author Rémi Cardona <remi.cardona@logilab.fr>
Mon, 20 Oct 2014 12:23:13 +0200
changeset 10029 832a2a0b7bd2
parent 9379 b0b1148b6963
child 10074 ab956b780d4e
permissions -rw-r--r--
[facets] Correctly look for inputs of type "hidden" (closes #4502768) jQuery ':hidden' selector looks at CSS visual properties (eg, 'display', 'visibility'). The intent here was probably to look for inputs of type "hidden", which many facets use to store user selection data (eg, FacetRangeWidget). The problem is that regular text inputs (eg the "has_text" facet which has a '<input type="text"/>') will be picked up by this selector if they are inside a folded facet. Chaos and destruction ensue.

/** filter form, aka facets, javascript functions
 *  :organization: Logilab
 *  :copyright: 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 *  :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr

var SELECTED_IMG = DATA_URL + 'black-check.png';
var UNSELECTED_IMG = DATA_URL + 'no-check-no-border.png';
var UNSELECTED_BORDER_IMG = DATA_URL + 'black-uncheck.png';

function copyParam(origparams, newparams, param) {
    var index = $.inArray(param, origparams[0]);
    if (index > - 1) {
        newparams[param] = origparams[1][index];

function facetFormContent($form) {
    var names = [];
    var values = [];
    $form.find('.facet').each(function() {
        var facetName = $(this).find('.facetTitle').attr('cubicweb:facetName');
        // FacetVocabularyWidget
        $(this).find('.facetValueSelected').each(function(x) {
        // FacetStringWidget (e.g. has-text)
    // pick up hidden inputs (required metadata inputs such as 'facets'
    // but also RangeWidgets)
    $form.find('input[type="hidden"]').each(function() {
    // And / Or operators
    $form.find('select option[selected]').each(function() {
    return [names, values];

// XXX deprecate vidargs once TableView is gone
function buildRQL(divid, vid, paginate, vidargs) {
    $(CubicWeb).trigger('facets-content-loading', [divid, vid, paginate, vidargs]);
    var $form = $('#' + divid + 'Form');
    var zipped = facetFormContent($form);
    var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('filter_build_rql', null, zipped[0], zipped[1]));
    d.addCallback(function(result) {
        var rql = result[0];
        var $bkLink = $('#facetBkLink');
        if ($bkLink.length) {
            var bkPath = 'view?rql=' + encodeURIComponent(rql);
            if (vid) {
                bkPath += '&vid=' + encodeURIComponent(vid);
            var bkUrl = $bkLink.attr('cubicweb:target') + '&path=' + encodeURIComponent(bkPath);
            $bkLink.attr('href', bkUrl);
        var $focusLink = $('#focusLink');
        if ($focusLink.length) {
            var url = baseuri()+ 'view?rql=' + encodeURIComponent(rql);
            if (vid) {
                url += '&vid=' + encodeURIComponent(vid);
            $focusLink.attr('href', url);
        var toupdate = result[1];
        var extraparams = vidargs;
        if (paginate) { extraparams['paginate'] = '1'; } // XXX in vidargs
        // copy some parameters
        // XXX cleanup vid/divid mess
        // if vid argument is specified , the one specified in form params will
        // be overriden by replacePageChunk
        copyParam(zipped, extraparams, 'vid');
        extraparams['divid'] = divid;
        copyParam(zipped, extraparams, 'divid');
        copyParam(zipped, extraparams, 'subvid'); // XXX deprecate once TableView is gone
        copyParam(zipped, extraparams, 'fromformfilter');
        // paginate used to know if the filter box is acting, in which case we
        // want to reload action box to match current selection (we don't want
        // this from a table filter)
        extraparams['rql'] = rql;
        if (vid) { // XXX see copyParam above. Need cleanup
            extraparams['vid'] = vid;
        d = $('#' + divid).loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('view', extraparams),
                                     null, 'swap');
        d.addCallback(function() {
            // XXX rql/vid in extraparams
            $(CubicWeb).trigger('facets-content-loaded', [divid, rql, vid, extraparams]);
        if (paginate) {
            // FIXME the edit box might not be displayed in which case we don't
            // know where to put the potential new one, just skip this case for
            // now
            var $node = $('#edit_box');
            if ($node.length) {
                $node.loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('render', {
                    'rql': rql
                'ctxcomponents', 'edit_box'), 'GET', 'swap');
            $node = $('#breadcrumbs');
            if ($node.length) {
                $node.loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('render', {
                    'rql': rql
                'ctxcomponents', 'breadcrumbs'));
        var mainvar = null;
        var index = $.inArray('mainvar', zipped[0]);
        if (index > - 1) {
            mainvar = zipped[1][index];

        var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('filter_select_content', null, toupdate, rql, mainvar));
        d.addCallback(function(updateMap) {
            for (facetName in updateMap) {
                var values = updateMap[facetName];
                // XXX fine with jquery 1.6
                //$form.find('div[cubicweb\\:facetName="' + facetName + '"] ~ div .facetCheckBox').each(function() {
                $form.find('div').filter(function () {return $(this).attr('cubicweb:facetName') == facetName}).parent().find('.facetCheckBox').each(function() {
                    var value = this.getAttribute('cubicweb:value');
                    if ($.inArray(value, values) == -1) {
                        if (!$(this).hasClass('facetValueDisabled')) {
                    } else {
                        if ($(this).hasClass('facetValueDisabled')) {

