author Denis Laxalde <>
Mon, 06 Mar 2017 14:19:20 +0100
changeset 12008 7694dcf5ad30
parent 11914 587b5605d0c6
child 12072 9233dbde28d5
permissions -rw-r--r--
[etwist] Do not call repository's start_looping_tasks anymore and warn about this We are about to drop this method from Repository class and replace it by a blocking alternative. This is not compatible with how things currently work in a Twisted server implementation. So do not start repository "looping tasks" in Twisted server anymore and issue a warning about this. If someone is interested in restoring the "all-in-one" behavior where the repository runs within a Twisted server, they may start by implementing repository looping tasks using a Twisted mechanism such as, e.g., and eventually provide the repository with a compatible scheduler instance so that is can register its periodic tasks. At the moment, we lack resources to do this (and maintain the Twisted server of CubicWeb in general). Related to #17057223.

envlist =

sitepackages = True
deps =
  py27: backports.tempfile
  misc: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-misc.txt
  server: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-server.txt
  web: -r{toxinidir}/requirements/test-web.txt
commands =
  misc: {envpython} -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps --quiet git+git://
  misc: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/dataimport/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/devtools/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/entities/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/ext/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/hooks/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/sobjects/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/wsgi/test {toxinidir}/cubicweb/pyramid/test
  py27-misc: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/etwist/test
  server: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/server/test
  web: {envpython} -m pytest {posargs} {toxinidir}/cubicweb/web/test

skip_install = true
deps =
  flake8 >= 3
whitelist_externals =
commands = /bin/sh -c "flake8 `xargs -a {toxinidir}/flake8-ok-files.txt`"

changedir = doc
deps =
commands =
  {envpython} -c 'import sphinx; sphinx.main()' -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees .  {envtmpdir}/html

skip_install = true
deps =
commands =
  {envpython} -m check_manifest {toxinidir} \
# ignore symlinks that are not recognized by check-manifest, see
    --ignore cubicweb/devtools/test/data/cubes/i18ntestcube*,cubicweb/test/data/legacy_cubes*

python_files = *test_*.py

format = pylint
ignore = W503
max-line-length = 100
exclude = doc/*,.tox/*

# vim: wrap sts=2 sw=2