[uicfg] fix autoform_section rtags initialization
1. when a relation is marked as inlined in the 'main' form type, we want
its opposite (eg when one the other side of the relation) to be
marked as hidden in the 'inlined' form type
2. when no section is specified for the 'inlined' form type, use the same
as in the 'main' form type
to do this properly, we need two initialization stages. The first one
to handle 1., the second to handle what was done before and 2.
We can't do this in a single stage because we've to know the bare
value of the "opposite" tag.
"""cubicweb.migration unit tests
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
from os.path import abspath
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main
from cubicweb.devtools import TestServerConfiguration
from cubicweb.cwconfig import CubicWebConfiguration
from cubicweb.migration import MigrationHelper, filter_scripts
from cubicweb.server.migractions import ServerMigrationHelper
class Schema(dict):
def has_entity(self, e_type):
return self.has_key(e_type)
SMIGRDIR = abspath('data/server_migration') + '/'
TMIGRDIR = abspath('data/migration') + '/'
class MigrTestConfig(TestServerConfiguration):
verbosity = 0
def migration_scripts_dir(cls):
def cube_migration_scripts_dir(cls, cube):
class MigrationToolsTC(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.config = MigrTestConfig('data')
from yams.schema import Schema
self.config.load_schema = lambda expand_cubes=False: Schema('test')
self.config.__class__.cubicweb_appobject_path = frozenset()
self.config.__class__.cube_appobject_path = frozenset()
def test_filter_scripts_base(self):
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, SMIGRDIR, (2,3,0), (2,4,0)),
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, SMIGRDIR, (2,4,0), (2,5,0)),
[((2, 5, 0), SMIGRDIR+'2.5.0_Any.sql')])
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, SMIGRDIR, (2,5,0), (2,6,0)),
[((2, 6, 0), SMIGRDIR+'2.6.0_Any.sql')])
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, SMIGRDIR, (2,4,0), (2,6,0)),
[((2, 5, 0), SMIGRDIR+'2.5.0_Any.sql'),
((2, 6, 0), SMIGRDIR+'2.6.0_Any.sql')])
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, SMIGRDIR, (2,5,0), (2,5,1)),
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, SMIGRDIR, (2,5,0), (2,10,2)),
[((2, 6, 0), SMIGRDIR+'2.6.0_Any.sql'),
((2, 10, 2), SMIGRDIR+'2.10.2_Any.sql')])
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, SMIGRDIR, (2,5,1), (2,6,0)),
[((2, 6, 0), SMIGRDIR+'2.6.0_Any.sql')])
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, TMIGRDIR, (0,0,2), (0,0,3)),
[((0, 0, 3), TMIGRDIR+'0.0.3_Any.py')])
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(self.config, TMIGRDIR, (0,0,2), (0,0,4)),
[((0, 0, 3), TMIGRDIR+'0.0.3_Any.py'),
((0, 0, 4), TMIGRDIR+'0.0.4_Any.py')])
def test_filter_scripts_for_mode(self):
config = CubicWebConfiguration('data')
config.verbosity = 0
self.assert_(not isinstance(config.migration_handler(), ServerMigrationHelper))
self.assertIsInstance(config.migration_handler(), MigrationHelper)
config = self.config
config.__class__.name = 'twisted'
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(config, TMIGRDIR, (0,0,4), (0,1,0)),
[((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_common.py'),
((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_web.py')])
config.__class__.name = 'repository'
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(config, TMIGRDIR, (0,0,4), (0,1,0)),
[((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_Any.py'),
((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_common.py'),
((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_repository.py')])
config.__class__.name = 'all-in-one'
self.assertListEquals(filter_scripts(config, TMIGRDIR, (0,0,4), (0,1,0)),
[((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_Any.py'),
((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_common.py'),
((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_repository.py'),
((0, 1 ,0), TMIGRDIR+'0.1.0_web.py')])
config.__class__.name = 'repository'
from cubicweb.devtools import ApptestConfiguration, init_test_database, cleanup_sqlite
class BaseCreationTC(TestCase):
def test_db_creation(self):
"""make sure database can be created"""
config = ApptestConfiguration('data')
source = config.sources()['system']
self.assertEquals(source['db-driver'], 'sqlite')
cleanup_sqlite(source['db-name'], removetemplate=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':