fixing isioc_type comment
adding method (from existing cube blog code) to ISiocItem (isioc_replies,
adding method (from existing cube blog code) to ISiocContainer (isioc_items)
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
"""This modules defines func / methods for creating test repositories
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
:contact: --
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from random import randint, choice
from copy import deepcopy
from mx.DateTime import DateTime, DateTimeDelta
from decimal import Decimal
from yams.constraints import (SizeConstraint, StaticVocabularyConstraint,
from rql.utils import decompose_b26 as base_decompose_b26
from cubicweb import Binary
from cubicweb.schema import RQLConstraint
def decompose_b26(index, ascii=False):
"""return a letter (base-26) decomposition of index"""
if ascii:
return base_decompose_b26(index)
return base_decompose_b26(index, u'�abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
def get_choices(eschema, attrname):
"""returns possible choices for 'attrname'
if attrname doesn't have ChoiceConstraint, return None
for cst in eschema.constraints(attrname):
if isinstance(cst, StaticVocabularyConstraint):
return cst.vocabulary()
return None
def get_max_length(eschema, attrname):
"""returns the maximum length allowed for 'attrname'"""
for cst in eschema.constraints(attrname):
if isinstance(cst, SizeConstraint) and cst.max:
return cst.max
return 300
#raise AttributeError('No Size constraint on attribute "%s"' % attrname)
def get_bounds(eschema, attrname):
for cst in eschema.constraints(attrname):
if isinstance(cst, IntervalBoundConstraint):
return cst.minvalue, cst.maxvalue
return None, None
class _ValueGenerator(object):
"""generates integers / dates / strings / etc. to fill a DB table"""
def __init__(self, eschema, choice_func=None):
"""<choice_func> is a function that returns a list of possible
choices for a given entity type and an attribute name. It should
looks like :
def values_for(etype, attrname):
# some stuff ...
return alist_of_acceptable_values # or None
self.e_schema = eschema
self.choice_func = choice_func
def _generate_value(self, attrname, index, **kwargs):
if not self.e_schema.has_unique_values(attrname):
return self.__generate_value(attrname, index, **kwargs)
value = self.__generate_value(attrname, index, **kwargs)
while value in _GENERATED_VALUES.get((self.e_schema.type, attrname), ()):
index += 1
value = self.__generate_value(attrname, index, **kwargs)
_GENERATED_VALUES.setdefault((self.e_schema.type, attrname), set()).add(value)
return value
def __generate_value(self, attrname, index, **kwargs):
"""generates a consistent value for 'attrname'"""
attrtype = str(self.e_schema.destination(attrname)).lower()
# Before calling generate_%s functions, try to find values domain
etype = self.e_schema.type
if self.choice_func is not None:
values_domain = self.choice_func(etype, attrname)
if values_domain is not None:
return choice(values_domain)
gen_func = getattr(self, 'generate_%s_%s' % (self.e_schema.type, attrname), None)
if gen_func is None:
gen_func = getattr(self, 'generate_Any_%s' % attrname, None)
if gen_func is not None:
return gen_func(index, **kwargs)
# If no specific values domain, then generate a dummy value
gen_func = getattr(self, 'generate_%s' % (attrtype))
return gen_func(attrname, index, **kwargs)
def generate_choice(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a consistent value for 'attrname' if it's a choice"""
choices = get_choices(self.e_schema, attrname)
if choices is None:
return None
return unicode(choice(choices)) # FIXME
def generate_string(self, attrname, index, format=None):
"""generates a consistent value for 'attrname' if it's a string"""
# First try to get choices
choosed = self.generate_choice(attrname, index)
if choosed is not None:
return choosed
# All other case, generate a default string
attrlength = get_max_length(self.e_schema, attrname)
num_len = numlen(index)
if num_len >= attrlength:
ascii = self.e_schema.rproperty(attrname, 'internationalizable')
return ('&'+decompose_b26(index, ascii))[:attrlength]
# always use plain text when no format is specified
attrprefix = attrname[:max(attrlength-num_len-1, 0)]
if format == 'text/html':
value = u'<span>�%s<b>%d</b></span>' % (attrprefix, index)
elif format == 'text/rest':
value = u"""
* %s
* %d
* �&
""" % (attrprefix, index)
value = u'�&%s%d' % (attrprefix, index)
return value[:attrlength]
def generate_password(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a consistent value for 'attrname' if it's a password"""
return u'toto'
def generate_integer(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a consistent value for 'attrname' if it's an integer"""
