author Sandrine Ribeau <sandrine.ribeau@logilab.fr>
Wed, 05 Nov 2008 11:22:05 -0800
changeset 1 88d637274072
parent 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 65 ef636f74bd22
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add modules to list and to index to have docstring integrated into the documentation. Needs to be completed. Sphinx required to explicitely list which modules we want to include in the documentation.

# pylint: disable-msg=W0622,C0103
"""cubicweb global packaging information for the cubicweb knowledge management

distname = "cubicweb"
modname = "cubicweb"

numversion = (3, 0, 0)
version = '.'.join(str(num) for num in numversion)

license = 'LCL'
copyright = '''Copyright (c) 2003-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr'''

author = "Logilab"
author_email = "contact@logilab.fr"

short_desc = "a repository of entities / relations for knowledge management"
long_desc = """CubicWeb is a entities / relations based knowledge management system
developped at Logilab.

This package contains:
* a repository server
* a RQL command line client to the repository
* an adaptative modpython interface to the server
* a bunch of other management tools

web = ''
ftp = ''
pyversions = ['2.4']

from os import listdir, environ
from os.path import join, isdir
import glob

scripts = [s for s in glob.glob(join('bin', 'cubicweb-*'))
           if not s.endswith('.bat')]
include_dirs = [join('common', 'test', 'data'),
                join('server', 'test', 'data'),
                join('web', 'test', 'data'),
                join('devtools', 'test', 'data'),]

entities_dir = 'entities'
schema_dir = 'schemas'
sobjects_dir = 'sobjects'
server_migration_dir = join('misc', 'migration')
data_dir = join('web', 'data')
wdoc_dir = join('web', 'wdoc')
wdocimages_dir = join(wdoc_dir, 'images')
views_dir = join('web', 'views')
i18n_dir = 'i18n'

if environ.get('APYCOT_ROOT'):
    # --home install
    pydir = 'python'
    pydir = join('python2.4', 'site-packages')
    data_files = [
        # common data
        #[join('share', 'cubicweb', 'entities'),
        # [join(entities_dir, filename) for filename in listdir(entities_dir)]],
        # server data
        [join('share', 'cubicweb', 'schemas'),
         [join(schema_dir, filename) for filename in listdir(schema_dir)]],
        #[join('share', 'cubicweb', 'sobjects'),
        # [join(sobjects_dir, filename) for filename in listdir(sobjects_dir)]],
        [join('share', 'cubicweb', 'migration'),
         [join(server_migration_dir, filename)
          for filename in listdir(server_migration_dir)]],
        # web data
        [join('share', 'cubicweb', 'cubes', 'shared', 'data'),
         [join(data_dir, fname) for fname in listdir(data_dir) if not isdir(join(data_dir, fname))]],
        [join('share', 'cubicweb', 'cubes', 'shared', 'data', 'timeline'),
         [join(data_dir, 'timeline', fname) for fname in listdir(join(data_dir, 'timeline'))]],
        [join('share', 'cubicweb', 'cubes', 'shared', 'wdoc'),
         [join(wdoc_dir, fname) for fname in listdir(wdoc_dir) if not isdir(join(wdoc_dir, fname))]],
        [join('share', 'cubicweb', 'cubes', 'shared', 'wdoc', 'images'),
         [join(wdocimages_dir, fname) for fname in listdir(wdocimages_dir)]],
        # XXX: .pt install should be handled properly in a near future version
        [join('lib', pydir, 'cubicweb', 'web', 'views'),
         [join(views_dir, fname) for fname in listdir(views_dir) if fname.endswith('.pt')]],
        [join('share', 'cubicweb', 'cubes', 'shared', 'i18n'),
         [join(i18n_dir, fname) for fname in listdir(i18n_dir)]],
except OSError:
    # we are in an installed directory, don't care about this