author Julien Cristau <>
Thu, 10 Oct 2013 10:02:29 +0200
changeset 9306 8ab0e601d418
parent 9206 bf642b50135b
child 9981 7099bbd685aa
permissions -rw-r--r--
[web] don't rename resources in gen-static-datadir We should use the result from WebConfiguration.locate_resource to know which file to copy, not what name to copy it to. The destination file should be the name of the resource, as the client will request it. This matters in the case of cubicweb.css which locate_resource might rewrite to cubicweb.old.css. Closes #3206129

# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
"""unit tests for module cubicweb.server.msplanner"""

from logilab.common.decorators import clear_cache
from yams.buildobjs import RelationDefinition
from rql import BadRQLQuery

from cubicweb.devtools import get_test_db_handler, TestServerConfiguration
from cubicweb.devtools.repotest import BasePlannerTC, test_plan

class _SetGenerator(object):
    """singleton to easily create set using "s[0]" or "s[0,1,2]" for instance
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            it = iter(key)
        except TypeError:
            it = (key,)
        return set(it)
s = _SetGenerator()

from cubicweb.schema import ERQLExpression
from cubicweb.server.sources import AbstractSource
from cubicweb.server.msplanner import MSPlanner, PartPlanInformation

class FakeUserROSource(AbstractSource):
    support_entities = {'CWUser': False}
    support_relations = {}
    def syntax_tree_search(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return []

class FakeCardSource(AbstractSource):
    support_entities = {'Card': True, 'Note': True, 'State': True}
    support_relations = {'in_state': True, 'multisource_rel': True, 'multisource_inlined_rel': True,
                         'multisource_crossed_rel': True,}
    dont_cross_relations = set(('fiche', 'state_of'))
    cross_relations = set(('multisource_crossed_rel',))

    def syntax_tree_search(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return []

class FakeDataFeedSource(FakeCardSource):
    copy_based_source = True

X_ALL_SOLS = sorted([{'X': 'Affaire'}, {'X': 'BaseTransition'}, {'X': 'Basket'},
                     {'X': 'Bookmark'}, {'X': 'CWAttribute'}, {'X': 'CWCache'},
                     {'X': 'CWConstraint'}, {'X': 'CWConstraintType'}, {'X': 'CWDataImport'}, {'X': 'CWEType'},
                     {'X': 'CWGroup'}, {'X': 'CWPermission'}, {'X': 'CWProperty'},
                     {'X': 'CWRType'}, {'X': 'CWRelation'},
                     {'X': 'CWSource'}, {'X': 'CWSourceHostConfig'}, {'X': 'CWSourceSchemaConfig'},
                     {'X': 'CWUser'}, {'X': 'CWUniqueTogetherConstraint'},
                     {'X': 'Card'}, {'X': 'Comment'}, {'X': 'Division'},
                     {'X': 'Email'}, {'X': 'EmailAddress'}, {'X': 'EmailPart'},
                     {'X': 'EmailThread'}, {'X': 'ExternalUri'}, {'X': 'File'},
                     {'X': 'Folder'}, {'X': 'Note'}, {'X': 'Old'},
                     {'X': 'Personne'}, {'X': 'RQLExpression'}, {'X': 'Societe'},
                     {'X': 'State'}, {'X': 'SubDivision'}, {'X': 'SubWorkflowExitPoint'},
                     {'X': 'Tag'}, {'X': 'TrInfo'}, {'X': 'Transition'},
                     {'X': 'Workflow'}, {'X': 'WorkflowTransition'}])

# keep cnx so it's not garbage collected and the associated session is closed
def setUpModule(*args):
    global repo, cnx
    handler = get_test_db_handler(TestServerConfiguration(apphome=BaseMSPlannerTC.datadir))
    repo, cnx = handler.get_repo_and_cnx()

def tearDownModule(*args):
    global repo, cnx
    del repo, cnx

class BaseMSPlannerTC(BasePlannerTC):
    """test planner related feature on a 3-sources repository:

    * system source supporting everything
    * ldap source supporting CWUser
    * rql source supporting Card

    def setUp(self):
        self.__class__.repo = repo
        # hijack Affaire security
        affreadperms = list(self.schema['Affaire'].permissions['read'])
        self.prevrqlexpr_affaire = affreadperms[-1]
        # add access to type attribute so S can't be invariant
        affreadperms[-1] = ERQLExpression('X concerne S?, S owned_by U, S type "X"')
        self.schema['Affaire'].set_action_permissions('read', affreadperms)
        # hijack CWUser security
        userreadperms = list(self.schema['CWUser'].permissions['read'])
        self.prevrqlexpr_user = userreadperms[-1]
        userreadperms[-1] = ERQLExpression('X owned_by U')
        self.schema['CWUser'].set_action_permissions('read', userreadperms)
        self.add_source(FakeUserROSource, 'ldap')
        self.add_source(FakeCardSource, 'cards')
        self.add_source(FakeDataFeedSource, 'datafeed')

    def tearDown(self):
        # restore hijacked security
        super(BaseMSPlannerTC, self).tearDown()

    def restore_orig_affaire_security(self):
        affreadperms = list(self.schema['Affaire'].permissions['read'])
        affreadperms[-1] = self.prevrqlexpr_affaire
        self.schema['Affaire'].set_action_permissions('read', affreadperms)

    def restore_orig_cwuser_security(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_orig_cwuser_security_restored'):
        self._orig_cwuser_security_restored = True
        userreadperms = list(self.schema['CWUser'].permissions['read'])
        userreadperms[-1] = self.prevrqlexpr_user
        self.schema['CWUser'].set_action_permissions('read', userreadperms)

class PartPlanInformationTC(BaseMSPlannerTC):

    def _test(self, rql, *args):
        if len(args) == 3:
            kwargs, sourcesterms, needsplit = args
            sourcesterms, needsplit = args
            kwargs = None
        plan = self._prepare_plan(rql, kwargs)
        union = plan.rqlst
        ppi = PartPlanInformation(plan, union.children[0])
        for sourcevars in ppi._sourcesterms.itervalues():
            for var in list(sourcevars):
                solindices = sourcevars.pop(var)
                sourcevars[var._ms_table_key()] = solindices
        self.assertEqual(ppi._sourcesterms, sourcesterms)
        self.assertEqual(ppi.needsplit, needsplit)

    def test_simple_system_only(self):
        """retrieve entities only supported by the system source"""
        self._test('CWGroup X',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0]}}, False)

    def test_simple_system_ldap(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from both sources and return concatenation of results
        self._test('CWUser X',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0]}, self.ldap: {'X': s[0]}}, False)

    def test_simple_system_rql(self):
        """retrieve Card X from both sources and return concatenation of results
        self._test('Any X, XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0]}, {'X': s[0]}}, False)

    def test_simple_eid_specified(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system source (eid is specified, can locate the entity)
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,L WHERE X eid %(x)s, X login L', {'x': ueid},
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0]}}, False)

    def test_simple_eid_invariant(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system source (eid is specified, can locate the entity)
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': ueid},
                   {self.system: {'x': s[0]}}, False)

    def test_simple_invariant(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system source only (X is invariant and in_group not supported by ldap source)
        self._test('Any X WHERE X is CWUser, X in_group G, G name "users"',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0], 'G': s[0], 'in_group': s[0]}}, False)

    def test_security_has_text(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system source only (has_text not supported by ldap source)
        # specify CWUser instead of any since the way this test is written we aren't well dealing
        # with ambigous query (eg only considering the first solution)
        self._test('CWUser X WHERE X has_text "bla"',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0]}}, False)

    def test_complex_base(self):
        1. retrieve Any X, L WHERE X is CWUser, X login L from system and ldap sources, store
           concatenation of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X, L WHERE X is TMP, X login L, X in_group G,
           G name 'users' on the system source
        self._test('Any X,L WHERE X is CWUser, X in_group G, X login L, G name "users"',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0], 'G': s[0], 'in_group': s[0]},
                    self.ldap : {'X': s[0]}}, True)

    def test_complex_invariant_ordered(self):
        1. retrieve Any X,AA WHERE X modification_date AA from system and ldap sources, store
           concatenation of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X,AA ORDERBY AA WHERE %s owned_by X, X modification_date AA
           on the system source
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,AA ORDERBY AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E owned_by X, X modification_date AA', {'x': ueid},
                   {self.system: {'x': s[0], 'X': s[0], 'owned_by': s[0]},
                    self.ldap : {'X': s[0]}}, True)

    def test_complex_invariant(self):
        1. retrieve Any X,L,AA WHERE X login L, X modification_date AA from system and ldap sources, store
           concatenation of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X,L,AA WHERE %s owned_by X, X login L, X modification_date AA
           on the system source
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,L,AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E owned_by X, X login L, X modification_date AA', {'x': ueid},
                   {self.system: {'x': s[0], 'X': s[0], 'owned_by': s[0]},
                    self.ldap : {'X': s[0]}}, True)

    def test_complex_ambigous(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system and ldap sources, Person X from system source only
        self._test('Any X,F WHERE X firstname F',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0, 1]},
                    self.ldap: {'X': s[0]}}, True)

    def test_complex_multiple(self):
        1. retrieve Any X,A,Y,B WHERE X login A, Y login B from system and ldap sources, store
           cartesian product of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X,Y WHERE X login 'syt', Y login 'adim'
           on the system source
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,Y WHERE X login "syt", Y login "adim"', {'x': ueid},
                   {self.system: {'Y': s[0], 'X': s[0]},
                    self.ldap: {'Y': s[0], 'X': s[0]}}, True)

    def test_complex_aggregat(self):
        solindexes = set(range(len([e for e in self.schema.entities() if not])))
        self._test('Any MAX(X)',
                   {self.system: {'X': solindexes}}, False)

    def test_complex_optional(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any U WHERE WF wf_info_for X, X eid %(x)s, WF owned_by U?, WF from_state FS', {'x': ueid},
                   {self.system: {'WF': s[0], 'FS': s[0], 'U': s[0],
                                  'from_state': s[0], 'owned_by': s[0], 'wf_info_for': s[0],
                                  'x': s[0]}},

    def test_exists4(self):
        State S could come from both rql source and system source,
        but since X cannot come from the rql source, the solution
        { : 'S'} must be removed
        self._test('Any G,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name "managers", '
                   'EXISTS(X copain T, T login L, T login in ("comme", "cochon")) OR '
                   'EXISTS(X in_state S, S name "pascontent", NOT X copain T2, T2 login "billy")',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0], 'S': s[0], 'T2': s[0], 'T': s[0], 'G': s[0], 'copain': s[0], 'in_group': s[0]},
                    self.ldap: {'X': s[0], 'T2': s[0], 'T': s[0]}},

    def test_relation_need_split(self):
        self._test('Any X, S WHERE X in_state S',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0, 1, 2], 'S': s[0, 1, 2]},
           {'X': s[2], 'S': s[2]}},

    def test_not_relation_need_split(self):
        self._test('Any SN WHERE NOT X in_state S, S name SN',
                   { {'X': s[2], 'S': s[0, 1, 2]},
                    self.system: {'X': s[0, 1, 2], 'S': s[0, 1, 2]}},

    def test_not_relation_no_split_external(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        # similar to the above test but with an eid coming from the external source.
        # the same plan may be used, since we won't find any record in the system source
        # linking 9999999 to a state
        self._test('Any SN WHERE NOT X in_state S, X eid %(x)s, S name SN',
                   {'x': 999999},
                   { {'x': s[0], 'S': s[0]},
                    self.system: {'x': s[0], 'S': s[0]}},

    def test_relation_restriction_ambigous_need_split(self):
        self._test('Any X,T WHERE X in_state S, S name "pending", T tags X',
                   {self.system: {'X': s[0, 1, 2], 'S': s[0, 1, 2], 'T': s[0, 1, 2], 'tags': s[0, 1, 2]},
           {'X': s[2], 'S': s[2]}},

    def test_simplified_var(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        # need access to source since X table has to be accessed because of the outer join
        self._test('Any U WHERE U in_group G, (G name IN ("managers", "logilab") OR (X require_permission P?, P name "bla", P require_group G)), X eid %(x)s, U eid %(u)s',
                   {'x': 999999, 'u': self.session.user.eid},
                   {self.system: {'P': s[0], 'G': s[0],
                                  'require_permission': s[0], 'in_group': s[0], 'P': s[0], 'require_group': s[0],
                                  'u': s[0]},
           {'X': s[0]}},

    def test_delete_relation1(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X, Y WHERE X created_by Y, X eid %(x)s, NOT Y eid %(y)s',
                   {'x': ueid, 'y': ueid},
                   {self.system: {'Y': s[0], 'created_by': s[0], 'x': s[0]}},

    def test_crossed_relation_eid_1_needattr(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any Y,T WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T',
                   {'x': 999999,},
                   { {'Y': s[0]}, self.system: {'Y': s[0], 'x': s[0]}},

    def test_crossed_relation_eid_1_invariant(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_crossed_rel Y',
                   {'x': 999999},
                   {self.system: {'Y': s[0], 'x': s[0]}},

    def test_crossed_relation_eid_2_invariant(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_crossed_rel Y',
                   {'x': 999999,},
                   { {'Y': s[0], 'multisource_crossed_rel': s[0], 'x': s[0]},
                    self.system: {'Y': s[0], 'multisource_crossed_rel': s[0], 'x': s[0]}},

    def test_version_crossed_depends_on_1(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any X,AD,AE WHERE E eid %(x)s, E multisource_crossed_rel X, X in_state AD, AD name AE',
                   {'x': 999999},
                   { {'X': s[0], 'AD': s[0], 'multisource_crossed_rel': s[0], 'x': s[0]},
                    self.system: {'X': s[0], 'AD': s[0], 'multisource_crossed_rel': s[0], 'x': s[0]}},

    def test_version_crossed_depends_on_2(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any X,AD,AE WHERE E eid %(x)s, E multisource_crossed_rel X, X in_state AD, AD name AE',
                   {'x': 999999},
                   { {'X': s[0], 'AD': s[0]},
                    self.system: {'X': s[0], 'AD': s[0], 'x': s[0]}},

    def test_simplified_var_3(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('State', 'cards', 999998, 'cards')
        self._test('Any S,T WHERE S eid %(s)s, N eid %(n)s, N type T, N is Note, S is State',
                   {'n': 999999, 's': 999998},
                   { {'s': s[0], 'N': s[0]}}, False)

class MSPlannerTC(BaseMSPlannerTC):

    def setUp(self):
        self.planner = MSPlanner(self.o.schema, self.repo.vreg.rqlhelper)
        for cached in ('rel_type_sources', 'can_cross_relation', 'is_multi_sources_relation'):
            clear_cache(self.repo, cached)

