Add requirements.txt files in test directories
These files, located in each test directory (when needed), list test
dependencies supplementary to install requirements.
Some requirements.txt files include psycopg2 because it won't get installed by
logilab-database apparently.
Related to #5447161.
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# contact --
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <>.
"""unit tests for schema rql (de)serialization"""
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main
from cubicweb import Binary
from cubicweb.schema import CubicWebSchemaLoader
from cubicweb.devtools import TestServerConfiguration
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from cubicweb.server.schemaserial import (updateeschema2rql, updaterschema2rql, rschema2rql,
eschema2rql, rdef2rql, specialize2rql,
_erperms2rql as erperms2rql)
from logilab.database import get_db_helper
from yams import register_base_type, unregister_base_type
schema = config = None
def setUpModule(*args):
register_base_type('BabarTestType', ('jungle_speed',))
helper = get_db_helper('sqlite')
helper.TYPE_MAPPING['BabarTestType'] = 'TEXT'
helper.TYPE_CONVERTERS['BabarTestType'] = lambda x: '"%s"' % x
global schema, config
loader = CubicWebSchemaLoader()
apphome = Schema2RQLTC.datadir + '-schemaserial'
config = TestServerConfiguration('data', apphome=apphome)
schema = loader.load(config)
def tearDownModule(*args):
global schema, config
schema = config = None
helper = get_db_helper('sqlite')
helper.TYPE_MAPPING.pop('BabarTestType', None)
helper.TYPE_CONVERTERS.pop('BabarTestType', None)
cstrtypemap = {'RQLConstraint': 'RQLConstraint_eid',
'SizeConstraint': 'SizeConstraint_eid',
'StaticVocabularyConstraint': 'StaticVocabularyConstraint_eid',
'FormatConstraint': 'FormatConstraint_eid',
class Schema2RQLTC(TestCase):
def test_eschema2rql1(self):
('INSERT CWEType X: X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,X name %(name)s',
{'description': u'define a final relation: '
'link a final relation type from a non final entity '
'to a final entity type. used to build the instance schema',
'name': u'CWAttribute', 'final': False})],
def test_eschema2rql2(self):
('INSERT CWEType X: X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,X name %(name)s',
{'description': u'', 'final': True, 'name': u'String'})],
def test_eschema2rql_specialization(self):
# x: None since eschema.eid are None
self.assertListEqual([('SET X specializes ET WHERE X eid %(x)s, ET eid %(et)s',
{'et': None, 'x': None}),
('SET X specializes ET WHERE X eid %(x)s, ET eid %(et)s',
{'et': None, 'x': None})],
def test_esche2rql_custom_type(self):
expected = [('INSERT CWEType X: X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X name %(name)s',
{'description': u'',
'name': u'BabarTestType', 'final': True},)]
got = list(eschema2rql(schema.eschema('BabarTestType')))
self.assertListEqual(expected, got)
def test_rschema2rql1(self):
('INSERT CWRType X: X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X fulltext_container %(fulltext_container)s,X inlined %(inlined)s,'
'X name %(name)s,X symmetric %(symmetric)s',
{'description': u'link a relation definition to its relation type',
'symmetric': False,
'name': u'relation_type',
'final' : False,
'fulltext_container': None,
'inlined': True}),
('INSERT CWRelation X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X composite %(composite)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,'
'X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None, 'rt': None, 'oe': None,
'description': u'',
'composite': u'object',
'cardinality': u'1*',
'ordernum': 1}),
('INSERT CWConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X '
'WHERE CT eid %(ct)s, EDEF eid %(x)s',
{'x': None, 'ct': u'RQLConstraint_eid',
'value': u';O;O final TRUE\n'}),
('INSERT CWRelation X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X composite %(composite)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,'
'X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None, 'rt': None, 'oe': None,
'description': u'', 'composite': u'object',
'ordernum': 1, 'cardinality': u'1*'}),
('INSERT CWConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X '
'WHERE CT eid %(ct)s, EDEF eid %(x)s',
{'x': None, 'ct': u'RQLConstraint_eid', 'value': u';O;O final FALSE\n'}),
list(rschema2rql(schema.rschema('relation_type'), cstrtypemap)))
def test_rschema2rql2(self):
('INSERT CWRType X: X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X fulltext_container %(fulltext_container)s,X inlined %(inlined)s,'
'X name %(name)s,X symmetric %(symmetric)s',
{'description': u'',
'symmetric': False,
'name': u'add_permission',
'final': False,
'fulltext_container': None,
'inlined': False}),
('INSERT CWRelation X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X composite %(composite)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,'
'X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None,
'rt': None,
'oe': None,
'description': u'groups allowed to add entities/relations of this type',
'composite': None,
'ordernum': 9999,
'cardinality': u'**'}),
('INSERT CWRelation X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X composite %(composite)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,'
'X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None,
