author Laurent Peuch <>
Thu, 16 May 2019 04:42:59 +0200
changeset 12614 8ac9ac8d9143
parent 11057 0b59724cb3f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[mod] make ViolatedConstraint actually display useful information Move from: (Pdb++) raise some_exception *** ViolatedConstraint: To: (Pdb++) raise some_exception *** ViolatedConstraint: constraint 'cstr56c2ab4b3154f21d08b067742ce5bd9d' is being violated by the query 'ALTER TABLE cw_Bibliography ADD CONSTRAINT cstr56c2ab4b3154f21d08b067742ce5bd9d CHECK(cw_item_type IN ('journalArticle', 'note', 'book', 'thesis', 'film', 'web page', 'manuscrit', 'tapuscrit'))'. You can run the inverted constraint on the database to list the problematic rows. And save hours of debugging to actually understand what is going on.

"""define default ui properties"""

# CSS stylesheets to include systematically in HTML headers
# use the following line if you *need* to keep the old stylesheet
STYLESHEETS =       [data('cubicweb.css'), ]
STYLESHEETS_IE =    [data('')]
STYLESHEETS_PRINT = [data('cubicweb.print.css')]

# Javascripts files to include systematically in HTML headers
JAVASCRIPTS = [data('jquery.js'),

# where is installed fckeditor
FCKEDITOR_PATH = '/usr/share/fckeditor/'

# favicon and logo for the instance
FAVICON = data('favicon.ico')
LOGO = data('logo.png')

# rss logo (link to get the rss view of a selection)
RSS_LOGO = data('rss.png')
RSS_LOGO_16 = data('feed-icon16x16.png')
RSS_LOGO_32 = data('feed-icon32x32.png')

# XXX cleanup resources below, some of them are probably not used
# (at least entity types icons...)

# images
HELP = data('help.png')
SEARCH_GO = data('go.png')
PUCE_UP = data('puce_up.png')
PUCE_DOWN = data('puce_down.png')

# button icons
OK_ICON = data('ok.png')
CANCEL_ICON = data('cancel.png')
APPLY_ICON = data('plus.png')
TRASH_ICON = data('trash_can_small.png')

# icons for entity types
BOOKMARK_ICON = data('icon_bookmark.gif')
EMAILADDRESS_ICON = data('icon_emailaddress.gif')
EUSER_ICON = data('icon_euser.gif')
STATE_ICON = data('icon_state.gif')

# other icons
CALENDAR_ICON = data('calendar.gif')
CANCEL_EMAIL_ICON = data('sendcancel.png')
SEND_EMAIL_ICON = data('sendok.png')
DOWNLOAD_ICON = data('download.gif')
UPLOAD_ICON = data('upload.gif')
GMARKER_ICON = data('gmap_blue_marker.png')
UP_ICON = data('up.gif')

# colors, fonts, etc

# default (body, html)
defaultColor = '#000'
defaultFontFamily = "'Bitstream Vera Sans','Lucida Grande','Lucida Sans Unicode','Geneva','Verdana',sans-serif"
defaultSize = '12px'
defaultLineHeight = '1.5'
defaultLineHeightEm = lazystr('%(defaultLineHeight)sem')

inputHeight = '1.3em'
inputPadding = 'O.2em'
defaultLayoutMargin = '8px'

# header
headerBgColor = '#ff7700'
headerBg = lazystr('%(headerBgColor)s url("banner.png") repeat-x top left')

# scale 3:5 stranded
# h1 { font-size:2em; }
# h2 { font-size:1.61538em; }
# h3 { font-size:1.23077em; }
# scale le corbusier */
# h1 { font-size:2.11538em; }
# h2 { font-size:1.61538em; }
# h3 { font-size:1.30769em; }

# h
h1FontSize = '2.3em' # 25.3833px
h1Padding = '0 0 0.14em 0 '
h1Margin = '0.8em 0 0.5em'
h1Color = '#000'
h1BorderBottomStyle = lazystr('0.06em solid %(h1Color)s')

h2FontSize = '2em' #
h2Padding = '0.4em 0 0.35em 0' # 22.0667px
h2Margin = '0'

h3FontSize = '1.7em' #18.75px
h3Padding = '0.5em 0 0.57em 0'
h3Margin = '0'

h4FontSize = '1.4em' # 15.45px

# links
aColor = '#e6820e'

# page frame
pageBgColor = '#e2e2e2'
pageContentBorderColor = '#ccc'
pageContentBgColor = '#fff'
pageContentPadding = '1em'
pageMinHeight = '800px'

# boxes ########################################################################

# title of contextFree / contextual boxes
contextFreeBoxTitleBgColor = '#CFCEB7'
contextFreeBoxTitleBg = lazystr('%(contextFreeBoxTitleBgColor)s url("contextFreeBoxHeader.png") repeat-x 50%% 50%%')
contextFreeBoxTitleColor = '#000'

contextualBoxTitleBgColor = '#FF9900'
contextualBoxTitleBg = lazystr('%(contextualBoxTitleBgColor)s url("contextualBoxHeader.png") repeat-x 50%% 50%%')
contextualBoxTitleColor = '#FFF'

# title of 'incontext' boxes (eg displayed inside the primary view)
incontextBoxTitleBgColor = lazystr('%(contextFreeBoxTitleBgColor)s')
incontextBoxTitleBg = lazystr('%(incontextBoxTitleBgColor)s url("incontextBoxHeader.png") repeat-x 50%% 50%%')
incontextBoxTitleColor = '#000'

# body of boxes in the left or right column (whatever contextFree / contextual)
leftrightBoxBodyBgColor = '#FFF'
leftrightBoxBodyBg = lazystr('%(leftrightBoxBodyBgColor)s')
leftrightBoxBodyColor = 'black'
leftrightBoxBodyHoverBgColor = '#EEEDD9'

# body of 'incontext' boxes (eg displayed insinde the primary view)
incontextBoxBodyBgColor = '#f8f8ee'
incontextBoxBodyBg = lazystr('%(incontextBoxBodyBgColor)s')
incontextBoxBodyColor = '#555544'
incontextBoxBodyHoverBgColor = lazystr('%(incontextBoxBodyBgColor)s')

# table listing & co ###########################################################
listingBorderColor = '#ccc'
listingHeaderBgColor = '#efefef'
listingHighlightedBgColor = '#fbfbfb'

# puce
bulletDownImg = 'url("puce_down.png") 98% 6px no-repeat'

formHeaderBgColor = lazystr('%(listingHeaderBgColor)s')
helperColor = '#555'

# button
buttonBorderColor = '#edecd2'
buttonBgColor = '#fffff8'
buttonBgImg = 'url("button.png") repeat-x 50% 50%'

# messages
msgBgColor = '#f8f8ee'
infoMsgBgImg = 'url("information.png") 5px center no-repeat'
errorMsgBgImg = 'url("error.png") 100% 50% no-repeat'
errorMsgColor = '#ed0d0d'

# facets
facet_titleFont = 'bold SansSerif'
facet_Padding = '.4em'
facet_MarginBottom = '.4em'
facet_vocabMaxHeight = '12em' # ensure < FACET_GROUP_HEIGHT by some const. factor (e.g 3em)