    _test = test_plan

    def test_simple_system_only(self):
        """retrieve entities only supported by the system source
        self._test('CWGroup X',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is CWGroup', [{'X': 'CWGroup'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_simple_system_only_limit(self):
        """retrieve entities only supported by the system source
        self._test('CWGroup X LIMIT 10',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X LIMIT 10 WHERE X is CWGroup', [{'X': 'CWGroup'}])],
                     10, None, [self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_simple_system_only_limit_offset(self):
        """retrieve entities only supported by the system source
        self._test('CWGroup X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X is CWGroup', [{'X': 'CWGroup'}])],
                     10, 10, [self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_simple_system_ldap(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from both sources and return concatenation of results
        self._test('CWUser X',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.ldap, self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_simple_system_ldap_limit(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from both sources and return concatenation of results
        self._test('CWUser X LIMIT 10',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X LIMIT 10 WHERE X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     10, None, [self.ldap, self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_simple_system_ldap_limit_offset(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from both sources and return concatenation of results
        self._test('CWUser X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     10, 10, [self.ldap, self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_simple_system_ldap_ordered_limit_offset(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from both sources and return concatenation of results
        self._test('CWUser X ORDERBY X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10',
                   [('AggrStep', 'SELECT table0.C0 FROM table0\nORDER BY table0.C0\nLIMIT 10\nOFFSET 10', None, [
                       ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                        [self.ldap, self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
    def test_simple_system_ldap_aggregat(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from both sources and return concatenation of results
        # COUNT(X) is kept in sub-step and transformed into SUM(X) in the AggrStep
        self._test('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is CWUser',
                   [('AggrStep', 'SELECT SUM(table0.C0) FROM table0', None, [
                       ('FetchStep', [('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                        [self.ldap, self.system], {}, {'COUNT(X)': 'table0.C0'}, []),

    def test_simple_system_rql(self):
        """retrieve Card X from both sources and return concatenation of results
        self._test('Any X, XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT', [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [, self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_simple_eid_specified(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system source (eid is specified, can locate the entity)
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,L WHERE X eid %(x)s, X login L',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,L WHERE X eid %s, X login L'%ueid, [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_simple_eid_invariant(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system source (eid is specified, can locate the entity)
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any %s'%ueid, [{}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_simple_invariant(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system source only (X is invariant and in_group not supported by ldap source)
        self._test('Any X WHERE X is CWUser, X in_group G, G name "users"',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is CWUser, X in_group G, G name "users"',
                                       [{'X': 'CWUser', 'G': 'CWGroup'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_complex_base(self):
        1. retrieve Any X, L WHERE X is CWUser, X login L from system and ldap sources, store
           concatenation of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X, L WHERE X is TMP, X login LX in_group G,
           G name 'users' on the system source
        self._test('Any X,L WHERE X is CWUser, X in_group G, X login L, G name "users"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,L WHERE X login L, X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name "users", G is CWGroup, X is CWUser',
                                       [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String', 'G': 'CWGroup'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, [])

    def test_complex_base_limit_offset(self):
        1. retrieve Any X, L WHERE X is CWUser, X login L from system and ldap sources, store
           concatenation of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X, L WHERE X is TMP, X login LX in_group G,
           G name 'users' on the system source
        self._test('Any X,L LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X is CWUser, X in_group G, X login L, G name "users"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,L WHERE X login L, X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,L LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name "users", G is CWGroup, X is CWUser',
                                       [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String', 'G': 'CWGroup'}])],
                     10, 10,
                     [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, [])

    def test_complex_ordered(self):
        self._test('Any L ORDERBY L WHERE X login L',
                   [('AggrStep', 'SELECT table0.C0 FROM table0\nORDER BY table0.C0', None,
                     [('FetchStep', [('Any L WHERE X login L, X is CWUser',
                                      [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                       [self.ldap, self.system], {}, {'X.login': 'table0.C0', 'L': 'table0.C0'}, []),

    def test_complex_ordered_limit_offset(self):
        self._test('Any L ORDERBY L LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X login L',
                   [('AggrStep', 'SELECT table0.C0 FROM table0\nORDER BY table0.C0\nLIMIT 10\nOFFSET 10', None,
                     [('FetchStep', [('Any L WHERE X login L, X is CWUser',
                                      [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                       [self.ldap, self.system], {}, {'X.login': 'table0.C0', 'L': 'table0.C0'}, []),

    def test_complex_invariant_ordered(self):
        1. retrieve Any X,AA WHERE X modification_date AA from system and ldap sources, store
           concatenation of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X,AA ORDERBY AA WHERE %s owned_by X, X modification_date AA
           on the system source

        herrr, this is what is expected by the XXX :(, not the actual result (which is correct anyway)
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,AA ORDERBY AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E owned_by X, X modification_date AA',
                     [('Any X,AA WHERE X modification_date AA, X is CWUser',
                       [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any X,AA ORDERBY AA WHERE %s owned_by X, X modification_date AA, X is CWUser' % ueid,
                       [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_complex_invariant(self):
        1. retrieve Any X,L,AA WHERE X login L, X modification_date AA from system and ldap sources, store
           concatenation of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X,L,AA WHERE %s owned_by X, X login L, X modification_date AA
           on the system source
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,L,AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E owned_by X, X login L, X modification_date AA',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,L,AA WHERE X login L, X modification_date AA, X is CWUser',
                                    [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'AA': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C2', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,L,AA WHERE %s owned_by X, X login L, X modification_date AA, X is CWUser'%ueid,
                                       [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'AA': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C2', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, [])],
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_complex_ambigous(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system and ldap sources, Person X from system source only
        self._test('Any X,F WHERE X firstname F',
                   [('UnionStep', None, None, [
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,F WHERE X firstname F, X is CWUser',
                                          [{'X': 'CWUser', 'F': 'String'}])],
                        None, None, [self.ldap, self.system], {}, []),
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,F WHERE X firstname F, X is Personne',
                                          [{'X': 'Personne', 'F': 'String'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {}, []),

    def test_complex_ambigous_limit_offset(self):
        """retrieve CWUser X from system and ldap sources, Person X from system source only
        self._test('Any X,F LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X firstname F',
                   [('UnionStep', 10, 10, [
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,F WHERE X firstname F, X is CWUser',
                                          [{'X': 'CWUser', 'F': 'String'}])],
                        None, None,
                        [self.ldap, self.system], {}, []),
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,F WHERE X firstname F, X is Personne',
                                          [{'X': 'Personne', 'F': 'String'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {}, []),

    def test_complex_ambigous_ordered(self):
        1. retrieve CWUser X from system and ldap sources, Person X from system source only, store
           each result in the same temp table
        2. return content of the table sorted
        self._test('Any X,F ORDERBY F WHERE X firstname F',
                   [('AggrStep', 'SELECT table0.C0, table0.C1 FROM table0\nORDER BY table0.C1', None,
                     [('FetchStep', [('Any X,F WHERE X firstname F, X is CWUser',
                                      [{'X': 'CWUser', 'F': 'String'}])],
                       [self.ldap, self.system], {},
                       {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.firstname': 'table0.C1', 'F': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                      ('FetchStep', [('Any X,F WHERE X firstname F, X is Personne',
                                      [{'X': 'Personne', 'F': 'String'}])],
                       [self.system], {},
                       {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.firstname': 'table0.C1', 'F': 'table0.C1'}, []),

    def test_complex_multiple(self):
        1. retrieve Any X,A,Y,B WHERE X login A, Y login B from system and ldap sources, store
           cartesian product of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X,Y WHERE X login 'syt', Y login 'adim'
           on the system source
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,Y WHERE X login "syt", Y login "adim"',
                     [('Any X WHERE X login "syt", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any Y WHERE Y login "adim", Y is CWUser', [{'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'Y': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any X,Y WHERE X is CWUser, Y is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'Y': 'table1.C0'}, [])
                    ], {'x': ueid})

    def test_complex_multiple_limit_offset(self):
        1. retrieve Any X,A,Y,B WHERE X login A, Y login B from system and ldap sources, store
           cartesian product of results into a temporary table
        2. return the result of Any X,Y WHERE X login 'syt', Y login 'adim'
           on the system source
        self._test('Any X,Y LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X login "syt", Y login "adim"',
                     [('Any X WHERE X login "syt", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any Y WHERE Y login "adim", Y is CWUser', [{'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'Y': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any X,Y LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X is CWUser, Y is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                     10, 10, [self.system],
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'Y': 'table1.C0'}, [])

    def test_complex_aggregat(self):
        self._test('Any MAX(X)',
                     [('Any MAX(X)', X_ALL_SOLS)],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

    def test_complex_typed_aggregat(self):
        self._test('Any MAX(X) WHERE X is Card',
                   [('AggrStep', 'SELECT MAX(table0.C0) FROM table0',  None,
                       [('Any MAX(X) WHERE X is Card', [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                       [, self.system], {}, {'MAX(X)': 'table0.C0'}, [])

    def test_complex_greater_eid(self):
        self._test('Any X WHERE X eid > 12',
                     [('Any X WHERE X eid > 12', X_ALL_SOLS)],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

    def test_complex_greater_typed_eid(self):
        self._test('Any X WHERE X eid > 12, X is Card',
                     [('Any X WHERE X eid > 12, X is Card', [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

    def test_complex_optional(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any U WHERE WF wf_info_for X, X eid %(x)s, WF owned_by U?, WF from_state FS',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any U WHERE WF wf_info_for %s, WF owned_by U?, WF from_state FS' % ueid,
                                       [{'WF': 'TrInfo', 'FS': 'State', 'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_complex_optional(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any U WHERE WF wf_info_for X, X eid %(x)s, WF owned_by U?, WF from_state FS',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any U WHERE WF wf_info_for %s, WF owned_by U?, WF from_state FS' % ueid,
                                       [{'WF': 'TrInfo', 'FS': 'State', 'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_3sources_ambigous(self):
        self._test('Any X,T WHERE X owned_by U, U login "syt", X title T, X is IN(Bookmark, Card, EmailThread)',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,T WHERE X title T, X is Card', [{'X': 'Card', 'T': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'T': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any U WHERE U login "syt", U is CWUser', [{'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'U': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                    ('UnionStep', None, None, [
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,T WHERE X owned_by U, X title T, U is CWUser, X is IN(Bookmark, EmailThread)',
                                           [{'T': 'String', 'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Bookmark'},
                                            {'T': 'String', 'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'EmailThread'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {'U': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,T WHERE X owned_by U, X title T, U is CWUser, X is Card',
                                           [{'X': 'Card', 'U': 'CWUser', 'T': 'String'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system],
                         {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'T': 'table0.C1', 'U': 'table1.C0'}, []),

    def test_restricted_max(self):
        # dumb query to emulate the one generated by svnfile.entities.rql_revision_content
        self._test('Any V, MAX(VR) WHERE V is Card, V creation_date VR, '
                   '(V creation_date TODAY OR (V creation_date < TODAY AND NOT EXISTS('
                   'X is Card, X creation_date < TODAY, X creation_date >= VR)))',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any VR WHERE X creation_date < TODAY, X creation_date VR, X is Card',
                                    [{'X': 'Card', 'VR': 'Datetime'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'VR': 'table0.C0', 'X.creation_date': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any V,VR WHERE V creation_date VR, V is Card',
                                    [{'VR': 'Datetime', 'V': 'Card'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'VR': 'table1.C1', 'V': 'table1.C0', 'V.creation_date': 'table1.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any V,MAX(VR) WHERE V creation_date VR, (V creation_date TODAY) OR (V creation_date < TODAY, NOT EXISTS(X creation_date >= VR, X is Card)), V is Card',
                                       [{'X': 'Card', 'VR': 'Datetime', 'V': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'VR': 'table1.C1', 'V': 'table1.C0', 'V.creation_date': 'table1.C1', 'X.creation_date': 'table0.C0'}, [])

    def test_outer_supported_rel1(self):
        # both system and rql support all variables, can be
        self._test('Any X, R WHERE X is Note, X in_state S, X type R, '
                   'NOT EXISTS(Y is Note, Y in_state S, Y type R, X identity Y)',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,R WHERE X is Note, X in_state S, X type R, NOT EXISTS(Y is Note, Y in_state S, Y type R, X identity Y), S is State',
                                       [{'Y': 'Note', 'X': 'Note', 'S': 'State', 'R': 'String'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [, self.system], {}, [])

    def test_not_identity(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X WHERE NOT X identity U, U eid %s, X is CWUser' % ueid,
                     [('Any X WHERE NOT X identity %s, X is CWUser' % ueid, [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [self.ldap, self.system], {}, [])

