author Rémi Cardona <remi.cardona@logilab.fr>
Thu, 19 Nov 2015 18:55:10 +0100
changeset 10849 79066409fdcf
parent 7133 110f38b322ef
permissions -rw-r--r--
[web] stop adding an Expires header with all responses As per RFC 1945 (HTTP 1.0): If the date given is equal to or earlier than the value of the Date header, the recipient must not cache the enclosed entity. As per RFC 7234 (HTTP 1.1 Caching): If a response includes a Cache-Control field with the max-age directive (Section, a recipient MUST ignore the Expires field. Bottom line, the Expires header is now handled wherever the Cache-Control is handled: inside cache managers.

/* Inicialización en español para la extensión 'UI date picker' para jQuery. */
/* Traducido por Vester (xvester@gmail.com). */
	$.datepicker.regional['es'] = {
		closeText: 'Cerrar',
		prevText: '&#x3c;Ant',
		nextText: 'Sig&#x3e;',
		currentText: 'Hoy',
		monthNames: ['Enero','Febrero','Marzo','Abril','Mayo','Junio',
		monthNamesShort: ['Ene','Feb','Mar','Abr','May','Jun',
		dayNames: ['Domingo','Lunes','Martes','Miércoles','Jueves','Viernes','Sábado'],
		dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Lun','Mar','Mié','Juv','Vie','Sáb'],
		dayNamesMin: ['Do','Lu','Ma','Mi','Ju','Vi','Sá'],
		weekHeader: 'Sm',
		dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
		firstDay: 1,
		isRTL: false,
		showMonthAfterYear: false,
		yearSuffix: ''};