                # changed as for the File --> Image mutation)
                entity = execute(rql, formparams).get_entity(0, 0)
                eid = entity.eid
            except ValidationError, ex:
                self._to_create[formparams['eid']] = ex.entity
                if self.req.json_request: # XXX (syt) why?
                    ex.entity = formparams['eid']
            self._to_create[formparams['eid']] = eid
        elif self.relations: # edition of an existant entity
            varmaker = rqlvar_maker()
            var = varmaker.next()
            while var in formparams:
                var = varmaker.next()
            rql = 'SET %s WHERE X eid %%(%s)s' % (','.join(self.relations), var)
            if self.restrictions:
                rql += ', %s' % ','.join(self.restrictions)
            formparams[var] = eid
            execute(rql, formparams)
        for rschema in entity.e_schema.subject_relations():
            if rschema.final or rschema.inlined:
            self.handle_relation(rschema, formparams, 'subject', entity)
        for rschema in entity.e_schema.object_relations():
            if rschema.final:
            self.handle_relation(rschema, formparams, 'object', entity)
        if edited:
        if formparams.has_key('__delete'):
            todelete = self.req.list_form_param('__delete', formparams, pop=True)
        if formparams.has_key('__cloned_eid'):
        if formparams.has_key('__insert'):
            toinsert = self.req.list_form_param('__insert', formparams, pop=True)
        if edited: # only execute linkto for the main entity
        return eid

    def _action_apply(self):

    def _action_cancel(self):
        errorurl = self.req.form.get('__errorurl')
        if errorurl:
        self.req.message = self.req._('edit canceled')
        return self.reset()

    def _action_delete(self):
        return self.reset()

    def _needs_edition(self, rtype, formparams, entity):
        """returns True and and the new value if `rtype` was edited"""
        editkey = 'edits-%s' % rtype
        if not editkey in formparams:
            return False, None # not edited
        value = formparams.get(rtype) or None
        if entity.has_eid() and (formparams.get(editkey) or None) == value:
            return False, None # not modified
        if value == INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE:
            value = None
        return True, value

    def handle_attribute(self, entity, rschema, formparams):
        """append to `relations` part of the rql query to edit the
        attribute described by the given schema if necessary
        attr = rschema.type
        edition_needed, value = self._needs_edition(attr, formparams, entity)
        if not edition_needed:
        # test if entity class defines a special handler for this attribute
        custom_edit = getattr(entity, 'custom_%s_edit' % attr, None)
        if custom_edit:
            custom_edit(formparams, value, self.relations)
        attrtype = rschema.objects(entity.e_schema)[0].type
        # on checkbox or selection, the field may not be in params
        # NOTE: raising ValidationError here is not a good solution because
        #       we can't gather all errors at once. Hopefully, the new 3.6.x
        #       form handling will fix that
        if attrtype == 'Boolean':
            value = bool(value)
        elif attrtype == 'Decimal':
            value = Decimal(value)
        elif attrtype == 'Bytes':
            # if it is a file, transport it using a Binary (StringIO)
            # XXX later __detach is for the new widget system, the former is to
            # be removed once web/widgets.py has been dropped
            if formparams.has_key('__%s_detach' % attr) or formparams.has_key('%s__detach' % attr):
                # drop current file value
                value = None
            # no need to check value when nor explicit detach nor new file
            # submitted, since it will think the attribute is not modified
            elif isinstance(value, unicode):
                # file modified using a text widget
                encoding = entity.attr_metadata(attr, 'encoding')
                value = Binary(value.encode(encoding))
            elif value:
                # value is a  3-uple (filename, mimetype, stream)
                val = Binary(value[2].read())
                if not val.getvalue(): # usually an unexistant file
                    value = None
                    val.filename = value[0]
                    # ignore browser submitted MIME type since it may be buggy
                    # XXX add a config option to tell if we should consider it
                    # or not?
                    #if entity.e_schema.has_metadata(attr, 'format'):
                    #    key = '%s_format' % attr
                    #    formparams[key] = value[1]
                    #    self.relations.append('X %s_format %%(%s)s'
                    #                          % (attr, key))
                    # XXX suppose a File compatible schema
                    if 'name' in entity.e_schema.subjrels \
                           and not formparams.get('name'):
                        formparams['name'] = value[0]
                        self.relations.append('X name %(name)s')
                    value = val
                # no specified value, skip
        elif value is not None:
            if attrtype == 'Int':
                    value = int(value)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValidationError(entity.eid,
                                          {attr: self.req._("invalid integer value")})
            elif attrtype == 'Float':
                    value = float(value)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValidationError(entity.eid,
                                          {attr: self.req._("invalid float value")})
            elif attrtype in ('Date', 'Datetime', 'Time'):
                    value = self.parse_datetime(value, attrtype)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValidationError(entity.eid,
                                          {attr: self.req._("invalid date")})
            elif attrtype == 'Password':
                # check confirmation (see PasswordWidget for confirmation field name)
                confirmval = formparams.get(attr + '-confirm')
                if confirmval != value:
                    raise ValidationError(entity.eid,
                                          {attr: self.req._("password and confirmation don't match")})
                # password should *always* be utf8 encoded
                value = value.encode('UTF8')
                # strip strings
                value = value.strip()
        elif attrtype == 'Password':
            # skip None password
            return # unset password
        formparams[attr] = value
        self.relations.append('X %s %%(%s)s' % (attr, attr))