    def test_outer_supported_rel2(self):
        self._test('Any X, MAX(R) GROUPBY X WHERE X in_state S, X login R, '
                   'NOT EXISTS(Y is Note, Y in_state S, Y type R)',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any A,R WHERE Y in_state A, Y type R, A is State, Y is Note',
                                    [{'Y': 'Note', 'A': 'State', 'R': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'A': 'table0.C0', 'R': 'table0.C1', 'Y.type': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any X,R WHERE X login R, X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'R': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.login': 'table1.C1', 'R': 'table1.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,MAX(R) GROUPBY X WHERE X in_state S, X login R, NOT EXISTS(Y type R, S identity A, A is State, Y is Note), S is State, X is CWUser',
                                       [{'Y': 'Note', 'X': 'CWUser', 'S': 'State', 'R': 'String', 'A': 'State'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'A': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.login': 'table1.C1', 'R': 'table1.C1', 'Y.type': 'table0.C1'}, [])

    def test_security_has_text(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any E WHERE E type "X", E is Note', [{'E': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'E': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('UnionStep', None, None,
                       [(u'Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", (EXISTS(X owned_by %(ueid)s)) OR ((((EXISTS(D concerne C?, C owned_by %(ueid)s, C type "X", X identity D, C is Division, D is Affaire)) OR (EXISTS(H concerne G?, G owned_by %(ueid)s, G type "X", X identity H, G is SubDivision, H is Affaire))) OR (EXISTS(I concerne F?, F owned_by %(ueid)s, F type "X", X identity I, F is Societe, I is Affaire))) OR (EXISTS(J concerne E?, E owned_by %(ueid)s, X identity J, E is Note, J is Affaire))), X is Affaire' % {'ueid': ueid},
                         [{'C': 'Division', 'E': 'Note', 'D': 'Affaire', 'G': 'SubDivision', 'F': 'Societe', 'I': 'Affaire', 'H': 'Affaire', 'J': 'Affaire', 'X': 'Affaire'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system], {'E': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                       [('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is IN(Basket, CWUser)' % ueid,
                         [{'X': 'Basket'}, {'X': 'CWUser'}]),
                        ('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", X is IN(Card, Comment, Division, Email, EmailThread, File, Folder, Note, Personne, Societe, SubDivision, Tag)',
                         [{'X': 'Card'}, {'X': 'Comment'},
                          {'X': 'Division'}, {'X': 'Email'}, {'X': 'EmailThread'},
                          {'X': 'File'}, {'X': 'Folder'},
                          {'X': 'Note'}, {'X': 'Personne'}, {'X': 'Societe'},
                          {'X': 'SubDivision'}, {'X': 'Tag'}]),],
                       None, None, [self.system], {}, []),

    def test_security_has_text_limit_offset(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        # note: same as the above query but because of the subquery usage, the
        # display differs (not printing solutions for each union)
        self._test('Any X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X has_text "bla"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any E WHERE E type "X", E is Note', [{'E': 'Note'}])],
                      [, self.system], None, {'E': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     ('UnionFetchStep', [
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", (EXISTS(X owned_by %(ueid)s)) OR ((((EXISTS(D concerne C?, C owned_by %(ueid)s, C type "X", X identity D, C is Division, D is Affaire)) OR (EXISTS(H concerne G?, G owned_by %(ueid)s, G type "X", X identity H, G is SubDivision, H is Affaire))) OR (EXISTS(I concerne F?, F owned_by %(ueid)s, F type "X", X identity I, F is Societe, I is Affaire))) OR (EXISTS(J concerne E?, E owned_by %(ueid)s, X identity J, E is Note, J is Affaire))), X is Affaire' % {'ueid': ueid},
                                            [{'C': 'Division', 'E': 'Note', 'D': 'Affaire', 'G': 'SubDivision', 'F': 'Societe', 'I': 'Affaire', 'H': 'Affaire', 'J': 'Affaire', 'X': 'Affaire'}])],
                          [self.system], {'E': 'table1.C0'}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                          [('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is IN(Basket, CWUser)' % ueid,
                            [{'X': 'Basket'}, {'X': 'CWUser'}]),
                           ('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", X is IN(Card, Comment, Division, Email, EmailThread, File, Folder, Note, Personne, Societe, SubDivision, Tag)',
                            [{'X': 'Card'}, {'X': 'Comment'},
                             {'X': 'Division'}, {'X': 'Email'}, {'X': 'EmailThread'},
                             {'X': 'File'}, {'X': 'Folder'},
                             {'X': 'Note'}, {'X': 'Personne'}, {'X': 'Societe'},
                             {'X': 'SubDivision'}, {'X': 'Tag'}])],
                          [self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10',
                       [{'X': 'Affaire'}, {'X': 'Basket'},
                        {'X': 'CWUser'}, {'X': 'Card'}, {'X': 'Comment'},
                        {'X': 'Division'}, {'X': 'Email'}, {'X': 'EmailThread'},
                        {'X': 'File'}, {'X': 'Folder'},
                        {'X': 'Note'}, {'X': 'Personne'}, {'X': 'Societe'},
                        {'X': 'SubDivision'}, {'X': 'Tag'}])],
                     10, 10, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, [])

    def test_security_user(self):
        """a guest user trying to see another user: EXISTS(X owned_by U) is automatically inserted"""
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X WHERE X login "bla"',
                     [('Any X WHERE X login "bla", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any X WHERE EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is CWUser' % ueid, [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, [])])

    def test_security_complex_has_text(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X firstname "bla", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('UnionStep', None, None, [
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is CWUser' % ueid, [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla", X is Personne', [{'X': 'Personne'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {}, []),

    def test_security_complex_has_text_limit_offset(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X firstname "bla", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                    ('UnionFetchStep', [
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is CWUser' % ueid, [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                         [self.system], {'X': 'table1.C0'}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla", X is Personne', [{'X': 'Personne'}])],
                         [self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                      [('Any X LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10', [{'X': 'CWUser'}, {'X': 'Personne'}])],
                      10, 10, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, [])

    def test_security_complex_aggregat(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        ALL_SOLS = X_ALL_SOLS[:]
        ALL_SOLS.remove({'X': 'CWSourceHostConfig'}) # not authorized
        ALL_SOLS.remove({'X': 'CWSourceSchemaConfig'}) # not authorized
        ALL_SOLS.remove({'X': 'CWDataImport'}) # not authorized
        self._test('Any MAX(X)',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any E WHERE E type "X", E is Note', [{'E': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system],  None, {'E': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is IN(CWUser)', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table2.C0'}, []),
                    ('UnionFetchStep', [
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE EXISTS(%s use_email X), X is EmailAddress' % ueid,
                                        [{'X': 'EmailAddress'}])],
                          [self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                         [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is IN(Card, Note, State)',
                                          [{'X': 'Card'}, {'X': 'Note'}, {'X': 'State'}])],
                           [, self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                           [('Any X WHERE X is IN(BaseTransition, Bookmark, CWAttribute, CWCache, CWConstraint, CWConstraintType, CWEType, CWGroup, CWPermission, CWProperty, CWRType, CWRelation, CWSource, CWUniqueTogetherConstraint, Comment, Division, Email, EmailPart, EmailThread, ExternalUri, File, Folder, Old, Personne, RQLExpression, Societe, SubDivision, SubWorkflowExitPoint, Tag, TrInfo, Transition, Workflow, WorkflowTransition)',
                             [{'X': 'BaseTransition'}, {'X': 'Bookmark'},
                              {'X': 'CWAttribute'}, {'X': 'CWCache'},
                              {'X': 'CWConstraint'}, {'X': 'CWConstraintType'},
                              {'X': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'CWGroup'},
                              {'X': 'CWPermission'}, {'X': 'CWProperty'},
                              {'X': 'CWRType'}, {'X': 'CWRelation'},
                              {'X': 'CWSource'},
                              {'X': 'CWUniqueTogetherConstraint'},
                              {'X': 'Comment'}, {'X': 'Division'},
                              {'X': 'Email'},
                              {'X': 'EmailPart'}, {'X': 'EmailThread'},
                              {'X': 'ExternalUri'}, {'X': 'File'},
                              {'X': 'Folder'}, {'X': 'Old'},
                              {'X': 'Personne'}, {'X': 'RQLExpression'},
                              {'X': 'Societe'}, {'X': 'SubDivision'},
                              {'X': 'SubWorkflowExitPoint'}, {'X': 'Tag'},
                              {'X': 'TrInfo'}, {'X': 'Transition'},
                              {'X': 'Workflow'}, {'X': 'WorkflowTransition'}])],
                           [self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE (EXISTS(X owned_by %(ueid)s)) OR ((((EXISTS(D concerne C?, C owned_by %(ueid)s, C type "X", X identity D, C is Division, D is Affaire)) OR (EXISTS(H concerne G?, G owned_by %(ueid)s, G type "X", X identity H, G is SubDivision, H is Affaire))) OR (EXISTS(I concerne F?, F owned_by %(ueid)s, F type "X", X identity I, F is Societe, I is Affaire))) OR (EXISTS(J concerne E?, E owned_by %(ueid)s, X identity J, E is Note, J is Affaire))), X is Affaire' % {'ueid': ueid},
                                        [{'C': 'Division', 'E': 'Note', 'D': 'Affaire', 'G': 'SubDivision', 'F': 'Societe', 'I': 'Affaire', 'H': 'Affaire', 'J': 'Affaire', 'X': 'Affaire'}])],
                         [self.system], {'E': 'table1.C0'}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                        ('UnionFetchStep', [
                                ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is Basket' % ueid,
                                                [{'X': 'Basket'}])],
                                 [self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                                ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is CWUser' % ueid,
                                                [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                                 [self.system], {'X': 'table2.C0'}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any MAX(X)', ALL_SOLS)],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, [])

    def test_security_complex_aggregat2(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        X_ET_ALL_SOLS = []
        for s in X_ALL_SOLS:
            if s in ({'X': 'CWSourceHostConfig'}, {'X': 'CWSourceSchemaConfig'}, {'X': 'CWDataImport'}):
                continue # not authorized
            ets = {'ET': 'CWEType'}
        self._test('Any ET, COUNT(X) GROUPBY ET ORDERBY ET WHERE X is ET',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is IN(Card, Note, State)',
                                    [{'X': 'Card'}, {'X': 'Note'}, {'X': 'State'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any E WHERE E type "X", E is Note', [{'E': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system],  None, {'E': 'table2.C0'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is IN(CWUser)', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table3.C0'}, []),
                     [('FetchStep', [('Any ET,X WHERE X is ET, EXISTS(%s use_email X), ET is CWEType, X is EmailAddress' % ueid,
                                      [{'ET': 'CWEType', 'X': 'EmailAddress'}]),
                       [self.system], {}, {'ET': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                      # extra UnionFetchStep could be avoided but has no cost, so don't care
                       [('FetchStep', [('Any ET,X WHERE X is ET, ET is CWEType, X is IN(BaseTransition, Bookmark, CWAttribute, CWCache, CWConstraint, CWConstraintType, CWEType, CWGroup, CWPermission, CWProperty, CWRType, CWRelation, CWSource, CWUniqueTogetherConstraint, Comment, Division, Email, EmailPart, EmailThread, ExternalUri, File, Folder, Old, Personne, RQLExpression, Societe, SubDivision, SubWorkflowExitPoint, Tag, TrInfo, Transition, Workflow, WorkflowTransition)',
                                        [{'X': 'BaseTransition', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'Bookmark', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'CWAttribute', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'CWCache', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'CWConstraint', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'CWConstraintType', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'CWEType', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'CWGroup', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'CWPermission', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'CWProperty', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'CWRType', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'CWSource', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'CWRelation', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'Comment', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'Division', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'Email', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'EmailPart', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'EmailThread', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'ExternalUri', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'File', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'Folder', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'Old', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'Personne', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'RQLExpression', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'Societe', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'SubDivision', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'SubWorkflowExitPoint', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'Tag', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'TrInfo', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'Transition', 'ET': 'CWEType'}, {'X': 'Workflow', 'ET': 'CWEType'},
                                         {'X': 'WorkflowTransition', 'ET': 'CWEType'}])],
                         [self.system], {}, {'ET': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                         [('Any ET,X WHERE X is ET, ET is CWEType, X is IN(Card, Note, State)',
                           [{'ET': 'CWEType', 'X': 'Card'},
                            {'ET': 'CWEType', 'X': 'Note'},
                            {'ET': 'CWEType', 'X': 'State'}])],
                         [self.system], {'X': 'table1.C0'}, {'ET': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),

