author Sandrine Ribeau <>
Thu, 20 Nov 2008 10:22:44 -0800
changeset 111 7a06f06de32f
parent 105 300166b41ea9
permissions -rw-r--r--
[doc] Merged GAE and foundations.

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Installation of `Cubicweb` and its dependancies

`CubicWeb` is available as a debian package as well as an archive.
We will detail here the two easiest way to set-up `CubciWeb` 

Debian packages
You need first to make sure that you added our public repository
in the list of sources you packages manager will search in.

Depending on the debian distribution you are using here are all the
available options: ::

  deb lenny/
  deb hardy/
  deb sid/

As we assume you are installing `CubciWeb` on a debian machine, please
add the appropriate line from above in ``/etc/apt/sources.list``.

You can now install the required packages with the follwoing command: ::

  apt-get install cubicweb

This is it!

``tar.gz`` archive

You can download our sources at: ::

Unpack the sources

.. note::
  `CubicWeb` is also available as a Mercurial repository using the forest
  extension (see :ref:`MercurialForestInstall` for more details).

Postgres installation

Please refer to the project online documentation Postgres_.

.. _Postgres:

You need to install the three following packages: `postgres-8.3`,
`postgres-contrib-8.3` and `postgresql-plpython-8.3`.

Then you can install:

* `pyro` if you wish the repository is accessible through Pyro
  or if the client and the server are not running on the same machine
  (in suche case the packages will have to be isntalled on both

* `python-ldap` if you plan to use a LDAP source on the server

.. _ConfigurationEnv:

Environment configuration

Ces variables ne sont plus requises pour le bon fonctionnement de `CubicWeb`, non?
A part rajouter la foret dans le PYTHONPATH, rien de plus ne doit etre fait?

Update the environment variable PYTHONPATH to add to it the path to
the forest ``cubicweb``.

Add the following lines to either `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile` to configure
your development environment ::
  export PYTHONPATH=/full/path/to/cubicweb-forest
  export ERUDI_REGISTRY=~/etc/erudi.d/
  export ERUDI_TEMPLATES=~/hg/
  export ERUDI_RUNTIME=/tmp/

Cela suppose que le composant erudi que vous développez est dans un
sous-répertoire de *~/hg/* et que vous avez créé le répertoire *~/etc/erudi.d/*
pour que `cubicweb-ctl` y place vos instances de test.

.. _ConfigurationPostgres:

Postgres configuration

* First you have to initialize the database Postgres with the command ``initdb``.

    $ initdb -D /path/to/pgsql

  Once initialized, you can launch the database server Postgres 
  with the command: ::
    $ postgres -D /path/to/psql

  If you cannot execute this command due to permission issues, please
  make sure that your username has write access on the database.
    $ chown username /path/to/pgsql

* Create a superuser for `CubicWeb` instance (**root**) ::

    createuser -s username

  Initialize the password of the superuser you juste created with 
  ``su - postgres`` and ``psql``.

  This password will be asked to you later on where you will create an
  instance with `cubicweb-ctl create`

Est-ce que ces etapes sont vraiment necessaires? 
sand : lors de l'installation de ma bdd cela n'a pas ete fait
et il semble que tout aille bien. Doit etre verifie avec les experts.

* installation of plain-text index extension ::

    cat /usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/tsearch2.sql | psql -U username template1

* installation of plpythonu language by default ::

    createlang -U pgadmin plpythonu template1

Pyro configuration

If you use Pyro, it is required to have a name server Pyro runing on your
network (by default it is identified by a broadcast request).

To do so, you need to :

* launch the server manually before starting cubicweb with `pyro-ns`

* launch the server manually before starting cubicweb as a server with
  `pyro-nsd start`

* edit the file ``/etc/default/pyro-nsd`` so that the name server pyro
  will be launched automatically when the macine fire up