author Pierre-Yves David <>
Thu, 01 Mar 2012 12:08:35 +0100
changeset 8310 87f2f18a77ef
parent 8207 c04676b16c59
permissions -rw-r--r--
[LoginForm] refactor to ease other implementation An Abstract BaseLoginForm is created. It is intended to be used by cubes who want to implement new login form. It gather common login form elements in particular the form action. This will ease redefinition of this form action in later commit.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Put here information about external resources / styles used by your cube,
# or to overides existing UI properties.
# Existing properties are available through the `sheet` dictionary available
# in the global namespace. You also have access to a `data` function which
# will return proper url for resources in the 'data' directory.
# /!\ this file should not be imported /!\

# CSS stylesheets to include in HTML headers
# uncomment the line below to use template specific stylesheet
# STYLESHEETS = sheet['STYLESHEETS'] + [data('cubes.%(cubename)s.css')]