Add modules to list and to index to have docstring integrated into the documentation.
Needs to be completed. Sphinx required to explicitely list which modules we want to include in the documentation.
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main
from cubicweb.devtools.apptest import EnvBasedTC
class HooksTC(EnvBasedTC):
def test_euser_login_stripped(self):
u = self.create_user(' joe ')
tname = self.execute('Any L WHERE E login L, E eid %(e)s',
{'e': u.eid})[0][0]
self.assertEquals(tname, 'joe')
self.execute('SET X login " jijoe " WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': u.eid})
tname = self.execute('Any L WHERE E login L, E eid %(e)s',
{'e': u.eid})[0][0]
self.assertEquals(tname, 'jijoe')
def test_auto_delete_bookmarks(self):
beid = self.execute('INSERT Bookmark X: X title "hop", X path "view", X bookmarked_by U '
'WHERE U login "admin"')[0][0]
self.execute('SET X bookmarked_by U WHERE U login "anon"')
self.execute('DELETE X bookmarked_by U WHERE U login "admin"')
self.failUnless(self.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': beid}, 'x'))
self.execute('DELETE X bookmarked_by U WHERE U login "anon"')
self.failIf(self.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': beid}, 'x'))
if __name__ == '__main__':