choosed = self.generate_choice(attrname, index)
if choosed is not None:
return choosed
minvalue, maxvalue = get_bounds(self.e_schema, attrname)
if maxvalue is not None and maxvalue <= 0 and minvalue is None:
minvalue = maxvalue - index # i.e. randint(-index, 0)
maxvalue = maxvalue or index
return randint(minvalue or 0, maxvalue)
generate_int = generate_integer
def generate_float(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a consistent value for 'attrname' if it's a float"""
return float(randint(-index, index))
def generate_decimal(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a consistent value for 'attrname' if it's a float"""
return Decimal(str(self.generate_float(attrname, index)))
def generate_date(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a random date (format is 'yyyy-mm-dd')"""
return DateTime(randint(2000, 2004), randint(1, 12), randint(1, 28))
def generate_time(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a random time (format is ' HH:MM')"""
return DateTimeDelta(0, 11, index%60) #'11:%02d' % (index % 60)
def generate_datetime(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a random date (format is 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM')"""
return DateTime(randint(2000, 2004), randint(1, 12), randint(1, 28), 11, index%60)
def generate_bytes(self, attrname, index, format=None):
# modpython way
fakefile = Binary("%s%s" % (attrname, index))
fakefile.filename = "file_%s" % attrname
fakefile.value = fakefile.getvalue()
return fakefile
def generate_boolean(self, attrname, index):
"""generates a consistent value for 'attrname' if it's a boolean"""
return index % 2 == 0
def generate_Any_data_format(self, index, **kwargs):
# data_format attribute of Image/File has no vocabulary constraint, we
# need this method else stupid values will be set which make mtconverter
# raise exception
return u'application/octet-stream'
def generate_Any_content_format(self, index, **kwargs):
# content_format attribute of EmailPart has no vocabulary constraint, we
# need this method else stupid values will be set which make mtconverter
# raise exception
return u'text/plain'
def generate_Image_data_format(self, index, **kwargs):
# data_format attribute of Image/File has no vocabulary constraint, we
# need this method else stupid values will be set which make mtconverter
# raise exception
return u'image/png'
class autoextend(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict):
for attrname, attrvalue in classdict.items():
if callable(attrvalue):
if attrname.startswith('generate_') and \
attrvalue.func_code.co_argcount < 2:
raise TypeError('generate_xxx must accept at least 1 argument')
setattr(_ValueGenerator, attrname, attrvalue)
return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict)
class ValueGenerator(_ValueGenerator):
__metaclass__ = autoextend
def _default_choice_func(etype, attrname):
"""default choice_func for insert_entity_queries"""
return None
def insert_entity_queries(etype, schema, vreg, entity_num,
"""returns a list of 'add entity' queries (couples query, args)
:type etype: str
:param etype: the entity's type
:type schema: cubicweb.schema.Schema
:param schema: the application schema
:type entity_num: int
:param entity_num: the number of entities to insert
XXX FIXME: choice_func is here for *historical* reasons, it should
probably replaced by a nicer way to specify choices
:type choice_func: function
:param choice_func: a function that takes an entity type, an attrname and
returns acceptable values for this attribute
# XXX HACK, remove or fix asap
if etype in (('String', 'Int', 'Float', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'EGroup', 'EUser')):
return []
queries = []
for index in xrange(entity_num):
restrictions = []
args = {}
for attrname, value in make_entity(etype, schema, vreg, index, choice_func).items():
restrictions.append('X %s %%(%s)s' % (attrname, attrname))
args[attrname] = value
if restrictions:
queries.append(('INSERT %s X: %s' % (etype, ', '.join(restrictions)),
assert not 'eid' in args, args
queries.append(('INSERT %s X' % etype, {}))
return queries
def make_entity(etype, schema, vreg, index=0, choice_func=_default_choice_func,
"""generates a random entity and returns it as a dict
by default, generate an entity to be inserted in the repository
elif form, generate an form dictionnary to be given to a web controller
eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
valgen = ValueGenerator(eschema, choice_func)
entity = {}
# preprocessing to deal with _format fields
attributes = []
relatedfields = {}
for rschema, attrschema in eschema.attribute_definitions():
attrname = rschema.type
if attrname == 'eid':