                      ('FetchStep', [('Any ET,X WHERE X is ET, (EXISTS(X owned_by %(ueid)s)) OR ((((EXISTS(D concerne C?, C owned_by %(ueid)s, C type "X", X identity D, C is Division, D is Affaire)) OR (EXISTS(H concerne G?, G owned_by %(ueid)s, G type "X", X identity H, G is SubDivision, H is Affaire))) OR (EXISTS(I concerne F?, F owned_by %(ueid)s, F type "X", X identity I, F is Societe, I is Affaire))) OR (EXISTS(J concerne E?, E owned_by %(ueid)s, X identity J, E is Note, J is Affaire))), ET is CWEType, X is Affaire' % {'ueid': ueid},
                                      [{'C': 'Division', 'E': 'Note', 'D': 'Affaire',
                                        'G': 'SubDivision', 'F': 'Societe', 'I': 'Affaire',
                                        'H': 'Affaire', 'J': 'Affaire', 'X': 'Affaire',
                                        'ET': 'CWEType'}])],
                       [self.system], {'E': 'table2.C0'}, {'ET': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table0.C1'},
                      ('UnionFetchStep', [
                                ('FetchStep', [('Any ET,X WHERE X is ET, EXISTS(X owned_by %s), ET is CWEType, X is Basket' % ueid,
                                                [{'ET': 'CWEType', 'X': 'Basket'}])],
                                 [self.system], {}, {'ET': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                                ('FetchStep', [('Any ET,X WHERE X is ET, EXISTS(X owned_by %s), ET is CWEType, X is CWUser' % ueid,
                                                [{'ET': 'CWEType', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                                 [self.system], {'X': 'table3.C0'}, {'ET': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any ET,COUNT(X) GROUPBY ET ORDERBY ET', X_ET_ALL_SOLS)],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'ET': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table0.C1'}, [])

    def test_security_3sources(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X, XT WHERE X is Card, X owned_by U, X title XT, U login "syt"',
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X title XT, X is Card', [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'XT': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any U WHERE U login "syt", U is CWUser', [{'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'U': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X owned_by U, X title XT, EXISTS(U owned_by %s), U is CWUser, X is Card' % ueid,
                       [{'X': 'Card', 'U': 'CWUser', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'XT': 'table0.C1', 'U': 'table1.C0'}, [])

    def test_security_3sources_identity(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X, XT WHERE X is Card, X owned_by U, X title XT, U login "syt"',
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X title XT, X is Card', [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'XT': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X owned_by U, X title XT, U login "syt", EXISTS(U identity %s), U is CWUser, X is Card' % ueid,
                       [{'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'XT': 'table0.C1'}, [])

    def test_security_3sources_identity_optional_var(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,XT,U WHERE X is Card, X owned_by U?, X title XT, U login L',
                     [('Any U,L WHERE U login L, EXISTS(U identity %s), U is CWUser' % ueid,
                       [{'L': 'String', u'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.system], {}, {'L': 'table0.C1', 'U': 'table0.C0', 'U.login': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X title XT, X is Card', [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.title': 'table1.C1', 'XT': 'table1.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any X,XT,U WHERE X owned_by U?, X title XT, X is Card',
                       [{'X': 'Card', 'U': 'CWUser', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'L': 'table0.C1',
                                                 'U': 'table0.C0',
                                                 'X': 'table1.C0',
                                                 'X.title': 'table1.C1',
                                                 'XT': 'table1.C1'}, [])

    def test_security_3sources_limit_offset(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X, XT LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X is Card, X owned_by U, X title XT, U login "syt"',
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X title XT, X is Card', [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'XT': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any U WHERE U login "syt", U is CWUser', [{'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'U': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any X,XT LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 WHERE X owned_by U, X title XT, EXISTS(U owned_by %s), U is CWUser, X is Card' % ueid,
                       [{'X': 'Card', 'U': 'CWUser', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     10, 10, [self.system],
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'XT': 'table0.C1', 'U': 'table1.C0'}, [])

    def test_exists_base(self):
        self._test('Any X,L,S WHERE X in_state S, X login L, EXISTS(X in_group G, G name "bougloup")',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,L WHERE X login L, X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [("Any X,L,S WHERE X in_state S, X login L, "
                                      'EXISTS(X in_group G, G name "bougloup", G is CWGroup), S is State, X is CWUser',
                                       [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String', 'S': 'State', 'G': 'CWGroup'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, [])])

    def test_exists_complex(self):
        self._test('Any G WHERE X in_group G, G name "managers", EXISTS(X copain T, T login in ("comme", "cochon"))',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any T WHERE T login IN("comme", "cochon"), T is CWUser', [{'T': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'T': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any G WHERE X in_group G, G name "managers", EXISTS(X copain T, T is CWUser), G is CWGroup, X is CWUser',
                       [{'X': 'CWUser', 'T': 'CWUser', 'G': 'CWGroup'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'T': 'table0.C0'}, [])])

    def test_exists3(self):
        self._test('Any G,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name "managers", EXISTS(X copain T, T login in ("comme", "cochon"))',
                     [('Any T WHERE T login IN("comme", "cochon"), T is CWUser',
                       [{'T': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'T': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any L,X WHERE X login L, X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table1.C1', 'X.login': 'table1.C0', 'L': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any G,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name "managers", EXISTS(X copain T, T is CWUser), G is CWGroup, X is CWUser',
                       [{'G': 'CWGroup', 'L': 'String', 'T': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [self.system], {'T': 'table0.C0', 'X': 'table1.C1', 'X.login': 'table1.C0', 'L': 'table1.C0'}, [])])

    def test_exists4(self):
        self._test('Any G,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name "managers", '
                   'EXISTS(X copain T, T login L, T login in ("comme", "cochon")) OR '
                   'EXISTS(X in_state S, S name "pascontent", NOT X copain T2, T2 login "billy")',
                     [('Any T,L WHERE T login L, T login IN("comme", "cochon"), T is CWUser', [{'T': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'T': 'table0.C0', 'T.login': 'table0.C1', 'L': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any T2 WHERE T2 login "billy", T2 is CWUser', [{'T2': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'T2': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any L,X WHERE X login L, X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table2.C1', 'X.login': 'table2.C0', 'L': 'table2.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any G,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name "managers", (EXISTS(X copain T, T login L, T is CWUser)) OR (EXISTS(X in_state S, S name "pascontent", NOT EXISTS(X copain T2), S is State)), G is CWGroup, T2 is CWUser, X is CWUser',
                       [{'G': 'CWGroup', 'L': 'String', 'S': 'State', 'T': 'CWUser', 'T2': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'T2': 'table1.C0', 'L': 'table2.C0',
                      'T': 'table0.C0', 'T.login': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table2.C1', 'X.login': 'table2.C0'}, [])])

    def test_exists5(self):
        self._test('Any GN,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name GN, '
                   'EXISTS(X copain T, T login in ("comme", "cochon")) AND '
                   'NOT EXISTS(X copain T2, T2 login "billy")',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any T WHERE T login IN("comme", "cochon"), T is CWUser',
                                    [{'T': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'T': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any T2 WHERE T2 login "billy", T2 is CWUser', [{'T2': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'T2': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any L,X WHERE X login L, X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser', 'L': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table2.C1', 'X.login': 'table2.C0', 'L': 'table2.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any GN,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name GN, EXISTS(X copain T, T is CWUser), NOT EXISTS(X copain T2, T2 is CWUser), G is CWGroup, X is CWUser',
                       [{'G': 'CWGroup', 'GN': 'String', 'L': 'String', 'T': 'CWUser', 'T2': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'T': 'table0.C0', 'T2': 'table1.C0',
                      'X': 'table2.C1', 'X.login': 'table2.C0', 'L': 'table2.C0'}, [])])

    def test_exists_security_no_invariant(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X,AA,AB,AC,AD ORDERBY AA WHERE X is CWUser, X login AA, X firstname AB, X surname AC, X modification_date AD, A eid %(B)s, \
    EXISTS(((X identity A) OR \
            (EXISTS(X in_group C, C name IN("managers", "staff"), C is CWGroup))) OR \
            (EXISTS(X in_group D, A in_group D, NOT D name "users", D is CWGroup)))',
               [('FetchStep', [('Any X,AA,AB,AC,AD WHERE X login AA, X firstname AB, X surname AC, X modification_date AD, X is CWUser',
                                [{'AA': 'String', 'AB': 'String', 'AC': 'String', 'AD': 'Datetime',
                                  'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                 [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'AB': 'table0.C2',
                                                  'AC': 'table0.C3', 'AD': 'table0.C4',
                                                  'X': 'table0.C0',
                                                  'X.firstname': 'table0.C2',
                                                  'X.login': 'table0.C1',
                                                  'X.modification_date': 'table0.C4',
                                                  'X.surname': 'table0.C3'}, []),
                ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,AA,AB,AC,AD ORDERBY AA WHERE X login AA, X firstname AB, X surname AC, X modification_date AD, EXISTS(((X identity %(ueid)s) OR (EXISTS(X in_group C, C name IN("managers", "staff"), C is CWGroup))) OR (EXISTS(X in_group D, %(ueid)s in_group D, NOT D name "users", D is CWGroup))), X is CWUser' % {'ueid': ueid},
                                   [{'AA': 'String', 'AB': 'String', 'AC': 'String', 'AD': 'Datetime',
                                     'C': 'CWGroup', 'D': 'CWGroup', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                 None, None, [self.system],
                 {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'AB': 'table0.C2', 'AC': 'table0.C3', 'AD': 'table0.C4',
                  'X': 'table0.C0',
                  'X.firstname': 'table0.C2', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C4', 'X.surname': 'table0.C3'},
                   {'B': ueid})

    def test_relation_need_split(self):
        self._test('Any X, S WHERE X in_state S',
                   [('UnionStep', None, None, [
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,S WHERE X in_state S, S is State, X is IN(Affaire, CWUser)',
                                          [{'X': 'Affaire', 'S': 'State'}, {'X': 'CWUser', 'S': 'State'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {}, []),
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,S WHERE X in_state S, S is State, X is Note',
                                          [{'X': 'Note', 'S': 'State'}])],
                        None, None, [, self.system], {}, []),

    def test_relation_selection_need_split(self):
        self._test('Any X,S,U WHERE X in_state S, X todo_by U',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,S WHERE X in_state S, S is State, X is Note',
                                    [{'X': 'Note', 'S': 'State'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'S': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     ('UnionStep', None, None,
                      [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,S,U WHERE X in_state S, X todo_by U, S is State, U is Personne, X is Affaire',
                                          [{'X': 'Affaire', 'S': 'State', 'U': 'Personne'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {}, []),
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,S,U WHERE X todo_by U, S is State, U is CWUser, X is Note',
                                          [{'X': 'Note', 'S': 'State', 'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0', 'S': 'table0.C1'}, []),

    def test_relation_restriction_need_split(self):
        self._test('Any X,U WHERE X in_state S, S name "pending", X todo_by U',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X in_state S, S name "pending", S is State, X is Note',
                                    [{'X': 'Note', 'S': 'State'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     ('UnionStep', None, None,
                      [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,U WHERE X todo_by U, U is CWUser, X is Note',
                                          [{'X': 'Note', 'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,U WHERE X in_state S, S name "pending", X todo_by U, S is State, U is Personne, X is Affaire',
                                          [{'S': 'State', 'U': 'Personne', 'X': 'Affaire'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

    def test_relation_restriction_ambigous_need_split(self):
        self._test('Any X,T WHERE X in_state S, S name "pending", T tags X',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X in_state S, S name "pending", S is State, X is Note',
                                    [{'X': 'Note', 'S': 'State'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('UnionStep', None, None, [
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,T WHERE T tags X, T is Tag, X is Note',
                                           [{'X': 'Note', 'T': 'Tag'}])],
                         None, None,
                         [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,T WHERE X in_state S, S name "pending", T tags X, S is State, T is Tag, X is IN(Affaire, CWUser)',
                                           [{'X': 'Affaire', 'S': 'State', 'T': 'Tag'},
                                            {'X': 'CWUser', 'S': 'State', 'T': 'Tag'}])],
                         None, None,
                         [self.system], {}, []),

    def test_not_relation_no_split_internal(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        # NOT on a relation supported by rql and system source: we want to get
        # all states (eg from both sources) which are not related to entity with the
        # given eid. The "NOT X in_state S, X eid %(x)s" expression is necessarily true
        # in the source where %(x)s is not coming from and will be removed during rql
        # generation for the external source
        self._test('Any SN WHERE NOT X in_state S, X eid %(x)s, S name SN',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any SN WHERE NOT EXISTS(%s in_state S), S name SN, S is State' % ueid,
                                       [{'S': 'State', 'SN': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [, self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_not_relation_no_split_external(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        # similar to the above test but with an eid coming from the external source.
        # the same plan may be used, since we won't find any record in the system source
        # linking 9999999 to a state
        self._test('Any SN WHERE NOT X in_state S, X eid %(x)s, S name SN',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any SN WHERE NOT EXISTS(999999 in_state S), S name SN, S is State',
                                       [{'S': 'State', 'SN': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [, self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_not_relation_need_split(self):
        self._test('Any SN WHERE NOT X in_state S, S name SN',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any SN,S WHERE S name SN, S is State',
                                    [{'S': 'State', 'SN': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'S': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C0', 'SN': 'table0.C0'},
                    ('IntersectStep', None, None,
                       [('Any SN WHERE NOT EXISTS(X in_state S, X is Note), S name SN, S is State',
                         [{'S': 'State', 'SN': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                       None, None, [, self.system], {},
                       [('Any SN WHERE NOT EXISTS(X in_state S, X is IN(Affaire, CWUser)), S name SN, S is State',
                         [{'S': 'State', 'SN': 'String', 'X': 'Affaire'},
                          {'S': 'State', 'SN': 'String', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system], {'S': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C0', 'SN': 'table0.C0'},

    def test_external_attributes_and_relation(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any A,B,C,D WHERE A eid %(x)s,A creation_date B,A modification_date C, A todo_by D?',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any A,B,C WHERE A eid 999999, A creation_date B, A modification_date C, A is Note',
                                    [{'A': 'Note', 'C': 'Datetime', 'B': 'Datetime'}])],
                     [], None,
                     {'A': 'table0.C0', 'A.creation_date': 'table0.C1', 'A.modification_date': 'table0.C2', 'C': 'table0.C2', 'B': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    #('FetchStep', [('Any D WHERE D is CWUser', [{'D': 'CWUser'}])],
                    # [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'D': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any A,B,C,D WHERE A creation_date B, A modification_date C, A todo_by D?, A is Note, D is CWUser',
                                       [{'A': 'Note', 'C': 'Datetime', 'B': 'Datetime', 'D': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'A': 'table0.C0', 'A.creation_date': 'table0.C1', 'A.modification_date': 'table0.C2', 'C': 'table0.C2', 'B': 'table0.C1'}, [])],
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_simplified_var_1(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        # need access to cards source since X table has to be accessed because of the outer join
        self._test('Any U WHERE U in_group G, (G name IN ("managers", "logilab") OR '
                   '(X require_permission P?, P name "bla", P require_group G)), X eid %(x)s, U eid %(u)s',
                     [('Any 999999', [{}])], [],
                     None, {u'%(x)s': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [(u'Any 6 WHERE 6 in_group G, (G name IN("managers", "logilab")) OR '
                       '(X require_permission P?, P name "bla", P require_group G), '
                       'G is CWGroup, P is CWPermission, X is Note',
                       [{'G': 'CWGroup', 'P': 'CWPermission', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {u'%(x)s': 'table0.C0'}, [])],
                   {'x': 999999, 'u': ueid})

