[cubification] moved CWPermission handling into a localperms cube. closes #1914011
keeping bw compat provided the cube is available (else user should be warned
he has to install it).
/** filter form, aka facets, javascript functions
* :organization: Logilab
* :copyright: 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
* :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
var SELECTED_IMG = baseuri() + "data/black-check.png";
var UNSELECTED_IMG = baseuri() + "data/no-check-no-border.png";
var UNSELECTED_BORDER_IMG = baseuri() + "data/black-uncheck.png";
function copyParam(origparams, newparams, param) {
var index = jQuery.inArray(param, origparams[0]);
if (index > - 1) {
newparams[param] = origparams[1][index];
function facetFormContent($form) {
var names = [];
var values = [];
$form.find('.facet').each(function() {
var facetName = jQuery(this).find('.facetTitle').attr('cubicweb:facetName');
// FacetVocabularyWidget
jQuery(this).find('.facetValueSelected').each(function(x) {
// FacetStringWidget (e.g. has-text)
// pick up hidden inputs (required metadata inputs such as 'facets'
// but also RangeWidgets)
$form.find('input:hidden').each(function() {
// And / Or operators
$form.find('select option[selected]').each(function() {
return [names, values];
function buildRQL(divid, vid, paginate, vidargs) {
jQuery(CubicWeb).trigger('facets-content-loading', [divid, vid, paginate, vidargs]);
var $form = $('#' + divid + 'Form');
var zipped = facetFormContent($form);
var d = loadRemote('json', ajaxFuncArgs('filter_build_rql', null, zipped[0], zipped[1]));
d.addCallback(function(result) {
var rql = result[0];
var $bkLink = jQuery('#facetBkLink');
if ($bkLink.length) {
var bkPath = 'view?rql=' + escape(rql);
if (vid) {
bkPath += '&vid=' + escape(vid);
var bkUrl = $bkLink.attr('cubicweb:target') + '&path=' + escape(bkPath);
$bkLink.attr('href', bkUrl);
var toupdate = result[1];
var extraparams = vidargs;
if (paginate) { extraparams['paginate'] = '1'; } // XXX in vidargs
// copy some parameters
// XXX cleanup vid/divid mess
// if vid argument is specified , the one specified in form params will
// be overriden by replacePageChunk
copyParam(zipped, extraparams, 'vid');
extraparams['divid'] = divid;
copyParam(zipped, extraparams, 'divid');
copyParam(zipped, extraparams, 'subvid');
copyParam(zipped, extraparams, 'fromformfilter');
// paginate used to know if the filter box is acting, in which case we
// want to reload action box to match current selection (we don't want
// this from a table filter)
extraparams['rql'] = rql;
if (vid) { // XXX see copyParam above. Need cleanup
extraparams['vid'] = vid;
d = $('#' + divid).loadxhtml('json', ajaxFuncArgs('view', extraparams),
null, 'swap');
d.addCallback(function() {
// XXX rql/vid in extraparams
jQuery(CubicWeb).trigger('facets-content-loaded', [divid, rql, vid, extraparams]);
if (paginate) {
// FIXME the edit box might not be displayed in which case we don't
// know where to put the potential new one, just skip this case for
// now
var $node = jQuery('#edit_box');
if ($node.length) {
$node.loadxhtml('json', ajaxFuncArgs('render', {
'rql': rql
'ctxcomponents', 'edit_box'));
$node = jQuery('#breadcrumbs');
if ($node.length) {
$node.loadxhtml('json', ajaxFuncArgs('render', {
'rql': rql
'ctxcomponents', 'breadcrumbs'));
var mainvar = null;
var index = jQuery.inArray('mainvar', zipped[0]);
if (index > - 1) {
mainvar = zipped[1][index];
var d = loadRemote('json', ajaxFuncArgs('filter_select_content', null, toupdate, rql, mainvar));
d.addCallback(function(updateMap) {
for (facetName in updateMap) {
var values = updateMap[facetName];
// XXX fine with jquery 1.6
//$form.find('div[cubicweb\\:facetName="' + facetName + '"] ~ div .facetCheckBox').each(function() {
$form.find('div').filter(function () {return $(this).attr('cubicweb:facetName') == facetName}).parent().find('.facetCheckBox').each(function() {
var value = this.getAttribute('cubicweb:value');
if (jQuery.inArray(value, values) == -1) {
if (!jQuery(this).hasClass('facetValueDisabled')) {
} else {
if (jQuery(this).hasClass('facetValueDisabled')) {
function initFacetBoxEvents(root) {
// facetargs : (divid, vid, paginate, extraargs)
root = root || document;