# don't specify eids !
if attrname.endswith('_format') and attrname[:-7] in eschema.subject_relations():
relatedfields[attrname[:-7]] = attrschema
attributes.append((attrname, attrschema))
for attrname, attrschema in attributes:
if attrname in relatedfields:
# first generate a format and record it
format = valgen._generate_value(attrname + '_format', index)
entity[attrname + '_format'] = format
# then a value coherent with this format
value = valgen._generate_value(attrname, index, format=format)
value = valgen._generate_value(attrname, index)
if form: # need to encode values
if attrschema.type == 'Bytes':
# twisted way
fakefile = value
filename = value.filename
value = (filename, u"text/plain", fakefile)
elif attrschema.type == 'Date':
value = value.strftime(vreg.property_value(''))
elif attrschema.type == 'Datetime':
value = value.strftime(vreg.property_value('ui.datetime-format'))
elif attrschema.type == 'Time':
value = value.strftime(vreg.property_value('ui.time-format'))
elif attrschema.type == 'Float':
fmt = vreg.property_value('ui.float-format')
value = fmt % value
value = unicode(value)
entity[attrname] = value
return entity
def select(constraints, cursor, selectvar='O'):
"""returns list of eids matching <constraints>
<selectvar> should be either 'O' or 'S' to match schema definitions
rset = cursor.execute('Any %s WHERE %s' % (selectvar, constraints))
print "could restrict eid_list with given constraints (%r)" % constraints
return []
return set(eid for eid, in rset.rows)
def make_relations_queries(schema, edict, cursor, ignored_relations=(),
"""returns a list of generated RQL queries for relations
:param schema: The application schema
:param e_dict: mapping between etypes and eids
:param ignored_relations: list of relations to ignore (i.e. don't try
to generate insert queries for these relations)
gen = RelationsQueriesGenerator(schema, cursor, existingrels)
return gen.compute_queries(edict, ignored_relations)
class RelationsQueriesGenerator(object):
rql_tmpl = 'SET S %s O WHERE S eid %%(subjeid)s, O eid %%(objeid)s'
def __init__(self, schema, cursor, existing=None):
self.schema = schema
self.cursor = cursor
self.existingrels = existing or {}
def compute_queries(self, edict, ignored_relations):
queries = []
# 1/ skip final relations and explictly ignored relations
rels = [rschema for rschema in self.schema.relations()
if not (rschema.is_final() or rschema in ignored_relations)]
# for each relation
# 2/ take each possible couple (subj, obj)
# 3/ analyze cardinality of relation
# a/ if relation is mandatory, insert one relation
# b/ else insert N relations where N is the mininum
# of 20 and the number of existing targetable entities
for rschema in rels:
sym = set()
sedict = deepcopy(edict)
oedict = deepcopy(edict)
delayed = []
# for each couple (subjschema, objschema), insert relations
for subj, obj in rschema.iter_rdefs():
sym.add( (subj, obj) )
if rschema.symetric and (obj, subj) in sym:
subjcard, objcard = rschema.rproperty(subj, obj, 'cardinality')
# process mandatory relations first
if subjcard in '1+' or objcard in '1+':
queries += self.make_relation_queries(sedict, oedict,
rschema, subj, obj)
delayed.append( (subj, obj) )
for subj, obj in delayed:
queries += self.make_relation_queries(sedict, oedict, rschema,
subj, obj)
return queries