    def _relation_values(self, rschema, formparams, x, entity, late=False):
        """handle edition for the (rschema, x) relation of the given entity
        rtype = rschema.type
        editkey = 'edit%s-%s' % (x[0], rtype)
        if not editkey in formparams:
            return # not edited
            values = self._linked_eids(self.req.list_form_param(rtype, formparams), late)
        except ToDoLater:
            self._pending_relations.append((rschema, formparams, x, entity))
        origvalues = set(typed_eid(eid) for eid in self.req.list_form_param(editkey, formparams))
        return values, origvalues

    def handle_inlined_relation(self, rschema, formparams, entity, late=False):
        """handle edition for the (rschema, x) relation of the given entity
            values, origvalues = self._relation_values(rschema, formparams,
                                                       'subject', entity, late)
        except TypeError:
            return # not edited / to do later
        if values == origvalues:
            return # not modified
        attr = str(rschema)
        if values:
            formparams[attr] = iter(values).next()
            self.relations.append('X %s %s' % (attr, attr.upper()))
            self.restrictions.append('%s eid %%(%s)s' % (attr.upper(), attr))
        elif entity.has_eid():
            self.handle_relation(rschema, formparams, 'subject', entity, late)

    def handle_relation(self, rschema, formparams, x, entity, late=False):
        """handle edition for the (rschema, x) relation of the given entity
            values, origvalues = self._relation_values(rschema, formparams, x,
                                                       entity, late)
        except TypeError:
            return # not edited / to do later
        etype = entity.e_schema
        if values == origvalues:
            return # not modified
        if x == 'subject':
            desttype = rschema.objects(etype)[0]
            card = rschema.rproperty(etype, desttype, 'cardinality')[0]
            subjvar, objvar = 'X', 'Y'
            desttype = rschema.subjects(etype)[0]
            card = rschema.rproperty(desttype, etype, 'cardinality')[1]
            subjvar, objvar = 'Y', 'X'
        eid = entity.eid
        if x == 'object' or not rschema.inlined or not values:
            # this is not an inlined relation or no values specified,
            # explicty remove relations
            rql = 'DELETE %s %s %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s' % (
                subjvar, rschema, objvar)
            for reid in origvalues.difference(values):
                self.req.execute(rql, {'x': eid, 'y': reid}, ('x', 'y'))
        seteids = values.difference(origvalues)
        if seteids:
            rql = 'SET %s %s %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s' % (
                subjvar, rschema, objvar)
            for reid in seteids:
                self.req.execute(rql, {'x': eid, 'y': reid}, ('x', 'y'))

    def _get_eid(self, eid):
        # should be either an int (existant entity) or a variable (to be
        # created entity)
        assert eid or eid == 0, repr(eid) # 0 is a valid eid
            return typed_eid(eid)
        except ValueError:
                return self._to_create[eid]
            except KeyError:
                self._to_create[eid] = None
                return None

    def _linked_eids(self, eids, late=False):
        """return a list of eids if they are all known, else raise ToDoLater
        result = set()
        for eid in eids:
            if not eid: # AutoCompletionWidget
            eid = self._get_eid(eid)
            if eid is None:
                if not late:
                    raise ToDoLater()
                # eid is still None while it's already a late call
                # this mean that the associated entity has not been created
                raise Exception('duh')
        return result