'rt': None,
'oe': None,
'description': u'rql expression allowing to add entities/relations of this type',
'composite': 'subject',
'ordernum': 9999,
'cardinality': u'*?'}),
('INSERT CWRelation X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X composite %(composite)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,'
'X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None,
'rt': None,
'oe': None,
'description': u'groups allowed to add entities/relations of this type',
'composite': None,
'ordernum': 9999,
'cardinality': u'**'}),
('INSERT CWRelation X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X composite %(composite)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,'
'X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None,
'rt': None,
'oe': None,
'description': u'rql expression allowing to add entities/relations of this type',
'composite': 'subject',
'ordernum': 9999,
'cardinality': u'*?'}),
('INSERT CWRelation X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X composite %(composite)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,'
'X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'cardinality': u'**',
'composite': None,
'description': u'groups allowed to add entities/relations of this type',
'oe': None,
'ordernum': 9999,
'rt': None,
'se': None}),
('INSERT CWRelation X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X composite %(composite)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,'
'X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'cardinality': u'*?',
'composite': u'subject',
'description': u'rql expression allowing to add entities/relations of this type',
'oe': None,
'ordernum': 9999,
'rt': None,
'se': None})],
list(rschema2rql(schema.rschema('add_permission'), cstrtypemap)))
def test_rschema2rql3(self):
('INSERT CWRType X: X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X fulltext_container %(fulltext_container)s,X inlined %(inlined)s,'
'X name %(name)s,X symmetric %(symmetric)s',
{'description': u'',
'symmetric': False,
'name': u'cardinality',
'final': True,
'fulltext_container': None,
'inlined': False}),
('INSERT CWAttribute X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X defaultval %(defaultval)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X formula %(formula)s,X fulltextindexed %(fulltextindexed)s,'
'X indexed %(indexed)s,X internationalizable %(internationalizable)s,'
'X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,X from_entity SE,'
'X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None,
'rt': None,
'oe': None,
'description': u'subject/object cardinality',
'internationalizable': True,
'fulltextindexed': False,
'ordernum': 5,
'defaultval': None,
'indexed': False,
'formula': None,
'cardinality': u'?1'}),
('INSERT CWConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X '
'WHERE CT eid %(ct)s, EDEF eid %(x)s',
{'x': None,
'ct': u'SizeConstraint_eid',
'value': u'max=2'}),
('INSERT CWConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X '
'WHERE CT eid %(ct)s, EDEF eid %(x)s',
{'x': None,
'ct': u'StaticVocabularyConstraint_eid',
'value': u"u'?1', u'11'"}),
('INSERT CWAttribute X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X defaultval %(defaultval)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X formula %(formula)s,X fulltextindexed %(fulltextindexed)s,'
'X indexed %(indexed)s,X internationalizable %(internationalizable)s,'
'X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE '
'WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None,
'rt': None,
'oe': None,
'description': u'subject/object cardinality',
'internationalizable': True,
'fulltextindexed': False,
'ordernum': 5,
'defaultval': None,
'indexed': False,
'formula': None,
'cardinality': u'?1'}),
('INSERT CWConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X '
'WHERE CT eid %(ct)s, EDEF eid %(x)s',
{'x': None,
'ct': u'SizeConstraint_eid',
'value': u'max=2'}),
('INSERT CWConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X '
'WHERE CT eid %(ct)s, EDEF eid %(x)s',
{'x': None,
'ct': u'StaticVocabularyConstraint_eid',
'value': (u"u'?*', u'1*', u'+*', u'**', u'?+', u'1+', u'++', u'*+', u'?1', "
"u'11', u'+1', u'*1', u'??', u'1?', u'+?', u'*?'")})],
list(rschema2rql(schema.rschema('cardinality'), cstrtypemap)))
def test_rschema2rql_custom_type(self):
expected = [('INSERT CWRType X: X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X fulltext_container %(fulltext_container)s,X inlined %(inlined)s,'
'X name %(name)s,X symmetric %(symmetric)s',
{'description': u'',
'final': True,
'fulltext_container': None,
'inlined': False,
'name': u'custom_field_of_jungle',
'symmetric': False}),
('INSERT CWAttribute X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,'
'X defaultval %(defaultval)s,X description %(description)s,'
'X extra_props %(extra_props)s,X formula %(formula)s,X indexed %(indexed)s,'
'X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,X from_entity SE,'
'X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'cardinality': u'?1',
'defaultval': None,
'description': u'',
'extra_props': '{"jungle_speed": 42}',
'formula': None,
'indexed': False,
'oe': None,
'ordernum': 4,
'rt': None,
'se': None})]
got = list(rschema2rql(schema.rschema('custom_field_of_jungle'), cstrtypemap))
self.assertEqual(2, len(got))