    def test_simplified_var_2(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        # no need access to source since X is invariant
        self._test('Any U WHERE U in_group G, (G name IN ("managers", "logilab") OR '
                   '(X require_permission P, P name "bla", P require_group G)), X eid %(x)s, U eid %(u)s',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any %s WHERE %s in_group G, (G name IN("managers", "logilab")) OR (999999 require_permission P, P name "bla", P require_group G)' % (ueid, ueid),
                                       [{'G': 'CWGroup', 'P': 'CWPermission'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': 999999, 'u': ueid})

    def test_has_text(self):
        self._test('Card X WHERE X has_text "toto"',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X has_text "toto", X is Card',
                                       [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])])

    def test_has_text_3(self):
        self._test('Any X WHERE X has_text "toto", X title "zoubidou", X is IN (Card, EmailThread)',
                   [('FetchStep', [(u'Any X WHERE X title "zoubidou", X is Card',
                                    [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('UnionStep', None, None, [
                        ('OneFetchStep', [(u'Any X WHERE X has_text "toto", X is Card',
                                           [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                        ('OneFetchStep', [(u'Any X WHERE X has_text "toto", X title "zoubidou", X is EmailThread',
                                           [{'X': 'EmailThread'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {}, []),

    def test_has_text_orderby_rank(self):
        self._test('Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X firstname "bla", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('AggrStep', 'SELECT table1.C1 FROM table1\nORDER BY table1.C0', None, [
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any FTIRANK(X),X WHERE X has_text "bla", X is CWUser',
                                        [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                         [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, {'FTIRANK(X)': 'table1.C0', 'X': 'table1.C1'}, []),
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any FTIRANK(X),X WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla", X is Personne',
                                        [{'X': 'Personne'}])],
                         [self.system], {}, {'FTIRANK(X)': 'table1.C0', 'X': 'table1.C1'}, []),

    def test_security_has_text_orderby_rank(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X firstname "bla", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X firstname "bla", X is Personne', [{'X': 'Personne'}])],
                       [self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                      ('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is CWUser' % ueid, [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                       [self.system], {'X': 'table1.C0'}, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, [])]),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla"',
                                       [{'X': 'CWUser'}, {'X': 'Personne'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),

    def test_has_text_select_rank(self):
        self._test('Any X, FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla"',
                   # XXX unecessary duplicate selection
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,X WHERE X firstname "bla", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('UnionStep', None, None, [
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla", X is Personne', [{'X': 'Personne'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {}, []),

    def test_security_has_text_select_rank(self):
        # use a guest user
        self.session = self.user_groups_session('guests')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any X, FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,X WHERE X firstname "bla", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('UnionStep', None, None, [
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla", EXISTS(X owned_by %s), X is CWUser' % ueid, [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,FTIRANK(X) WHERE X has_text "bla", X firstname "bla", X is Personne', [{'X': 'Personne'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {}, []),

    def test_sort_func(self):
        self._test('Note X ORDERBY DUMB_SORT(RF) WHERE X type RF',
                   [('AggrStep', 'SELECT table0.C0 FROM table0\nORDER BY DUMB_SORT(table0.C1)', None, [
                       ('FetchStep', [('Any X,RF WHERE X type RF, X is Note',
                                       [{'X': 'Note', 'RF': 'String'}])],
                        [, self.system], {}, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.type': 'table0.C1', 'RF': 'table0.C1'}, []),

    def test_ambigous_sort_func(self):
        self._test('Any X ORDERBY DUMB_SORT(RF) WHERE X title RF, X is IN (Bookmark, Card, EmailThread)',
                   [('AggrStep', 'SELECT table0.C0 FROM table0\nORDER BY DUMB_SORT(table0.C1)', None,
                     [('FetchStep', [('Any X,RF WHERE X title RF, X is Card',
                                      [{'X': 'Card', 'RF': 'String'}])],
                       [, self.system], {},
                       {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'RF': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                      ('FetchStep', [('Any X,RF WHERE X title RF, X is IN(Bookmark, EmailThread)',
                                      [{'RF': 'String', 'X': 'Bookmark'},
                                       {'RF': 'String', 'X': 'EmailThread'}])],
                       [self.system], {},
                       {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'RF': 'table0.C1'}, []),

    def test_attr_unification_1(self):
        self._test('Any X,Y WHERE X is Bookmark, Y is Card, X title T, Y title T',
                     [('Any Y,T WHERE Y title T, Y is Card', [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Card'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'T': 'table0.C1', 'Y': 'table0.C0', 'Y.title': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any X,Y WHERE X title T, Y title T, X is Bookmark, Y is Card',
                       [{'T': 'String', 'X': 'Bookmark', 'Y': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'T': 'table0.C1', 'Y': 'table0.C0', 'Y.title': 'table0.C1'}, [])

    def test_attr_unification_2(self):
        self._test('Any X,Y WHERE X is Note, Y is Card, X type T, Y title T',
                     [('Any X,T WHERE X type T, X is Note', [{'T': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'T': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.type': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any Y,T WHERE Y title T, Y is Card', [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Card'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'T': 'table1.C1', 'Y': 'table1.C0', 'Y.title': 'table1.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any X,Y WHERE X type T, Y title T, X is Note, Y is Card',
                       [{'T': 'String', 'X': 'Note', 'Y': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'T': 'table1.C1',
                      'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.type': 'table0.C1',
                      'Y': 'table1.C0', 'Y.title': 'table1.C1'}, [])

    def test_attr_unification_neq_1(self):
        self._test('Any X,Y WHERE X is Bookmark, Y is Card, X creation_date D, Y creation_date > D',
                     [('Any Y,D WHERE Y creation_date D, Y is Card',
                       [{'D': 'Datetime', 'Y': 'Card'}])],
                     [,self.system], None,
                     {'D': 'table0.C1', 'Y': 'table0.C0', 'Y.creation_date': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any X,Y WHERE X creation_date D, Y creation_date > D, X is Bookmark, Y is Card',
                       [{'D': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Bookmark', 'Y': 'Card'}])], None, None,
                     {'D': 'table0.C1', 'Y': 'table0.C0', 'Y.creation_date': 'table0.C1'}, [])

    def test_subquery_1(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('DISTINCT Any B,C ORDERBY C WHERE A created_by B, B login C, EXISTS(B owned_by D), D eid %(E)s '
                   'WITH A,N BEING ((Any X,N WHERE X is Tag, X name N) UNION (Any X,T WHERE X is Bookmark, X title T))',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,N WHERE X is Tag, X name N', [{'N': 'String', 'X': 'Tag'}]),
                                   ('Any X,T WHERE X is Bookmark, X title T',
                                    [{'T': 'String', 'X': 'Bookmark'}])],
                     [self.system], {}, {'N': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0', '': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any B,C WHERE B login C, B is CWUser', [{'B': 'CWUser', 'C': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'B': 'table1.C0', 'B.login': 'table1.C1', 'C': 'table1.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any B,C ORDERBY C WHERE A created_by B, B login C, EXISTS(B owned_by %s), B is CWUser, A is IN(Bookmark, Tag)' % ueid,
                                       [{'A': 'Bookmark', 'B': 'CWUser', 'C': 'String'},
                                        {'A': 'Tag', 'B': 'CWUser', 'C': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'A': 'table0.C0',
                      'B': 'table1.C0', 'B.login': 'table1.C1',
                      'C': 'table1.C1',
                      'N': 'table0.C1'},
                   {'E': ueid})

    def test_subquery_2(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('DISTINCT Any B,C ORDERBY C WHERE A created_by B, B login C, EXISTS(B owned_by D), D eid %(E)s '
                   'WITH A,N BEING ((Any X,N WHERE X is Tag, X name N) UNION (Any X,T WHERE X is Card, X title T))',
                     [('FetchStep', [('Any X,N WHERE X is Tag, X name N', [{'N': 'String', 'X': 'Tag'}])],
                       [self.system], {},
                       {'N': 'table0.C1',
                        'T': 'table0.C1',
                        'X': 'table0.C0',
                        '': 'table0.C1',
                        'X.title': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                      ('FetchStep', [('Any X,T WHERE X is Card, X title T',
                                      [{'T': 'String', 'X': 'Card'}])],
                       [, self.system], {},
                       {'N': 'table0.C1',
                        'T': 'table0.C1',
                        'X': 'table0.C0',
                        '': 'table0.C1',
                        'X.title': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                     [('Any B,C WHERE B login C, B is CWUser', [{'B': 'CWUser', 'C': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'B': 'table1.C0', 'B.login': 'table1.C1', 'C': 'table1.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any B,C ORDERBY C WHERE A created_by B, B login C, EXISTS(B owned_by %s), B is CWUser, A is IN(Card, Tag)' % ueid,
                                       [{'A': 'Card', 'B': 'CWUser', 'C': 'String'},
                                        {'A': 'Tag', 'B': 'CWUser', 'C': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'A': 'table0.C0',
                      'B': 'table1.C0', 'B.login': 'table1.C1',
                      'C': 'table1.C1',
                      'N': 'table0.C1'},
                   {'E': ueid})

    def test_eid_dont_cross_relation_1(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Personne', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any Y,YT WHERE X eid %(x)s, X fiche Y, Y title YT',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y,YT WHERE X eid 999999, X fiche Y, Y title YT',
                                       [{'X': 'Personne', 'Y': 'Card', 'YT': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_eid_dont_cross_relation_2(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')'concerne')
            self._test('Any Y,S,YT,X WHERE Y concerne X, Y in_state S, X eid 999999, Y ref YT',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y,S,YT,999999 WHERE Y concerne 999999, Y in_state S, Y ref YT',
                                       [{'Y': 'Affaire', 'YT': 'String', 'S': 'State'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': 999999})

    # external source w/ .cross_relations == ['multisource_crossed_rel'] ######

    def test_crossed_relation_eid_1_invariant(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_crossed_rel Y',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel Y', [{u'Y': 'Note'}])],
                      None, None, [self.system], {}, [])
                   {'x': 999999,})

    def test_crossed_relation_eid_1_needattr(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any Y,T WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any Y,T WHERE Y type T, Y is Note', [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'T': 'table0.C1', 'Y': 'table0.C0', 'Y.type': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y,T WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T, Y is Note',
                                       [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'T': 'table0.C1', 'Y': 'table0.C0', 'Y.type': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                   {'x': 999999,})

    def test_crossed_relation_eid_2_invariant(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_crossed_rel Y',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y is Note', [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
                      None, None, [, self.system], {}, [])
                   {'x': 999999,})

    def test_crossed_relation_eid_2_needattr(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any Y,T WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y,T WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T, Y is Note',
                                       [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [, self.system], {},
                   {'x': 999999,})

    def test_crossed_relation_eid_not_1(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, NOT X multisource_crossed_rel Y',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any Y WHERE Y is Note', [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'Y': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any Y WHERE NOT EXISTS(999999 multisource_crossed_rel Y), Y is Note',
                                       [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'Y': 'table0.C0'},  [])],
                   {'x': 999999,})

#     def test_crossed_relation_eid_not_2(self):
#         repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999)
#         self._test('Any Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, NOT X multisource_crossed_rel Y',
#                    [],
#                    {'x': 999999,})

    def test_crossed_relation_base_XXXFIXME(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any X,Y,T WHERE X multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T, X type T',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,T WHERE X type T, X is Note', [{'T': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'T': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.type': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep',  [('Any Y,T WHERE Y type T, Y is Note', [{'T': 'String', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'T': 'table1.C1', 'Y': 'table1.C0', 'Y.type': 'table1.C1'},  []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any X,Y WHERE X multisource_crossed_rel Y, X is Note, Y is Note',
                                    [{'X': 'Note', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table2.C0', 'Y': 'table2.C1'},
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,Y,T WHERE X multisource_crossed_rel Y, Y type T, X type T, '
                                       'X is Note, Y is Note, Y identity A, X identity B, A is Note, B is Note',
                                       [{u'A': 'Note', u'B': 'Note', 'T': 'String', 'X': 'Note', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None,
                     {'A': 'table1.C0',
                      'B': 'table0.C0',
                      'T': 'table1.C1',
                      'X': 'table2.C0',
                      'X.type': 'table0.C1',
                      'Y': 'table2.C1',
                      'Y.type': 'table1.C1'},
                    {'x': 999999,})

    def test_crossed_relation_noeid_needattr(self):
        self._test('DISTINCT Any DEP WHERE DEP is Note, P type "cubicweb-foo", P multisource_crossed_rel DEP, DEP type LIKE "cubicweb%"',
                   [('FetchStep', [(u'Any DEP WHERE DEP type LIKE "cubicweb%", DEP is Note',
                                    [{'DEP': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'DEP': 'table0.C0'},
                    ('FetchStep', [(u'Any P WHERE P type "cubicweb-foo", P is Note', [{'P': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'P': 'table1.C0'},
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any DEP,P WHERE P multisource_crossed_rel DEP, DEP is Note, P is Note',
                                    [{'DEP': 'Note', 'P': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'DEP': 'table2.C0', 'P': 'table2.C1'},
                     [('DISTINCT Any DEP WHERE P multisource_crossed_rel DEP, DEP is Note, '
                       'P is Note, DEP identity A, P identity B, A is Note, B is Note',
                       [{u'A': 'Note', u'B': 'Note', 'DEP': 'Note', 'P': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'A': 'table0.C0', 'B': 'table1.C0', 'DEP': 'table2.C0', 'P': 'table2.C1'},

    def test_crossed_relation_noeid_invariant(self):
        # see comment in
            RelationDefinition(subject='Note', name='multisource_crossed_rel', object='Affaire'))
            self._test('DISTINCT Any P,DEP WHERE P type "cubicweb-foo", P multisource_crossed_rel DEP',
                         [('Any DEP WHERE DEP is Note', [{'DEP': 'Note'}])],
                         [, self.system], None, {'DEP': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                         [(u'Any P WHERE P type "cubicweb-foo", P is Note', [{'P': 'Note'}])],
                         [, self.system], None, {'P': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                        ('UnionStep', None, None,
                           [('DISTINCT Any P,DEP WHERE P multisource_crossed_rel DEP, DEP is Note, P is Note',
                             [{'DEP': 'Note', 'P': 'Note'}])],
                           None, None, [], None, []),
                           [('DISTINCT Any P,DEP WHERE P multisource_crossed_rel DEP, DEP is Note, P is Note',
                             [{'DEP': 'Note', 'P': 'Note'}])],
                           None, None, [self.system],
                           {'DEP': 'table0.C0', 'P': 'table1.C0'},
                           [('DISTINCT Any P,DEP WHERE P multisource_crossed_rel DEP, DEP is Affaire, P is Note',
                             [{'DEP': 'Affaire', 'P': 'Note'}])],
                           None, None, [self.system], {'P': 'table1.C0'},
            self.schema.del_relation_def('Note', 'multisource_crossed_rel', 'Affaire')

