[cubicweb/doc] Add tutorial on data import in CubicWeb.
This involves creating the "tutorials/dataimport" directory
structure under "cubicweb/doc" and, inside the "dataimport" directory,
putting several files:
- a ResT file containing the tutorial *per se*; this tutorial addresses
the following issues:
* creating a CubicWeb schema for representing a given data set (here,
the Diseasome RDF data, for illustration purposes);
* parsing the data;
* importing the data, by using several stores:
+ the ``RQLObjectStore``, ``NoHookRQLObjectStore`` and
``SQLGenObjectStore`` from the ``dataimport`` module in CubicWeb;
+ the ``MassiveObjectStore`` from the ``dataimport`` module
in the ``dataio`` cube.
The tutorial also provides timing benchmarks of the various stores.
- a set of Python files illustrating the data import, in the context
of Diseasome RDF data parsing:
* a Diseasome RDF data parse module,
* a Diseasome data import module,
* a CubicWeb schema for representing Diseasome data.
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main
from cubicweb.devtools.qunit import make_qunit_html, QUnitTestCase
from os import path as osp
JSTESTDIR = osp.abspath(osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'js_examples'))
def js(name):
return osp.join(JSTESTDIR, name)
class QUnitTestCaseTC(QUnitTestCase):
all_js_tests = (
(js('test_with_dep.js'), (js('dep_1.js'),)),
(js('test_with_ordered_deps.js'), (js('dep_1.js'), js('deps_2.js'),)),
def test_simple_failure(self):
js_tests = list(self._test_qunit(js('test_simple_failure.js')))
self.assertEqual(len(js_tests), 3)
test_1, test_2, test_3 = js_tests
self.assertRaises(self.failureException, test_1[0], *test_1[1:])
self.assertRaises(self.failureException, test_2[0], *test_2[1:])
if __name__ == '__main__':