author Jérémy Bobbio <>
Wed, 19 Jun 2019 09:51:38 +0200
changeset 12663 853e73456d0f
parent 12628 7b89cad574f8
child 12714 27ea20b1915f
permissions -rw-r--r--
[skeleton] Update Debian packaging template Here are multiple updates to the Debian packaging template provided when running `cubicweb-ctl newcube`: * Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt). * Switch to debhelper 9. * Switch to dh-python. * Switch to Python 3. * Name the binary package `python3-cubicweb-CUBENAME` instead of just `cubicweb-CUBENAME` (which is still the source package). * Populate Depends using dh_python3 support for Python requirements. * Run test suite at build time using pytest. * Add autopkgtest to run test suite against the installed package. * Bump Standards-Version to 4.3.0.

envlist =

deps =
  misc: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-misc.txt
  server: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-server.txt
  web: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-web.txt
commands =
  misc: {envpython} -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps --quiet
  misc: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/dataimport/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/devtools/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/entities/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/ext/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/hooks/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/sobjects/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/wsgi/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/pyramid/test
  server: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/server/test
  web: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/web/test

skip_install = true
deps =
  flake8 >= 3.6
whitelist_externals =
commands = /bin/sh -c "flake8 `xargs -a {toxinidir}/flake8-ok-files.txt`"

skip_install = true
changedir = doc
deps =
commands =
  {envpython} -m sphinx -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees .  {envtmpdir}/html

skip_install = true
deps =
commands =
  {envpython} -m check_manifest {toxinidir} \
# ignore symlinks that are not recognized by check-manifest, see
    --ignore cubicweb/devtools/test/data/cubes/i18ntestcube*,cubicweb/server/test/data-migractions/cubicweb_*,cubicweb/server/test/data-migractions/migratedapp/cubicweb_*,cubicweb/sobjects/test/data/cubicweb_*,cubicweb/test/data-rewrite/cubicweb_*

python_files = *test_*.py
log_print = false

format = pylint
ignore = W503
max-line-length = 100
exclude = doc/*,.tox/*

# vim: wrap sts=2 sw=2