[entity] create_entity/cw_instantiate should initialize entity's cache to avoid later queries
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"""workflow related schemas
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode
from yams.buildobjs import (EntityType, RelationType, SubjectRelation,
RichString, String, Int)
from cubicweb.schema import RQLConstraint, RQLUniqueConstraint
from cubicweb.schemas import (META_ETYPE_PERMS, META_RTYPE_PERMS,
class Workflow(EntityType):
__permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
description = RichString(default_format='text/rest',
description=_('semantic description of this workflow'))
workflow_of = SubjectRelation('CWEType', cardinality='+*',
description=_('entity types which may use this workflow'),
constraints=[RQLConstraint('O final FALSE')])
initial_state = SubjectRelation('State', cardinality='?*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('O state_of S',
msg=_('state doesn\'t belong to this workflow'))],
description=_('initial state for this workflow'))
class default_workflow(RelationType):
"""default workflow for an entity type"""
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
subject = 'CWEType'
object = 'Workflow'
cardinality = '?*'
constraints = [RQLConstraint('S final FALSE, O workflow_of S',
msg=_('workflow isn\'t a workflow for this type'))]
class State(EntityType):
"""used to associate simple states to an entity type and/or to define
__permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
constraints=[RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, S state_of WF, Y state_of WF, Y name N', 'Y',
_('workflow already have a state of that name'))])
description = RichString(default_format='text/rest',
description=_('semantic description of this state'))
# XXX should be on BaseTransition w/ AND/OR selectors when we will
# implements #345274
allowed_transition = SubjectRelation('BaseTransition', cardinality='**',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('S state_of WF, O transition_of WF',
msg=_('state and transition don\'t belong the the same workflow'))],
description=_('allowed transitions from this state'))
state_of = SubjectRelation('Workflow', cardinality='1*', composite='object',
description=_('workflow to which this state belongs'),
constraints=[RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, Y state_of O, Y name N', 'Y',
_('workflow already have a state of that name'))])
class BaseTransition(EntityType):
"""abstract base class for transitions"""
__permissions__ = META_ETYPE_PERMS
name = String(required=True, indexed=True, internationalizable=True,
constraints=[RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, S transition_of WF, Y transition_of WF, Y name N', 'Y',
_('workflow already have a transition of that name'))])
type = String(vocabulary=(_('normal'), _('auto')), default='normal')
description = RichString(description=_('semantic description of this transition'))
condition = SubjectRelation('RQLExpression', cardinality='*?', composite='subject',
description=_('a RQL expression which should return some results, '
'else the transition won\'t be available. '
'This query may use X and U variables '
'that will respectivly represents '
'the current entity and the current user'))
require_group = SubjectRelation('CWGroup', cardinality='**',
description=_('group in which a user should be to be '
'allowed to pass this transition'))
transition_of = SubjectRelation('Workflow', cardinality='1*', composite='object',
description=_('workflow to which this transition belongs'),
constraints=[RQLUniqueConstraint('S name N, Y transition_of O, Y name N', 'Y',
_('workflow already have a transition of that name'))])
class Transition(BaseTransition):
"""use to define a transition from one or multiple states to a destination
states in workflow's definitions. Transition without destination state will
go back to the state from which we arrived to the current state.
__specializes_schema__ = True
destination_state = SubjectRelation(
'State', cardinality='?*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('S transition_of WF, O state_of WF',
msg=_('state and transition don\'t belong the the same workflow'))],
description=_('destination state for this transition'))
class WorkflowTransition(BaseTransition):
"""special transition allowing to go through a sub-workflow"""
__specializes_schema__ = True
subworkflow = SubjectRelation('Workflow', cardinality='1*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('S transition_of WF, WF workflow_of ET, O workflow_of ET',
msg=_('subworkflow isn\'t a workflow for the same types as the transition\'s workflow'))]
# XXX use exit_of and inline it
subworkflow_exit = SubjectRelation('SubWorkflowExitPoint', cardinality='*1',
class SubWorkflowExitPoint(EntityType):
"""define how we get out from a sub-workflow"""
subworkflow_state = SubjectRelation(
'State', cardinality='1*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('T subworkflow_exit S, T subworkflow WF, O state_of WF',
msg=_('exit state must be a subworkflow state'))],
description=_('subworkflow state'))
destination_state = SubjectRelation(
'State', cardinality='?*',
constraints=[RQLConstraint('T subworkflow_exit S, T transition_of WF, O state_of WF',
msg=_('destination state must be in the same workflow as our parent transition'))],
description=_('destination state. No destination state means that transition '
'should go back to the state from which we\'ve entered the '
class TrInfo(EntityType):
"""workflow history item"""
# 'add' security actually done by hooks
__permissions__ = {
'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',), # XXX U has_read_permission O ?