    # edition queries tests ###################################################

    def test_insert_simplified_var_1(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('State', 'system', None, 'system')
        self._test('INSERT Note X: X in_state S, X type T WHERE S eid %(s)s, N eid %(n)s, N type T',
                       [('OneFetchStep', [('Any T WHERE N eid 999999, N type T, N is Note',
                                           [{'N': 'Note', 'T': 'String'}])],
                        None, None, [], {}, [])])
                   {'n': 999999, 's': 999998})

    def test_insert_simplified_var_2(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('State', 'system', None, 'system')
        self._test('INSERT Note X: X in_state S, X type T, X migrated_from N WHERE S eid %(s)s, N eid %(n)s, N type T',
                       [('OneFetchStep', [('Any T WHERE N eid 999999, N type T, N is Note',
                                           [{'N': 'Note', 'T': 'String'}])],
                         None, None, [], {}, [])
                   {'n': 999999, 's': 999998})

    def test_insert_simplified_var_3(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('State', 'cards', 999998, 'cards')
        self._test('INSERT Note X: X in_state S, X type T WHERE S eid %(s)s, N eid %(n)s, N type T',
                       [('OneFetchStep', [('Any T WHERE N eid 999999, N type T, N is Note',
                                           [{'N': 'Note', 'T': 'String'}])],
                         None, None, [], {}, [])]
                   {'n': 999999, 's': 999998})

    def test_insert_simplified_var_4(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('State', 'system', None, 'system')
        self._test('INSERT Note X: X in_state S, X type "bla", X migrated_from N WHERE S eid %(s)s, N eid %(n)s',
                          [('Any 999999', [{}])],
                          None, None,
                          [self.system], {},
                   {'n': 999999, 's': 999998})

    def test_insert_simplified_var_5(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('State', 'system', None, 'system')
        self._test('INSERT Note X: X in_state S, X type "bla", X migrated_from N WHERE S eid %(s)s, N eid %(n)s, A concerne N',
                         [('Any A WHERE A concerne 999999, A is Affaire',
                           [{'A': 'Affaire'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {}, []),
                   {'n': 999999, 's': 999998})

    def test_delete_relation1(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('DELETE X created_by Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, NOT Y eid %(y)s',
                   [('DeleteRelationsStep', [
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('Any %s,Y WHERE %s created_by Y, NOT Y eid %s, Y is CWUser' % (ueid, ueid, ueid),
                                          [{'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {}, []),
                   {'x': ueid, 'y': ueid})

    def test_delete_relation2(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('DELETE X created_by Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, NOT Y login "syt"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any Y WHERE NOT Y login "syt", Y is CWUser', [{'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'Y': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('DeleteRelationsStep', [
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('Any %s,Y WHERE %s created_by Y, Y is CWUser'%(ueid,ueid), [{'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {'Y': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                   {'x': ueid, 'y': ueid})

    def test_delete_relation3(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
            BadRQLQuery, self._test,
            'DELETE Y multisource_inlined_rel X WHERE X eid %(x)s, '
            'NOT (Y cw_source S, S name %(source)s)', [],
            {'x': 999999, 'source': 'cards'})

    def test_delete_relation4(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
            BadRQLQuery, self._test,
            'DELETE X multisource_inlined_rel Y WHERE Y is Note, X eid %(x)s, '
            'NOT (Y cw_source S, S name %(source)s)', [],
            {'x': 999999, 'source': 'cards'})

    def test_delete_entity1(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('DELETE Note X WHERE X eid %(x)s, NOT Y multisource_rel X',
                     [('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999999 WHERE NOT EXISTS(Y multisource_rel 999999), Y is IN(Card, Note)',
                                         [{'Y': 'Card'}, {'Y': 'Note'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system], {}, [])
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_delete_entity2(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('DELETE Note X WHERE X eid %(x)s, NOT X multisource_inlined_rel Y',
                     [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X eid 999999, NOT X multisource_inlined_rel Y, X is Note, Y is IN(Affaire, Note)',
                                         [{'X': 'Note', 'Y': 'Affaire'}, {'X': 'Note', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system], {}, [])
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_update(self):
        self._test('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "comme", Y login "cochon"',
                     [('Any X WHERE X login "comme", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any Y WHERE Y login "cochon", Y is CWUser', [{'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'Y': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                       [('DISTINCT Any X,Y WHERE X is CWUser, Y is CWUser',
                         [{'X': 'CWUser', 'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0', 'Y': 'table1.C0'}, [])

    def test_update2(self):
        self._test('SET U in_group G WHERE G name ~= "bougloup%", U login "admin"',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any U WHERE U login "admin", U is CWUser', [{'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'U': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     ('UpdateStep', [
                        ('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any U,G WHERE G name ILIKE "bougloup%", G is CWGroup, U is CWUser',
                                           [{'U': 'CWUser', 'G': 'CWGroup'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system], {'U': 'table0.C0'}, []),

    def test_update3(self):
        anoneid = self.user_groups_session('guests').user.eid
        # since we are adding a in_state relation for an entity in the system
        # source, states should only be searched in the system source as well
        self._test('SET X in_state S WHERE X eid %(x)s, S name "deactivated"',
                   [('UpdateStep', [
                       ('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any S WHERE S name "deactivated", S is State',
                                          [{'S': 'State'}])],
                        None, None, [self.system], {}, []),
                   {'x': anoneid})

#     def test_update4(self):
#         # since we are adding a in_state relation with a state from the system
#         # source, CWUser should only be searched only in the system source as well
#         rset = self.execute('State X WHERE X name "activated"')
#         assert len(rset) == 1, rset
#         activatedeid = rset[0][0]
#         self._test('SET X in_state S WHERE X is CWUser, S eid %s' % activatedeid,
#                    [('UpdateStep', [
#                        ('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any X,%s WHERE X is CWUser' % activatedeid,
#                                           [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
#                         None, None, [self.system], {}, []),
#                        ]),
#                     ])

    def test_ldap_user_related_to_invariant_and_dont_cross_rel(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')'created_by')
            self._test('Any X,XL WHERE E eid %(x)s, E created_by X, X login XL',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,XL WHERE X login XL, X is CWUser',
                                    [{'X': 'CWUser', 'XL': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'XL': 'table0.C1'},
                     [('Any X,XL WHERE 999999 created_by X, X login XL, X is CWUser',
                       [{'X': 'CWUser', 'XL': 'String'}])],
                     None, None,
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'XL': 'table0.C1'},
                       {'x': 999999})

    def test_ambigous_cross_relation(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')['see_also'] = True'see_also')
            self._test('Any X,AA ORDERBY AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E see_also X, X modification_date AA',
                         'SELECT table0.C0, table0.C1 FROM table0\nORDER BY table0.C1',
                           [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is Note',
                             [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Note'}])], [, self.system], {},
                           {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0',
                            'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'},
                           [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is Bookmark',
                             [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Bookmark'}])],
                           [self.system], {},
                           {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0',
                            'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'},
                         {'x': 999999})

    def test_state_of_cross(self):
        self._test('DELETE State X WHERE NOT X state_of Y',
                       [('Any X WHERE NOT X state_of Y, X is State, Y is Workflow',
                         [{'X': 'State', 'Y': 'Workflow'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system], {}, [])])]

    def test_source_specified_0_0(self):
        self._test('Card X WHERE X cw_source S, S eid 1',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X cw_source 1, X is Card',
                                       [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [self.system],{}, [])

    def test_source_specified_0_1(self):
        self._test('Any X, S WHERE X is Card, X cw_source S, S eid 1',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,1 WHERE X is Card, X cw_source 1',
                                       [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [self.system],{}, [])

    def test_source_specified_1_0(self):
        self._test('Card X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "system"',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "system", X is Card',
                                       [{'X': 'Card', 'S': 'CWSource'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [self.system],{}, [])

    def test_source_specified_1_1(self):
        self._test('Any X, SN WHERE X is Card, X cw_source S, S name "system", S name SN',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,SN WHERE X is Card, X cw_source S, S name "system", '
                                       'S name SN',
                                       [{'S': 'CWSource', 'SN': 'String', 'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

    def test_source_specified_1_2(self):
        self._test('Card X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "datafeed"',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "datafeed", X is Card',
                                       [{'X': 'Card', 'S': 'CWSource'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [self.system],{}, [])

    def test_source_specified_1_3(self):
        self._test('Any X, SN WHERE X is Card, X cw_source S, S name "datafeed", S name SN',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,SN WHERE X is Card, X cw_source S, S name "datafeed", '
                                       'S name SN',
                                       [{'S': 'CWSource', 'SN': 'String', 'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

    def test_source_specified_1_4(self):
        sols = []
        for sol in X_ALL_SOLS:
            sol = sol.copy()
            sol['S'] = 'CWSource'
        self._test('Any X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "cards"',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "cards"',
                     None, None,
                     [self.system],{}, [])

    def test_source_specified_2_0(self):
        # self._test('Card X WHERE X cw_source S, NOT S eid 1',
        #            [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is Card',
        #                                [{'X': 'Card'}])],
        #              None, None,
        #              [],{}, [])
        #             ])
        self._test('Card X WHERE NOT X cw_source S, S eid 1',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is Card',
                                       [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [],{}, [])

    def test_source_specified_2_1(self):
        self._test('Card X WHERE X cw_source S, NOT S name "system"',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is Card',
                                       [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [],{}, [])
        self._test('Card X WHERE NOT X cw_source S, S name "system"',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is Card',
                                       [{'X': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [],{}, [])

    def test_source_specified_3_1(self):
        self._test('Any X,XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT, X cw_source S, S name "cards"',
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT',
                       [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [], {}, [])

    def test_source_specified_3_2(self):
        self._test('Any X,XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT, X cw_source S, S name "datafeed"',
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT, X cw_source S, S name "datafeed"',
                       [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String', 'S': 'CWSource'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

    def test_source_specified_3_3(self):
        self._test('Any STN WHERE X is Note, X type XT, X in_state ST, ST name STN, X cw_source S, S name "cards"',
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT',
                       [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [], {}, [])

    def test_source_conflict_1(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        with self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery) as cm:
            self._test('Any X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "system", X eid %(x)s',
                       [], {'x': 999999})
        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'source conflict for term %(x)s')

    def test_source_conflict_2(self):
        with self.assertRaises(BadRQLQuery) as cm:
            self._test('Card X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "systeme"', [])
        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'source conflict for term X')

    def test_source_conflict_3(self):
        self._test('CWSource X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "cards"',
                     [(u'Any X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "cards", X is CWSource',
                       [{'S': 'CWSource', 'X': 'CWSource'}])],
                     None, None,
                     {}, [])])

    def test_ambigous_cross_relation_source_specified(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')['see_also'] = True'see_also')
            self._test('Any X,AA ORDERBY AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E see_also X, X modification_date AA',
                         'SELECT table0.C0, table0.C1 FROM table0\nORDER BY table0.C1',
                           [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is Note',
                             [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Note'}])], [, self.system], {},
                           {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0',
                            'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'},
                           [('Any X,AA WHERE 999999 see_also X, X modification_date AA, X is Bookmark',
                             [{'AA': 'Datetime', 'X': 'Bookmark'}])],
                           [self.system], {},
                           {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'X': 'table0.C0',
                            'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1'},
                         {'x': 999999})