jQuery(root).find('form').each(function() {
var form = jQuery(this);
// NOTE: don't evaluate facetargs here but in callbacks since its value
// may changes and we must send its value when the callback is
// called, not when the page is initialized
var facetargs = form.attr('cubicweb:facetargs');
if (facetargs != undefined && !form.attr('cubicweb:initialized')) {
form.attr('cubicweb:initialized', '1');
var jsfacetargs = cw.evalJSON(form.attr('cubicweb:facetargs'));
form.submit(function() {
buildRQL.apply(null, jsfacetargs);
return false;
var divid = jsfacetargs[0];
if (jQuery('#'+divid).length) {
var $loadingDiv = $(DIV({id:'facetLoading'},
form.find('div.facet').each(function() {
var facet = jQuery(this);
facet.find('div.facetCheckBox').each(function(i) {
this.setAttribute('cubicweb:idx', i);
facet.find('div.facetCheckBox').click(function() {
var $this = jQuery(this);
// NOTE : add test on the facet operator (i.e. OR, AND)
// if ($this.hasClass('facetValueDisabled')){
// return
// }
if ($this.hasClass('facetValueSelected')) {
$this.find('img').each(function(i) {
if (this.getAttribute('cubicweb:unselimg')) {
this.setAttribute('src', UNSELECTED_BORDER_IMG);
this.setAttribute('alt', (_('not selected')));
else {
this.setAttribute('src', UNSELECTED_IMG);
this.setAttribute('alt', (_('not selected')));
var index = parseInt($this.attr('cubicweb:idx'));
// we dont need to move the element when cubicweb:idx == 0
if (index > 0) {
var shift = jQuery.grep(facet.find('.facetValueSelected'), function(n) {
var nindex = parseInt(n.getAttribute('cubicweb:idx'));
return nindex > index;
index += shift;
var parent = this.parentNode;
var $insertAfter = jQuery(parent).find('.facetCheckBox:nth(' + index + ')');
if (! ($insertAfter.length == 1 && shift == 0)) {
// only rearrange element if necessary
} else {
var lastSelected = facet.find('.facetValueSelected:last');
if (lastSelected.length) {
} else {
var parent = this.parentNode;
var $img = jQuery(this).find('img');
$img.attr('src', SELECTED_IMG).attr('alt', (_('selected')));
buildRQL.apply(null, jsfacetargs);
scrollTop: 0
facet.find('select.facetOperator').change(function() {
var nbselected = facet.find('div.facetValueSelected').length;
if (nbselected >= 2) {
buildRQL.apply(null, jsfacetargs);
facet.find('div.facetTitle').click(function() {
// trigger this function on document ready event if you provide some kind of
// persistent search (eg crih)
function reorderFacetsItems(root) {
root = root || document;
jQuery(root).find('form').each(function() {
var form = jQuery(this);
if (form.attr('cubicweb:facetargs')) {
form.find('div.facet').each(function() {
var facet = jQuery(this);
var lastSelected = null;
facet.find('div.facetCheckBox').each(function(i) {
var $this = jQuery(this);
if ($this.hasClass('facetValueSelected')) {
if (lastSelected) {
} else {
var parent = this.parentNode;
lastSelected = $this;
// change css class of facets that have a value selected
function updateFacetTitles() {
$('.facet').each(function() {
var $divTitle = $(this).find('.facetTitle');
var facetSelected = $(this).find('.facetValueSelected');
if (facetSelected.length) {
} else {
// we need to differenciate cases where initFacetBoxEvents is called with one
// argument or without any argument. If we use `initFacetBoxEvents` as the
// direct callback on the jQuery.ready event, jQuery will pass some argument of
// his, so we use this small anonymous function instead.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(cw).bind('facets-content-loaded', onFacetContentLoaded);
jQuery(cw).bind('facets-content-loading', onFacetFiltering);
jQuery(cw).bind('facets-content-loading', updateFacetTitles);
function showFacetLoading(parentid) {
var loadingWidth = 200; // px
var loadingHeight = 100; // px
var $msg = jQuery('#facetLoading');
var $parent = jQuery('#' + parentid);
var leftPos = $parent.offset().left + ($parent.width() - loadingWidth) / 2;
$parent.fadeTo('normal', 0.2);
$msg.css('left', leftPos).show();
function onFacetFiltering(event, divid /* ... */) {
function onFacetContentLoaded(event, divid, rql, vid, extraparams) {
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
if (jQuery('div.facetBody').length) {
var $loadingDiv = $(DIV({id:'facetLoading'},