'add': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'delete': (), # XXX should we allow managers to delete TrInfo?
'update': ('managers', 'owners',),
# The unique_together constraint ensures that 2 repositories
# sharing the db won't be able to fire a transition simultaneously
# on the same entity tr_count is filled in the FireTransitionHook
# to the number of TrInfo attached to the entity on which we
# attempt to fire a transition. In other word, it contains the
# rank of the TrInfo for that entity, and the constraint says we
# cannot have 2 TrInfo with the same rank.
__unique_together__ = [('tr_count', 'wf_info_for')]
from_state = SubjectRelation('State', cardinality='1*', inlined=True)
to_state = SubjectRelation('State', cardinality='1*', inlined=True)
# make by_transition optional because we want to allow managers to set
# entity into an arbitrary state without having to respect wf transition
by_transition = SubjectRelation('BaseTransition', cardinality='?*')
comment = RichString(fulltextindexed=True)
tr_count = Int(description='autocomputed attribute used to ensure transition coherency')
# get actor and date time using owned_by and creation_date
class from_state(RelationType):
__permissions__ = HOOKS_RTYPE_PERMS.copy()
inlined = True
class to_state(RelationType):
__permissions__ = HOOKS_RTYPE_PERMS.copy()
inlined = True
class by_transition(RelationType):
# 'add' security actually done by hooks
__permissions__ = {
'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'add': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'delete': (),
inlined = True
class workflow_of(RelationType):
"""link a workflow to one or more entity type"""
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
class state_of(RelationType):
"""link a state to one or more workflow"""
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
inlined = True
class transition_of(RelationType):
"""link a transition to one or more workflow"""
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
inlined = True
class destination_state(RelationType):
"""destination state of a transition"""
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
inlined = True
class allowed_transition(RelationType):
"""allowed transitions from this state"""
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
class initial_state(RelationType):
"""indicate which state should be used by default when an entity using
states is created
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
inlined = True
class subworkflow(RelationType):
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
inlined = True
class exit_point(RelationType):
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
class subworkflow_state(RelationType):
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
inlined = True
class condition(RelationType):
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
# already defined in base.py
# class require_group(RelationType):
# __permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
# "abstract" relations, set by WorkflowableEntityType ##########################
class custom_workflow(RelationType):
"""allow to set a specific workflow for an entity"""
__permissions__ = META_RTYPE_PERMS
cardinality = '?*'
constraints = [RQLConstraint('S is ET, O workflow_of ET',
msg=_('workflow isn\'t a workflow for this type'))]
object = 'Workflow'
class wf_info_for(RelationType):
"""link a transition information to its object"""
# 'add' security actually done by hooks
__permissions__ = {
'read': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'add': ('managers', 'users', 'guests',),
'delete': (),
inlined = True
cardinality = '1*'
composite = 'object'
fulltext_container = composite
subject = 'TrInfo'
class in_state(RelationType):
"""indicate the current state of an entity"""
__permissions__ = HOOKS_RTYPE_PERMS
# not inlined intentionnaly since when using ldap sources, user'state
# has to be stored outside the CWUser table
inlined = False
cardinality = '1*'
constraints = [RQLConstraint('S is ET, O state_of WF, WF workflow_of ET',
msg=_('state doesn\'t apply to this entity\'s type'))]
object = 'State'