    # non regression tests ####################################################

    def test_nonregr1(self):
        self._test('Any X, Y WHERE X copain Y, X login "syt", Y login "cochon"',
                     [('Any X WHERE X login "syt", X is CWUser', [{'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any Y WHERE Y login "cochon", Y is CWUser', [{'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'Y': 'table1.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any X,Y WHERE X copain Y, X is CWUser, Y is CWUser',
                       [{'X': 'CWUser', 'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0', 'Y': 'table1.C0'}, [])

    def test_nonregr2(self):
        iworkflowable = self.session.user.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable')
        treid = iworkflowable.latest_trinfo().eid
        self._test('Any X ORDERBY D DESC WHERE E eid %(x)s, E wf_info_for X, X modification_date D',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,D WHERE X modification_date D, X is Note',
                                    [{'X': 'Note', 'D': 'Datetime'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1', 'D': 'table0.C1'}, []),
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any X,D WHERE X modification_date D, X is CWUser',
                                    [{'X': 'CWUser', 'D': 'Datetime'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table1.C1', 'D': 'table1.C1'}, []),
                    ('AggrStep', 'SELECT table2.C0 FROM table2\nORDER BY table2.C1 DESC', None, [
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any X,D WHERE E eid %s, E wf_info_for X, X modification_date D, E is TrInfo, X is Affaire'%treid,
                                        [{'X': 'Affaire', 'E': 'TrInfo', 'D': 'Datetime'}])],
                         {'X': 'table2.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table2.C1', 'D': 'table2.C1', 'E.wf_info_for': 'table2.C0'}, []),
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any X,D WHERE E eid %s, E wf_info_for X, X modification_date D, E is TrInfo, X is CWUser'%treid,
                                        [{'X': 'CWUser', 'E': 'TrInfo', 'D': 'Datetime'}])],
                         {'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table1.C1', 'D': 'table1.C1'},
                         {'X': 'table2.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table2.C1', 'D': 'table2.C1', 'E.wf_info_for': 'table2.C0'}, []),
                        ('FetchStep', [('Any X,D WHERE E eid %s, E wf_info_for X, X modification_date D, E is TrInfo, X is Note'%treid,
                                        [{'X': 'Note', 'E': 'TrInfo', 'D': 'Datetime'}])],
                         {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1', 'D': 'table0.C1'},
                         {'X': 'table2.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table2.C1', 'D': 'table2.C1', 'E.wf_info_for': 'table2.C0'}, []),
                   {'x': treid})

    def test_nonregr3(self):
        # original jpl query:
        # Any X, NOW - CD, P WHERE P is Project, U interested_in P, U is CWUser, U login "sthenault", X concerns P, X creation_date CD ORDERBY CD DESC LIMIT 5
        self._test('Any X, NOW - CD, P ORDERBY CD DESC LIMIT 5 WHERE P bookmarked_by U, U login "admin", P is X, X creation_date CD',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any U WHERE U login "admin", U is CWUser', [{'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'U': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,(NOW - CD),P ORDERBY CD DESC LIMIT 5 WHERE P bookmarked_by U, P is X, X creation_date CD, P is Bookmark, U is CWUser, X is CWEType',
                                       [{'P': 'Bookmark', 'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWEType', 'CD': 'Datetime'}])],
                     5, None,  [self.system], {'U': 'table0.C0'}, [])]

    def test_nonregr4(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any U ORDERBY D DESC WHERE WF wf_info_for X, WF creation_date D, WF from_state FS, '
                   'WF owned_by U?, X eid %(x)s',
                   [#('FetchStep', [('Any U WHERE U is CWUser', [{'U': 'CWUser'}])],
                    # [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'U': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any U ORDERBY D DESC WHERE WF wf_info_for %s, WF creation_date D, WF from_state FS, WF owned_by U?' % ueid,
                                       [{'WF': 'TrInfo', 'FS': 'State', 'U': 'CWUser', 'D': 'Datetime'}])],
                     None, None,
                     [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_nonregr5(self):
        # original jpl query:
        # DISTINCT Version V WHERE MB done_in MV, MV eid %(x)s,
        # MB depends_on B, B done_in V, V version_of P, NOT P eid %(p)s'
        cardeid = self.execute('INSERT Card X: X title "hop"')[0][0]
        noteeid = self.execute('INSERT Note X')[0][0]
        self._test('DISTINCT Card V WHERE MB documented_by MV, MV eid %(x)s, '
                   'MB depends_on B, B documented_by V, V multisource_rel P, NOT P eid %(p)s',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any V WHERE V multisource_rel P, NOT P eid %s, P is Note, V is Card'%noteeid,
                                    [{'P': 'Note', 'V': 'Card'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'V': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any V WHERE MB documented_by %s, MB depends_on B, B documented_by V, B is Affaire, MB is Affaire, V is Card'%cardeid,
                                       [{'B': 'Affaire', 'MB': 'Affaire', 'V': 'Card'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'V': 'table0.C0'}, [])],
                   {'x': cardeid, 'p': noteeid})

    def test_nonregr6(self):
        self._test('Any X WHERE X concerne Y',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X concerne Y',
                                       [{'Y': 'Division', 'X': 'Affaire'},
                                        {'Y': 'Note', 'X': 'Affaire'},
                                        {'Y': 'Societe', 'X': 'Affaire'},
                                        {'Y': 'SubDivision', 'X': 'Affaire'},
                                        {'Y': 'Affaire', 'X': 'Personne'}])],
                     None,  None, [self.system], {}, [])
        self._test('Any X WHERE X concerne Y, Y is Note',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any Y WHERE Y is Note', [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
                      [, self.system], None, {'Y': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X concerne Y, X is Affaire, Y is Note',
                                       [{'X': 'Affaire', 'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'Y': 'table0.C0'}, [])

    def test_nonregr7(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any S,SUM(DUR),SUM(I),(SUM(I) - SUM(DUR)),MIN(DI),MAX(DI) GROUPBY S ORDERBY S WHERE A is Affaire, A duration DUR, A invoiced I, A modification_date DI, A in_state S, S name SN, (EXISTS(A concerne WP, W multisource_rel WP)) OR (EXISTS(A concerne W)), W eid %(n)s',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any WP WHERE 999999 multisource_rel WP, WP is Note', [{'WP': 'Note'}])],
                     [], None, {'WP': u'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any S,SUM(DUR),SUM(I),(SUM(I) - SUM(DUR)),MIN(DI),MAX(DI) GROUPBY S ORDERBY S WHERE A duration DUR, A invoiced I, A modification_date DI, A in_state S, S name SN, (EXISTS(A concerne WP, WP is Note)) OR (EXISTS(A concerne 999999)), A is Affaire, S is State',
                                       [{'A': 'Affaire', 'DI': 'Datetime', 'DUR': 'Int', 'I': 'Float', 'S': 'State', 'SN': 'String', 'WP': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'WP': u'table0.C0'}, [])],
                   {'n': 999999})

    def test_nonregr8(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any X,Z WHERE X eid %(x)s, X multisource_rel Y, Z concerne X',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any 999999 WHERE 999999 multisource_rel Y, Y is Note',
                                    [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     None, {u'%(x)s': 'table0.C0'},
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999999,Z WHERE Z concerne 999999, Z is Affaire',
                                       [{'Z': 'Affaire'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {u'%(x)s': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_nonregr9(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('Note', 'cards', 999998, 'cards')
        self._test('SET X migrated_from Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y multisource_rel Z, Z eid %(z)s, Y migrated_from Z',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any Y WHERE Y multisource_rel 999998, Y is Note', [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
                     [], None, {'Y': u'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any Y WHERE Y migrated_from 999998, Y is Note',
                                         [{'Y': 'Note'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system],
                       {'Y': u'table0.C0'}, [])])],
                   {'x': 999999, 'z': 999998})

    def test_nonregr10(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('CWUser', 'ldap', 999999, 'ldap')
        self._test('Any X,AA,AB ORDERBY AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E owned_by X, X login AA, X modification_date AB',
                     [('Any X,AA,AB WHERE X login AA, X modification_date AB, X is CWUser',
                       [{'AA': 'String', 'AB': 'Datetime', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None, {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'AB': 'table0.C2',
                                                      'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C2'},
                     [('Any X,AA,AB ORDERBY AA WHERE 999999 owned_by X, X login AA, X modification_date AB, X is CWUser',
                       [{'AA': 'String', 'AB': 'Datetime', 'X': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {'AA': 'table0.C1', 'AB': 'table0.C2',
                                                 'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.login': 'table0.C1', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C2'},
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_nonregr11(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Bookmark', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('SET X bookmarked_by Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y login "hop"',
                     [('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any Y WHERE Y login "hop", Y is CWUser', [{'Y': 'CWUser'}])],
                       None, None, [self.ldap, self.system], {}, [])]
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_nonregr12(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any X ORDERBY Z DESC WHERE X modification_date Z, E eid %(x)s, E see_also X',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,Z WHERE X modification_date Z, X is Note',
                                    [{'X': 'Note', 'Z': 'Datetime'}])],
                     [, self.system], None, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1', 'Z': 'table0.C1'},
                    ('AggrStep', 'SELECT table1.C0 FROM table1\nORDER BY table1.C1 DESC', None,
                     [('FetchStep', [('Any X,Z WHERE X modification_date Z, 999999 see_also X, X is Bookmark',
                                      [{'X': 'Bookmark', 'Z': 'Datetime'}])],
                       [self.system], {},   {'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table1.C1',
                                             'Z': 'table1.C1'},
                      ('FetchStep', [('Any X,Z WHERE X modification_date Z, 999999 see_also X, X is Note',
                                      [{'X': 'Note', 'Z': 'Datetime'}])],
                       [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table0.C1',
                                       'Z': 'table0.C1'},
                       {'X': 'table1.C0', 'X.modification_date': 'table1.C1',
                        'Z': 'table1.C1'},
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_nonregr13_1(self):
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        # identity wrapped into exists:
        # should'nt propagate constraint that U is in the same source as ME
        self._test('Any B,U,UL GROUPBY B,U,UL WHERE B created_by U?, B is File '
                   'WITH U,UL BEING (Any U,UL WHERE ME eid %(x)s, (EXISTS(U identity ME) '
                   'OR (EXISTS(U in_group G, G name IN("managers", "staff")))) '
                   'OR (EXISTS(U in_group H, ME in_group H, NOT H name "users")), U login UL, U is CWUser)',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any U,UL WHERE U login UL, U is CWUser',
                                    [{'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'U': 'table0.C0', 'U.login': 'table0.C1', 'UL': 'table0.C1'},
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any U,UL WHERE ((EXISTS(U identity %s)) OR (EXISTS(U in_group G, G name IN("managers", "staff"), G is CWGroup))) OR (EXISTS(U in_group H, %s in_group H, NOT H name "users", H is CWGroup)), U login UL, U is CWUser' % (ueid, ueid),
                                    [{'G': 'CWGroup', 'H': 'CWGroup', 'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                     {'U': 'table0.C0', 'U.login': 'table0.C1', 'UL': 'table0.C1'},
                     {'U': 'table1.C0', 'U.login': 'table1.C1', 'UL': 'table1.C1'},
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any B,U,UL GROUPBY B,U,UL WHERE B created_by U?, B is File',
                                       [{'B': 'File', 'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'U': 'table1.C0', 'UL': 'table1.C1'},
                   {'x': ueid})

    def test_nonregr13_2(self):
        # identity *not* wrapped into exists.
        # XXX this test fail since in this case, in "U identity 5" U and 5 are
        # from the same scope so constraints are applied (telling the U should
        # come from the same source as user with eid 5).
        # IMO this is normal, unless we introduce a special case for the
        # identity relation. BUT I think it's better to leave it as is and to
        # explain constraint propagation rules, and so why this should be
        # wrapped in exists() if used in multi-source
        self.skipTest('take a look at me if you wish')
        ueid = self.session.user.eid
        self._test('Any B,U,UL GROUPBY B,U,UL WHERE B created_by U?, B is File '
                   'WITH U,UL BEING (Any U,UL WHERE ME eid %(x)s, (U identity ME '
                   'OR (EXISTS(U in_group G, G name IN("managers", "staff")))) '
                   'OR (EXISTS(U in_group H, ME in_group H, NOT H name "users")), U login UL, U is CWUser)',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any U,UL WHERE U login UL, U is CWUser',
                                    [{'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'U': 'table0.C0', 'U.login': 'table0.C1', 'UL': 'table0.C1'},
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any U,UL WHERE ((U identity %s) OR (EXISTS(U in_group G, G name IN("managers", "staff"), G is CWGroup))) OR (EXISTS(U in_group H, %s in_group H, NOT H name "users", H is CWGroup)), U login UL, U is CWUser' % (ueid, ueid),
                                    [{'G': 'CWGroup', 'H': 'CWGroup', 'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                     {'U': 'table0.C0', 'U.login': 'table0.C1', 'UL': 'table0.C1'},
                     {'U': 'table1.C0', 'U.login': 'table1.C1', 'UL': 'table1.C1'},
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any B,U,UL GROUPBY B,U,UL WHERE B created_by U?, B is File',
                                       [{'B': 'File', 'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'U': 'table1.C0', 'UL': 'table1.C1'},
                   {'x': self.session.user.eid})

    def test_nonregr14_1(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('CWUser', 'ldap', 999999, 'ldap')
        self._test('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X owned_by U, U eid %(u)s',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999999 WHERE 999999 owned_by 999999', [{}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': 999999, 'u': 999999})

    def test_nonregr14_2(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('CWUser', 'ldap', 999999, 'ldap')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('Note', 'system', 999998, 'system')
        self._test('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X owned_by U, U eid %(u)s',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999998 WHERE 999998 owned_by 999999', [{}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': 999998, 'u': 999999})

    def test_nonregr14_3(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('CWUser', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('CWUser', 'ldap', 999998, 'ldap')
        self._test('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X owned_by U, U eid %(u)s',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999998 WHERE 999998 owned_by 999999', [{}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': 999998, 'u': 999999})

    def test_nonregr_identity_no_source_access_1(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('CWUser', 'ldap', 999998, 'ldap')
        self._test('Any S WHERE S identity U, S eid %(s)s, U eid %(u)s',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999999 WHERE 999999 identity 999999', [{}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'s': 999999, 'u': 999999})

    def test_nonregr_identity_no_source_access_2(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('EmailAddress', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('CWUser', 'ldap', 999998, 'ldap')
        self._test('Any X WHERE O use_email X, ((EXISTS(O identity U)) OR (EXISTS(O in_group G, G name IN("managers", "staff")))) OR (EXISTS(O in_group G2, U in_group G2, NOT G2 name "users")), X eid %(x)s, U eid %(u)s',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999999 WHERE O use_email 999999, ((EXISTS(O identity 999998)) OR (EXISTS(O in_group G, G name IN("managers", "staff")))) OR (EXISTS(O in_group G2, 999998 in_group G2, NOT G2 name "users"))',
                                       [{'G': 'CWGroup', 'G2': 'CWGroup', 'O': 'CWUser'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])],
                   {'x': 999999, 'u': 999998})