function initFacetBoxEvents(root) {
    // facetargs : (divid, vid, paginate, extraargs)
    root = root || document;
    $(root).find('form').each(function() {
        var form = $(this);
        // NOTE: don't evaluate facetargs here but in callbacks since its value
        //       may changes and we must send its value when the callback is
        //       called, not when the page is initialized
        var facetargs = form.attr('cubicweb:facetargs');
        if (facetargs != undefined && !form.attr('cubicweb:initialized')) {
            form.attr('cubicweb:initialized', '1');
            var jsfacetargs = cw.evalJSON(form.attr('cubicweb:facetargs'));
            form.submit(function() {
                buildRQL.apply(null, jsfacetargs);
                return false;
            var divid = jsfacetargs[0];
            if ($('#'+divid).length) {
                var $loadingDiv = $(DIV({id:'facetLoading'},
            form.find('div.facet').each(function() {
                var $facet = $(this);
                $facet.find('div.facetCheckBox').each(function(i) {
                    this.setAttribute('cubicweb:idx', i);
                $facet.find('div.facetCheckBox').click(function() {
                    var $this = $(this);
                    // NOTE : add test on the facet operator (i.e. OR, AND)
                    // if ($this.hasClass('facetValueDisabled')){
                    //          return
                    // }
                    if ($this.hasClass('facetValueSelected')) {
                    } else {
                    buildRQL.apply(null, jsfacetargs);
                $facet.find('select.facetOperator').change(function() {
                    var nbselected = $facet.find('div.facetValueSelected').length;
                    if (nbselected >= 2) {
                        buildRQL.apply(null, jsfacetargs);
                $facet.find('div.facetTitle.hideFacetBody').click(function() {



// facetCheckBoxSelect: select the given facet checkbox item (.facetValue
// class)
function facetCheckBoxSelect($item) {
    $item.find('img').attr('src', SELECTED_IMG).attr('alt', (_("selected")));

// facetCheckBoxUnselect: unselect the given facet checkbox item (.facetValue
// class)
function facetCheckBoxUnselect($item) {
    $item.find('img').each(function(i) {
        if (this.getAttribute('cubicweb:unselimg')) {
            this.setAttribute('src', UNSELECTED_BORDER_IMG);
        else {
            this.setAttribute('src', UNSELECTED_IMG);
        this.setAttribute('alt', (_("not selected")));

// facetCheckBoxReorder: reorder all items according to cubicweb:idx attribute
function facetCheckBoxReorder($facet) {
    var sortfunc = function (a, b) {
        // convert from string to integer
        a = +a.getAttribute("cubicweb:idx");
        b = +b.getAttribute("cubicweb:idx");
        // compare
        if (a > b) {
            return 1;
        } else if (a < b) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    var $items = $facet.find('.facetValue.facetValueSelected')
    var $items = $facet.find('.facetValue:not(.facetValueSelected)')
    $facet.find('.facetBody').animate({scrollTop: 0}, '');

// trigger this function on document ready event if you provide some kind of
// persistent search (eg crih)
function reorderFacetsItems(root) {
    root = root || document;
    $(root).find('form').each(function() {
        var form = $(this);
        if (form.attr('cubicweb:facetargs')) {
            form.find('div.facet').each(function() {
                var facet = $(this);
                var lastSelected = null;
                facet.find('div.facetCheckBox').each(function(i) {
                    var $this = $(this);
                    if ($this.hasClass('facetValueSelected')) {
                        if (lastSelected) {
                        } else {
                            var parent = this.parentNode;
                        lastSelected = $this;

// change css class of facets that have a value selected
function updateFacetTitles() {
    $('.facet').each(function() {
        var $divTitle = $(this).find('.facetTitle');
        var facetSelected = $(this).find('.facetValueSelected');
        if (facetSelected.length) {
        } else {

// we need to differenciate cases where initFacetBoxEvents is called with one
// argument or without any argument. If we use `initFacetBoxEvents` as the
// direct callback on the jQuery.ready event, jQuery will pass some argument of
// his, so we use this small anonymous function instead.
$(document).ready(function() {
    $(cw).bind('facets-content-loaded', onFacetContentLoaded);
    $(cw).bind('facets-content-loading', onFacetFiltering);
    $(cw).bind('facets-content-loading', updateFacetTitles);

function showFacetLoading(parentid) {
    var loadingWidth = 200; // px
    var loadingHeight = 100; // px
    var $msg = $('#facetLoading');
    var $parent = $('#' + parentid);
    var leftPos = $parent.offset().left + ($parent.width() - loadingWidth) / 2;
    $parent.fadeTo('normal', 0.2);
    $msg.css('left', leftPos).show();

function onFacetFiltering(event, divid /* ... */) {

function onFacetContentLoaded(event, divid, rql, vid, extraparams) {

$(document).ready(function () {
    if ($('div.facetBody').length) {
        var $loadingDiv = $(DIV({id:'facetLoading'},