.. _foundationsCube:
.. _cubelayout:
Standard structure for a cube
A cube is structured as follows:
|-- data/
| |-- cubes.mycube.css
| |-- cubes.mycube.js
| `-- external_resources
|-- debian/
| |-- changelog
| |-- compat
| |-- control
| |-- copyright
| |-- cubicweb-mycube.prerm
| `-- rules
|-- entities.py
|-- i18n/
| |-- en.po
| |-- es.po
| `-- fr.po
|-- __init__.py
|-- migration/
| |-- postcreate.py
| `-- precreate.py
|-- __pkginfo__.py
|-- schema.py
|-- setup.py
|-- site_cubicweb.py
|-- hooks.py
|-- test/
| |-- data/
| | `-- bootstrap_cubes
| |-- pytestconf.py
| |-- realdb_test_mycube.py
| `-- test_mycube.py
`-- views.py
We can use subpackages instead of python modules for ``views.py``, ``entities.py``,
``schema.py`` or ``hooks.py``. For example, we could have:
|-- entities.py
|-- hooks.py
`-- views/
|-- forms.py
|-- primary.py
`-- widgets.py
where :
* ``schema`` contains the schema definition (server side only)
* ``entities`` contains the entities definition (server side and web interface)
* ``hooks`` contains hooks and/or views notifications (server side only)
* ``views`` contains the web interface components (web interface only)
* ``test`` contains tests related to the cube (not installed)
* ``i18n`` contains message catalogs for supported languages (server side and
web interface)
* ``data`` contains data files for static content (images, css, javascripts)
...(web interface only)
* ``migration`` contains initialization files for new instances (``postcreate.py``)
and a file containing dependencies of the component depending on the version
* ``debian`` contains all the files managing debian packaging (you will find
the usual files ``control``, ``rules``, ``changelog``... not installed)
* file ``__pkginfo__.py`` provides component meta-data, especially the distribution
and the current version (server side and web interface) or sub-cubes used by
the cube.
At least you should have:
* the file ``__pkginfo__.py``
* the schema definition
XXX false, we may want to have cubes which are only adding a service,
no persistent data (eg embedding for instance)
The :file:`__init__.py` and :file:`site_cubicweb.py` files
The :file:`__pkginfo__.py` file
XXX contains metadata describing your cubes
distname / modname
version / numversion
:file:`migration/precreate.py` and :file:`migration/postcreate.py`
XXX detail steps of instance creation
External resources such as image, javascript and css files
XXX naming convention external_resources file
Out-of the box testing
XXX MANIFEST.in, __pkginfo__.include_dirs, debian
Packaging and distribution
XXX MANIFEST.in, __pkginfo__.include_dirs, debian