    def test_nonregr_similar_subquery(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Personne', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any T,TD,U,T,UL WITH T,TD,U,UL BEING ('
                   '(Any T,TD,U,UL WHERE X eid %(x)s, T comments X, T content TD, T created_by U?, U login UL)'
                   ' UNION '
                   '(Any T,TD,U,UL WHERE X eid %(x)s, X connait P, T comments P, T content TD, T created_by U?, U login UL))',
                   # XXX optimization: use a OneFetchStep with a UNION of both queries
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any U,UL WHERE U login UL, U is CWUser',
                                    [{'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                     [self.ldap, self.system], None,
                     {'U': 'table0.C0', 'U.login': 'table0.C1', 'UL': 'table0.C1'},
                       [('Any T,TD,U,UL WHERE T comments 999999, T content TD, T created_by U?, U login UL, T is Comment, U is CWUser',
                         [{'T': 'Comment', 'TD': 'String', 'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                       {'U': 'table0.C0', 'U.login': 'table0.C1', 'UL': 'table0.C1'},
                       {'T': 'table1.C0',
                        'T.content': 'table1.C1',
                        'TD': 'table1.C1',
                        'U': 'table1.C2',
                        'U.login': 'table1.C3',
                        'UL': 'table1.C3'},
                       [('Any T,TD,U,UL WHERE 999999 connait P, T comments P, T content TD, T created_by U?, U login UL, P is Personne, T is Comment, U is CWUser',
                         [{'P': 'Personne',
                           'T': 'Comment',
                           'TD': 'String',
                           'U': 'CWUser',
                           'UL': 'String'}])],
                       {'U': 'table0.C0', 'U.login': 'table0.C1', 'UL': 'table0.C1'},
                       {'T': 'table1.C0',
                        'T.content': 'table1.C1',
                        'TD': 'table1.C1',
                        'U': 'table1.C2',
                        'U.login': 'table1.C3',
                        'UL': 'table1.C3'},
                     [('Any T,TD,U,T,UL',
                       [{'T': 'Comment', 'TD': 'String', 'U': 'CWUser', 'UL': 'String'}])],
                     None, None,
                     {'T': 'table1.C0', 'TD': 'table1.C1', 'U': 'table1.C2', 'UL': 'table1.C3'},
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_nonregr_dont_readd_already_processed_relation(self):
        self._test('Any WO,D,SO WHERE WO is Note, D tags WO, WO in_state SO',
                     [('Any WO,SO WHERE WO in_state SO, SO is State, WO is Note',
                       [{'SO': 'State', 'WO': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.system], None,
                     {'SO': 'table0.C1', 'WO': 'table0.C0'},
                     [('Any WO,D,SO WHERE D tags WO, D is Tag, SO is State, WO is Note',
                       [{'D': 'Tag', 'SO': 'State', 'WO': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'SO': 'table0.C1', 'WO': 'table0.C0'},

class MSPlannerTwoSameExternalSourcesTC(BasePlannerTC):
    """test planner related feature on a 3-sources repository:

    * 2 rql sources supporting Card

    def setUp(self):
        self.__class__.repo = repo
        self.add_source(FakeCardSource, 'cards')
        self.add_source(FakeCardSource, 'cards2')
        self.planner = MSPlanner(self.o.schema, self.repo.vreg.rqlhelper)
        assert repo.sources_by_uri['cards2'].support_relation('multisource_crossed_rel')
        assert 'multisource_crossed_rel' in repo.sources_by_uri['cards2'].cross_relations
        assert repo.sources_by_uri['cards'].support_relation('multisource_crossed_rel')
        assert 'multisource_crossed_rel' in repo.sources_by_uri['cards'].cross_relations
    _test = test_plan

    def test_linked_external_entities(self):
        repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Tag', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any X,XT WHERE X is Card, X title XT, T tags X, T eid %(t)s',
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X title XT, X is Card', [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system],
                     None, {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'XT': 'table0.C1'},
                     [('Any X,XT WHERE X title XT, 999999 tags X, X is Card',
                       [{'X': 'Card', 'XT': 'String'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'X': 'table0.C0', 'X.title': 'table0.C1', 'XT': 'table0.C1'},
                   {'t': 999999})

    def test_version_depends_on(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any X,AD,AE WHERE E eid %(x)s, E migrated_from X, X in_state AD, AD name AE',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE X in_state AD, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                                    [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system],
                     None, {'AD': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C2',
                            'AE': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0'},
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE 999999 migrated_from X, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                                       [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'AD': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C2', 'AE': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0'},
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_version_crossed_depends_on_1(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any X,AD,AE WHERE E eid %(x)s, E multisource_crossed_rel X, X in_state AD, AD name AE',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE X in_state AD, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                                    [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system],
                     None, {'AD': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C2',
                            'AE': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0'},
                    ('UnionStep', None, None,
                     [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel X, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                                         [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                       None, None, [], None,
                      ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel X, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                                         [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system],
                       {'AD': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C2',
                        'AE': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0'},
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_version_crossed_depends_on_2(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'system', 999999, 'system')
        self._test('Any X,AD,AE WHERE E eid %(x)s, E multisource_crossed_rel X, X in_state AD, AD name AE',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE X in_state AD, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                                    [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system],
                     None, {'AD': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C2',
                            'AE': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0'},
                    ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE 999999 multisource_crossed_rel X, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                                       [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'AD': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C2', 'AE': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0'},
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_version_crossed_depends_on_3(self):
        self._test('Any X,AD,AE WHERE E multisource_crossed_rel X, X in_state AD, AD name AE, E is Note',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE X in_state AD, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                                    [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system],
                     None, {'AD': 'table0.C1', '': 'table0.C2',
                            'AE': 'table0.C2', 'X': 'table0.C0'},
                    ('FetchStep', [('Any E WHERE E is Note', [{'E': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system],
                     None, {'E': 'table1.C0'},
                    ('UnionStep', None, None,
                     [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE E multisource_crossed_rel X, AD name AE, AD is State, E is Note, X is Note',
                                         [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'E': 'Note', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                       None, None, [, self.cards2], None,
                      ('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE E multisource_crossed_rel X, AD name AE, AD is State, E is Note, X is Note',
                                         [{'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'E': 'Note', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                       None, None, [self.system],
                       {'AD': 'table0.C1',
                        '': 'table0.C2',
                        'AE': 'table0.C2',
                        'E': 'table1.C0',
                        'X': 'table0.C0'},

    def test_version_crossed_depends_on_4(self):
        self._test('Any X,AD,AE WHERE EXISTS(E multisource_crossed_rel X), X in_state AD, AD name AE, E is Note',
                     [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE X in_state AD, AD name AE, AD is State, X is Note',
                       [{'X': 'Note', 'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system], None,
                     {'X': 'table0.C0',
                      'AD': 'table0.C1',
                      '': 'table0.C2',
                      'AE': 'table0.C2'},
                     [('Any A WHERE E multisource_crossed_rel A, A is Note, E is Note',
                       [{'A': 'Note', 'E': 'Note'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system], None,
                     {'A': 'table1.C0'},
                     [('Any X,AD,AE WHERE EXISTS(X identity A), AD name AE, A is Note, AD is State, X is Note',
                       [{'A': 'Note', 'AD': 'State', 'AE': 'String', 'X': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None,
                     {'A': 'table1.C0',
                      'AD': 'table0.C1',
                      '': 'table0.C2',
                      'AE': 'table0.C2',
                      'X': 'table0.C0'},

    def test_nonregr_dont_cross_rel_source_filtering_1(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any S WHERE E eid %(x)s, E in_state S, NOT S name "moved"',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any S WHERE 999999 in_state S, NOT S name "moved", S is State',
                                       [{'S': 'State'}])],
                     None, None, [], {}, []
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_nonregr_dont_cross_rel_source_filtering_2(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any X,AA,AB WHERE E eid %(x)s, E in_state X, X name AA, X modification_date AB',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any X,AA,AB WHERE 999999 in_state X, X name AA, X modification_date AB, X is State',
                                       [{'AA': 'String', 'AB': 'Datetime', 'X': 'State'}])],
                     None, None, [], {}, []
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_nonregr_eid_query(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Any X WHERE X eid 999999',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999999', [{}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, []
                   {'x': 999999})

    def test_nonregr_not_is(self):
        self._test("Any X WHERE X owned_by U, U login 'anon', NOT X is Comment",
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any X WHERE X is IN(Card, Note, State)',
                                    [{'X': 'Note'}, {'X': 'State'}, {'X': 'Card'}])],
                     [, self.cards2, self.system],
                     None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                    ('UnionStep', None, None,
                       [(u'Any X WHERE X owned_by U, U login "anon", U is CWUser, X is IN(Affaire, BaseTransition, Basket, Bookmark, CWAttribute, CWCache, CWConstraint, CWConstraintType, CWDataImport, CWEType, CWGroup, CWPermission, CWProperty, CWRType, CWRelation, CWSource, CWSourceHostConfig, CWSourceSchemaConfig, CWUniqueTogetherConstraint, CWUser, Division, Email, EmailAddress, EmailPart, EmailThread, ExternalUri, File, Folder, Old, Personne, RQLExpression, Societe, SubDivision, SubWorkflowExitPoint, Tag, TrInfo, Transition, Workflow, WorkflowTransition)',
                         [{'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Affaire'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'BaseTransition'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Basket'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Bookmark'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWAttribute'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWCache'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWConstraint'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWConstraintType'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWDataImport'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWEType'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWGroup'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWPermission'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWProperty'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWRType'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWRelation'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWSource'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWSourceHostConfig'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWSourceSchemaConfig'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWUniqueTogetherConstraint'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'CWUser'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Division'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Email'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'EmailAddress'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'EmailPart'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'EmailThread'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'ExternalUri'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'File'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Folder'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Old'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Personne'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'RQLExpression'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Societe'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'SubDivision'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'SubWorkflowExitPoint'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Tag'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'TrInfo'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Transition'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Workflow'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'WorkflowTransition'}])],
                       None, None,
                       [self.system], {}, []),
                       [(u'Any X WHERE X owned_by U, U login "anon", U is CWUser, X is IN(Card, Note, State)',
                         [{'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Note'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'State'},
                          {'U': 'CWUser', 'X': 'Card'}])],
                       None, None,
                       [self.system], {'X': 'table0.C0'}, [])

    def test_remove_from_deleted_source_1(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self._test('Note X WHERE X eid 999999, NOT X cw_source Y',
                     [('Any 999999 WHERE NOT EXISTS(999999 cw_source Y)',
                       [{'Y': 'CWSource'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

    def test_remove_from_deleted_source_2(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'cards', 999999, 'cards')
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('Note', 'cards', 999998, 'cards')
        self._test('Note X WHERE X eid IN (999998, 999999), NOT X cw_source Y',
                     [('Any X WHERE X eid IN(999998, 999999), X is Note',
                       [{'X': 'Note'}])],
                     [], None, {'X': 'table0.C0'}, []),
                     [('Any X WHERE NOT EXISTS(X cw_source Y, Y is CWSource), X is Note',
                       [{'X': 'Note', 'Y': 'CWSource'}])],
                         None, None, [self.system],{'X': 'table0.C0'}, [])

class FakeVCSSource(AbstractSource):
    uri = 'ccc'
    support_entities = {'Card': True, 'Note': True}
    support_relations = {'multisource_inlined_rel': True,
                         'multisource_rel': True}

    def syntax_tree_search(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return []

class MSPlannerVCSSource(BasePlannerTC):

    def setUp(self):
        self.__class__.repo = repo
        self.add_source(FakeVCSSource, 'vcs')
        self.planner = MSPlanner(self.o.schema, self.repo.vreg.rqlhelper)
    _test = test_plan

    def test_multisource_inlined_rel_skipped(self):
        self._test('Any MAX(VC) '
                   'WHERE VC multisource_inlined_rel R2, R para %(branch)s, VC in_state S, S name "published", '
                   '(EXISTS(R identity R2)) OR (EXISTS(R multisource_rel R2))',
                   [('FetchStep', [('Any VC WHERE VC multisource_inlined_rel R2, R para "???", (EXISTS(R identity R2)) OR (EXISTS(R multisource_rel R2)), R is Note, R2 is Note, VC is Note',
                                    [{'R': 'Note', 'R2': 'Note', 'VC': 'Note'}])],
                     [self.vcs, self.system], None,
                     {'VC': 'table0.C0'},
                    ('OneFetchStep', [(u'Any MAX(VC) WHERE VC in_state S, S name "published", S is State, VC is Note',
                                       [{'S': 'State', 'VC': 'Note'}])],
                     None, None, [self.system],
                     {'VC': 'table0.C0'},

    def test_fully_simplified_extsource(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('Note', 'vcs', 999998, 'vcs')
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'vcs', 999999, 'vcs')
        self._test('Any X, Y WHERE NOT X multisource_rel Y, X eid 999998, Y eid 999999',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('Any 999998,999999 WHERE NOT EXISTS(999998 multisource_rel 999999)', [{}])],
                     None, None, [self.vcs], {}, [])

    def test_nonregr_fully_simplified_extsource(self):
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999998] = ('Note', 'vcs', 999998, 'vcs')
        self.repo._type_source_cache[999999] = ('Note', 'vcs', 999999, 'vcs')
        self.repo._type_source_cache[1000000] = ('Note', 'system', 1000000, 'system')
        self._test('DISTINCT Any T,FALSE,L,M WHERE L eid 1000000, M eid 999999, T eid 999998',
                   [('OneFetchStep', [('DISTINCT Any 999998,FALSE,1000000,999999', [{}])],
                     None, None, [self.system], {}, [])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main