# this is a custom type attribute with an extra parameter
self.assertIn('extra_props', got[1][1])
# this extr
extra_props = got[1][1]['extra_props']
self.assertIsInstance(extra_props, Binary)
got[1][1]['extra_props'] = got[1][1]['extra_props'].getvalue()
self.assertListEqual(expected, got)
def test_rdef2rql(self):
('INSERT CWAttribute X: X cardinality %(cardinality)s,X defaultval %(defaultval)s,'
'X description %(description)s,X formula %(formula)s,X fulltextindexed %(fulltextindexed)s,'
'X indexed %(indexed)s,X internationalizable %(internationalizable)s,'
'X ordernum %(ordernum)s,X relation_type ER,X from_entity SE,'
'X to_entity OE WHERE SE eid %(se)s,ER eid %(rt)s,OE eid %(oe)s',
{'se': None,
'rt': None,
'oe': None,
'description': u'',
'internationalizable': True,
'fulltextindexed': False,
'ordernum': 3,
'defaultval': Binary.zpickle(u'text/plain'),
'indexed': False,
'formula': None,
'cardinality': u'?1'}),
('INSERT CWConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X '
'WHERE CT eid %(ct)s, EDEF eid %(x)s',
{'x': None,
'value': u'None',
'ct': 'FormatConstraint_eid'}),
('INSERT CWConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X '
'WHERE CT eid %(ct)s, EDEF eid %(x)s',
{'x': None,
'value': u'max=50',
'ct': 'SizeConstraint_eid'})],
list(rdef2rql(schema['description_format'].rdefs[('CWRType', 'String')],
def test_updateeschema2rql1(self):
self.assertListEqual([('SET X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X name %(name)s WHERE X eid %(x)s',
{'description': u'define a final relation: link a final relation type from'
' a non final entity to a final entity type. used to build the instance schema',
'x': 1, 'final': False, 'name': u'CWAttribute'})],
list(updateeschema2rql(schema.eschema('CWAttribute'), 1)))
def test_updateeschema2rql2(self):
self.assertListEqual([('SET X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X name %(name)s WHERE X eid %(x)s',
{'description': u'', 'x': 1, 'final': True, 'name': u'String'})],
list(updateeschema2rql(schema.eschema('String'), 1)))
def test_updaterschema2rql1(self):
('SET X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X fulltext_container %(fulltext_container)s,X inlined %(inlined)s,'
'X name %(name)s,X symmetric %(symmetric)s WHERE X eid %(x)s',
{'x': 1,
'symmetric': False,
'description': u'link a relation definition to its relation type',
'final': False, 'fulltext_container': None,
'inlined': True,
'name': u'relation_type'})],
list(updaterschema2rql(schema.rschema('relation_type'), 1)))
def test_updaterschema2rql2(self):
expected = [
('SET X description %(description)s,X final %(final)s,'
'X fulltext_container %(fulltext_container)s,X inlined %(inlined)s,'
'X name %(name)s,X symmetric %(symmetric)s WHERE X eid %(x)s',
{'x': 1,
'symmetric': False,
'description': u'',
'final': False,
'fulltext_container': None,
'inlined': False,
'name': u'add_permission'})
for i, (rql, args) in enumerate(updaterschema2rql(schema.rschema('add_permission'), 1)):
yield self.assertEqual, expected[i], (rql, args)
class Perms2RQLTC(TestCase):
'managers': 0,
'users': 1,
'guests': 2,
'owners': 3,
def test_eperms2rql1(self):
self.assertListEqual([('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0}),
('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 1}),
('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 2}),
('SET X add_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0}),
('SET X update_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0}),
('SET X delete_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0})],
[(rql, kwargs)
for rql, kwargs in erperms2rql(schema.eschema('CWEType'), self.GROUP_MAPPING)])
def test_rperms2rql2(self):
self.assertListEqual([('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0}),
('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 1}),
('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 2}),
('SET X add_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0}),
('SET X delete_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0})],
[(rql, kwargs)
for rql, kwargs in erperms2rql(schema.rschema('read_permission').rdef('CWEType', 'CWGroup'),
def test_rperms2rql3(self):
self.assertListEqual([('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0}),
('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 1}),
('SET X read_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 2}),
('SET X add_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0}),
('SET X update_permission Y WHERE Y eid %(g)s, X eid %(x)s', {'g': 0})],
[(rql, kwargs)
for rql, kwargs in erperms2rql(schema.rschema('name').rdef('CWEType', 'String'),
#def test_perms2rql(self):
# self.assertListEqual(perms2rql(schema, self.GROUP_MAPPING),
# ['INSERT CWEType X: X name 'Societe', X final FALSE'])
class ComputedAttributeAndRelationTC(CubicWebTC):
appid = 'data-cwep002'
def test(self):
# force to read schema from the database
self.repo.set_schema(self.repo.deserialize_schema(), resetvreg=False)
schema = self.repo.schema
self.assertEqual([('Company', 'Person')], list(schema['has_employee'].rdefs))
self.assertEqual('O works_for S',
self.assertEqual([('Company', 'Int')], list(schema['total_salary'].rdefs))
self.assertEqual('Any SUM(SA) GROUPBY X WHERE P works_for X, P salary SA',
schema['total_salary'].rdefs['Company', 'Int'].formula)
if __name__ == '__main__':