author Philippe Pepiot <>
Thu, 19 Jan 2017 14:53:05 +0100
changeset 11900 8496135b6dc1
parent 11631 faf279e33298
permissions -rw-r--r--
[cwvreg] load registry using modules names instead of directories Introspect cubicweb, cubes and apphome using pkgutil to generate the full list of modules names for loading registries. Avoiding using bogus logilab.common.modutils.modpath_from_file().

.. _core_module:


.. automodule:: cubicweb.pyramid.core

    .. autofunction:: includeme

    .. autofunction:: cw_to_pyramid

    .. autofunction:: render_view

    .. autofunction:: repo_connect
    .. autofunction:: get_principals

    .. autoclass:: CubicWebPyramidRequest

    .. autofunction:: _cw_session
    .. autofunction:: _cw_cnx
    .. autofunction:: _cw_request