author Adrien Di Mascio <>
Fri, 02 Apr 2010 08:43:01 +0200
changeset 5131 88b5ca8da928
parent 5109 5cf83b9356d5
child 5174 78438ad513ca
child 5183 8d66003351f8
permissions -rw-r--r--
[storages] fix fs_importing side-effect on When creating a new File object, if fs_importing is set, we want to be the file content instead of the filepath for the rest of the transaction. (see test_bfss_fs_importing_transparency) for test implementation To make this possible, the storage hooks (entity_added / entity_updated) must return the correct value to set in the entity dict.

"""unit tests for module cubicweb.server.sources.storages

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: --
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -

from __future__ import with_statement

from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC

import os.path as osp
import shutil
import tempfile

from cubicweb import Binary, QueryError
from cubicweb.selectors import implements
from cubicweb.server.sources import storages
from cubicweb.server.hook import Hook, Operation

class DummyBeforeHook(Hook):
    __regid__ = 'dummy-before-hook'
    __select__ = Hook.__select__ & implements('File')
    events = ('before_add_entity',)

    def __call__(self):
        self._cw.transaction_data['orig_file_value'] =

class DummyAfterHook(Hook):
    __regid__ = 'dummy-after-hook'
    __select__ = Hook.__select__ & implements('File')
    events = ('after_add_entity',)

    def __call__(self):
        # new value of should be the same as before
        oldvalue = self._cw.transaction_data['orig_file_value']
        assert oldvalue ==

class StorageTC(CubicWebTC):

    def setup_database(self):
        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        bfs_storage = storages.BytesFileSystemStorage(self.tempdir)
        storages.set_attribute_storage(self.repo, 'File', 'data', bfs_storage)

    def tearDown(self):
        super(CubicWebTC, self).tearDown()
        storages.unset_attribute_storage(self.repo, 'File', 'data')

    def create_file(self, content='the-data'):
        req = self.request()
        return req.create_entity('File', data=Binary(content),
                                 data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo')

    def test_bfss_storage(self):
        f1 = self.create_file()
        expected_filepath = osp.join(self.tempdir, '%s_data' % f1.eid)
        self.assertEquals(file(expected_filepath).read(), 'the-data')
        f1 = self.create_file()
        self.assertEquals(file(expected_filepath).read(), 'the-data')
        f1.set_attributes(data=Binary('the new data'))
        self.assertEquals(file(expected_filepath).read(), 'the-data')

    def test_bfss_sqlite_fspath(self):
        f1 = self.create_file()
        expected_filepath = osp.join(self.tempdir, '%s_data' % f1.eid)
        fspath = self.execute('Any fspath(D) WHERE F eid %(f)s, F data D',
                              {'f': f1.eid})[0][0]
        self.assertEquals(fspath.getvalue(), expected_filepath)

    def test_bfss_fs_importing_doesnt_touch_path(self):
        self.session.transaction_data['fs_importing'] = True
        filepath = osp.abspath(__file__)
        f1 = self.session.create_entity('File', data=Binary(filepath),
                                        data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo')
        fspath = self.execute('Any fspath(D) WHERE F eid %(f)s, F data D',
                              {'f': f1.eid})[0][0]
        self.assertEquals(fspath.getvalue(), filepath)

    def test_source_storage_transparency(self):
        with self.temporary_appobjects(DummyBeforeHook, DummyAfterHook):

    def test_source_mapped_attribute_error_cases(self):
        ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
                               'Any X WHERE X data ~= "hop", X is File')
        self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'can\'t use (X data ILIKE "hop") in restriction')
        ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
                               'Any X, Y WHERE X data D, Y data D, '
                               'NOT X identity Y, X is File, Y is File')
        self.assertEquals(str(ex), "can't use D as a restriction variable")
        # query returning mix of mapped / regular attributes (only
        # mapped, not for instance)
        ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
                               'Any X WITH X BEING ('
                               ' (Any NULL)'
                               '  UNION '
                               ' (Any D WHERE X data D, X is File)'
        self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'query fetch some source mapped attribute, some not')
        ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
                               '(Any D WHERE X data D, X is File)'
                               ' UNION '
                               '(Any D WHERE X data D, X is Image)')
        self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'query fetch some source mapped attribute, some not')
        ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError,
                               self.execute, 'Any D WHERE X data D')
        self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'query fetch some source mapped attribute, some not')

    def test_source_mapped_attribute_advanced(self):
        f1 = self.create_file()
        rset = self.execute('Any X,D WITH D,X BEING ('
                            ' (Any D, X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D)'
                            '  UNION '
                            ' (Any D, X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D)'
                            ')', {'x': f1.eid}, 'x')
        self.assertEquals(len(rset), 2)
        self.assertEquals(rset[0][0], f1.eid)
        self.assertEquals(rset[1][0], f1.eid)
        self.assertEquals(rset[0][1].getvalue(), 'the-data')
        self.assertEquals(rset[1][1].getvalue(), 'the-data')
        rset = self.execute('Any X,LENGTH(D) WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D',
                            {'x': f1.eid}, 'x')
        self.assertEquals(len(rset), 1)
        self.assertEquals(rset[0][0], f1.eid)
        self.assertEquals(rset[0][1], len('the-data'))
        rset = self.execute('Any X,LENGTH(D) WITH D,X BEING ('
                            ' (Any D, X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D)'
                            '  UNION '
                            ' (Any D, X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D)'
                            ')', {'x': f1.eid}, 'x')
        self.assertEquals(len(rset), 2)
        self.assertEquals(rset[0][0], f1.eid)
        self.assertEquals(rset[1][0], f1.eid)
        self.assertEquals(rset[0][1], len('the-data'))
        self.assertEquals(rset[1][1], len('the-data'))
        ex = self.assertRaises(QueryError, self.execute,
                               'Any X,UPPER(D) WHERE X eid %(x)s, X data D',
                               {'x': f1.eid}, 'x')
        self.assertEquals(str(ex), 'UPPER can not be called on mapped attribute')

    def test_bfss_fs_importing_transparency(self):
        self.session.transaction_data['fs_importing'] = True
        filepath = osp.abspath(__file__)
        f1 = self.session.create_entity('File', data=Binary(filepath),
                                        data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo')
        self.assertEquals(, file(filepath).read(),
                          'files content differ')

    def test_bfss_update_with_existing_data(self):
        # use self.session to use server-side cache
        f1 = self.session.create_entity('File', data=Binary('some data'),
                                        data_format=u'text/plain', data_name=u'foo')
        # NOTE: do not use set_attributes() which would automatically
        #       update f1's local dict. We want the pure rql version to work
        self.execute('SET F data %(d)s WHERE F eid %(f)s',
                     {'d': Binary('some other data'), 'f': f1.eid})
        self.assertEquals(, 'some other data')
        f2 = self.entity('Any F WHERE F eid %(f)s, F is File', {'f': f1.eid})
        self.assertEquals(, 'some other data')

if __name__ == '__main__':