def qargs(self, subjeids, objeids, subjcard, objcard, subjeid, objeid):
if subjcard in '?1':
if objcard in '?1':
return {'subjeid' : subjeid, 'objeid' : objeid}
def make_relation_queries(self, sedict, oedict, rschema, subj, obj):
subjcard, objcard = rschema.rproperty(subj, obj, 'cardinality')
subjeids = sedict.get(subj, frozenset())
used = self.existingrels[rschema.type]
preexisting_subjrels = set(subj for subj, obj in used)
preexisting_objrels = set(obj for subj, obj in used)
# if there are constraints, only select appropriate objeids
q = self.rql_tmpl % rschema.type
constraints = [c for c in rschema.rproperty(subj, obj, 'constraints')
if isinstance(c, RQLConstraint)]
if constraints:
restrictions = ', '.join(c.restriction for c in constraints)
q += ', %s' % restrictions
# restrict object eids if possible
objeids = select(restrictions, self.cursor)
objeids = oedict.get(obj, frozenset())
if subjcard in '?1' or objcard in '?1':
for subjeid, objeid in used:
if subjcard in '?1' and subjeid in subjeids:
if objeid in objeids:
if objcard in '?1' and objeid in objeids:
if subjeid in subjeids:
if not subjeids:
check_card_satisfied(objcard, objeids, subj, rschema, obj)
if not objeids:
check_card_satisfied(subjcard, subjeids, subj, rschema, obj)
if subjcard in '?1+':
for subjeid in tuple(subjeids):
# do not insert relation if this entity already has a relation
if subjeid in preexisting_subjrels:
objeid = choose_eid(objeids, subjeid)
if objeid is None or (subjeid, objeid) in used:
yield q, self.qargs(subjeids, objeids, subjcard, objcard,
subjeid, objeid)
used.add( (subjeid, objeid) )
if not objeids:
check_card_satisfied(subjcard, subjeids, subj, rschema, obj)
elif objcard in '?1+':
for objeid in tuple(objeids):
# do not insert relation if this entity already has a relation
if objeid in preexisting_objrels:
subjeid = choose_eid(subjeids, objeid)
if subjeid is None or (subjeid, objeid) in used:
yield q, self.qargs(subjeids, objeids, subjcard, objcard,
subjeid, objeid)
used.add( (subjeid, objeid) )
if not subjeids:
check_card_satisfied(objcard, objeids, subj, rschema, obj)
# FIXME: 20 should be read from config
subjeidsiter = [choice(tuple(subjeids)) for i in xrange(min(len(subjeids), 20))]
objeidsiter = [choice(tuple(objeids)) for i in xrange(min(len(objeids), 20))]
for subjeid, objeid in zip(subjeidsiter, objeidsiter):
if subjeid != objeid and not (subjeid, objeid) in used:
used.add( (subjeid, objeid) )
yield q, self.qargs(subjeids, objeids, subjcard, objcard,
subjeid, objeid)
def check_card_satisfied(card, remaining, subj, rschema, obj):
if card in '1+' and remaining:
raise Exception("can't satisfy cardinality %s for relation %s %s %s"
% (card, subj, rschema, obj))
def choose_eid(values, avoid):
values = tuple(values)
if len(values) == 1 and values[0] == avoid:
return None
objeid = choice(values)
while objeid == avoid: # avoid infinite recursion like in X comment X
objeid = choice(values)
return objeid
# UTILITIES FUNCS ##############################################################
def make_tel(num_tel):
"""takes an integer, converts is as a string and inserts
white spaces each 2 chars (french notation)
num_list = list(str(num_tel))
for index in (6, 4, 2):
num_list.insert(index, ' ')
return ''.join(num_list)
def numlen(number):
"""returns the number's length"""
return len(str(number))